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Why Japan tilted towards India

Important thing is: Chinese mod cannot ban Indian members and vice versa. A MOD can ban only people of his own nationality.

This might not be possible to implement on this forum, but this is the ideal solution. Can you see any drawbacks in this which I might be missing?

That's an interesting idea, where the China defence mods take care of Chinese trolls, India defence mods take care of Indian trolls, etc.

That could reduce the accusations of bias, and increase the speed of troll banning (in theory).

I don't think they will let this happen though, so it's all hypothetical.
That's an interesting idea, where the China defence mods take care of Chinese trolls, India defence mods take care of Indian trolls, etc.

That could reduce the accusations of bias, and increase the speed of troll banning (in theory).

I don't think they will let this happen though, so it's all hypothetical.

Not on this forum maybe, but just for academic interest - it is implemented with success in some other forums. There is one popular forum where there are threads (mini forums/subforums) for every country, within which members of that country post stuff. Each country has a set of MODS of that nationality.

Now, if a person from a certain country visits another country's discussion thread, its like actually going to another country where that country's laws apply, and not those of his home country. The moderators of that visited country can ban him if he visits their forum, but they cannot get into other countries' threads and ban forumers of other countries.

Now, there is an international section in addition to country specific ones, where MODS are chosen from among all countries by vote, and elections take place every 3 months or so...
Only in theory.. CD. What makes you think that the guys left alone by Pakistani MODS would be banned by Chinese MODS(unless the chosen one is super loyal to his duties)? As for Indian trolls they'll get banned long before the Indian MODS even starts thinking about the course of action to be taken:D.
Its just started. India and Japanese collaboration will be inevitable within next two decades. I think cooperation with Japan is as important like those with Russia and USA.
For Indo-Japanese ties to become stronger, we will need a more independent Japan than the Japan that still despite its struggle to find independence of USA, remains in its shadow. And that's not just about them, but also about us. I am all for good ties with USA but this present Manmohan government literally lies down to become Obama's red carpet and be trampled upon unless and until Opposition wakes them up of our independent stand.

Unless we have a weak and indecisive government like the one in the current centre, we ourselves cannot take the initiative to hold multiple deals that would signify our independence and emergence in the world. I don't mean that we have to be aggressive, but certainly a bit of assertive attitude is needed. MMS government is just too weak for pragmatic and assertive diplomacy.

The US-weakness of our current government and Japan's ever-dethronable governments is the source of the time it is taking to forge strong ties between these two countries.

India needs someone like Vajpayee and Japanese need to return to their pre-45 mentality (at least in terms of independent thinking, not aggression) to make this succeed.
Only in theory.. CD. What makes you think that the guys left alone by Pakistani MODS would be banned by Chinese MODS(unless the chosen one is super loyal to his duties)? As for Indian trolls they'll get banned long before the Indian MODS even starts thinking about the course of action to be taken:D.

Refer to my post above.
we have a weak and indecisive government like the one in the current centre, we ourselves cannot take the initiative to hold multiple deals that would signify our independence and emergence in the world. I don't mean that we have to be aggressive, but certainly a bit of assertive attitude is needed. MMS government is just too weak for pragmatic and assertive diplomacy.

Perhaps like the current PRC government? Blasphemy!
Not on this forum maybe, but just for academic interest - it is implemented with success in some other forums. There is one popular forum where there are threads (mini forums/subforums) for every country, within which members of that country post stuff. Each country has a set of MODS of that nationality.

Now, if a person from a certain country visits another country's discussion thread, its like actually going to another country where that country's laws apply, and not those of his home country. The moderators of that visited country can ban him if he visits their forum, but they cannot get into other countries' threads and ban forumers of other countries.

Now, there is an international section in addition to country specific ones, where MODS are chosen from among all countries by vote, and elections take place every 3 months or so...

LOL, I like that idea a lot actually. It's like a miniature version of the United Nations. :D

Probably won't happen on this forum, but it does sound like a interesting/clever system.
Perhaps, not a bad idea if we stick to the + points.

The aggressiveness case is overstated. The world is just not use to a China that is internationally involved. The PRC's foreign policy as always been self-interested and rational.
Flamboyant,like in "not shy about expressing ones opinion"

PS:my vocab ain't that good. :D

Ah, maybe you meant "outspoken"? That makes a lot more sense regarding Cardsharp lol. :tup:

Someone who really is "flamboyant" is "oceanx". :D That guy really nails the definition of the word.
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Perhaps like the current PRC government? Blasphemy!
Not really. Though I admire your independent mentality of other influences and trying to create your own, the path that you've taken is just too overtly aggressive. I said assertive not aggressive. If going by your theory, more than half a dozen countries and entire Indian Ocean should have our sovereign claim for use including all island nations plus economic zones involved in it.

But I am talking about matters like crushing terrorism wether Kashmiri or Communist with inhumanly brute force that shuts the sold-out rights groups and ensures that we're respected in future for both our soft as well as hard approach to a problem.
Not really. Though I admire your independent mentality of other influences and trying to create your own, the path that you've taken is just too overtly aggressive. I said assertive not aggressive. If going by your theory, more than half a dozen countries and entire Indian Ocean should have our sovereign claim for use including all island nations plus economic zones involved in it.

But I am talking about matters like crushing terrorism wether Kashmiri or Communist with inhumanly brute force that shuts the sold-out rights groups and ensures that we're respected in future for both our soft as well as hard approach to a problem.

Again the aggression case has been overstated. With regards to India, what are we talking about? some visas being stapled instead of stamped? a 50 year old war? I've yet to see any concrete proof that there have been incursion over the Indian border.

And as for being friendly with India's neighbours? The world isn't India centric, China would develop friendly relations with those country whether India is there or not.
That's an interesting idea, where the China defence mods take care of Chinese trolls, India defence mods take care of Indian trolls, etc.

That could reduce the accusations of bias, and increase the speed of troll banning (in theory).

I don't think they will let this happen though, so it's all hypothetical.

Only you could came up with this stupid idea if you want fairness it should be indian mod takening care of every one except indian and chinese mod taking care of every one except chinese
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