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Why Pakistan must annex/merge with Afghanistan

No more terrorism. Right now we are letting all the indian trash build up right outside this billion dollar fence. The fence was needed and I'm all for it, but I wasnt aware that our government would stick their head in the ground right after it went up. They are stupid enough to think that we can just wall ourselves away and Afghanistan will fix itself.

We were one nation for centuries. Why do you only look are modren history?
we all are adam and eve kids why you modern history sir ? lets make one world then no borders no casts no tribes nothing just humans
poverty unemployment drugs gun culture lack of any civil manners no education no healthcare society is broken and fighting each other since last 70 years . :disagree: . if you guys do not want pakistan then give it back to india they are 1 million times better then Afghanistan .

This sounds more like the dream of a gangu, I always say that blood is thicker than water, blood always speaks.
This sounds more like the dream of a gangu, I always say that blood is thicker than water, blood always speaks.
please talk with logic not personal . or else are you ready to move from germany to kandhar ?
There should be a thinking, a dialogue between Pakistanis and Afghanis, but also among Pakistanis themselves but most importantly among Afghanis themselves.


This is indeed very important, after reading "mindset" of many people who call themselves "Pakistanis" but think/speak like indians, I think we need to define first what is really a "Pakistani" a lover and lost blood of gangus or an indigenous inhabitant of the provinces that shape modern day Pakistan.

please talk with logic not personal . or else are you ready to move from germany to kandhar ?
I don't know about myself but you would be better off in "Luckhnow" rather than in Pakistan.
FATA a fiercely independent area and a tribal region has seceded to Pakistan and now merged to the mainstream, and Afghanistan lays claims to FATA as well, so by that premise a large chunk of Afghanistan, the Pashtun belt can be acceded or merged with Pakistan(not annexed) as they are fiercely independent people.

BTW with a Pak friendly govt, in Afghanistan(be it Taliban) which is more likely, the merging thought will not arise.
This is indeed very important, after reading "mindset" of many people who call themselves "Pakistanis" but think/speak like indians, I think we need to define first what is really a "Pakistani" a lover and lost blood of gangus or an indigenous inhabitant of the provinces that shape modern day Pakistan.

I don't know about myself but you would be better off in "Luckhnow" rather than in Pakistan.
you are sitting in germany and talking BS OF BLOOD and want a guy from islamabad move to lucknow because he don't want to merge his country city home with terror infected jungle hell like afghanistan ? lolzzzz afghans killed 100 time more pakistanis then indians and yes no one want to be part of that SH1T called afghanistan . you idiots sitting in germany canada EU USA are mental retards . go and get on your work leave our country on us we know how to decide better of our country . that guy can not read our mother language urdu but he want us to be part of afghanistan or tu moo utha ke a gya bak bak kerny apni .

FATA a fiercely independent area and a tribal region has seceded to Pakistan and now merged to the mainstream, and Afghanistan lays claims to FATA as well, so by that premise a large chunk of Afghanistan, the Pashtun belt can be acceded or merged with Pakistan(not annexed) as they are fiercely independent people.

BTW with a Pak friendly govt, in Afghanistan(be it Taliban) which is more likely, the merging thought will not arise.
that small part of law less FATA make us bleed more then 10 indians combine . or inko khwab a rahy ain ke afghanistan se mil ker dunya ke sab se ghatya dehshat gard ban jao .FATA ko sanbhalny main 1000s zindgiyaan deni par gaeen .
you are sitting in germany and talking BS OF BLOOD and want a guy from islamabad move to lucknow because he don't want to merge his country city home with terror infected jungle hell like afghanistan ? lolzzzz afghans killed 100 time more pakistanis then indians and yes no one want to be part of that SH1T called afghanistan . you idiots sitting in germany canada EU USA are mental retards . go and get on your work leave our country on us we know how to decide better of our country . that guy can not read our mother language urdu but he want us to be part of afghanistan or tu moo utha ke a gya bak bak kerny apni .

Your actual country is luckhnow india because you behave like a textbook gangu.
OK mr. textbook gangu, good bye :wave:
ok mr economical migrant go look your status of asylum application now :lol:

Lets just concentrate on a peaceful border as a start.
as much as high you make walls that much it will be peaceful make fence +wall+double trench +fence + 2nd concrete wall +patrolling road +fence if you want peace . 10 layers of defense with robots to shot every moving thing
that small part of law less FATA make us bleed more then 10 indians combine . or inko khwab a rahy ain ke afghanistan se mil ker dunya ke sab se ghatya dehshat gard ban jao .FATA ko sanbhalny main 1000s zindgiyaan deni par gaeen .

Yes your points are right...need to look at the both side of the picture, the positives and the negatives.

- The same tribal belt FATA people were used intelligently by Quaid and these tribal lashkars in thousands invaded and captured Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan region for us and saved Muslim Kashmiris from Dogra Raj killings(about 2 lacs Kashmiri Muslims were killed in 47 by Dogra Raj).

- They, the tribals were used cleverly by Indians/NDS sitting in Afghanistan by brainwashing/sponsoring/financing for TTP onslaught on Pak forces and people, Pak Army initially made lots of mistakes, people here of Pashtun belt was confused who to support...anyways this was all part of the history.

- Ideally Pakistan is a big enough country of 220 million people(the size of UK, Italy and Germany combined) and as for the strategic depth, a friendly govt. in Afghanistan is good enough for Pakistan, annexing it will be like we are making the same mistake which were made by USSR(Russia) and by USA, Britishers did this earlier and suffered.
Brothers, I see that many of you disagree with this, and many of you are scared of the very idea of it, I would call you crazy if you weren't. So many things can go wrong, so many mistakes can happen, perhaps it might even trigger a war. Despite all this, we must do it! An opportunity like this may perhaps not present itself ever again, will you wait then? Wait for our enemies to use you against us or us against you?

I am a nobody to many of you, however I had to opportunity to grow up in Canada with many diversities, ranging from a black person all the way from South Africa, to a person coming from Guyana, I have friends from places you never heard of, and yet there was no difference between them and I except who was better and more knowledgable in faith.

The best of people I met here in Canada were Pakistanis, two Pakistanis in particular by the grace of Allah helped me the most in what I wanted to do in life and its thanks to them I am doing good right now in life Alhamdulillah, both are now my best friends and they often come to visit my house and I theirs. Whenever we would have discussions with one another, the topic would always shift to politics, and we know the problems afflicting our people and nations, but I always ask why can't we rise above this?

Of course we are just ordinary men, war is for the generals, politics is for the politicians, all we can do is just simply... watch. However, that's not all we can do, we can raise our voices, we can influence each other with ideas, and we can pass these ideas to other people and even to the next generation. For that reason, I ask you all please support this idea, I understand it will be met with disagreements at first, but in time InshAllah we can make a breakthrough and at the very least make it easier for the next generation. I ask you all from the bottom of my heart, let's make history, let's not become history!
Yes your points are right...need to look at the both side of the picture, the positives and the negatives.

- The same tribal belt FATA people were used intelligently by Quaid and these tribal lashkars in thousands invaded and captured Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan region for us and saved Muslim Kashmiris from Dogra Raj killings(about 2 lacs Kashmiri Muslims were killed in 47 by Dogra Raj).

- They, the tribals were used cleverly by Indians/NDS sitting in Afghanistan by brainwashing/sponsoring/financing for TTP onslaught on Pak forces and people, Pak Army initially made lots of mistakes, people here of Pashtun belt was confused who to support...anyway this was all part of the history.

- Ideally Pakistan is a big enough country of 220 million people(the size of UK, Italy and Germany combined) and as for the strategic depth, a friendly govt. in Afghanistan is good enough for Pakistan, annexing it will be like we are making the same mistake which were made by USSR(Russia) and by USA, Britishers did this earlier and suffered.
we just want to get rid of it sir simply pakistan is for Pakistanis and its better place without any editing .

Afghanistan and Pakistan have a shared history and culture spanning thousands of years, whether it's the shared ethnic groups like Pashtuns and Baloch, or being a part of the same empires throughout the years.

Lately, Afghanistan is suffering from extreme Gangufication from Bollywood to social media, the puppet government hosts TTP, BLA and other terrorist organisations at the behest of Gangus. It's clear to everyone that India will ALWAYS play divide-and-conquer by turning Afghans against Pakistan and try to destroy Pakistan by using proxies in Afghanistan.

So what's the solution? Pakistan, in the long run, must merge with Afghanistan because it will make both of the countries more powerful and give them strategic depth.

Afghanistan will no longer be landlocked and will become a part of a nuclear-armed Islamic State with a central government. Pakistan will get more influence in Central Asia, more land area so it's not as densely populated and the country will be much more resourceful as Afghanistan has a lot of mineral wealth, and Pakistan has an agricultural breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.

Geographically, this new country will get borders with Turkmeninstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, so it will be more strategically important. India will lose influence in Central Asia because Chahabar route will be no more and a new Islamic South-Central block will emerge just how Hamid Gul envisioned.

What are your thoughts? Discuss below. @maximuswarrior @Pakhtoon yum @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Talwar e Pakistan @Hakim Dawary @Indus Pakistan

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