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Why Pakistan is becoming China's 23rd province

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LOL, the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) recognizes 5 nuclear weapons states. Which are the 5 permanent members of the UNSC.

The entire world recognizes this.

Except for a few states which are not signatories to the NPT, among them India and North Korea. The rest of the world recognizes it.

So basically you think we gave Pakistan nuclear weapons, yet we are still an officially recognized nuclear state in the NPT, same as all the 5 permanent members of the UNSC. :lol:

You are just repeating what you have written before. I suggest you read the report or at least the summary before commenting.

On India, India is too big for International community to put pressure on India whether NPT or any other treaty. India would do what is in its interests and not of what is in other's interest.

You didn't do it when you thought we armed Pakistan with nukes, you didn't do it as you were being destroyed in 1962, you didn't do it during those hundreds of "Chinese incursions"... but you'll do it now because "chota bheem" says so. OK. :enjoy:
Did you arm Pakistan in 59 or 62,its all about reaching a point where you can handle things,i can already see where things are going in reference to Viet.:-).
Did you arm Pakistan in 59 or 62,its all about reaching a point where you can handle things,i can already see where things are going in reference to Viet.:-).

Cool. In the meantime, we supposedly gave nukes to Pakistan... yet we still get to be a part of the P5 and a part of the 5 recognized nuclear states by the NPT.

Whereas India along with North Korea is not a part of the NPT. The rest of the world is though. :P
Cool. In the meantime, we supposedly gave nukes to Pakistan... yet we still get to be a part of the P5 and a part of the 5 recognized nuclear states by the NPT.

Whereas India along with North Korea is not a part of the NPT. The rest of the world is though. :P
Ok ok now i get it,you take to be a part of NPT is a previlage,:-) now go to west and ask for some nuclear tech and find out,if they will give India or china and by the way when you go dont forget to take the NPT id card.:)
It would not be possible for Islamabad to wage its proxy war against India but for Beijing's military backing and support.

Gurmeet Kanwal

Daily O - April 19, 2015

President Xi Jinping of China will announce plans for massive investment in the development of infrastructure for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor linking Xinjiang with Gwadar port during his visit to Islamabad on April 20-21, 2015. The amount planned to be invested - US$ 46 billion - is more than Pakistan's entire budget - US$ 39.8 billion - for FY 2014-15.

China is Pakistan's second largest trading partner. In the words of the leaders of the two countries, the China-Pakistan friendship is "strategic" and is "higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans and sweeter than honey." China has "guaranteed Pakistan's territorial integrity", but it is not clear against whom. It is well-known that Pakistan's foremost national security threat is on the internal security front from the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its sister extremist organisations.

The collusive nuclear-missile-military hardware nexus between China and Pakistan poses a major strategic challenge to India. China is known to have provided direct assistance to Pakistan for its nuclear weapons programme, including nuclear warhead designs and enough HEU (highly enriched uranium) for at least two nuclear bombs and transferred dual-use technology and materials for the development of nuclear weapons.

China has violated its treaty obligations under the NPT and the MTCR to help Pakistan with its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles programmes. It has helped Pakistan to build nuclear reactors to produce weapons-grade plutonium at the Chashma and Khushab nuclear facilities, enabling Pakistan to produce weapons-grade Plutonium. China has transferred M-9 and M-11 nuclear-capable ballistic missiles and has facilitated the transfer of Taepo Dong and No Dong ballistic missiles from North Korea to Pakistan.

China subsidises Pakistan's defence budget as almost 50 per cent of China's surplus arms are exported to Pakistan at 'friendship' prices. China and Pakistan have jointly developed a fighter aircraft - JF-17 Thunder/ FC-1 Fierce - and a main battle tank - Al Khalid, besides other military hardware like anti-tank missiles.

Chinese military personnel are known to be present in Gilgit-Baltistan in large numbers, ostensibly to construct roads and hydel projects. However, it is likely that Pakistan has outsourced counter-terrorism operations against extremists of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), who are active in Xingjian, to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China.

Chinese engineers have been engaged in building Pakistan's second major port at Gwadar on the Makran coast as part of its "string of pearls" strategy in the Indian Ocean. This port could be upgraded to a naval base for Chinese naval vessels with minimum effort. China is quite obviously engaged in the strategic encirclement of India.

In fact, given its internal instability, fissiparous tendencies and doddering economy, it would not be possible for Pakistan to wage its proxy war against India in Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of the country, but for China's military backing and support. In as much as that, it is also China's proxy war with Pakistan acting as China's proxy.

The history of the military collusion between China and Pakistan goes back over fifty years. During the 1965 and 1971 India-Pakistan wars, China had made some threatening military manoeuvres in Tibet in support of Pakistan. It is also noteworthy that during the Kargil conflict in 1999, Chinese military advisors were reported to have been present at Skardu in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

China has consistently shown inflexibility on the resolution of the territorial and boundary dispute with India since the two nations fought a war over it in 1962. Despite 18 rounds of talks between political interlocutors and many meetings of the Joint Working Group, there has been no progress. Even the Line of Actual Control (LAC) has not been clearly demarcated on military maps and on the ground due to China's intransigence. Patrol face-offs are common and an armed clash could take place any time. If it is not contained quickly, it could lead to another border conflict.

While a semblance of stability prevails at the strategic level, in recent years China has exhibited marked political, diplomatic and military aggressiveness at the tactical level. The large-scale transgressions at Demchok, Depsang and Chumar - the last one during the visit of President Xi Jinping - in Ladakh are particularly noteworthy.

Hence, it would be prudent to conclude that during a future Indian military conflict with China, Pakistan is likely to come to China's military aid and vice versa. It was in this context that General Deepak Kapoor, former COAS, had said during the Army Training Command doctrine seminar in end-December 2009 that the Indian armed forces must prepare for a two-front war.

The China-Pakistan nexus has naturally led to anxiety about China's future intentions. While capabilities take decades to develop, intentions can change overnight. India should concentrate its energies on developing its economy and building its military capabilities in order to face up to the Chinese challenge.

Why Pakistan is becoming China's 23rd province
Indian thinkers and government are already having heart attacks
It would not be possible for Islamabad to wage its proxy war against India but for Beijing's military backing and support.

Why ?? why you are Dragging China into this ??
Title say something Else and the article is otherwise totally black and reflecting total BUTTHURT ON indian part :lol:

China is Pakistan's second largest trading partner. In the words of the leaders of the two countries, the China-Pakistan friendship is "strategic" and is "higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans and sweeter than honey.

What Would you say after Completion of Economic Corridor ?? :azn:

The collusive nuclear-missile-military hardware nexus between China and Pakistan poses a major strategic challenge to India.

That is not curable

Ok ok now i get it,you take to be a part of NPT is a previlage,:-) now go to west and ask for some nuclear tech and find out,if they will give India or china and by the way when you go dont forget to take the NPT id card.:)

We can buy any nuclear tech we want. Even nuclear reactor blueprints from America. :D

China seen buying American Westinghouse reactors for $24 billion nuclear energy projects | Reuters

And even if we DID give nukes to Pakistan, as India claims, then it was before we even signed the NPT (we signed in 1992). So we didn't break any laws at all. :P
Ok ok now i get it,you take to be a part of NPT is a previlage,:-) now go to west and ask for some nuclear tech and find out,if they will give India or china and by the way when you go dont forget to take the NPT id card.:)
Are you kidding, among that NPT group they dont even want to sell any tech to China forget about Nuclear tech.

As I said NPT is useless and only a fancy invention of the circle jerks.

And that Chinese guy thinks that selling Nuclear reactor is selling nuclear technology :)

Its like saying Pakistan bought F-16 and US gave them the tech :lol:
23rd or 24th lol no matter because its more in our favor. specially in energy crisis now its more then 6 years and and still we are looking for electricity;)
Pakistan has killed enough Muslims the Muslims being killed in India . Muslims are safe in India and cherishing than your population . We have 300+ of Muslims in India but you can't live without having a masters to fund for yr stomach even with small population . You don't need to be bragging about Muslim hood as it's never been your ideology . Or else you might had eastern Pakistan and peaceful Western provinces . Are they not Muslims ? This whole idea of Muslim Republic will never comes true as you can see the history due to u r violence ideology . And you talk about Hindustan ? It will take another 1000 years for you to be even closer to what India is now I know it's hard to accept for you. And no one cares . Till now India been so generous towards Pakistan . And took over advantage of this tendency . There has been times when we reached lahor and vane back like a moron. 1 time you commit a mistake -Human , 2 times you do the same mistake - Fool , 3rd time you do the same mistakes again and again- It's a crime .

And Hindustan will never commit a crime . We will go for it . And we know how to make or break countries for very long time now .

Your way of talking makes me think that you are nothing but a person who like to live in dream world.. i think its better for you ... when you done and check the reality you will find that you begged for independance and got after Pakistan...
Pakistan have no conflicts what so ever between shia sunni or anyother people living in Pak.. matter facts sikhs hindu christians parsi's are better standards than any indians...
indian have very short memory i think 7 men rap 70 year old christian mother in india recently just cuz she was religious figure thats how you targeted people .. sikhs were molested in golden temple by hindu's .. babri masjid.. watch out kashmir...
you have no terrorist attacks like Pakistan facing yet after peshawer incidence we didnt cry like you have after mumbai .. it was so easy to put this incidence on india but we didnt even we know RAW is involve.. we cud have done the same crying in media and after many years still say india is not corporating ... but Pakistan did not act as immature indian..
one of the largest military with huge bugget and population cudnt win one single war. and talking about comming to lahore... as i say you better in dream world... keep dreaming its free!
Are you kidding, among that NPT group they dont even want to sell any tech to China forget about Nuclear tech.

As I said NPT is useless and only a fancy invention of the circle jerks.

And that Chinese guy thinks that selling Nuclear reactor is selling nuclear technology :)

Its like saying Pakistan bought F-16 and US gave them the tech :lol:

Use your brain. :lol:

AP1000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2008 and 2009, Westinghouse made agreements to work with the State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) and other institutes to develop a larger design, the CAP1400 of 1,400 MWe capacity, possibly followed by a 1,700 MWe design.

China will own the intellectual property rights for these larger designs.

We own the intellectual property rights for the Westinghouse nuclear reactor designs, and we are even exporting nuclear reactors based on these designs.

In fact, we are exporting these nuclear reactors to Pakistan, as I'm sure you have heard. :azn:
Cool. In the meantime, we supposedly gave nukes to Pakistan... yet we still get to be a part of the P5 and a part of the 5 recognized nuclear states by the NPT.

Whereas India along with North Korea is not a part of the NPT. The rest of the world is though. :P

Israel and Pakistan, your brothers home :rofl:, are also not in NPT :lol:
See ,lets not kid ourself,we all know why you armed Pakistan,its just as we will be arming vietnam with NW.

When Chinese do something they do it quietly but like a true Indian you have to beat the drum.

Arm Vietnam go ahead do it, no need to just blow hot air.
Thats how

China, Pakistan, and Nuclear Non-Proliferation | The Diplomat

China’s assistance ultimately proved to be pivotal in Pakistan’s pursuit of the nuclear bomb. In 1982, according to AQ Khan, China provided Pakistan 50 kilograms of weapons-grade uranium, enough to make two nuclear bombs, as part of a “broad-ranging, secret nuclear deal” between Mao Zedong and Bhutto. The following year, China reportedly provided Pakistan the complete design for a 25 kt nuclear bomb. A State Department memo at the time concluded that “China has provided assistance to Pakistan’s program to develop a nuclear weapons capability. Over the past several years, China and Pakistan have maintained contacts in the nuclear field…[w]e now believe cooperation has taken place in the area of fissile material production and possibly also nuclear weapons design.”


The Russia-ISRO Case

Before U.S. officials could make Russia an MTCR member, however, they had to resolve an existing sanctions action taken by the previous administration against Glavcosmos, a Russian missile export firm that contracted with the Indian Scientific Research Organization (ISRO) to sell it several cryogenic upper stages along with the production technology necessary to produce them. 6 Under the MTCR, the transfer of missile production technology--hardware or know-how--is strictly forbidden. More important, the Russian upper stage technology could be used to help India extend the range of its rockets to reach Beijing and to improve the accuracy of its missiles. 7 Initially, the Russians refused to terminate the deal but after U.S. officials promised Russia $400 to cooperate in developing the space station and to expand the number of U.S.-made satellite launches Russia could bid on, Moscow relented. In July of l993, Russian President Yeltsin promised President Clinton to reconfigure Russia's contract with ISRO by November 1 of l993 so it would exclude any transfers of production technology.

Between July and October, however, ISRO personnel were found on site in the Russian rocket manufacturing plants that made the cryogenic stages and Indian officials claimed that Russia transferred more than "4/5ths" of the sanctioned production technology. 8 India Minister of State in the Department of Atomic Energy and Space also announced that, contrary to the Russians' pledge not to transfer "technical manuals" that would permit India to produce its own cryogenic rocket engines, Russia sent it "drawings of the engine" in September of l993 that would enable India to produce the engines within a few years. 9

Even though all of these missile technology transfers clearly violated the MTCR and the spirit of the Yeltsin-Clinton agreement, which was subsequently finalized in September of l993, they were forgiven on the legal technicality that the agreement with the U.S. allowed Russia until November 1 of l993 to reconfigure its contract with ISRO. That assessments of deal should still differ so much (one former high-level official recently dismissed the deal as a clear failure while Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott recently cited it as one of the most significant nonproliferation successes of the Clinton Administration) is itself a indication of the inherently ambiguous character of such intangible technology controls. As one Hill staffer complained early on about the deal, "It's not clear about what's allowed and not allowed." 10

Worse, yet, even where the deal was clear and clearly violated, the l993 understanding was not enforced. This was driven home in June of l994 when Motorola officials visited the Russian aerospace firm of Salyut/Khrunichev and discovered a six-foot tall, high-fidelity scale mock-up of the Indian Geostationary Launch Vehicle (GSLV). The mock-up was extremely detailed and depicted all the interfaces for the entire launch system--i.e., launch gantry, pad fittings, fueling tubes, and cryogenic umbilicals--and the Russian cryogenic upper stage. When asked what the purpose of the model was, the Russians explained that they were teaching the Indians how to integrate the launch of their GSLV with the cryogenic upper stage. 11

Transfers of such launch integration technology is clearly prohibited by paragraphs 2 and 4 of the MTCR guidelines and paragraphs 1 (b); 2 (b)(2) of the MTCR Annex. Yet, the Chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, who had requested to be kept thoroughly briefed on intelligence relating to Russia's compliance with the July l993 deal, knew nothing about this violation until his committee staff learned of it through unclassified channels from me. This revelation promoted a series of memos and a request from the Chairman for a meeting with Vice President Gore, who negotiated the final l993 space cooperation-missile nonproliferation deal with Russia. 12 At this meeting, which was held in September, Vice President Gore professed no knowledge of the Motorola meeting but promised to have the intelligence community "look into it."



India historically has had a close relation ship with Tehran.[12] Indian entities have supplied sensitive military technology and weapons of mass destruction (WMD)-re lated items to Iran. In diplomatic talks, the United States and Israel have urged India to cool this relationship, specifically in areas of military and energy cooperation and with respect to deliberations on Iran’s nuclear program by the International Atomic Energy Agency.[13] Additionally, the United States has imposed sanctions on several Indian firms and individuals for providing the militarily sensitive and WMD-related items.[14]

Nonetheless the Indian-Iranian relationship is strong. In January 2003, then-Iranian President Mohammad Khatami joined Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to watch Agni missiles roll by in the Indian Republic Day parade; and the two presidents signed a strategic accord providing India with access to Iranian bases in an emergency in return for Indian transfers of defense products, training, maintenance, and military mod ernization support.[15] This relationship is strongly supported by India’s left wing, and India cannot seem to extricate itself.[16] Even if the current ruling party could disentangle itself from Iran, the underlying political support for Iranian ties might lead a future Indian government to resume the relationship.

Aside from Iran, Indian entities have engaged in WMD-related transfers to Libya and Iraq,[17]

U.S. Space Aid to India: On a "Glide Path" to ICBM Trouble? | Arms Control Association

Hum aah bhi karte hain to ho jate hain badnaam,
Wo qatal bhi karte hain to charcha nahin hota.
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