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Why Pakistan Isn’t the Slightest Bit Scared by Washington

Really? And how will that be?

(By the way, from the actions i have seen, the aid is considered important)

Open conflict is neither in the US's interest or ours.
Whether they are afraid or not will only be revealed when the US plays the true enemy...right now its an ally albeit a bit uncomfortable ally.

They can make you hurt in more ways than one, if they intend to do so.

we can also make them hurt, 75% of their supplies go through pakistan, they depend on ISI intelligence for afghanistan and tht pakistan still deals with talibans and pakistan is the only escape route they have for now

so its like 60% game in our favour and tht too bcoz of aid, it would have been 90%
we can also make them hurt, 75% of their supplies go through pakistan, they depend on ISI intelligence for afghanistan and tht pakistan still deals with talibans and pakistan is the only escape route they have for now

so its like 60% game in our favour and tht too bcoz of aid, it would have been 90%

just like they depended on ISI with OBL raid haha give it a break man... Pak's economy is 185 billion dollars, SO WHAT if it has IRan and pak pipe line? how is that signficant when pak's economy is not capable of using such oil, doesn;t have the demand like India...

pak's economy is atleast 20-30 years behind countries like India, Russia, Brazil....
please dont drag china into this, China is diff country, i understanf they are ur ally and they are 3 times bigger than our economy we understand...
Pak the state that refuses to fail ...

ALLAH is proctecting it...

Coz it's where the switch of poles will start ... it's the one that defeated one superpower,,, the other one will also bite the dust thru OUR hands...

we can also make them hurt, 75% of their supplies go through pakistan, they depend on ISI intelligence for afghanistan and tht pakistan still deals with talibans and pakistan is the only escape route they have for now

so its like 60% game in our favour and tht too bcoz of aid, it would have been 90%

What the :rofl:
Pak the state that refuses to fail ...

ALLAH is proctecting it...

Coz it's where the switch of poles will start ... it's the one that defeated one superpower,,, the other one will also bite the dust thru OUR hands...

WOW hahaha the post seemed so desperate mate:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Pak the state that refuses to fail ...

ALLAH is proctecting it...

Coz it's where the switch of poles will start ... it's the one that defeated one superpower,,, the other one will also bite the dust thru OUR hands...

You defeated a super power...'?????
oh mannnnn

you guys are amazing.
we are never scared of usa, its our lame politicians who dont got any balls or patriotism, usa cant harm us in anyway if we want.
And this is your pipedream?

US can harm us in many ways, if it wants to.

An Indian member pointed it out right here; if US becomes our enemy, it would be bad for us and India would be a logical strategic partner for US in this region. Try to picture the India-US strategic partnership against us.

Our leadership is going through tough times. It is trying to mend ties with US but also at the same time, try make US leadership realize that its unilateral policies vis-a-vis Pakistan are not in the interest of Pakistan.

This WOT has really taken its toll on Pak-US relationship. I hope it ends soon.
Ah the classical-neo drama of Politics of Foreign Aid... The US doesn't like it one bit that we've basically told them to shove the aid where the sun don't shine. That combined with the growing defense and military activity with China and Russian extension to shake hands for acess to warm waters is all making the US very wary. US should worry about their own economy not ours. And the Indian wet dream of proselityzing the US that the talibans are evil is also in doldrums after 10 years of fighting. Truth be told, US is also pissed at India for not being able to contribute but now finds it uneasy to give India a scolding. After all, most of NATO is war tired and frowning at US and NATO aspirations, and at such a critical junction the US needs all the support it can get, even if it has to be (not-so-mighty) India. Hillary's nuclear gifts to India is testament of US desperate attempts at keep India lured. Hardly a game changer.

One the other hand Pakistan's cooperation with Iran,China and Russia is on the drawing board. Turkey, being rejected by the EU based on unfounded grounds is also looking to renew the 'Baghdad Pact'. With Turkey's proclivity towards the East and its verbal spank to the Israelis, some blimps are sure to get red in the US radar, obviosly Turkey is becoming ready for that day. I woul'nt be too surpised if Turkey announces to withdraw its application for EU membership and kisses NATO good buy in the time to come. After all Turkey and Russia have all to gain from a union and since Kemal Ataturk, the Crimian war and Turkey's Pan Turonism theory is no more in play, why not??

This IP has global, not regional impacts.

my 2 cents worth.
And this is your pipedream?

US can harm us in many ways, if it wants to.

An Indian member pointed it out right here; if US becomes our enemy, it would be bad for us and India would be a logical strategic partner for US in this region. Try to picture the India-US strategic partnership against us.

Our leadership is going through tough times. It is trying to mend ties with US but also at the same time, try make US leadership realize that its unilateral policies vis-a-vis Pakistan are not in the interest of Pakistan.

This WOT has really taken its toll on Pak-US relationship. I hope it ends soon.

Granted our "leadership" is going through a bad time but when isnt it? If they stop lining their own pockets first and think about their country they will become stronger. They are rotten to the core. Cant believe Zardari is a leader. For goodness sake we all know what a clown he is. I know where Respect4respect01 is coming from.
Have the balls and patriotism and passion be strong work hard and lay the foundations for our children to reep the rewards.
Nothing is there to be scared, but there is a lot to lose for Pakistan if US-Pak relations are spoiled. Pakistan is aware of this I guess, that's why they are not in a position to say anything.
And this is your pipedream?

US can harm us in many ways, if it wants to.

An Indian member pointed it out right here; if US becomes our enemy, it would be bad for us and India would be a logical strategic partner for US in this region. Try to picture the India-US strategic partnership against us.

Our leadership is going through tough times. It is trying to mend ties with US but also at the same time, try make US leadership realize that its unilateral policies vis-a-vis Pakistan are not in the interest of Pakistan.

This WOT has really taken its toll on Pak-US relationship. I hope it ends soon.

if your presumption stands true, how and why then are states like Iran, Malaysia, China, Russia, Venezuella and Cuba surviving and pretty good too on their own?

Obviosly, the US can harm us in many ways, the point is that it WON'T DARE TO DO SO! Similarly even Pakistan can wreck a few US agendas but will it do so? may be if push comes to shove.

This US 'bombing us to the stone age' mantra has lost its potential to threat and so has the blockade of US aid as witnessed by us all in the recent past.
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