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Why isn't Pakistan on Obama's itinerary ?

Here lies the rub..

In its obsession to ' hurt' India, Pakistan has hurt itself time & again to a point that it appears to have cut its nose to spite its face.

As regards NS travelling abroad, isnt that the place all Pak leaders go to once they are out of power ? This includes the Commando who is scared of nothing.

So why would a Pak leader lose contact with his ' alma mater" ?

India is an enemy in occupation of kashmir, as a result their will never be peace in South asia

Pakistan is a counter balance to india in south asia and both a legacy of and ultimate defence of south asias muslims

There have been sone positive recent developments for Pakistan even the Imran Khan saga is a development of Pakistans traditional politics into a true democratic system

Pakistan hasn't gone away it hasn't crumbled and will succeed

A strong Pakistan is required to check india
India is an enemy in occupation of kashmir, as a result their will never be peace in South asia

Pakistan is a counter balance to india in south asia and both a legacy of and ultimate defence of south asias muslims

There have been sone positive recent developments for Pakistan even the Imran Khan saga is a development of Pakistans traditional politics into a true democratic system

Pakistan hasn't gone away it hasn't crumbled and will succeed

A strong Pakistan is required to check india

No,i would advice u to open ur eyes if u want to see the truth.
There is a reason both afganistan and india are accusing pakistan of harbouring terrorists.

There is a reason 26/11 happened,and there is a reason osama was found in abbotabad.:pakistan:

India is an enemy and Pakistan supports freedom fighters in Kashmir

Afghanistan is now coming around to our point of view
he-most: 6517913 said:
Yep we have nuclear war heads pointed at you so not only do we check india but power players around the world see Pakistan as a check and balance to india
as i said before this mentality is dead,plus we are trying to counter all type of terrorists how long do you think we can take this terrorism crap?and luckily for us army has realized that

i wont waste my time replying to you as i said before ARMY will take care of this crap time will tell!

This op was a geo political move because Sanctions were coming pakistan's way for it's long standing involvement in terror in the region, the attacks and the growth of ttp was beyond a sustainable limit plus the dollar tap was about to run dry with various restrictions for non performance against terrorist sanctuaries.

The present performance sheet showing strikes against haqqani and AQ was to get the dollar quota for the year- and PA was successful in that - they got a billion out of the US.

There's always more to things than what it seems -what one needs to do is look deeper. As for your IK - he and qadri are the establishment tools guided by pasha - ex isi chief to keep nawaz in check.

Till your neighbors say it's a success it's not.
You know we support freedom in Kashmir and the right of Kashmiris to fight and defend themselves against a hindu occupation of their land, you whining about it isn't going to change that

I know and i am really scared about that.
You know we support freedom in Kashmir and the right of Kashmiris to fight and defend themselves against a hindu occupation of their land, you whining about it isn't going to change that
by we do you mean you your self right because there are also terrorist who are killing innocent people in kasmir in the name of freedom,i support peaceful separatist thats it

This op was a geo political move because Sanctions were coming pakistan's way for it's long standing involvement in terror in the region, the attacks and the growth of ttp was beyond a sustainable limit plus the dollar tap was about to run dry with various restrictions for non performance against terrorist sanctuaries.

The present performance sheet showing strikes against haqqani and AQ was to get the dollar quota for the year- and PA was successful in that - they got a billion out of the US.

There's always more to things than what it seems -what one needs to do is look deeper. As for your IK - he and qadri are the establishment tools guided by pasha - ex isi chief to keep nawaz in check.

Till your neighbors say it's a success it's not.
OMG i can take all type of crap but this no dude not cool,IK is the last person who will be dictated,you are wrong any one can keep nawaz in check his experience is enough to keep him in check,plus one way or another terrorist are countered right
This op was a geo political move because Sanctions were coming pakistan's way for it's long standing involvement in terror in the region, the attacks and the growth of ttp was beyond a sustainable limit plus the dollar tap was about to run dry with various restrictions for non performance against terrorist sanctuaries.

The present performance sheet showing strikes against haqqani and AQ was to get the dollar quota for the year- and PA was successful in that - they got a billion out of the US.

There's always more to things than what it seems -what one needs to do is look deeper. As for your IK - he and qadri are the establishment tools guided by pasha - ex isi chief to keep nawaz in check.

Till your neighbors say it's a success it's not.

What indians don't like is Pakistans transition to a true democracy

we have had two democratic governments and the Imran Khan movement is a popular movement for corruption free politics

the military has stayed out of the situation

democracy won't change the situation between india and Pakistan we have long standing issues that will need to be resolved regardless of democracy or the military
What indians don't like is Pakistans transition to a true democracy

we have had two democratic governments and the Imran Khan movement is a popular movement for corruption free politics

the military has stayed out of the situation

democracy won't change the situation between india and Pakistan we have long standing issues that will need to be resolved regardless of democracy or the military
by we do you mean you your self right because there are also terrorist who are killing innocent people in kasmir in the name of freedom,i support peaceful separatist thats it

OMG i can take all type of crap but this no dude not cool,IK is the last person who will be dictated,you are wrong any one can keep nawaz in check his experience is enough to keep him in check,plus one way or another terrorist are countered right

A people are allowed to fight oppression and occupation

Kashmir as a muslim majority state has the right to defend itself from occupation by a hindu country I support them in this task

Zardari and Nawaz msy not be perfect but they have come to power as a result of elections

democracy takes time to mature and only after repeated poor governments will we see a gradualiimprovement in governance
So the crux of the article is
"if you get a visit from the American President your country is progressing...if the American President hasn't paid a visit you are in deep sh*t "
I think its more like, if your country is in deep S*it then you will not get a visit from an American President.

If you get a visit from an American President that means business is good :)
A people are allowed to fight oppression and occupation

Kashmir as a muslim majority state has the right to defend itself from occupation by a hindu country I support them in this task
Zardari and Nawaz msy not be perfect but they have come to power as a result of elections

democracy takes time to mature and only after repeated poor governments will we see a gradualiimprovement in governance
you have every right to have different opinion,plus what election oh you mean when some corrupt politicians manipulated peoples vote,they are not democratic thats the last thing they will be

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