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Why it's in Pakistan's best interest not to mess with Modi

Because you are obsessed with India. You want us to be part of this obsession.

I hope you are find cure for your problem. India is not worth of a country to be obsessed with.
good for you
This similarity is meaningless. Since same can be applied to whole of North East or even Indian Punjab. Legally they are far different and cannot be compared with each other.

Due to your weak position on Kashmir you guys run to Baluchistan issue but that doesn't diminish the difference between the two issues.

You can apply it to wherever you like, that's irrelevant.
Both the places had home-grown insurgency and separatist movements, Balochistan still has, both wanted a separate state. Those are the points of similarity and those are the points I'm interested about.

Also, let me tell you, India's position on Kashmir is very strong. That's why nobody has been able to move India from that position an inch :)

Pakistan on the other hand has tried different policies and failed in all, lost in two wars and in diplomatic front ? :)
That figures.
Ramadan ka mahina hai, let me clear a couple of things i never threatened you. You stated that since me being a Pakistani i will never rate you. I said, if any poster is abusing, be it a Pakistani or and Indian i will rate him. How does this make me a traitor. There are some forum rules. If a Pakistani is abusing an Indian i have the right to rate him negative. How does this make me a traitor.
I hope i have cleared somethings.
Unlike previous Prime Ministers of India, Modi is born after 1947 and hence as no emotions towards Pakistan. For him if Pakistan provides business opportunities, he is interested; if not he is not interested. The equation is simple. No need to write a page long article on this topic.
You can apply it to wherever you like, that's irrelevant.
Both the places had home-grown insurgency and separatist movements, Balochistan still has, both wanted a separate state. Those are the points of similarity and those are the points I'm interested about.

Again having insurgency doesn't prove anything legally. Yeah Bharati trolls can use it on online forums like this one. But that's it. Legally it is meaningless.

Also, let me tell you, India's position on Kashmir is very strong. That's why nobody has been able to move India from that position an inch :)

And let me tell you. I have read each and every of your arguments and counterarguments on Kashmir issue. They are all lies and manipulation. This is the reason we vehemently support Kashmir issue. If with all the lies you guys can be so stubborn then why shouldn't we when we have a strong case.

Pakistan on the other hand has tried different policies and failed in all, lost in two wars and in diplomatic front ? :)

Not really. We got 86000 sq km of erstwhile Kashmir state. :)
Ja L te Char.


Oh you are that guy. :lol:

Chal ja mazai kar. Tera qusoor nahi. :)

thing is balochistanies never wanted to join pakistan it was khan kalat who was arm twisted by british and pakistani army in doing so + the gullible nawab bugti who aceeded to pakistan just like maharaja of kashmir aceeded to india when afridi raiders lead by PA officers attacked kashmir and annexed large parts of G&B deu to revolt of muslims in his army try reading history properlli and the main reason why pakistan felt it leagel to attack kashmir was that india annexed juna garh and hydrabad daccen by force (or was in process)

but pakistan over the period of time instead of plying on its merits lost them all one by one deu to its reckless and short term gain oriented gameplan

now what can pakistan do actualli to force india on the table ....... well they have played their trump card too soon by giving g the china a pasaage thru G&B to baloochistan to gawadr but forget how history has a cruel sense of repating itself ..... try googling about the reason for how east india company became such a force in mughal india that one day it forced last mughal to give ... kahir jane do u know what i mean

Lies, Lies and more lies. 1 post main itnai jhoot? Maan gaya terai talent ko. :lol:
There's too many Indian apologists on this site these days, Areesh. These Pakis need to get their heads out of their bollywood @$$e$. :D

Apologists or not. They are a patriotic bunch. I know that. History proves that. By calling them traitor you are actually insulting thousands of GB people who gave their lives for this country.

They are humble people. They don't abuse. Indians or anyone else. But they are a fiercely patriotic people. By calling them traitor you are not doing any service to my country.
:what: and what is she trying to say ?

it is business as usual with Modi govt and the proof is India always shy away from peace process and under modi it did once again. Nothing news . Business as usual.

If anything that is unusual under Modi well it is the war/attack threats hurled at Pakistan by Indian govt officially sans any will to do so .

salaam jana ji i cant understand why pakistanies think that NaMo is obsessed to harm muslims and pakistanies ?

thing is since 1948 we have had 4 wars with pakistan and still kashmir is with us and NaMo was not part of any of those wars ... was he ?

NaMo has onli one game plan and that is devlopment and good governence and thats why india voted for him not his so called "anty muslim and anty pakistan owtlook"

rather he tried to takle the issue by sending an olive branch to NS but he messed it up when IK & TQ dharna was at its peak and to divert attention asked adul basit your ambassador to host kashmiri sepratists inspite of earlier repeated requests in not to do so and then again increasing heat at LOC & WB but what did pakistan achive from it ?

now NaMo came on plan B that was to over look pakistan and ignoare pakistan complitelli in his devlpment plan for india and south asia so tell me jana ji who and why is the real looser

in short as some american president in his election campain once said ..... "its all about economy stupid"

baki aap khud samjhdaar ho
The difference between me and you is that I am loyal to my people, online website or not. You have some sort of online image to maintain here.
Pakistan comes first. Online image? hearing this sort of shit from an Indian is expected but from a Pakistani.
Keep rating to your heart's content. But you are a traitor. You can not even respect your own countrymen. So great, I have a 17 year old calling me out on his moralistic values.

The problem with HYPOCRITES like you, is that you are fine with Indians, yet want to remain with Pakistan?

I am a son of the soil. If you feel so much love, please cede your territory to them. Live a happy life with the Indians.

The difference between me and you is that I am loyal to my people, online website or not. You have some sort of online image to maintain here.

Go figure.
Rated for personal attacks. Yes i can and i will rate anyone which is breaking forum rules.
Before calling someone else a hypocrite, look at yourself. My family has given countless lives for this great nation and still is. What you say has no value in front of me. Cede your territory? are you f***g crazy or something, please take your meds.
@Irfan Baloch ,@waz , help yourselves.

Apologists or not. They are a patriotic bunch. I know that. History proves that. By calling them traitor you are actually insulting thousands of GB people who gave their lives for this country.

They are humble people. They don't abuse. Indians or anyone else. But they are a fiercely patriotic people. By calling them traitor you are not doing any service to my country.
He has literally lost his mind. I suggest you look at some previous comments and tell me, have i said anything bad to give him this impression?
Again having insurgency doesn't prove anything legally. Yeah Bharati trolls can use it on online forums like this one. But that's it. Legally it is meaningless.
No, its quite valid argument actually, with very wide International acceptance. :)

And let me tell you. I have read each and every of your arguments and counterarguments on Kashmir issue. They are all lies and manipulation. This is the reason we vehemently support Kashmir issue. If with all the lies you guys can be so stubborn then why shouldn't we when we have a strong case.
Naaah..whom are you kiddin' ? Pakistan wants that piece of land because Pakistanis want to prove to themselves that they are not inferior to India. It is basically a matter of inflated ego, we all get it :)

Not really. We got 86000 sq km of erstwhile Kashmir state. :)
I once had posted a very elaborate description of the historical events. I had time to kill that day, not possible to do that every time, so I'll just say this, the militia had almost reached the Srinagar airport before Indian army landed there. I believe 27th October, 1947 was the date when 1st Sikh Battalion landed in Srinagar airport. The Pakistani militia has actually lost ground after that.
Pakistan has also lost some ground in '65, I believe, Kargil being the most salient among them and of course Siachen, if you claim it to be Pakistani territory.
If the guy in question was patriotic he would never report me for the sakes of the slum dogs?

Me on the otherhand, I would die for any Pakistani.
Are you crazy i never reported you till now, your post which i rated negative. Are you high or something?
I'd agree with you brother. I'd.

Unfortunately Modi has already proven to be a lowly street urchin gang mentality. Barking at Pakistan until he got a little stick slap from Unkil Sam.

So sadly what you say is too late too little.

"Unfortunately Modi has already proven to be a lowly street urchin gang mentality. Barking at Pakistan until he got a little stick slap from Unkil Sam."

I must say, average Pakistani is unable think rationally when 'terrorist' Modi is the point of discussion. Btw why Modi would give any sh!t about what Unkil Sam say. He is not holding any begging bowl nor treat Unkil Sam as his Master ?:p:
Keep rating to your heart's content. But you are a traitor. You can not even respect your own countrymen. So great, I have a 17 year old calling me out on his moralistic values.

The problem with HYPOCRITES like you, is that you are fine with Indians, yet want to remain with Pakistan?

I am a son of the soil. If you feel so much love, please cede your territory to them. Live a happy life with the Indians.

The difference between me and you is that I am loyal to my people, online website or not. You have some sort of online image to maintain here.

Go figure.

Oh dear RazPak how are you :p: :yahoo:
No, its quite valid argument actually, with very wide International acceptance. :)

No it isn't the so called international acceptance exists in your internet Indians minds only.

Naaah..whom are you kiddin' ? Pakistan wants that piece of land because Pakistanis want to prove to themselves that they are not inferior to India. It is basically a matter of inflated ego, we all get it :)

Lool. The reason that you have given for Pakistan's urge for Kashmir is immensely funny. Shows how much you know about this issue. Case of weak position I guess. :)

I once had posted a very elaborate description of the historical events. I had time to kill that day, not possible to do that every time, so I'll just say this, the militia had almost reached the Srinagar airport before Indian army landed there. I believe 27th October, 1947 was the date when 1st Sikh Battalion landed in Srinagar airport. The Pakistani militia has actually lost ground after that.
Pakistan has also lost some ground in '65, I believe, Kargil being the most salient among them and of course Siachen, if you claim it to be Pakistani territory.

Knew you would come up with this sh!t. As I said. I know your arguments and counter arguments very well Actually we gained land even after 27 October 1947. Go read about Kotli, Skardu etc. The lies you guys come up with are so obvious that it is very easy to counter them. :)

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