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Why is Sonia Gandhi so scared of Narendra Modi?

Gandhi Family = Dynastic politics . Only credibility Rahul will have in 2013 is being Rajiv's son and the Gandhi scion.
Fact: modi can never be a PM ever!, since majority are hell bent against this fool.

BJP can only make this guy PM if it wins by a huge margin....which is never going to happen.

Even if BJP does win, he cannot become PM. Since the chances of them getting an overwhelming majority is next to zilch.
Complete, utter garbage. Nothing more.

Events like Gujarat massacre condoned by modi will always remain fresh, especially for Muslims like me. This fool is a Hitler wanna and must be locked in a cage.

While Congress can field the Jagdhish Tylers, Sajjan Kumars etc . No one is milk- white in politics , only national interest matters at the end of the day . And chances of a Godra repeat are nil.

Btw : not a comparison , but a guy like Azharuddin can be fielded by Congress , yes, when he sold out the entire India ? any comments ?...
Francois gautier is a known 'foreign' Hindu fanatic. Him having a French ethnicity does not make him any less of a moron. I have been reading some of his retarded venom on the 'indian express' and have come out vehemently against him....more than once.
He is one of those foreigners who understands the rules in Indian politics and who hasn't been brain washed by western media reports .

Really?! Well, he also advocated introducing state religion, supports hindutva and, is a fanatic in every sense but attire.......

He even suggested curbing religious freedom. How does that work?!
And "this" is the voice of sanity?!
While Congress can field the Jagdhish Tylers, Sajjan Kumars etc . No one is milk- white in politics , only national interest matters at the end of the day . And chances of a Godra repeat are nil.

Btw : not a comparison , but a guy like Azharuddin can be fielded by Congress , yes, when he sold out the entire India ? any comments ?...

The problem starts when you show the errors of Congress to justify the deeds of BJP, just as Sikh riot bogey always comes whenever someone mention's Gujrat. It is as if as Congress also have skeletons in closets we can roam free too.

Modi along with Tytler and ilk all should be put behind the bar for the harm thet did to India.
The problem starts when you show the errors of Congress to justify the deeds of BJP, just as Sikh riot bogey always comes whenever someone mention's Gujrat. It is as if as Congress also have skeletons in closets we can roam free too.

Modi along with Tytler and ilk all should be put behind the bar for the harm thet did to India.
And god willing, he will soon be behind bars. My blood boils with hate when i think of this guy. For me, i am always an Indian first.....and i cannot contain my anger when everything India stands for gets blown in the air by this fool.
RSS troll ought to stop spreading propaganda everywhere they go. Do that in some hindutva/BJP/VHP/RSS -'BS' forum.
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