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Why is Pakistan's missile program not as diverse?

Mate, my knowledge of Electronics is limited to 4 courses @ engineering. On the other hand, if you've any questions about metallurgy, super alloys, CNC's, manufacturing (all sorts and varieties), mechanics, thermodynamics (etc etc) economics, finance, forecasting, system simulations / probabilistic modeling and to an extent programing etc etc, I'm your guy! :D

Can't stand EE stuff....... :p:

Which is the best brand of underwear made in pakistan??
Hi @Bratva
AFNET is far more diverse than you tend to assume my friend,the IAF aspect of it was raised at an estimated cost of $200-300million alone! The total cost of creating a net-centric force structure(according to various DRDO-IA seminars) is close to $3bn!
AFNET has something close to 40,000 kms of fiber optic cabling,itz own antennae,satellite terminals etc,etc
It just came to my mind(after looking at the screen) that the longest range radar in pakistani inventory happens to be TPS-77 and it seems to me a series fed configuration with frequency scanning(i.e beam is steered using frequency scanning/sweeping)- however since i have not read academic literature concerning TPS-77 i would not form any solid conclusion.
However my point is,Latest indian radars(indian designed and patented) especially arudhra offer higher flexiblity vis-a-vis TPS-77 as in- capability to track higher number of targets, DBF which results in better control over each beam(both in amplitude and phase),and arudhra certainly has far more radiating elements than TPS-77

Thanks! i think we all can contribute towards a fruitful discussion!

you underestimate our C4I setup. PAF began designing and creating it's AFNET in 2001-02. A lot has been done in this regard. Pakistan is much smaller than india and costs of creating such setup would obviously less and costs were spread over the years. So funding was never an issue



This picture of an advanced C4I system first appeared on a PAF calender. The picture shows a multi tier fully operational command and control system with digitized Maps and Required Data probably such as ADA states, Weather etc.

Very little is known about PAF's C4I program. The systems are said to have been designed and developed indigenously by a Vision Defence System.

Air Commodore Shahid Hamid Shigri is the main person credited with taking PAFs C4I system into the 21st century.

Company details of Vision Defence Systems obtained from a defence forum are given below:-

The PAF C3I system is created by Vision Defence Systems (part of Shaheen Foundation). I am just copy-pasting some stuff from their website (no longer online) that will answer most of questions concering PAF's new C3I and future plans.

Company Profile

Pakistan was among the first few nations in the region to introduce automation in its national air defense systems. Late in the 1970s, American Hughes automation system along with Siemens Low Level Air Control System (SILLACS) was inducted into Pakistan Air Force. During 1990s, it was realized that these systems would not remain compatible to the emerging challenges of air defense and air space management. PAF started to look for replacement of these aging systems but the exorbitant costs of acquiring C3I systems and embargoes by the western world prohibited such an acquisition. Such a milieu sparked the initiative of indigenization in defense technologies especially those related to C4ISR. To meet the tri-service requirements in the field of C3I, Vision Defense Systems started developing Air Defence Command & Control systems in year 2001.

Company’s objective has been to develop an integrated Air Defence Environment that forms the framework for nationwide network centric C4ISR. This would integrate all the ground based and airborne sensors operated by Army, Navy, Air Force and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) into a single network.

To grow from field-specific national leaders to regional and eventually global leaders in the fields of System integration, C4ISR solutions.

•To become the ultimate window for contemporary technological advancements and compatible upgrades in the Air Defence Environment.
•To encompass the vital requirements for the current C4I systems and network centric warfare solutions prevailing in the region.
•To develop an organizational culture where World-Class-Quality is simply bare minimum.

Accomplishments & Tasks

Phase I
In the early 2001 Pakistan Air Force tasked Shaheen Foundation to create C3I system for the Air Defense network. Shaheen Foundation created a team of engineers, system analysts, software developers and technicians and by mid of year 2004 delivered a state-of-the-art C3I system to the PAF. This not only replaced the aging Hughes & Siemens systems but also enhanced the operational capability of PAF manifolds. The highly skilled team of professionals has been grouped under the banner of Vision Defence Systems as a subsidiary of Shaheen Foundation.

This multi-tier Command & Control System has Fixed & Mobile Mission Control Centers (MCC) those are linked with the Sensor network all along the borders. MCCs are linked upwards with 04 Sector Operational Centers (SOC) and the Air Defence Operational Command (ADOC). SOCs and ADOC has fully functional backup C&CCs. High level of security and redundancy is an integral part of system architecture.

Phase II
During the second phase of the project, Vision Defence Systems is currently integrating the newly inducted radars and AWACS platforms into the Air Defence Network of PAF. This is envisaged to conclude by year 2010. VDS is also into the integration of Low Level Army Air Defence System (LAADS), Civil Aviation Authority’s Medium to High Level radars and ARGOS-73 radars operated by Pakistan Navy into the national Air Defence Environment. This would provide redundancy & enhanced capability of air space management for all the operators.

Phase III
In the next phase of development, air and space based communication, surveillance & reconnaissance assets would be integrated into the Joint Services C4ISR network.

Products & Services

Vision Defence Systems, Shaheen Foundation is the sole company in the region that has successfully designed, developed and delivered an advanced C3I system of this scale that is fully operational with the PAF.

Optimally utilizing your existing resources like sensors & media, Vision Defence Systems can provide state-of-the-art Mil Standard C3I solution that would be fully capable to meet Malaysian Joint Services operational requirements. The system architecture would be secure & scalable. Integrating other vital elements, the system may be upgraded to C4ISR network.

Vision Defence Systems can provide turnkey solution based on your defined requirements. All systems would be backed by warranties and full after sale support. Computer Based Training (CBT) modules for technical & operational staff have been developed for hands on & web based training needs. Air Defense Simulation Systems (ADSS) exclusively developed by VDS can train the technical and operational team on day-to-day challenges faced while managing the C3I environment.

Vision Defense Systems, with a strong history of over six years of breakthroughs, today stands apart in the Fields of C4ISR, system integration, and all related solutions to make its systems most effectual, Cost Effective, upward/downward Compatible.

Command and Control Center

Computerizing the Manual SOCs
Automation of Manual SOCs
Replacement of old ADOC

Integration of Allied System
CAAR (Civil Aviation Authority Radar) with SOC

Mission Control Centers (MCC)
GUI development
Data Communication Gateway
Multi Radar Tracker
Voice Communication System

Sensors Upgrade
Receiver Section Upgrade
Transmitter Upgrade
Antenna Upgrade

Mission Control Centres

•Communication Gateway
•Control Systems
◦Central Information Server (CIS)
◦Voice Recording System (VRS)
•Man Machine Interface Systems (MMI)
•Multi Radar Tracker (MRT)
■Correlation and Fusion
■Single Radar Tracker (SRT)
•Monitoring and Administrative Applications
•MCC Consoles
•Server Cabinets

PAF Vs IAF Command and Control Systems | Page 5

and Judging by our AFNET overlay presented by PAF in IDEAS 2014, We are at phase III of our C4ISR. Army, Naval and Airforce assets are interlinked

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Is there a way PDF can confer a special status to a knowledgable persons, instead of going through regular promotions ?

I am sure handful of persons are there, you can know them from their first post..

U know u can name me:coffee:
No need to keep me secret:D
Mate, my knowledge of Electronics is limited to 4 courses @ engineering. On the other hand, if you've any questions about metallurgy, super alloys, CNC's, manufacturing (all sorts and varieties), mechanics, thermodynamics (etc etc) economics, finance, forecasting, system simulations / probabilistic modeling and to an extent programing etc etc, I'm your guy!

on the other hand i am an electronics and control engineer and like signal processing,however i love going through the research literature of DRDO in fields you've mentioned above for instance- various metallurgical processes to manufacture armour,extraction of Titanium(especially Titanium sponge from TiCl4),equiaxed,directionally solidified structures etc(but then again my knowledge of these metallurgical processes is quite limited to books like CALLISTER or maybe research papers of DRDO that are available in PUBLIC DOMAIN

go to DEITY's site or search google you'll find it,amazingly One of the fabs in gujrat is being raised in joint collaboration with israel's JAZZ corp!I need to leave now- i will be back later!
No idea mate. Only person that comes to mind for such a question would be Webby.

Btw, yes, I know the people who need to be appreciated.


Is there a way PDF can confer a special status to a knowledgable persons, instead of going through regular promotions ?

I am sure handful of persons are there, you can know them from their first post..
Mate, my knowledge of Electronics is limited to 4 courses @ engineering. On the other hand, if you've any questions about metallurgy, super alloys, CNC's, manufacturing (all sorts and varieties), mechanics, thermodynamics (etc etc) economics, finance, forecasting, system simulations / probabilistic modeling and to an extent programing etc etc, I'm your guy! :D

Can't stand EE stuff....... :p:

So you are a materials scientist and a quant?

LOL. Stop thanking me @he-man. If only you wouldn't troll, you'd be in my list of such people! :D

No idea mate. Only person that comes to mind for such a question would be Webby.

Btw, yes, I know the people who need to be appreciated.

Nahi meray dost. I do kheti baari nowadays! :D

So you are a materials scientist and a quant?


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