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Why Pakistan must annex/merge with Afghanistan

Sucide .end of pakiatan.back to stone age.civil war
.blood bath.so much sir
Anyone who invades Afghanistan spends billion of dollars there but gets nothing in return for example Russians and Americans. Afghanistan's politicians and army is getting paid from American money. Pakistan doesn't have any money to waste so it won't annex Afghanistan
it wont happen not atleast before WW3 but if it happens afghanistan will be next FATA for Pakistan.
but survival of Afg is Pak and for Pak is Afg they are connected deeply.
Anyone who invades Afghanistan spends billion of dollars there but gets nothing in return for example Russians and Americans. Afghanistan's politicians and army is getting paid from American money. Pakistan doesn't have any money to waste so it won't annex Afghanistan
Its not only money sir whom want to love there? With them ? No one
Best idea.. It will give us strategic depth too.

But Afghanis will not accept "Pakistan" as the name of the new country.. We will have to change it.. and they may ask us to change the national language too. That too is not a problem.. We can come up with something like Arabic or Persian as the national language.

And if Taliban take control of Afghanistan, they will want changes in the constitution as well. We will be cutting a lot of hands.. Nawaz, Billo, Maryam, Shahbaz, and many from even PTI will be roaming around "tuntay", and most of the leadership of MQM, ANP, PTM, BLA, etc will be walking with their heads in their hands.. There will be no banks.. only mudarba companies operating in the new country.. No government will be allowed to go to IMF for face saving every few years.. @Imran Khan will have to migrate to Russia..

And if we don't agree with them, Taliban will say good bye to the new country.. and when countries break, they hardly break into two..

I don't mind it at all.. After all, they are our brothers in faith.
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Ideologically its a good idea. We know what the A in Pakistan stands for. The problem is the Kabulis in my experience look down upon most Pakistanis (using slurs like dalkhor Punjabi etc). Uniting with such people in current time will not work. Pakistan needs to focus on its economic growth. Maybe there will come a time when Kabulis drop their arrogance and return back to earth. Currently they are under deep Indian infleunce and anti-Pakistan sentiment. I mean India just humiliated Abdali and Kabulis are singing "India Afghanistan bhai bhai".

Afghanistan and Pakistan have a shared history and culture spanning thousands of years, whether it's the shared ethnic groups like Pashtuns and Baloch, or being a part of the same empires throughout the years.

Lately, Afghanistan is suffering from extreme Gangufication from Bollywood to social media, the puppet government hosts TTP, BLA and other terrorist organisations at the behest of Gangus. It's clear to everyone that India will ALWAYS play divide-and-conquer by turning Afghans against Pakistan and try to destroy Pakistan by using proxies in Afghanistan.

So what's the solution? Pakistan, in the long run, must merge with Afghanistan because it will make both of the countries more powerful and give them strategic depth.

Afghanistan will no longer be landlocked and will become a part of a nuclear-armed Islamic State with a central government. Pakistan will get more influence in Central Asia, more land area so it's not as densely populated and the country will be much more resourceful as Afghanistan has a lot of mineral wealth, and Pakistan has an agricultural breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.

Geographically, this new country will get borders with Turkmeninstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, so it will be more strategically important. India will lose influence in Central Asia because Chahabar route will be no more and a new Islamic South-Central block will emerge just how Hamid Gul envisioned.

What are your thoughts? Discuss below. @maximuswarrior @Pakhtoon yum @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Talwar e Pakistan @Hakim Dawary @Indus Pakistan

Afghanistan is a hell for its own people and every other human being who wants to associate with it, What a brain fart you just delivered....

You want we should annex or merge with a hell....?

So naive and idiot you are and 17 others who like your idiotic / satanic post.
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Even I saw afghans accepting on many online forums that in future they are seeing Afghanistan becoming part of pakistan because of the following reasons.
1) Historic and strong cultural ties.
2) Pakistani influence in the region.
3) Pakistan firm control over Afghanistan because of Taliban.I mean come on even uncle SAM failed.
4) Afghanistan lacks defence equipment and forces to defend itself against a extremely well trained and armed Pakistani defence forces .
5) History has proven afghans are not capable of successfully running and defending a country on their own. It's in their best interest to merge with pakistan so they can benefit from superior Pakistani adminstration experience, infrastructure, education system and nuclear armed nation with huge military power to protect themselves from another foreign invasion.
It will be daily 5 blasts in pakistan .

The land is fine

It sounds like a reasonable idea because our culture's are so similar

It falls down as complete retarded madness when you realise it means 30 MILLION MORE NAMAK HARAM AFGHANI WILL BE ADDED TO OUR NUMBER added to the namak harams already here, the PTM scum etc

Crazy crazy idea

Unless you can civilise the Afghani's and you have more luck in straightening a lesbian

Afghanistan and Pakistan have a shared history and culture spanning thousands of years, whether it's the shared ethnic groups like Pashtuns and Baloch, or being a part of the same empires throughout the years.

Lately, Afghanistan is suffering from extreme Gangufication from Bollywood to social media, the puppet government hosts TTP, BLA and other terrorist organisations at the behest of Gangus. It's clear to everyone that India will ALWAYS play divide-and-conquer by turning Afghans against Pakistan and try to destroy Pakistan by using proxies in Afghanistan.

So what's the solution? Pakistan, in the long run, must merge with Afghanistan because it will make both of the countries more powerful and give them strategic depth.

Afghanistan will no longer be landlocked and will become a part of a nuclear-armed Islamic State with a central government. Pakistan will get more influence in Central Asia, more land area so it's not as densely populated and the country will be much more resourceful as Afghanistan has a lot of mineral wealth, and Pakistan has an agricultural breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.

Geographically, this new country will get borders with Turkmeninstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, so it will be more strategically important. India will lose influence in Central Asia because Chahabar route will be no more and a new Islamic South-Central block will emerge just how Hamid Gul envisioned.

What are your thoughts? Discuss below. @maximuswarrior @Pakhtoon yum @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Talwar e Pakistan @Hakim Dawary @Indus Pakistan


Similar point made by this general Ihsan ul Haq in video below.

Israr Ahmad also made similar point in Dr. Shahid Masood's program End of Days.

Afghanistan is not a viable country on its own. Been a keen observer of the Afghan civil wars particularly how the Taliban took town by town of Afghanistan with our help. In its pinnacle the Taliban controlled 95% of Afghanistan minus the parts of Takhar(panj shair valley) and Badhakshan provinces. Had 9/11 not occurred our proxies the Taliban would have adopted democracy by now,with some form of a merger later. Late Qazi Hussain Ahmed and others were very keen and supportive of a federation/confederation of the two states.
Afghanistan will one day merge with Pakistan. Geo political dynamics have always changed in history and nothing is permanent. It is just the first step towards a Greater Pakistan(from Amu Darya to Arakaan).
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We can annex it alright. Right after we fly nukes deep into Afg and turn it into a glass parking lot.
Before we could think about any such thing. We should worry about our own education. The corrupt elites will never allow this nation to learn any thing. They will keep on selling us to the IMF. Ideally we should have had a constitution by now in which all cities would have become provinces. And each province i.e. city should have had an independent high court and each province making progress and betterment of people. But we are all stuck here under the current rulers. Ready to get bankrupt. Nothing seems to happen in next 50 years. I think ISI should have a branch specialized in making Constitutions. A constitution must be framed to allow expansion east and west. It should have provision to properly handle the Hindu or non Muslim provices. i.e cities.

But for now nothing is going to happen.
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