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Why Japan tilted towards India

Yes, we all got problems, however differences= our problems are open to discuss on a daily basis on this forum and yours?:lol:

Can u please tell me what problems of yours have been discussed here and that too openly??
Nothing really new, actually this is that Japan has been doing, what new? But, plan and reality is not the same, what Taiwan's "South Project" happen in the 90's, we all know.
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Riding in the land of ‘rising Yen’ - The Economic Times

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------

conclusion India has greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat future!
Agreeable but I hope that there are more trade and infrastructure corridors in eastern provinces too. North, West and South are already booming business centers. Keeping fast-growing Bihar or mineral-rich Jharkhand as an eastern counterpart to Gujarat, the industrial infrastructure should be spread (not over industrialization since it will harm our rich green ecology) towards Sikkim, Meghalaya, Assam, Arunachal, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura and Mizoram.

The development of east would mean that all 4 corners of India--- J&K the northern tip, Tamil Nadu the southern tip, Gujarat the western tip and Arunachal the eastern tip will form the 4 pillars of our economic capability in future, adding thousands of jobs equally for all Indians of all levels and better integrating India as a strong entity.
Agreeable but I hope that there are more trade and infrastructure corridors in eastern provinces too. North, West and South are already booming business centers. Keeping fast-growing Bihar or mineral-rich Jharkhand as an eastern counterpart to Gujarat, the industrial infrastructure should be spread (not over industrialization since it will harm our rich green ecology) towards Sikkim, Meghalaya, Assam, Arunachal, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura and Mizoram.

The development of east would mean that all 4 corners of India--- J&K the northern tip, Tamil Nadu the southern tip, Gujarat the western tip and Arunachal the eastern tip will form the 4 pillars of our economic capability in future, adding thousands of jobs equally for all Indians of all levels and better integrating India as a strong entity.
herefore, putting together the negative and positive ramifications for the Chinese economy, it is easy to conclude that China’s financial and real estate troubles are real. The manufacturing economy, although linked to consumers in the West, will chug it along. This is the best that the Chinese can hope for.

Unexpectedly, the United States may see an opportunity to press China to revise its currency, which has stayed largely undervalued. This is not a pretty picture for China.

Additional concerns arise when one notes that in an average good year prior to 2009, 20 percent of China’s bank loans went sour. In contrast, average bad bank loans elsewhere in the world were 2 percent. With huge bank disbursements in 2009, mostly to unsavory but well-connected people, China’s bad loan position may jump to 30-40 percent. So no matter how one looks at it, China’s financial markets are headed for trouble.

China’s manufacturing economy will soon face problems of its own. It was in 1979 that Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping instituted a one-child policy that won accolades in the West. Since then, the population base is growing old. The manufacturing sector will have trouble replacing old retiring workers with young ones.

Also, smartly educated youngsters may not opt for factory jobs, preferring office jobs or high-end technical jobs. There is no dearth of labor in China to run assembly lines or work on simple construction projects. But a major production disruption is possible if nobody wants to work on these jobs.

Big troubles are forecast for the Chinese economy in the near term and it is all because it is trying to outdo the West. If trouble strikes, it is the West that will gain.


Do you even realize the difference between state owned banks lending money to state owned enterprises for expansion and investment which can't pay up, and private banks lending to private individuals for consumption who can't pay up?

One of them is essentially the government redirecting tax money to directly support RD and employment, the other is a road to economic collapse. People have predicted that bad debt will overcome China's economy for 30 years already. It never happens because the money has never actually "left" the state owned system, it just cycles between tax agency, state owned enterprises and state owned banks.
Correction except Chinese-Dragon every Chinese does that. Its another case that Cardsharp rarely does openly (most of his are veiled subterfuge) and there are others who leave no stone unturned to tell us low life Indians how unimportant we are to this world.

You keep mentioning CD as your hero but I guarantee you, he and I agree 99% of the time with regards to India and though he might be less vocal about it, he is as sick of the incessant trolling and lack of manners as I am.

Also you keep accusing me of such things as making fun of India's poverty, toilet remarks and I keep inviting you to find any such post (all forum posts are a matter of public record right). Really it wouldn't be very hard to find these posts, if it your accusations held true, would it?

until then stop lying and stop writing libelous remarks about me.
You keep mentioning CD as your hero but I guarantee you, he and I agree 99% of the time with regards to India and though he might be less vocal about it, he is as sick of the incessant trolling and lack of manners as I am.

Also you keep accusing me of such things as making fun of India's poverty, toilet remarks and I keep inviting you to find any such post (all forum posts are a matter of public record right). Really it wouldn't be very hard to find these posts, if it your accusations held true, would it?

until then stop lying and stop writing libelous remarks about me.

It's not about you or CD - in general when Chinese trolls come and start posting nonsense in Indian threads, Indians will start counter trolling against the entire country China, which makes people like you and CD feel bad. Look at the way the Chinese poster "peaceful" has been trolling all India related threads for weeks now. Its a wonder that there was actually some semblance of normalcy in the last few weeks with people like him and his constant troll comments!

A suggestion

How about having a few Chinese mods in these forums? They can easily take care of the chinese trolls and the combined force of chinese+pakistani mods can handle the Indian troll brigade
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It's not about you or CD - in general when Chinese trolls come and start posting nonsense in Indian threads, Indians will start counter trolling against the entire country China, which makes people like you and CD feel bad. Look at the way the Chinese poster "peaceful" has been trolling all India related threads for weeks now. Its a wonder that there was actually some semblance of normalcy in the last few weeks with people like him and his constant troll comments!

It's all about numbers and quantities, which side outnumber the other by a massive amount, what flag does the majority of sub 100 post then banned account have?

Also I''ll point out, not all trolls with a Chinese flag are Chinese. I'll point to the challenger episode as proof.


A suggestion

How about having a few Chinese mods in these forums? They can easily take care of the chinese trolls and the combined force of chinese+pakistani mods can handle the Indian troll brigade :D

I don't think so. I doubt any Senior Chinese members would be given or want the job.
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