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Why isn't Pakistan on Obama's itinerary ?

India is an enemy in occupation of kashmir, as a result their will never be peace in South asia

Pakistan is a counter balance to india in south asia and both a legacy of and ultimate defence of south asias muslims

There have been sone positive recent developments for Pakistan even the Imran Khan saga is a development of Pakistans traditional politics into a true democratic system

Pakistan hasn't gone away it hasn't crumbled and will succeed

A strong Pakistan is required to check india

Has India been ' checked " ? Check the economy, advances in technology, standing in the world and so many other parameters .

Is Pakistan 'strong ' ? Check the attacks internally include the recent attempt to hijack a PN ship, economy, technologically it boasts of a Nuke which is ineffective against the ever present & growing internal threat.

So, what has Pakistan achieved for the last 6 decades ? .. and at what cost , was it worth it ?

This is what the author is asking in post No 1.

No one including India wants Pakistan to go away. The world wants Pakistan to remain & behave like a normal healthy nation which looks after itself , others & stays a contributing nation to the world.
Has India been ' checked " ? Check the economy, advances in technology, standing in the world and so many other parameters .

Is Pakistan 'strong ' ? Check the attacks internally include the recent attempt to hijack a PN ship, economy, technologically it boasts of a Nuke which is ineffective against the ever present & growing internal threat.

So, what has Pakistan achieved for the last 6 decades ? .. and at what cost , was it worth it ?

This is what the author is asking in post No 1.

No one including India wants Pakistan to go away. The world wants Pakistan to remain & behave like a normal healthy nation which looks after itself , others & stays a contributing nation to the world.
dude they couldnt clear the fence,internal threat is dying you cant deny that dude stop living in denial
by we do you mean you your self right because there are also terrorist who are killing innocent people in kasmir in the name of freedom,i support peaceful separatist thats it

OMG i can take all type of crap but this no dude not cool,IK is the last person who will be dictated,you are wrong any one can keep nawaz in check his experience is enough to keep him in check,plus one way or another terrorist are countered right

He is a fire brand and is a bit unpredictable - just like the taliban - probably has to do with his Pathan roots - I'll give you that. But you being so innocent that you cannot even see something so obvious is a bit appalling.

It's a cock and sucker game and the cock is the establishment and the sucker are the people.
people on this thread; "my opinion is different from yours therefore you are wrong!"
He is a fire brand and is a bit unpredictable - just like the taliban - probably has to do with his Pathan roots - I'll give you that. But you being so innocent that you cannot even see something so obvious is a bit appalling.

It's a cock and sucker game and the cock is the establishment and the sucker are the people.
dude come onn, IK is a man who cant be dictated even his opponents realized that remember first couple of week how they used to say ARMIES sazish now they dont say shit because they cant

people on this thread; "my opinion is different from yours therefore you are wrong!"
thats how PDF works
He is a fire brand and is a bit unpredictable - just like the taliban - probably has to do with his Pathan roots - I'll give you that. But you being so innocent that you cannot even see something so obvious is a bit appalling.

It's a cock and sucker game and the cock is the establishment and the sucker are the people.

Establishment says hi:partay:


people on this thread; "my opinion is different from yours therefore you are wrong!"

Of course:bunny:
What indians don't like is Pakistans transition to a true democracy

Quite the reverse, it's your deep state that does not like the transition of FP and security policy from it's hands.

we have had two democratic governments and the Imran Khan movement is a popular movement for corruption free politics

the military has stayed out of the situation

democracy won't change the situation between india and Pakistan we have long standing issues that will need to be resolved regardless of democracy or the military

Of course we know that, till the day pakistan is free from it's military overhang and it's jihad elements there will not be any change in the relations. Nawaz may desire peace - but he will be overruled and strangulated into not doing it.

dude come onn, IK is a man who cant be dictated even his opponents realized that remember first couple of week how they used to say ARMIES sazish now they dont say shit because they cant

thats how PDF works

Dude, please dig deeper if you are keen.
dude they couldnt clear the fence,internal threat is dying you cant deny that dude stop living in denial

I am attempting ( in vain as I see it) to expalin to a Pakistani that the basic premise is wrong when he says :

"A strong Pakistan is required to check india".

A strong Pakistan is needed for its own people, for its economy and so on.

Not for another country, this is where Pakistan has been engaging the wrong target.

... and Good luck as I do not wish to take this discussion any further.
Dude, please dig deeper if you are keen.
no need i have

I am attempting ( in vain as I see it) to expalin to a Pakistani that the basic premise is wrong when he says :

"A strong Pakistan is required to check india".

A strong Pakistan is needed for its own people, for its economy and so on.

Not for another country, this is where Pakistan has been engaging the wrong target.

... and Good luck as I do not wish to take this discussion any further.

Quite the reverse, it's your deep state that does not like the transition of FP and security policy from it's hands.

we have had two democratic governments and the Imran Khan movement is a popular movement for corruption free politics

the military has stayed out of the situation

democracy won't change the situation between india and Pakistan we have long standing issues that will need to be resolved regardless of democracy or the military

Of course we know that, till the day pakistan is free from it's military overhang and it's jihad elements there will not be any change in the relations. Nawaz may desire peace - but he will be overruled and strangulated into not doing it.
everything was falling in line we were about to talk,the denial came from your side and for wt?
no need i have


everything was falling in line we were about to talk,the denial came from your side and for wt?


everything was falling in line we were about to talk,the denial came from your side and for wt?

Why do you think the chinese premier cancelled his pakistan visit, or why the SL president his - why did Obama call for normalization in pakistan before his plan to visit?

The fact that PA wanted Nawaz to give up his India policy or prepare to be unseated by violent protestors who were ready to storm pakistan's parliament or the murder case and threat of him being arrested makes him a lame duck PM - why should India waste it's time on him?

Why do you think the chinese premier cancelled his pakistan visit, or why the SL president his - why did Obama call for normalization in pakistan before his plan to visit?

The fact that PA wanted Nawaz to give up his India policy or prepare to be unseated by violent protestors who were ready to stom pakistan's parliament makes him a lame duck PM - why should India waste it's time on him?
what a lame excuse you need peace as much as we do,the entertainment show going onn in loc is not ideal only talks will lead to a solution you are living in denial you were accussing PK army of sabotaging the talks what an idiot
It is weird to read articles like this & have television commentators go on & on about why it is that Obama is not visiting Pakistan. Proof that they live in altered reality state, how else do you explain this absurd leap of imagination?
Obama would visit Pakistan to maybe thank them for looking after Osama? Or that the only action Pakistan took after the killing of Bin Laden was not to find & punish, for dereliction of duty or more, those who were responsible but instead went after a doctor who helped the Americans. Pakistanis can have any opinion on that but why on earth do they think that the Americans would agree with them?
There are books after books being published in the U.S. which portray Pakistan as the real enemy, the US. Department of Defence has just called Pakistan a state supporter of terrorist proxies both in Afghanistan & India, the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had publicly accused the former Pakistan CoAS & the chief of the ISI as being behind the murder of a journalist, publicly indicted & caused the UN to indict Pakistani individuals & groups as being terrorists and so on. Pakistanis could have a different opinion but what thread of rationality caused them to think that they are in line for a visit by the U.S. President is , quite simply, baffling.
what a lame excuse you need peace as much as we do,the entertainment show going onn in loc is not ideal only talks will lead to a solution you are living in denial you were accussing PK army of sabotaging the talks what an idiot

What's lame in that, our call that pakistan stops it's terror factories is reiterated by all of pakistan's neighbors ? you think that xi, rajapakshe, the maldivian pm or obama r lame too because they are not keen to meet with your lame duck pm who's feathers were brutally plucked by your establishment? you seem to be a noob.
What's lame in that, our call that pakistan stops it's terror factories is reiterated by all of pakistan's neighbors ? you think that xi, rajapakshe, the maldivian pm or obama r lame too because they are not keen to meet with your lame duck pm who's feathers were brutally plucked by your establishment? you seem to be a noob.
why do you keep on changing the topic?

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