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Why Pakistan must annex/merge with Afghanistan


Afghanistan and Pakistan have a shared history and culture spanning thousands of years, whether it's the shared ethnic groups like Pashtuns and Baloch, or being a part of the same empires throughout the years.

Lately, Afghanistan is suffering from extreme Gangufication from Bollywood to social media, the puppet government hosts TTP, BLA and other terrorist organisations at the behest of Gangus. It's clear to everyone that India will ALWAYS play divide-and-conquer by turning Afghans against Pakistan and try to destroy Pakistan by using proxies in Afghanistan.

So what's the solution? Pakistan, in the long run, must merge with Afghanistan because it will make both of the countries more powerful and give them strategic depth.

Afghanistan will no longer be landlocked and will become a part of a nuclear-armed Islamic State with a central government. Pakistan will get more influence in Central Asia, more land area so it's not as densely populated and the country will be much more resourceful as Afghanistan has a lot of mineral wealth, and Pakistan has an agricultural breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.

Geographically, this new country will get borders with Turkmeninstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, so it will be more strategically important. India will lose influence in Central Asia because Chahabar route will be no more and a new Islamic South-Central block will emerge just how Hamid Gul envisioned.

What are your thoughts? Discuss below. @maximuswarrior @Pakhtoon yum @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Talwar e Pakistan @Hakim Dawary @Indus Pakistan


Too late. It has already happened. There are at least 10 million legal and illegal Afghans already in Pakistan. Not a SINGLE city, district, town or village in Pakistan is free of Afghans. They are EVERYWHERE. In fact, more are arriving now then they did during the Soviet invasion.

Afghanistan and Pakistan have a shared history and culture spanning thousands of years, whether it's the shared ethnic groups like Pashtuns and Baloch, or being a part of the same empires throughout the years.

Lately, Afghanistan is suffering from extreme Gangufication from Bollywood to social media, the puppet government hosts TTP, BLA and other terrorist organisations at the behest of Gangus. It's clear to everyone that India will ALWAYS play divide-and-conquer by turning Afghans against Pakistan and try to destroy Pakistan by using proxies in Afghanistan.

So what's the solution? Pakistan, in the long run, must merge with Afghanistan because it will make both of the countries more powerful and give them strategic depth.

Afghanistan will no longer be landlocked and will become a part of a nuclear-armed Islamic State with a central government. Pakistan will get more influence in Central Asia, more land area so it's not as densely populated and the country will be much more resourceful as Afghanistan has a lot of mineral wealth, and Pakistan has an agricultural breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.

Geographically, this new country will get borders with Turkmeninstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, so it will be more strategically important. India will lose influence in Central Asia because Chahabar route will be no more and a new Islamic South-Central block will emerge just how Hamid Gul envisioned.

What are your thoughts? Discuss below. @maximuswarrior @Pakhtoon yum @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Talwar e Pakistan @Hakim Dawary @Indus Pakistan


Just no on every level.

1. Have you asked Afghans about such a plan? I can guarantee having knowing many in my life that virtually everyone would turn this down. How do you expect the Taliban and other groups to accept this i.e. their land being annexed. If anything they will demand the return of the khyber pakhtunkhwa.
2. How would Pakistan, an already poor country afford to absorb such a large landmass into its fold and provide for its people? Pakistan has numerous issues even providing a rudimentary level of education and healthcare to its 216 million people. It would set back Pakistan decades.
3. By incorporating Afghanistan you raise the spectre of civil war and and ethnic strife greatly, as some groups feel emboldened by the move and some groups threatened, which could eventually unravel Pakistan's social fabric.
4. What's to say that India may not take advantage of such a move? With such a large amount of resources being used to complete such an audacious plan, there will be little if anything to confront an already aggressive India.

I'm sorry let's just leave all these fantasy plans in cloud 9 land and work in making Pakistan better.
Just no on every level.

1. Have you asked Afghans about such a plan? I can guarantee having knowing many in my life that virtually everyone would turn this down. How do you expect the Taliban and other groups to accept this i.e. their land being annexed. If anything they will demand the return of the khyber pakhtunkhwa.
2. How would Pakistan, an already poor country afford to absorb such a large landmass into its fold and provide for its people? Pakistan has numerous issues even providing a rudimentary level of education and healthcare to its 216 million people. It would set back Pakistan decades.
3. By incorporating Afghanistan you raise the spectre of civil war and and ethnic strife greatly, as some groups feel emboldened by the move and some groups threatened, which could eventually unravel Pakistan's social fabric.
4. What's to say that India may not take advantage of such a move? With such a large amount of resources being used to complete such an audacious plan, there will be little if anything to confront an already aggressive India.

I'm sorry let's just leave all these fantasy plans in cloud 9 land and work in making Pakistan better.
Waz, the idea is not bad IF Afghanis and Pakistanis agree on one constitution, do not ask to change the name of our country and do not demand changing the national language.
- The same tribal belt FATA people were used intelligently by Quaid and these tribal lashkars in thousands invaded and captured Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan region for us and saved Muslim Kashmiris from Dogra Raj killings(about 2 lacs Kashmiri Muslims were killed in 47 by Dogra Raj).

They helped in occupied Kashmir, AJK was freed by the AKRF and Gilgit by the scouts. The tribals played no part whatsoever, that's a fact of history.
My grandfather and my entire elder generation fought in these wars.
By the way we love the tribal people and won't forget them coming to our aid to try to free occupied Kashmir.

Brothers, I see that many of you disagree with this, and many of you are scared of the very idea of it, I would call you crazy if you weren't. So many things can go wrong, so many mistakes can happen, perhaps it might even trigger a war. Despite all this, we must do it! An opportunity like this may perhaps not present itself ever again, will you wait then? Wait for our enemies to use you against us or us against you?

I am a nobody to many of you, however I had to opportunity to grow up in Canada with many diversities, ranging from a black person all the way from South Africa, to a person coming from Guyana, I have friends from places you never heard of, and yet there was no difference between them and I except who was better and more knowledgable in faith.

The best of people I met here in Canada were Pakistanis, two Pakistanis in particular by the grace of Allah helped me the most in what I wanted to do in life and its thanks to them I am doing good right now in life Alhamdulillah, both are now my best friends and they often come to visit my house and I theirs. Whenever we would have discussions with one another, the topic would always shift to politics, and we know the problems afflicting our people and nations, but I always ask why can't we rise above this?

Of course we are just ordinary men, war is for the generals, politics is for the politicians, all we can do is just simply... watch. However, that's not all we can do, we can raise our voices, we can influence each other with ideas, and we can pass these ideas to other people and even to the next generation. For that reason, I ask you all please support this idea, I understand it will be met with disagreements at first, but in time InshAllah we can make a breakthrough and at the very least make it easier for the next generation. I ask you all from the bottom of my heart, let's make history, let's not become history!

Brother I'll go out on a limb and say I love many Afghan people. I have taught their children for generations here in the UK and they have been lovely, as have their families. My Afghan neighbours are fantastic and so on.
But can you honestly say with hand on your heart that the Afghan people want this?

Waz, the idea is not bad IF Afghanis and Pakistanis agree on one constitution, do not ask to change the name of our country and do not demand changing the national language.

Bro it's unworkable for the many reasons I outlined.
I keep on asking how many Afghans would support this?
Bro it's unworkable for the many reasons I outlined.
I keep on asking how many Afghans would support this?
This is the question I am also asking.

Forcible annexation will not work.. and I don't think Afghans will agree on something like this.

A better option is probably EU type solution.. but Central Asian states must also take part in it..
Again, people are taking this the wrong way, this should not be an annexation or anything by force - but a federation of nations. The governments can stay the same but with one responsibility for foreign, defence & currency.

It should be seen as a 50 year project, no one is saying it should be done overnight. As others have said hiding behind the fence and hoping Afghanistan will resolve itself while Indian hands are smothering over it is just not working.

We also need better people contact, that goes for us using silly slurs and the same for them too. There needs to be some positivity and change in the current strategy that is in play since the 1980s
I think more importantly, how does Pakistan integrate the 10 million or so Afghans ALREADY living in Pakistan? They are not going to leave and it would be inhumane to force them to go back to Afghanistan. What is being done about them?
This is the question I am also asking.

Forcible annexation will not work.. and I don't think Afghans will agree on something like this.

A better option is probably EU type solution.. but Central Asian states must also take part in it..

That sounds good and I’ll be up for something like this.
Again, people are taking this the wrong way, this should not be an annexation or anything by force - but a federation of nations. The governments can stay the same but with one responsibility for foreign, defence & currency.

It should be seen as a 50 year project, no one is saying it should be done overnight. As others have said hiding behind the fence and hoping Afghanistan will resolve itself while Indian hands are smothering over it is just not working.

We also need better people contact, that goes for us using silly slurs and the same for them too. There needs to be some positivity and change in the current strategy that is in play since the 1980s
Correct, this was what I was implying. I'm talking about the long game/strategy. Many people here are thinking about today or 5 years ahead. I'm thinking about 40-50 years ahead.
I would like all of the proponents of this merger to move to Afghanistan and convince their brothers to table a resolution in the Afghan parliament incorporating the Constitution of Pakistan as Afghanistan's code of living.

Please make sure you guys pack enough warm clothes and take enough medicine while you are out in Afghanistan going village by village in convincing them to join Pakistan.

May Our Lady Fatima cast a watchful gaze upon you saints who are willing to undertake this task for the Fatherland.
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