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Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

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Asim Aquil clearly suffers from the psychiatric condition called "Missile Envy " that has been spreading like a contagious disease among Pakistanis even since india test fired Agni -5 .

I have not said one bad thing about the Agni 5.
why you put china in every post ?? :lol:

Afraid to stand alone ???

Because he felt it appropriate he does not need your permission

I have not said one bad thing about the Agni 5.

yea these Indians have a psyche they try to twist everything as if we give a xxxxx about what Indians do or dont
He is having a bit of fun man. Aren't you Asim? :flame:

I am actually attacking Pakistani policies and their support to Buzdili. Indians keep jumping in the line of fire :). I've said it over and over in this thread, tried to give hints, but pettiness runs deep.

Even a smart guy like Vinod is trying to convince me "We are not cowards". Ok fine you maybe are not and I'm wrong. Why bother convincing me? But I'm addressing Pakistanis here, who are convinced that Indians pee in their pants at the very mention of a Pakistani - then how come they don't give a damn and do things for their national interest.

Somehow all our show of national interest lately is to be a buzdil and India's is to be brave.

We are behaving worse than Indians, doob maro.

why you put china in every post ?? :lol:

Afraid to stand alone ???

I will be very happy alone, ek China hi toh hai. You have the world with you. Got to give it to us Pakistanis there, that we still stand up against you. Not so impressively these days, but it is literally a world against us.
I am actually attacking Pakistani policies and their support to Buzdili. .....................But I'm addressing Pakistanis here, who are convinced that Indians pee in their pants at the very mention of a Pakistani - then how come they don't give a damn and do things for their national interest.

Somehow all our show of national interest lately is to be a buzdil and India's is to be brave.

We are behaving worse than Indians, doob maro.......................

Your reverse psychology will need a spark of conscience to work, a spark that has gone cold for decades. It will take more than mere words to relight that fire.

The attempt is appreciated, though.
why you put china in every post ?? :lol:

Afraid to stand alone ???

Because it concerns China too.....also NK.

Whenever China, Pakistan or NK tests a missile Uncle SAM forces the world to jump in the China-Pakistan-NK bashing bandwagon.
Shove your sound bites we know where you stand or should I say kneel

Easy there. Human nature is complex, and motives and agendas are complex. Your opinion of people, especially if negative should not be fixed in stone. I still consider the American system, their internal one, one of the best ones.

I quote from Jinnah the movie, a statement from the Character that played the most respected Pakistani woman - Fatima Ali Jinnah.

The British are our friends and masters. We do not want them to be our masters, but wish them to remain our friends.

Your reverse psychology will need a spark of conscience to work, a spark that has gone cold for decades. It will take more than mere words to relight that fire.

The attempt is appreciated, though.

It's not. I'm a creation of Pakistan, and I think so are you. So are many others and katra katra karke hi dariya banta hai. It is human nature to keep pushing for what they want or pushing against what they don't want. I refuse to accept a buzdil Pakistan and hence I will push.

The British are our friends and masters. We do not want them to be our masters, but wish them to remain our friends.

Friendship is earned and is by choice.
It's not. I'm a creation of Pakistan, and I think so are you. So are many others and katra katra karke hi dariya banta hai. It is human nature to keep pushing for what they want or pushing against what they don't want. I refuse to accept a buzdil Pakistan and hence I will push.

Yes, but the rate of katra deposition has to be measured against the huge desert that soaks it up, proverbially speaking, of course.
Yes, but the rate of katra deposition has to be measured against the huge desert that soaks it up, proverbially speaking, of course.

Thankfully we're hoping a Tsunami is on the way.
Thankfully we're hoping a Tsunami is on the way.

Yes, a tsunami will irrigate the desert for sure, since that is what is needed.

I hope you get what you are wishing for and not the same old "change" that is really not.

(I will join in as soon as I finish my Big Mac and my bucket of KFC! :D )
Yes, a tsunami will irrigate the desert for sure, since that is what is needed.

I hope you get what you are wishing for and not the same old "change" that is really not.

(I will join in as soon as I finish my Big Mac and my bucket of KFC! :D )

A Tsunami would not irrigate the desert as I from the region.

Also big mac and kfc is not halal.

Maybe you should start eating halal, so the urge you feel for treachery quells.
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