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Why our textbooks should include Ranjit Singh

Muslims were only 15% of the population before partition my dear, so they simply cannot get 33% votes. and they won majority muslim votes.

No, Muslims formed more than 20% of the British Indian population with the present day Pakistan, BD and many areas in India having Muslim majority.So apart from sure seats from West and East, Muslims also formed swing votes in many parts of India.
No, Muslims formed more than 20% of the British Indian population with the present day Pakistan, BD and many areas in India having Muslim majority.So apart from sure seats from West and East, Muslims also formed swing votes in many parts of India.

Still not 33% as your fellows were saying.

BTW what's the source?
Top comments for the article on express tribune:

1. astounding article. I hope u have not touched a raw nerve. I dont know why Pakistan taints Hindus so much. India has been home to such diverse people like Parsis, Jews, Christians, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, atheists apartv from muslims.
Islamic history of India is soaked in bloodshed. We forgave this, but still we are presented in negative light in Pakistan. Pretty funny.

2. Mahmud Ghaznavi invaded India 17 times to loot the wealth from its temples. Mohammed Bin Qasim invaded India and conquered Sindh. On his return to Basra he was put to death by his uncle Hajjaj Bin Yousuf the governor of Basra. The Mughal emperors were also invaders from Mongolia and conquered India and Afghanistan. Aurangzeb was a warrior with expansionist tendencies and had his brothers beheaded and his father imprisoned.

3. Wonderful article- I think Raja Porus should also be included as a hero in our history books. We the inhabitants of Indus valley should be proud of our rich culture and history and we should understand that Arab culture has nothing to do with Pakistan, India or the sub-continent.
Our next generations need to know that the freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh and Rai Ahmed Nawaz Kharal were brave sons of the soil who fought bravely against the foreign rulers.

4. Good one, do you know Ranjit Singh is probably the only great monarch from Pakistan, historically. Almost all the “muslim kings” or emperors in South Asia were Turkic invaders from Central Asia who ended up in what today is North India(Delhi, Agra). Ranjit Singh is the “son of the soil” of Pakistan, he was one among you, he was from Gujranwala and later made Lahore, the capital of his empire. It was the first time that Punjab was political center of any empire, in fact, much of today’s Pakistan is the legacy of Ranjit Singh’s conquest, had it not been for him, KP & FATA would not have been part of Pakistan today.
70% of his empire’s territory was in today’s Pakistan. Pakistan should respect him, at least give him more respect than you give to people like Ahmed Shah Abdali, Abdali invaded and looted Pakistani cities many times, the great Punjabi poet Baba Waris Shah said about him, “khada peeta wahy da, baqi Ahmad Shahy da”, meaning, “we have nothing with us except what we eat and wear, all other things are for Ahmad Shah”.

5. I would add the heros like Subhash Chander Bose, Bhagat Singh, Ram Muhammad Singh and Jhansi Ki Rani who gave her life while fighting along with Muslims against the British occupiers. These are just a few examples of the brave freedom fighter that we have ignored in our history.
The fact is Aurangzeb inherited the largest Mughal empire, but nobody knows what happened to that empire after him. He put his very old father behind bars, killed his brothers for the crown and put the red hot iron rods in their eyes. How could a person be a hero who has done such horrible things against his own family for the crown?
Relax guys why everybody is jumping ?

it was to the other guy's post who insulted the hindus living in pakistan i know how brave the hinus r ( lol )

sub jal gay hhhh


You are an idiot .

Hindus are neither an ethnicity nor they are a race . They are a religious body . So stop trying stereotypical of Hindus .
You are an idiot .

Hindus are neither an ethnicity nor they are a race . They are a religious body . So stop trying stereotypical of Hindus .

see when u read a post u should go up and see it was written in what context go above and read what ur fellow indian written about hindus then u will understand my reply

and even if u don't who cares
all of u attacking muslims my only couple of lines got the nervse of all of u lol

i don't respond to personnel attacks

Actually i saw the hindus how coward they r, i got my personnel experience while i was studying in the states. they acted so cowardly when someone would abuse their gf, sisters and i even saw indian girls bringing their arab boyfriends to teach the hindus lesson. i saw them not on one occasion it happened on many times hhhhh.

i might say the sikhs r brave in those days khalistan movement was going on and sikhs guys used to take so much advantage of the hidnu girls in front of their brothers, boyfriends and friends

sorry to share this here since u mentioned hindus in pakistan i thought i might give u what i saw in u.s, i lived little in pak didnot meet any hindu in pakistan while i was there

but even history tell us how this land was paradise for the invaders, aadmi wahi hi jata hay jahan bazoo khol ker log jaga dain waha nahi jatay jaha joota paray ( i hope u understand it )


umm is that the reason your Hindu ancestors fell to muslim invaders and got converted? And how has that worked out? has conversion made you any braver?
Top comments for the article on express tribune:

1. astounding article. I hope u have not touched a raw nerve. I dont know why Pakistan taints Hindus so much. India has been home to such diverse people like Parsis, Jews, Christians, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, atheists apartv from muslims.
Islamic history of India is soaked in bloodshed. We forgave this, but still we are presented in negative light in Pakistan. Pretty funny.

2. Mahmud Ghaznavi invaded India 17 times to loot the wealth from its temples. Mohammed Bin Qasim invaded India and conquered Sindh. On his return to Basra he was put to death by his uncle Hajjaj Bin Yousuf the governor of Basra. The Mughal emperors were also invaders from Mongolia and conquered India and Afghanistan. Aurangzeb was a warrior with expansionist tendencies and had his brothers beheaded and his father imprisoned.

3. Wonderful article- I think Raja Porus should also be included as a hero in our history books. We the inhabitants of Indus valley should be proud of our rich culture and history and we should understand that Arab culture has nothing to do with Pakistan, India or the sub-continent.
Our next generations need to know that the freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh and Rai Ahmed Nawaz Kharal were brave sons of the soil who fought bravely against the foreign rulers.

4. Good one, do you know Ranjit Singh is probably the only great monarch from Pakistan, historically. Almost all the “muslim kings” or emperors in South Asia were Turkic invaders from Central Asia who ended up in what today is North India(Delhi, Agra). Ranjit Singh is the “son of the soil” of Pakistan, he was one among you, he was from Gujranwala and later made Lahore, the capital of his empire. It was the first time that Punjab was political center of any empire, in fact, much of today’s Pakistan is the legacy of Ranjit Singh’s conquest, had it not been for him, KP & FATA would not have been part of Pakistan today.
70% of his empire’s territory was in today’s Pakistan. Pakistan should respect him, at least give him more respect than you give to people like Ahmed Shah Abdali, Abdali invaded and looted Pakistani cities many times, the great Punjabi poet Baba Waris Shah said about him, “khada peeta wahy da, baqi Ahmad Shahy da”, meaning, “we have nothing with us except what we eat and wear, all other things are for Ahmad Shah”.

5. I would add the heros like Subhash Chander Bose, Bhagat Singh, Ram Muhammad Singh and Jhansi Ki Rani who gave her life while fighting along with Muslims against the British occupiers. These are just a few examples of the brave freedom fighter that we have ignored in our history.
The fact is Aurangzeb inherited the largest Mughal empire, but nobody knows what happened to that empire after him. He put his very old father behind bars, killed his brothers for the crown and put the red hot iron rods in their eyes. How could a person be a hero who has done such horrible things against his own family for the crown?

you did not mention babur..what he actually was and after whom baburi masjid is named..
i don't know if m brave or not but i told my experience of hindus in u.s when ur fellow indian talked about hindus living in pakistan
relax guys

i don't know if m brave or not but i told my experience of hindus in u.s when ur fellow indian talked about hindus living in pakistan
relax guys


well i have many experiences about muslims too :)
but i do not consider a person muslim or hindu or sikh or whatever...
but i am not naive to generalize every muslim in the world just because of few experiences..

but it suits you :)
no it suited ur indian fellow to generalise the hindus living in pakistan actually he suited all of u to paint the hindus in pakistan like that to malign pakistan

did ur indian fellow met all the indian hindus when he generalised them?

no it suited ur indian fellow to generalise the hindus living in pakistan actually he suited all of u to paint the hindus in pakistan like that to malign pakistan

did ur indian fellow met all the indian hindus when he generalised them?


I do not see anything wrong in his statement...you have all these laws against minorities like blasphemy laws that can be used against them....what else can minorities do?
relax guys my innocent post defending fellow hindu pakistanies made u all angry where is ur calm and cool behavour
and u can't give a good explanation why they acted that way even in u.s where law is on their side but offcours u ppl dont wanna answer or explain that coz all of u know it and now wanna twist the issues

umm is that the reason your Hindu ancestors fell to muslim invaders and got converted? And how has that worked out? has conversion made you any braver?

Do u know it was the sufis who spread islam in the subcontinent not invaders?

Muslims were there even before bin qasim came? even in kashmir?or for tht matter south india?

Does tht hurt ur tiny ego... Ranjit singh used a mosque as a stable??? should we consider him a hero for tht?
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