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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

Maybe deep down they know they're wrong?
It's hard to risk your life when you don't believe in the justice of your path
I don't know about that. they have a pretty good reason to wipe Israel off the map, but they don't seem to have the guts to pay the price.
Maybe deep down they know they're wrong?
It's hard to risk your life when you don't believe in the justice of your path

I wouldn't say that, a Muslim emaan can be weak but deep down in their hearts they know it's right.
Another interpretation is:
In biblical days, God punished men by letting it rain fire and brimstone from the sky.
Nowadays, he is letting it rain Hellfires and GBU-82s through his tool - the USAF.

In short, the Israelis Win, because they are protected by God...
Hasn't it come little late? I mean 5K years!!!!!
All us Muslims need is a leader to unite us all into one ummah.

36000 NATO troops deployed in the region and Israel is there just to prevent this.
Same forces are at work to prevent unified EU as well. 100,000 troops are deployed there.
1) that didn't help them in 1973 Ramadan war, the Arabs had the same things and won(at least Egypt, Syria did good too but not as well as Egypt.. they both knew they were fighting the US through a proxy! so faith and principles were at their highest..)

2) When the Arabs united in 1973, they won the war and forced Usrael to negotiate and give back the biggest chunk of land it had ever taken from them by way of deception from the US)

3) The Arabs too are united since 1973 and much stronger now than anyone in the ME including Usrael.. the real problem is the US.. and as the saying goes.."when you can't beat him, join him"..and since no one can beat the US, not even other superpowers who have decided to join it.. it is a smart move to join the US, that gives some leverage and influence to the Arabs on all issues, including Palestine..this is a good and smart politico-strategic move that will bear fruits in the future..while the Usraeli bond with the US will be weakened.. Since they know that they will get nothing if they try to fight the US itself..the most powerful military and economic nation on earth..that is not that much hostile to them apart from the Usraeli problem..

You do realise that Israel basically gave back the land due to sheer administrative issue.

Arabs were never unified against Israel. They had each their own agenda.

I value your nationalistic flair but please spare me the debate.

My only concern is that Israel should declare its permanent border. A two state solution where few sustainable years of peace can be given to the poor Palestinians.

That place will never see permanent peace.
1) that didn't help them in 1973 Ramadan war, the Arabs had the same things and won(at least Egypt, Syria did good too but not as well as Egypt.. they both knew they were fighting the US through a proxy! so faith and principles were at their highest..)

2) When the Arabs united in 1973, they won the war and forced Usrael to negotiate and give back the biggest chunk of land it had ever taken from them by way of deception from the US)

3) The Arabs too are united since 1973 and much stronger now than anyone in the ME including Usrael.. the real problem is the US.. and as the saying goes.."when you can't beat him, join him"..and since no one can beat the US, not even other superpowers who have decided to join it.. it is a smart move to join the US, that gives some leverage and influence to the Arabs on all issues, including Palestine..this is a good and smart politico-strategic move that will bear fruits in the future..while the Usraeli bond with the US will be weakened.. Since they know that they will get nothing if they try to fight the US itself..the most powerful military and economic nation on earth..that is not that much hostile to them apart from the Usraeli problem..

1.)that didn't help them in 1973 Yom-Kippur war, the Jews had the same things and won(at least the IAF, IDF did good too but not as well as IAF.. they both knew they were fighting Russia through a proxy! so faith and principles were at their highest..)

2.)The Arabs didn't unite in 73
They didn't win the war
And they didn't force Israel to negotiate
They actually succumbed to the will of Israel
*Reminder: The Israeli government convened in June 1967 and decided to hand Sinai to Egypt in exchange for peace as quickly as possible.

3.)The Arabs are not united from the days of the caliphate until today
The Arabs are no stronger than Israel, Turkey, Iran
The real problem of the Arabs is the Arabs themselves
"it is a smart move to join the US" - yes it is
But the Arabs didn't fight against the US, but against Israel
The United States itself never fought alongside Israel, and usually only "got in the way" of Israel.

I don't know about that. they have a pretty good reason to wipe Israel off the map, but they don't seem to have the guts to pay the price.
Can be
But before the establishment of the State of Israel, many Arab officials said that no one could deny that the Land of Israel (Palestine) was the land of the Jews, and that the Temple was the Temple of the Jews.
Maybe it's a combination of both things...
Hasn't it come little late? I mean 5K years!!!!!

It will stay another 5k years.

He meant to say. As long as it is an arab issue or Palestinian issue. Israel will win.

When it becomes a Muslim issue it will get tough.

When it becomes an Islamic issue Muslims will rule Jerusalem again. Inshallah. Wallahu alem.

And yes lol
I don't know about that. they have a pretty good reason to wipe Israel off the map, but they don't seem to have the guts to pay the price.

It just doesn't seem worth it in my honest opinion. I don't like the Israeli government but if they give all Palestinian people equal rights than Israel will become the best nation in the Middle East most likely Iran will make peace since the largest source of contention will be dropped and the Arabs don't have a viable reason anymore to realy hate Israel other than the previous wars. But the radical right-wing likud has the idea of keeping the international spotlight off the Palestinian issue all the while taking more and more UN recognized Palestinian land in the ultimate goal to have Israel to be a Jew only nation (or Jew majority nation). Idk Israel doesn't come off as a "nation" in my eyes more like an enclave/beach head.

I would f***ing love for our country to disengage completely from the Middle East (buts that impossible due to the dual-citizens and foreign agents in our government and institutions keeping us there for a litany or reasons all detrimental).
Doesn't say anywhere about the weapons and funds the refugees acquired.
Weapons from Stalin through Czechoslovakia
Money through Jews from around the world, and from the local economy
1.)that didn't help them in 1973 Yom-Kippur war, the Jews had the same things and won(at least the IAF, IDF did good too but not as well as IAF.. they both knew they were fighting Russia through a proxy! so faith and principles were at their highest..)

2.)The Arabs didn't unite in 73
They didn't win the war
And they didn't force Israel to negotiate
They actually succumbed to the will of Israel
*Reminder: The Israeli government convened in June 1967 and decided to hand Sinai to Egypt in exchange for peace as quickly as possible.

3.)The Arabs are not united from the days of the caliphate until today
The Arabs are no stronger than Israel, Turkey, Iran
The real problem of the Arabs is the Arabs themselves
"it is a smart move to join the US" - yes it is
But the Arabs didn't fight against the US, but against Israel
The United States itself never fought alongside Israel, and usually only "got in the way" of Israel.

Can be
But before the establishment of the State of Israel, many Arab officials said that no one could deny that the Land of Israel (Palestine) was the land of the Jews, and that the Temple was the Temple of the Jews.
Maybe it's a combination of both things...

It "was" the land of Jews...emphasize on WAS. then comes the British Empire and UN and they decide this will be the homeland of Jews once more, but hey that's how it is. Muslims had their chance to remove the Jews, but they blew it.
It just doesn't seem worth it in my honest opinion. I don't like the Israeli government but if they give all Palestinian people equal rights than Israel will become the best nation in the Middle East most likely Iran will make peace since the largest source of contention will be dropped and the Arabs don't have a viable reason anymore to realy hate Israel other than the previous wars. But the radical right-wing likud has the idea of keeping the international spotlight off the Palestinian issue all the while taking more and more UN recognized Palestinian land in the ultimate goal to have Israel to be a Jew only nation (or Jew majority nation). Idk Israel doesn't come off as a "nation" in my eyes more like an enclave/beach head.

I would f***ing love for our country to disengage completely from the Middle East (buts that impossible due to the dual-citizens and foreign agents in our government and institutions keeping us there for a litany or reasons all detrimental).
I can summarize your response in one sentence
You are so American, don't understand anything about how the world works (and the Middle East in particular)

It "was" the land of Jews...emphasize on WAS. then comes the British Empire and UN and they decide this will be the homeland of Jews once more, but hey that's how it is. Muslims had their chance to remove the Jews, but they blew it.
The Land of Israel has belonged to the people of Israel continuously for 3000 years, and to this day.
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