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Why Pakistan Isn’t the Slightest Bit Scared by Washington

if your presumption stands true, how and why then are states like Iran, Malaysia, China, Russia, Venezuella and Cuba surviving and pretty good too on their own?
Different states; different plans for them.

Malaysia has no major issues with US. It is a very peaceful country.

China is a huge business-partner of US. Even if these two nations don't agree with each other on some affairs; they are still not enemies of each other either.

Russia is no longer like Soviet Union. Russia has changed its policy towards US and these two nations are no longer hostile to each other like they once were.

Cuba is all drama. The prisoner camp where most WOT prisoners of wars are kept is in Cuba. Do the math.

And Venezuela is not a strategic threat to US.

Iran is intentionally being sidelined. US has other pressing matters to attend to at the moment. However, something is being planned for Iran too from behind the scenes.

Pakistan has some real strategic importance for US. This is why US uses the famed 'carrot and stick approach' to coerce us to do its bidding whether we like it or not. Our bad luck perhaps?

Obviosly, the US can harm us in many ways, the point is that it WON'T DARE TO DO SO! Similarly even Pakistan can wreck a few US agendas but will it do so? may be if push comes to shove.
Because we do not want another heavy weight enmity. Anti-US citizens should understand this. India already is a strategic challenge for us.

This US 'bombing us to the stone age' mantra has lost its potential to threat and so has the blockade of US aid as witnessed by us all in the recent past.
That threat was REAL. People were afraid of Bush. World was afraid of Bush. Thank God, he is gone now.

We have vastly increased our tolerance capacity due to that mantra. Try to see the bigger picture. Are we happy with continous drone attacks, repeated violations of our soverignity, and thousands of citizens being killed? No we are not. And neither is our TOP BRASS. We have been turned in to a Cambodia of WOT. We really hate this. Even I do. However, our leadership is excercising patience and we are praying for WOT to end in Afghanistan.
And this is your pipedream?

US can harm us in many ways, if it wants to.

An Indian member pointed it out right here; if US becomes our enemy, it would be bad for us and India would be a logical strategic partner for US in this region. Try to picture the India-US strategic partnership against us.

Our leadership is going through tough times. It is trying to mend ties with US but also at the same time, try make US leadership realize that its unilateral policies vis-a-vis Pakistan are not in the interest of Pakistan.

This WOT has really taken its toll on Pak-US relationship. I hope it ends soon.

no they cant harm us, they can only harm us till their puppet zardari is there, if we have a good leader then usa cant even dare to mess with us, look at Iran they slap usa in the face every time and get away with it,
no they cant harm us, they can only harm us till their puppet zardari is there, if we have a good leader then usa cant even dare to mess with us, look at Iran they slap usa in the face every time and get away with it,

With all due respect it has become very difficult for Iran due to international sanctions...It's their OIL which is saving them...what alternative Pak has in that aspect??? Look at North Korea...there is no doubt that messing with the sole super-power would be a strategic blunder...
no they cant harm us, they can only harm us till their puppet zardari is there, if we have a good leader then usa cant even dare to mess with us, look at Iran they slap usa in the face every time and get away with it,

they can offer oil for cash, what can you offer?
With all due respect it has become very difficult for Iran due to international sanctions...It's their OIL which is saving them...what alternative Pak has in that aspect??? Look at North Korea...there is no doubt that messing with the sole super-power would be a strategic blunder...

if superpower means acting like a criminal, then that is not a superpower,
Pakistan as a nation has come a long way from being frightened by phrases like "you are with us or against us" or "we will bomb you to the stone age if you dont side with us".

Because you know what, this war OF terror is already taking Pakistan to the stone age.

So for Pakistanis now, all these threats make no difference and dont have an impact on Pakistanis anymore.
If americans has right to develop and protect their interests............and so do we.................we have right to see our national interests.............and as for US Aid its only for fudal class political peoples to turn them in their favor..........Pakistani peoples are getting nothing from this.. So basically American's are giving this aid not for Pakistani people but get their interests...........so you can't say this is aid........this is barter system........if they are giving something they are also taking something.
its all very nice for the people to be patriotic and stand up ......but look at several governments not having the balls to do it....you elect the same type of bastards who nowhere share your feelings infact they are not bothered about what a common man feels....so what sense is it to discuss on this.....first get the guys at the top right rest everything will take care of itself
"Why Pakistan Isn’t the Slightest Bit Scared by Washington"

Pakistan's actions are quite contrary to what this article suggests..If Pakistan weren't scared ..then Pakistani establishment would not have been on first flight to Washington as soon as US announced to reduce Pakistani aid by 1/3rd.
sorry but if ALLAH is truly kind to Pakistan or any other Islamic country then you or an Islamic country should be a world super power rather INFIDELS are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not in gods hand but your fate lies in yours...u shape ur destiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why don't you wait and see.
This is not very far away now ...
sorry but if ALLAH is truly kind to Pakistan or any other Islamic country then you or an Islamic country should be a world super power rather INFIDELS are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not in gods hand but your fate lies in yours...u shape ur destiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why don't you wait and see.
This is not very far away now ...
Ah the classical-neo drama of Politics of Foreign Aid... The US doesn't like it one bit that we've basically told them to shove the aid where the sun don't shine. That combined with the growing defense and military activity with China and Russian extension to shake hands for acess to warm waters is all making the US very wary. US should worry about their own economy not ours. And the Indian wet dream of proselityzing the US that the talibans are evil is also in doldrums after 10 years of fighting. Truth be told, US is also pissed at India for not being able to contribute but now finds it uneasy to give India a scolding. After all, most of NATO is war tired and frowning at US and NATO aspirations, and at such a critical junction the US needs all the support it can get, even if it has to be (not-so-mighty) India. Hillary's nuclear gifts to India is testament of US desperate attempts at keep India lured. Hardly a game changer.

One the other hand Pakistan's cooperation with Iran,China and Russia is on the drawing board. Turkey, being rejected by the EU based on unfounded grounds is also looking to renew the 'Baghdad Pact'. With Turkey's proclivity towards the East and its verbal spank to the Israelis, some blimps are sure to get red in the US radar, obviosly Turkey is becoming ready for that day. I woul'nt be too surpised if Turkey announces to withdraw its application for EU membership and kisses NATO good buy in the time to come. After all Turkey and Russia have all to gain from a union and since Kemal Ataturk, the Crimian war and Turkey's Pan Turonism theory is no more in play, why not??

This IP has global, not regional impacts.

my 2 cents worth.[/QUOTE

Now u are showing middle finger to USA coz u have the support of China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't Pak ever stand its own leg and live like a sovereign country without any Superpower's blessings1111111111111111

You're mistaken, and sorely so... Pakistan and Chinese defense cooperation can be traced back to 1966. So its nothing new, on the contrary you been switching partners from USSR to USA and then I dont know what you do. India is an artificial sate getting constant buck ups and emergency CRPs from your daddies. Your GREEN REVOLUTION has failed, Your WEAPON SYSTEMS are dodgy, and your ECONOMY is only a hoax dependent upon the the West. So dont potray ur pesdo Indian Machismo over here and try to impress us. It hasn't worked in 60 years and it certainly won't work now. Sadly very soon when the US bubble pops, so will the Indian one. Best regards, Till then, Yours Truely. :coffee:
Aaaahhhhhh.. again that threat of 'stone age' and 'sanctions'... cutting off of 'aid'.. (can someone define aid for me?)

When will the world understand?

Pakistani people started from scratch.. 1947 anyone??? we can do it again! but can the US and its citizen bear the shove which we can give??

We wanted a kick at our back side and the last decade has provided us with one.. those who deny to see the change in Pakistani nation are living in dream lands..

These were the people who use to come on streets for petty reasons to fight each other.. now they don't fight on streets.. they only gather when there is something worth positive.. Pakistanis are becoming one as a 'nation' rather differentiating themselves in linguistically distributed groups...

There is no Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi or Pathan anymore, they are calling themselves as Pakistanis... Though the 'leaders' are trying desperately to play the sectarian and provincial card, no one bothers but few..

For our 'friends' from across the border.. some of you talk about Pakistan being 20-30 years behind you economically?? get your facts right.. we were 125+ dollars PCI ahead of you just a decade ago.. just before this damn WofT.. and given an opportunity we'll do that again.. without a 'possibly' imploding economy.. (some of you might understand)..

I am looking forward to next few months.. looking out for the BIG change..
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