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Why it's in Pakistan's best interest not to mess with Modi

Azad Kashmiris are apparently more Indian than Pakistani.

And you please stop posting sh!t. Azad Kashmir people hate India the most. Why are you making a mockery of yourself with posts like these?
I have my reasons to post these kind of articles.

Because you are obsessed with India. You want us to be part of this obsession.

I hope you are find cure for your problem. India is not worth of a country to be obsessed with.
Baluchistan is not a disputed territory. Kashmir is. Illogical and stupid question to start with. Post this question when we post something in support of insurgency in your North East.

There can be hundreds of differences between the two cases. One thing similar between both of them is both the cases have an insurgency issue, or at least Kashmir had at some point of time. That's the point.
Ask your GB brother @WAJsal threatening to give me negative ratings for telling the bhartis like it is.

I don't care about any negative. Who gave you right to give certificates of patriotism to people here? People of GB and AJK are as patriotic as you and I are. If not more. They have fought for this country and have get killed and have killed thousands for this country.

you have no right to say sh!t for them.
There can be hundreds of differences between the two cases. One thing similar between both of them is both the cases have an insurgency issue, or at least Kashmir had at some point of time. That's the point.

This similarity is meaningless. Since same can be applied to whole of North East or even Indian Punjab. Legally they are far different and cannot be compared with each other.

Due to your weak position on Kashmir you guys run to Baluchistan issue but that doesn't diminish the difference between the two issues.
Trust me...Modi will neither mess with Pakistan not even engage with Pakistan....Because for Modi, he spends time whereever there is any tangible economic benefit comes up....And Pakistan does not offer anything to us in terms of economics....If Modi's ignorance is treated as messing up by India, in Pakistan, then it is incorrectly perceived in pakistan..

I'd agree with you brother. I'd.

Unfortunately Modi has already proven to be a lowly street urchin gang mentality. Barking at Pakistan until he got a little stick slap from Unkil Sam.

So sadly what you say is too late too little.
I don't care about any negative. Who gave you right to give certificates of patriotism to people here? People of GB and AJK are as patriotic as you and I are. If not more. They have fought for this country and have get killed and have killed thousands for this country.

you have no right to say sh!t for them.
He's high or something. Check this comment out. Made my day. Stupidity redefined.
That's why you will always be considered a traitor to our nation. Pakistan Zindabad! Ghadaar Murdabad!

Do what you gotta do. Your title must make you feel proud, huh? But it was us Punjabis and Pakhtuns fighting for your lands in 99. And now you have the audacity to betray us for your little online title. After we shed blood.

I am Pakistani and I bleed green. I will die a Pakistani to my last breath, and I will never betray a fellow Pakistani, unlike you.

Give me that negative rating as you stab me in the back with your knife. Aur kya omeed hain aap lokon se.
Baluchistan is not a disputed territory. Kashmir is. Illogical and stupid question to start with. Post this question when we post something in support of insurgency in your North East.
thing is balochistanies never wanted to join pakistan it was khan kalat who was arm twisted by british and pakistani army in doing so + the gullible nawab bugti who aceeded to pakistan just like maharaja of kashmir aceeded to india when afridi raiders lead by PA officers attacked kashmir and annexed large parts of G&B deu to revolt of muslims in his army try reading history properlli and the main reason why pakistan felt it leagel to attack kashmir was that india annexed juna garh and hydrabad daccen by force (or was in process)

but pakistan over the period of time instead of plying on its merits lost them all one by one deu to its reckless and short term gain oriented gameplan

now what can pakistan do actualli to force india on the table ....... well they have played their trump card too soon by giving g the china a pasaage thru G&B to baloochistan to gawadr but forget how history has a cruel sense of repating itself ..... try googling about the reason for how east india company became such a force in mughal india that one day it forced last mughal to give ... kahir jane do u know what i mean
:what: and what is she trying to say ?

it is business as usual with Modi govt and the proof is India always shy away from peace process and under modi it did once again. Nothing news . Business as usual.

If anything that is unusual under Modi well it is the war/attack threats hurled at Pakistan by Indian govt officially sans any will to do so .
[QUOTE="Areesh]India is not worth of a country to be obsessed with.[/QUOTE]
TRUE they are not but problem is they are our neighbors (Allah knows what we did to deserve that)and it's better to know your enemy specially since the same enemy resulted in breaking up our eastern wing.
Look at this thread. I got a GB guy threatening to call mods against me for giving a reply to Indians. And my own family members laid down their lives for Kashmir, my Mama especially, so who the F are you trying to talk to?

I am a Pakistani patriot through and through, but we have traitors on this site.

He doesn't agree with your post. That doesn't make him a traitor. Who knows you are a traitor or an Indian sell out who is abusing the most patriotic people of this country.

See. This is easy. Anyone can call you a traitor too. Again you have no right to abuse people of AJK and GB who killed thousands of enemies of this country and who have laid down their lives for this country.
Had been a couple of days since i came across another Indian Chest thumping article, and now this!! J Was missing it really! It is great to watch Indian in a wave of new found nationalism buttering up.,,,, THEMSELVES :lol:

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