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Why Pakistan Isn’t the Slightest Bit Scared by Washington

Aaaahhhhhh.. again that threat of 'stone age' and 'sanctions'... cutting off of 'aid'.. (can someone define aid for me?)

When will the world understand?

Pakistani people started from scratch.. 1947 anyone??? we can do it again! but can the US and its citizen bear the shove which we can give??

We wanted a kick at our back side and the last decade has provided us with one.. those who deny to see the change in Pakistani nation are living in dream lands..

These were the people who use to come on streets for petty reasons to fight each other.. now they don't fight on streets.. they only gather when there is something worth positive.. Pakistanis are becoming one as a 'nation' rather differentiating themselves in linguistically distributed groups...

There is no Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi or Pathan anymore, they are calling themselves as Pakistanis... Though the 'leaders' are trying desperately to play the sectarian and provincial card, no one bothers but few..

For our 'friends' from across the border.. some of you talk about Pakistan being 20-30 years behind you economically?? get your facts right.. we were 125+ dollars PCI ahead of you just a decade ago.. just before this damn WofT.. and given an opportunity we'll do that again.. without a 'possibly' imploding economy.. (some of you might understand)..

I am looking forward to next few months.. looking out for the BIG change..

good and we need to focus on unity,faith and discipline
we are never scared of usa, its our lame politicians who dont got any balls or patriotism, usa cant harm us in anyway if we want.

If you are not then why don't you bring down their drones or helies when they come to your territory? What prevents you from doing it?
Aaaahhhhhh.. again that threat of 'stone age' and 'sanctions'... cutting off of 'aid'.. (can someone define aid for me?)

Aid is the money given to Pakistan from US without expecting Pakistan to pay back.

When will the world understand?

Pakistani people started from scratch.. 1947 anyone???

In fact, pakistan is getting this aid (Which you claim that you dont understand) soon after indipendence, and has always been getting from US.
Check this out: Its an amazing article:

Pakistan was born a weak state. Soon after independence, Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked the US, in a letter sent with his emissary, for $2 billion in military and financial aid, including $170 million for the army, $75 million for the air force, $60 million for the navy, and $700 million each for industrial and agricultural development. He had made a cultural choice.

we can do it again! but can the US and its citizen bear the shove which we can give??
All the best!
We wanted a kick at our back side and the last decade has provided us with one.. those who deny to see the change in Pakistani nation are living in dream lands..
Interesting to know about this.
These were the people who use to come on streets for petty reasons to fight each other.. now they don't fight on streets.. they only gather when there is something worth positive.. Pakistanis are becoming one as a 'nation' rather differentiating themselves in linguistically distributed groups...
Kindly elaborate, thanks in advance.
There is no Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi or Pathan anymore, they are calling themselves as Pakistanis... Though the 'leaders' are trying desperately to play the sectarian and provincial card, no one bothers but few..
To be honest, I really liked that. Country first.
For our 'friends' from across the border.. some of you talk about Pakistan being 20-30 years behind you economically?? get your facts right.. we were 125+ dollars PCI ahead of you just a decade ago.. just before this damn WofT.. and given an opportunity we'll do that again.. without a 'possibly' imploding economy.. (some of you might understand)..
I dont know if you were ahead of your 'friends' from across the border 'just a decade ago' (Expecting you to give me a link on that), I honestly wish you do it again if your claim is to be believed.
I am looking forward to next few months.. looking out for the BIG change.
Change as in?? I pray that there is a change in the current scenario and the usual attacks would stop. (Assuming that is what you mean)
Interesting.. but hay.. we do not find anything negative coming from across the border amusing :P.. anyways, this is the only and last response I’m giving to your illogical reply..

Aid is the money given to Pakistan from US without expecting Pakistan to pay back.

So when your employer pays you without asking it back he is giving you aid? Or are you getting it against ‘services’ you provide?

In fact, pakistan is getting this aid (Which you claim that you dont understand) soon after indipendence, and has always been getting from US.
Check this out: Its an amazing article:

Pakistan was born a weak state. Soon after independence, Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked the US, in a letter sent with his emissary, for $2 billion in military and financial aid, including $170 million for the army, $75 million for the air force, $60 million for the navy, and $700 million each for industrial and agricultural development. He had made a cultural choice.

Here’s the next para from the same article my dear… don’t do selective study.. for your convenience.. I’m making the part which you miss BOLD :P

“Pakistan’s first prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan visited US president Harry Truman in 1950 to sell the country’s “geopolitical importance” to the super power. Pakistan’s decision to seek US help against the perceived Soviet designs to reach the warm waters of the Arabian sea was purely strategic.”

If you can’t understand this, then do remind yourself.. your country is “selling” its importance to US of A right now :P.. being the ONLY country which can help US strategically in this region.

All the best!

Interesting to know about this.

Kindly elaborate, thanks in advance.

To be honest, I really liked that. Country first.

Nothing worth responding.. sarcasm detected :P

I dont know if you were ahead of your 'friends' from across the border 'just a decade ago' (Expecting you to give me a link on that), I honestly wish you do it again if your claim is to be believed.

Matey.. google is a b***h.. its there to be used :P.. Oh and do select the term “before 2000”.. thanks

Change as in?? I pray that there is a change in the current scenario and the usual attacks would stop. (Assuming that is what you mean)

We need to attack what we need to attack and we need to support what we need to support.. everything should be for the betterment of OUR country.. Our heroes might end up to be your villains and visa versa.. so deal with it!

All I am saying is.. this WofT has pulled us back economically, but has made us stronger and unified as a nation.. change? I believe so!

We are not receiving any free weapons or aid from u.s but pakistan is.We have not formed any pact with them but pakistan have,a lot of times in last 60 years.We cannot even think of allowing a U.S base in our soil but pakistan already hosts U.S bases.We are not allowing U.S to bomb our nation but pakistan is..It isn't difficult for anyone to guess whose big daddy is U.S.

If Pakistanis do not see your daddy as their friend they won't get those 'free' weapons, so what is your problem with that?
If Pakistanis do not see your daddy as their friend they won't get those 'free' weapons, so what is your problem with that?

If US is our daddy then US is your grand father..
We're blood relatives lol
Why should we be scared ? we as a nation has dealth with many things in the past but then i'm a 15 years old so wth do i know ahah but we are strong :D and who cares if they stop aiding us funds god is there for us :D
So when your employer pays you without asking it back he is giving you aid? Or are you getting it against service you provide?
If you want that to call the salary to be satisfied then yes.

Heres the next para from the same article my dear dont do selective study.. for your convenience.. Im making the part which you miss BOLD :P

“Pakistan’s first prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan visited US president Harry Truman in 1950 to sell the country’s “geopolitical importance” to the super power. Pakistan’s decision to seek US help against the perceived Soviet designs to reach the warm waters of the Arabian sea was purely strategic.”
To get the money, right?
If you cant understand this, then do remind yourself.. your country is selling its importance to US of A right now :P.. being the ONLY country which can help US strategically in this region.

Not taking money in return, so your comparison is childish.
Nothing worth responding.. sarcasm detected :P
'Replying inability' detected lol
Matey.. google is a b***h.. its there to be used :P.. Oh and do select the term “before 2000”.. thanks
So you claim something and then want us to search for it? Typical answer. Or should I say 'A Baseless Claim?'
We need to attack what we need to attack and we need to support what we need to support.. everything should be for the betterment of OUR country..
Could have done it a long back. Wouldn't have to go through all this.
All I am saying is.. this WofT has pulled us back economically, but has made us stronger and unified as a nation.. change? I believe so!

STRONGER?? :rofl:

This is the statement I thanked your post for.. lol
Ya but if us is our grandfather than why its always giving you toys to play? I think he is a good dad and a bad grandfather ,right? Fools....
they can offer oil for cash, what can you offer?

Nukes!!! :lol:

Honestly if we dont have any thing to offer- you should ask Amrika to tangle some where else- for instance india- which has lot to offer- isn't it?- why waste our and their time-
STRONGER?? :rofl:

This is the statement I thanked your post for.. lol

Some one who cannot comprehend the meaning of "stronger" in context- has no right to be in a discussion forum- or at least likes of you should wait a few more decades to get mature- then try again-
no they cant harm us, they can only harm us till their puppet zardari is there, if we have a good leader then usa cant even dare to mess with us, look at Iran they slap usa in the face every time and get away with it,

That is because they have the world's fourth largest oil reserves and fifth largest gas reserves and any ship going out from the Persian Gulf has to pass the Straits of Hormuz under the eyes of Iranians.

For Pakistan ? Dont overestimate yourself.
honestly we are a big nation with a huge population and diverse territory. we are talented people with Nukes and rich history.

and of course the article mention about strategic value the country.

there's no reason we are at this weak position. if Indians think we overestimate ourselves, try something bold, and we will beat you out of your regional power dream.

You're mistaken, and sorely so... Pakistan and Chinese defense cooperation can be traced back to 1966. So its nothing new, on the contrary you been switching partners from USSR to USA and then I dont know what you do. India is an artificial sate getting constant buck ups and emergency CRPs from your daddies. Your GREEN REVOLUTION has failed, Your WEAPON SYSTEMS are dodgy, and your ECONOMY is only a hoax dependent upon the the West. So dont potray ur pesdo Indian Machismo over here and try to impress us. It hasn't worked in 60 years and it certainly won't work now. Sadly very soon when the US bubble pops, so will the Indian one. Best regards, Till then, Yours Truely. :coffee:

Sir i think you just replaced 'India' in an article meant for Pakistan.

Still watever makes you sleep well at night,Specially woth all that noise from all those Bomb Blasts.
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