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Why isn't Pakistan on Obama's itinerary ?

As in? I am on topic that's in the OP.
yah right i was talking about need for peace between two countries through talks and if one of us (which is you)decides to ignore them situations like one on LOC occur that is why there is a need to talk and you said
What's lame in that, our call that pakistan stops it's terror factories is reiterated by all of pakistan's neighbors ? you think that xi, rajapakshe, the maldivian pm or obama r lame too because they are not keen to meet with your lame duck pm who's feathers were brutally plucked by your establishment? you seem to be a noob.

Source: Why isn't Pakistan on Obama's itinerary ? | Page 5
look where i started and where you went genius
yah right i was talking about need for peace between two countries through talks and if one of us (which is you)decides to ignore them situations like one on LOC occur that is why there is a need to talk and you said
What's lame in that, our call that pakistan stops it's terror factories is reiterated by all of pakistan's neighbors ? you think that xi, rajapakshe, the maldivian pm or obama r lame too because they are not keen to meet with your lame duck pm who's feathers were brutally plucked by your establishment? you seem to be a noob.

Source: Why isn't Pakistan on Obama's itinerary ? | Page 5
look where i started and where you went genius

Your reference was to calling off the secretary level talks right? the calling off happened when dharna's were happening in pakistan and when protesters were on the verge of taking over your parliament, asking for his resignation and when nawaz was implicated in a murder case and was threatened of arrest and possible execution - now why would india engage paksitan in any serious dialogue with the pm and his minister when there was confusion whether he will remain in power when your pm doesn't have the power to take decisions then what's the point of talks?

There's still no point in engaging nawaz in dialogue, especially when he has be relegated to be just a lame duck without security and foreign policy detail under his ambit.
Your reference was to calling off the secretary level talks right? the calling off happened when dharna's were happening in pakistan and when protesters were on the verge taking over your parliament, asking for his resignation and when nawaz was implicated in a murder case and was threatened of arrest and possible execution - now why would india engage paksitan in any serious dialogue with the pm and his minister when there was confusion whether he will remain in power when your pm doesn't have the power to take decisions then what's the point of talks?
what an excuse dude,
what an excuse dude,

this "excuse" was good enough for obama, xi, rajapakshe and the maldivian pm - that's good enough for us.

It's a different matter that all that happened....right?
this "excuse" was good enough for obama, xi, rajapakshe and the maldivian pm - that's good enough for us.

It's a different matter that all that happened....right?
how obama? he wasnt suppose to come to PK,security of chinese president was at threat,reason why trip got cancelled plus he will come again soon,and how maldivian pm he wasnt suppose to come
how obama? he wasnt suppose to come to PK,security of chinese president was at threat,reason why trip got cancelled plus he will come again soon,and how maldivian pm he wasnt suppose to come

"Situation in pakistan normalizes" could have various connotations, I take it as political instability.
security of chinese PM - you think that's an excuse and that pakistan's security establishment cannot take care of security details? he was offered an alternate location - lahore, which was refused too. - again, I would infer it as political instability.
maldivian pm was scheduled to visit and was cancelled.
"Situation in pakistan normalizes" could have various connotations, I take it as political instability.
security of chinese PM - you think that's an excuse and that pakistan's security establishment cannot take care of security details? he was offered an alternate location - lahore, which was refused too. - again, I would infer it as political instability.
maldivian pm was scheduled to visit and was cancelled.
i have no interest in further talk with you chio dude
Till u take action against even good terrorists,,nothing will change.

They just sanctioned aid to pakistan 2 days back:angel:

Stop being a hypocrite. India is no exception in backing militants/guerillas who are equally bad as the Taliban. Yes, I'm referring to the child molesting Northern Alliance.

The common Pakistani doesn't care about US aid or sanctions for that matter. When has the aid reached the common man anyway? The aid is only meant to bribe the top echelon. The Americans know this as well as everyone else.

PS. Also, the aid money is going to flow like milk and honey. The Americans rely on bribe tactics to get what they want.
Has anyone marketed Mohammad Ali Jinnah as a secular leader who changed the course of South Asian history and single-handedly fought for independence from the British when the odds were heavily weighed against him?
For the record, if we leave alone the italicised part which is a subject of some controversy(If you ask me Jinnah is not secular period. But there are some Pakistanis who argue otherwise citing his 11th August speech.), the bold part is entirely wrong even by Pakistani accounts. Not a single Muslim League leader went to jail for Indian independence. Jinnah was eager for India to be divided while under the British crown. He even preferred to have both countries as British dominions permanently under the Crown like Australia. So Jinnah did not fight for independence nor did his party have plans for any independent country except that Muslims will be safe and secure in it with their majorities.

But the other parts of the quote are truly remarkable achievements of Jinnah. He changed the course of South Asian history. And given that most vocal politicians with individual personalities were in Congress, numerically the odds were weighed against him. But he was not afraid to be alone and achieved what he wanted when none of his followers had any clue on alternative methods.

Coming to the topic of Obama's visit, I am sure he might have given equal weight had Pakistan invited him to its own Republic day under normal conditions. His comments on the internal situation in Pakistan are valid. Imagine what happens if Sharif got toppled while Obama is in Pakistan. It would be an embarrassment for both and there would be real danger to the US president if things move too fast out of control. Not far-fetched considering that the last time such toppling happened, Nawaz was in jail within hours.

I also disagree with the author who says Gandhi became popular because Indians studied him a lot. On the contrary, Gandhi became popular because he was more affective/popular with the West. He was a pain-in-the-as for the British right from the 1920's till the end. They simply had no appropriate response to him. He lived a saintly life and died a purposeful death. That ensured his place in history already. Then the Anti-Apartheid movement in SA and Civil Rights movement in USA revived Gandhi's methods and legacy and kept him relevant and his memory fresh. Indians would have forgotten him like they forgot Nehru's/Patel's legacy(What we hear now about these two gentlemen is mostly drumbeats of the two main parties essentially claiming that their respective ideologies(On second thoughts what is Congress ideology today, anyone?) was endorsed by the patriarchs).

But the author is right about one thing. Pakistanis cannot stop themselves from airing their dirty laundry in public, or worse, in foreign countries. Especially the PTI junkies are turning out to be senseless drones walking like zombies and doing whatever IK asks of them. Most of the time, IK himself does not have clarity on how he would achieve his goal democratically. Pakistanis regularly divide themselves on basis of ethnicity or worse caste even in countries like Canada and undercut each other. Their political party wings in countries like UK create ruckus and nuisance every few years. The radicals in their diaspora bring a bad name to the country. The insistence of burqa and reduced women rights even after their families move to the West annoys the general public and puts Governments in a spot. There is no good news at home either with school bombings and polio vaccinator killings. And finally and most importantly, Pakistanis, in acts with parallels only in countries like Egypt and Libya during Arab spring, shout down their own democratically elected PM in NYC calling out 'Go Nawaz Go'. That is the last straw for the respect of any country outside.

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