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Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

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Testing an ICBM is no more lethal than it was testing the Nuclear Bomb.
Our disputes originate from India and we already have every inch of it's territory covered by the arsenal in our inventory.
When the need for an ICBM arises, rest assured you WILL NOT be dispointed.
Keep the designate, Taimur and Tipu close to your heart. !!
I agree, thats why I refuse to take this show of buzdili from Pakistan standing down. Because the way we are behaving shows ke hum Indians jese buzdil logon se bhi zyada buzdil hain. Humare liay toh yeh doob marne ka makaam hona chahiye. OR lets do something about it and change this government that insists on making us buzdils.

with due respect respected Shri Asim Aquil, we Indians are not coward(or buzdil as you said)

history has proved this many times

son of King Prahlad( son of hirankashyapu) once asked him about the demerit of trait forgiveness

King Prahlad said" the only fault of forgiveness is people consider a man weak who forgives."

may be this is the reason why our neighbors say we are weak as we, many times did not harm them even it was possible and forgiven their misdeeds or neglected them.

bahut kay lihane. tumhi sudnya asa.:)
Well I answered you just the same, one asks questions that they don't know the answer to, my bad I guess. Are we seriously going to waste time here discussing how Pakistani missile names hurt India's feelings? On their use they are capable to burn, decimate and mutilate Indians are we seriously going to not let this forum have an intelligent discussion on Pakistan's internal politics because you asked a question and got a straight answer to it?

It is only amusing to us. And shows some identity issues...

Just like Zaid Hamid substitutes well for some cartoon shows...

Frankly, you guys don't know about India but for some reason assume you do.

And we are not adversaries. Sometime I feel we will need to be helping you pretty soon.
Sorry. No one except a Pakistani buys into the non-state actor phraseology.

You guys are on very thin ice. Even your Army Chief realizes that.

Your state sponsors international terror - India, Afghanistan. Maybe even China.

Your state provides refuge, funds, arms, training to international terrorists.

You state uses terror to fight proxy wars - because conventional wars with conventional forces are deemed too costly now, both in blood, money, and territory.

These are all statements backed by countries other than mine.

There is no implication here.

You may have spare time to rant the cheap banter, but let me rain on your parade, for this is how one of your country citizen was given an egg on the face. I guess it goes for all other wishful thinkers too.

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You may have spare time to rant the cheap banter, but let me rain on your parade, for this is how one of your country citizen was given an egg on the face. I guess it goes for all other wishful thinkers too.

but drone strikes contradicts your post ;)
so girl was right ;)
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When the need for an ICBM arises, rest assured you WILL NOT be dispointed.

No offence, WJ.

But when do you think that "need" arises? pak's goals for all of the forseeable future are obssesed with
India and India alone.

Keep the designate, Taimur and Tipu close to your heart. !!

Why do you guys always name your weapons/missiles after Indian/Afghan figures? (i.e. Babur/Tipu (Sultan))

BTW those names are fanboy terms. Those missiles dont even exist they're not even in development,
its all a fanboy-created myth that came when India announced A3/5 projects.
Frankly, you guys don't know about India but for some reason assume you do.

And we are not adversaries. Sometime I feel we will need to be helping you pretty soon.

Agree 100%. Maybe it is the fact that all you know about us is through forums like these.

The groundswell of opinion in India does not have much time for Pakistan.

We have a screwed up ball-less and corrupt leadership, we have economic and policy stagnation, we have elections too far away to do much about it, and we have a country to grow and develop, poor to feed and educate, and enemies far bigger than you to check.

If anything, once our collective national blood had cooled post 26/11, there is actually a feeling that you guys are having it pretty bad and that we should be helping if and where we can.

The problem is that your identity dissonance includes mistaking the lingering warmth of a shared past and the innate spiritualism and chilled out nature of our culture (and yours) to buzdili.

That is why while we embrace it and are proud of it, you do your futile best to denigrate it in an effort to adopt and be adopted by a foreign culture.

Please realize - taking on a religion does not change your genes.

If you are proud of your territorial / regional culture, please also remember that it was the gateway to all foreign invaders, and always the first to fall.

Stemming the rot was always left to us deeper inland.

Don't gloat about it boss. It amuses us to see that.

You may have spare time to rant the cheap banter, but let me rain on your parade, for this is how one of your country citizen was given an egg on the face. I guess it goes for all other wishful thinkers too.

Sorry once again. You Tube is not available to me in office.
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I think you should understand from an Indian about our views of Pakistan and not assume it.

We think of you not as invaders but as Hindu or Buddhist converts (obviously, even you can't deny that it is true for the vast majority, even Pushtuns).

Some of our people converted (due to whatever reasons) and for us it is natural to assume that they were the weaker ones. Either not able to sustain the persecution, jaziyah or other threats. Or weak in faith.

Weak nonetheless.

You may try to associate yourself to Arabs, Turks etc. We don't do that. We see facts for what they are.

Even the invader arse had been kicked by indigenous Hindus and Sikhs much before the British domination started here.

We also see what no Muslims have won anything against any non Muslims for hundreds of years. They are huffing and puffing against a country of 4 millions!

Pakistani parts have never dominated Indian parts in history. It has always been the reverse.

Then the history after partition and 1971 in particular but all wars between the two.

You are wrong in your assumption. Pakistan is a nuisance but little more. It's nuisance value is also reducing day by day. Most Indians don't care for Pakistan anymore except for the terror.

We have moved on. We feel irritated when even compared with Pakistan.

Probably for the same resons you guys have banned the Af * Pak word here.

This is not to denigrate your country. Just the reality.

Once you get rid of your false assumptions and delusions, it is easier to make the right decisions.

So Pakistani ICBM decision (assuming it has the capability) should depend on its own needs, not because of a mad rush to ape India.

We are in a different league and we are a different civilization.

Again, just so the point hits home and people can start looking at the world through real eyes.

For India, Pakistan has become almost irrelevant. Something to be managed while we move on to bigger things.

Of course, it still needs more effort to manage than we would like to spend on something that is increasingly inconsequential to us. That should change going forward when reality starts dawning slowly.

Many Pakistanis started with this assumption that they being "brave Muslims" would militarily crush "Hindu India". Leave alone the absurdity of the argument from historical perspective, it soon became clear to the PA that it is not happening.

Those "hans ke liya tha Pakistan, lad ke lenge Hindustan" slogans were meant to be bitten to the dust.

Then 1971 proved something more. The Hindus were better fighters and strategists! The surrender of 93,000 proved this once and for all.

Despite all facts and despite the drones and OBL drama and much more, people still want to believe that anyone cares for their "buzdili" and "bahaduri"!

The facts are different and people will come to terms with them slowly.

It is important that we make them aware of our perspective.
It is not that we are afraid of US Sanctions , or anything else , it is just that Historically Pakistan has adopted to testing its big weapons after indian does , which gives us an argument we can use in the International forum that since India did it we will had no other choice .

Pakistan has the policy best described in Punjabi as

'Hun Suna , Changa Ryan aye "

The tested 6 Nukes we Tested 7 .
They tested Brahmos CM with 300km Range , We Tested Babur with 700km Range.
They made CM an Navel Version , we made Raad an Air Version .
They said they will make Tejus, We Made JF-17 .

And things like that .

Rest Assured we have the Capability , & Resources to test an ICMB when ever we want.
No offence, WJ.

But when do you think that "need" arises? pak's goals for all of the forseeable future are obssesed with
India and India alone.
There is always the Nicobar Islands.

Why do you guys always name your weapons/missiles after Indian/Afghan figures? (i.e. Babur/Tipu (Sultan))

Along with Ghauri, Abdali and Babur..... They were all Muslim Kings and Leaders.
BTW those names are fanboy terms. Those missiles dont even exist they're not even in development,
its all a fanboy-created myth that came when India announced A3/5 projects.

Let me tell you a little story, back in the 80s, when Pakistan tested it's short range HATF-1 & 2 series of missiles, the Indian war lords dismissed them as mere firecrackers, but as soon as Ghauri-1 streaked across the sky, the nuclear gene had to come out.
As i said keep it close to your heart.
I agree, thats why I refuse to take this show of buzdili from Pakistan standing down. Because the way we are behaving shows ke hum Indians jese buzdil logon se bhi zyada buzdil hain. Humare liay toh yeh doob marne ka makaam hona chahiye. OR lets do something about it and change this government that insists on making us buzdils.

Not expected from a super mod. What do you mean by 'Indians jese buzdil logon'; It is fine for you to say that 'Pakistan's jese buzdil logon', after all you are a Pakistani and you know about Pakistanis, but not about Indians.
Not expected from a super mod. What do you mean by 'Indians jese buzdil logon'; It is fine for you to say that 'Pakistan's jese buzdil logon', after all you are a Pakistani and you know about Pakistanis, but not about Indians.

He is having a bit of fun man. Aren't you Asim? :flame:

It must be a pain to be a figure of authority on a forum like this.

I wouldn't do it if you paid me to!

By and large the fun and enthu of trading insults wanes after an initial flurry.

Afterwards you deal with people based on what they write and how they think.

Mostly you ignore.
Not expected from a super mod. What do you mean by 'Indians jese buzdil logon'; It is fine for you to say that 'Pakistan's jese buzdil logon', after all you are a Pakistani and you know about Pakistanis, but not about Indians.

He is right about his country and delusional about india
I agree, thats why I refuse to take this show of buzdili from Pakistan standing down. Because the way we are behaving shows ke hum Indians jese buzdil logon se bhi zyada buzdil hain. Humare liay toh yeh doob marne ka makaam hona chahiye. OR lets do something about it and change this government that insists on making us buzdils.

Asim Aquil clearly suffers from the psychiatric condition called "Missile Envy " that has been spreading like a contagious disease among Pakistanis even since india test fired Agni -5 .
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