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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

I suggest not to waste your time on Fenasi The Donkey.

He lost the plot when he told that Arabs had short-lived empires forgetting that Arabs ruled the Islamic Caliphate for 1000 years. 1 millennia. From the very beginning until 1517.

He lost the plot when he started comparing Greek, Persian and "Turkish" empires with Arabs ones despite the Arab ones being 3 times larger and much more numerous and most importantly more influential. Only the Greek ones are comparable. Let alone Semitic ones which equals Turkic (we all know that Anatolians are Turkified people as DNA confirmed ages ago) and Iranic. Neither Turkic nor Iranic people reach the knees of the Semitic military history, list of empires let alone contribution to humanity and number of ancient civilizations and their contribution. It is like comparing the history of Iraq with that of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan etc. Makes zero sense. Much more influential too whether Semitic or Arabic ones (same people and same family).

Everything that I told can be confirmed by this list:


As for "mighty" Turkey, it cannot deal with Kurds (PKK) after 30 years of fighting, cannot deal with tiny Northern Syria or KRG. Faced a coup last year. Terrorist attacks left and right for 2 + years. Large parts of Turkey are at war. Bad example.

As for history, the Ottomans (who at their largest point in history (1683) had a 3 times smaller empire than the Umayyads, Abbasids - who combined ruled for much longer), also smaller than the Rashidun, were called the sick man of Europe for 2-3 centuries. They would have been annexed by the Russian Empire during the Crimean War if not for the West saving them. Similarly it would have been swallowed up by Russia had they not had the German Empire on their side during WW1. BTW this is a funny thing, kafir Germans are halal but kafir Brits are haram. But that's another discussion.

Just ignore the Arab-obsessed troll.

Let me repeat myself so the troll becomes even more insane:

Anyway to the great distress of many here on this forum, Arab states are only going to become more powerful by each year. Growing populations, growing economies, more educated people, more powerful militaries etc. We will be back to where we were for most of the recorded history which is at the forefront or very close to it. Rest assured and our greatest assets won't be our vast lands, vast resources, unparalleled ancient history but human resources! So let them bark while it lasts.

Maybe you need a visit from an Arabian horse to calm down. You would probably volunteer.

Anyway despite a few Arab-obsessed Turkish users (if they are even Turkish) Arabs and Turks have no problems.

Which 1000's upon 1000's of comments from Turks confirm on Arab-related videos on Youtube.

Let us take this example of an Arab song that has over 500 million views and almost 75.000 comments. Every third comment or so is from a Turk only saying nice things to Arabs.

Proof (check out the comments yourself):

I suggest for the fellow Arab brothers here to ignore this serial Arab-obsessed troll. Similarly my replies are aimed at this individual only as he is as usual starting such discussions. He has not done anything else but provoking Arabs here. Unfortunately I think that he is a double user and not even from Turkey. Sad if my suspicion turns into a reality. I hope not.


LOL at this retarded donkey claiming that Iraqis are hated by Arabs. Don't listen to that moron and go visit the UAE for instance where the largest Iraqi diaspora in the region is located or any GCC country, Yemen, Egypt, Syria etc. Even poor Yemen hosted a very large Iraqi diaspora after 2003 as well and no reports of any bad treatment. Iraqis loved being there despite not being the West. Never heard about Iraqis being treated bad anywhere outside of some small episodes in Jordan. What an idiot! Can't count to 10 in Arabic but is acting like a Arabist with a Ph.D. from Oxford University. What a joke! Every Arab nationality thinks that they are "disliked" for some reason. Insecurity and nothing else. In reality there is no such things.

Iraqis are well-liked a lot due to a lot of things. Total nonsense. Absurd nonsense.
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That is why you are too arrogant..
Where have you seen Arabs losing.. they put Usrael on the death bed in 1973 and you still say they lose.. go ask Golda Mayier in her grave she might tell you again..

You can talk about me, but i know your are targeting Arabs and Muslims.. anyway the Jews are the most superstitious humans one can find.. that is enough to see their backwardness..
if it wasn't for the US total support, the Zionists will be at the bottom of humanity..

Israel is surviving on the sweat and money of the goyim.
@Fenasi Kerim

Either way, now 'on topic', and given I know more about Iraq than other Arab states I can add some more input from a source as to why the Arab militaries suffer internal problems.

Have a read about the 2003 collapse and why most forces didn't put up a fight. I read it recently, very informative and issues apply to the organization when it fought Israel as well. But it's mostly regarding organization/command structures, all that won't aid you in bashing Arabs so there's little chance you will read it. Because after all you're not here to find an answer.


Ra'ad al Hamdani, republican guard corps commander gave a lot of input during an interview. He held a PhD in military science, I think his input can show what the issue in these armies are better than you can right? Will you read it or do you want to insult Arabs?

Short part
Iraq’s history made Saddam Hussein fear coups. The Baathists originally came to power in Iraq in a take over in 1963 for example, only to be forced out that same year. Five years later they finally seized control of the state permanently. To stave off any threats to his power Saddam ruled through fear. He would constantly remove any official he felt might pose a threat to him, and constantly purged the ranks of the military. Not only that, but the Iraqi dictator imposed harsh restrictions upon the officer corps and army. For instance, officers couldn’t talk to each other. They couldn’t move their forces without orders from the top. Units couldn’t coordinate with each other. Training and combat exercises were severely restricted. The armed forces, with the exception of the Special Republican Guard couldn’t enter the capital, and were generally kept out of the urban areas out of apprehensions that they might conspire with civilians or members of the Baath Party. This culture made the Iraqi military combat ineffective, and helped spell their demise when the Americans came in 2003.

Same problems back in the 60's and 70's, for Iraq, Syria and Egypt. These militaries weren't optimized for warfare, they were optimized as holding forces for internal control; politics heavily dictated their inner structure and working mechanisms which results in an ineffective force.
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That is why you are too arrogant..
Where have you seen Arabs losing.. they put Usrael on the death bed in 1973 and you still say they lose.. go ask Golda Mayier in her grave she might tell you again..

You can talk about me, but i know your are targeting Arabs and Muslims.. anyway the Jews are the most superstitious humans one can find.. that is enough to see their backwardness..
if it wasn't for the US total support, the Zionists will be at the bottom of humanity..
"That is why you are too arrogant.." - True!

"Where have you seen Arabs losing.." - Anywhere, you can't miss it.

"they put Usrael on the death bed in 1973" - So why are we still here?

"and you still say they lose.." - Yes, they lost.

"go ask Golda Mayier in her grave she might tell you again.." -
I've already explained to you that politicians in Israel lived in fantasy, and the moment they saw the reality, they panicked. That doesn't mean that what they say during panic is true.
Their judgment has always been worse.

"You can talk about me, but i know your are targeting Arabs and Muslims.." -
I don't care much about Arabs / Muslims,
But I did ask a question about the Arabs.

"anyway the Jews are the most superstitious humans one can find.." - Explain what you mean so I can understand you.

"that is enough to see their backwardness" - If you have not noticed, we are a successful people.

"if it wasn't for the US total support, the Zionists will be at the bottom of humanity.." -
And now I'm sure I got an answer to the question
You are motivated by imagination, not emotion
That is why the Arabs (Israelis) were always right when they said that in the Middle East the imagination is high developed.
And I thought because of emotion
Well, I'm a human being, sometimes I'm wrong too.

Israel is surviving on the sweat and money of the goyim.
Where is this money?
I'm out of cigarettes and I want to smoke!!
"That is why you are too arrogant.." - True!

"Where have you seen Arabs losing.." - Anywhere, you can't miss it.

"they put Usrael on the death bed in 1973" - So why are we still here?

"and you still say they lose.." - Yes, they lost.

"go ask Golda Mayier in her grave she might tell you again.." -
I've already explained to you that politicians in Israel lived in fantasy, and the moment they saw the reality, they panicked. That doesn't mean that what they say during panic is true.
Their judgment has always been worse.

"You can talk about me, but i know your are targeting Arabs and Muslims.." -
I don't care much about Arabs / Muslims,
But I did ask a question about the Arabs.

"anyway the Jews are the most superstitious humans one can find.." - Explain what you mean so I can understand you.

"that is enough to see their backwardness" - If you have not noticed, we are a successful people.

"if it wasn't for the US total support, the Zionists will be at the bottom of humanity.." -
And now I'm sure I got an answer to the question
You are motivated by imagination, not emotion
That is why the Arabs (Israelis) were always right when they said that in the Middle East the imagination is high developed.
And I thought because of emotion
Well, I'm a human being, sometimes I'm wrong too.

Where is this money?
I'm out of cigarettes and I want to smoke!!
Successful and the rest is only in you minds.. that comes with US support otherwise I told you where you belong.. you don't live in reality, you deny it, you are still scared to death from the Arabs.. who are supposed to be losers. lost..losing. why is that? if you weren't the real losers..


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War of independence, Sinai war, war of attrition, six day war etc all Israeli victories against multiple Arab foes.

What made Israel so successful fighting on multiple fronts against multiple Arab armies namely Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon etc.

Do you think they could have pulled this off against another group of nations? replace Arab states Egypt, Syria, Iraq & Saudi with Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or Malaysia.

Or was it the sheer incompetence of Arab armies and politicians that they lost every war against Israel?

It's simple! It got USA/Europeans states backing, without their support Israel won't last a day.
Saudi freemason Jews taking photo with their beloved cousins :

View attachment 413766

Obvious photoshop. Pathetic attempt. What has that to do with the topic at hand Irani troll? Do you see Iran being relevant in this thread?

The only "Saudi Arabian" - USraeli meeting was a retired Saudi Arabian general (Anwar Eskhi) visiting Al-Quds (Jerusalem) to meet with Palestinian and USraeli officials:

Ahmedinejad is a Zionist Jew!


Grow up. Amazing how obsessed you are with Arabs. Are there really that many Arabs in Tehran for you to be this obsessed?

No need to be doing a service for the USraelis here by posting hilarious propaganda.
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Successful and the rest is only in you minds.. that comes with US support otherwise I told you where you belong.. you don't live in reality, you deny it, you are still scared to death from the Arabs.. who are supposed to be losers. lost..losing. why is that? if you weren't the real losers..
"Successful and the rest is only in you minds.. that comes with US support otherwise I told you where you belong.." - We are a successful people long before the US existed.

"you are still scared to death from the Arabs.. who are supposed to be losers. lost..losing. why is that? if you weren't the real losers.." -
Here's another example of how you live in your imagination
Everyone in Israel is eager to fight all our Arab and non-Arab enemies. All the discourse in Israeli society talks about the fact that the elites prevent us from going out and fighting because they are pacifists.
But in your Middle Eastern imagination, the Jews are cowards, weak, and the Arabs (in your case) are the best and strongest in the world.
Exactly because of this, because you are not aware of the reality you (the Arabs) eat shit again and again.
How will you return to the Arab Golden Age if you continue to live in a movie?

It's simple! It got USA/Europeans states backing, without their support Israel won't last a day.
They didn't support Israel in 1948 for example
The British actually supported the Jordanians

Obvious photoshop. Pathetic attempt. What has that to do with the topic at hand Irani troll? Do you see Iran being relevant in this thread?

The only "Saudi Arabian" - USraeli meeting was a retired Saudi Arabian general (Anwar Eskhi) visiting Al-Quds (Jerusalem) to met with Palestinian and USraeli officials:

Ahmedinejad is a Zionist Jew!


Grow up. Amazing how obsessed you are with Arabs. Are there really that many Arabs in Tehran for you to be this obsessed?

No need to be doing a service for the USraelis here by posting hilarious propaganda.
Do not tell him
But Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah are Mossad agents
I hear the saying from radical Muslims "we love death more than you love life" but why did so few Muslims try to retake Palestine?? you look at the wars of 1948,1967, and 1973, and less than a million Muslim fought in these wars and less than 100,00 died. if it takes 10 million Muslim deaths to retake Palestine then why didn't they pay that price??

look at the war in Syria 500,000 Muslim fighters dead!! going on 7 years war, look at the Iraq/Iran war 500,000 to 1 million Muslim fighters dead 8 years war, look at Vietnam millions dead 30 year conflict, look at Korean war millions dead, look at WW2 tens of million dead, WW1 millions dead, etc etc to achieve their goal

so how come Muslims are scared to die to retake Palestine and eliminate the Jews once and for all??

if you love death more than life then you should pay the price. Jews have dozens if not 100s of nuclear weapons, but Muslims should pay the price of 500 million dead to retake Palestine.
"Successful and the rest is only in you minds.. that comes with US support otherwise I told you where you belong.." - We are a successful people long before the US existed.

"you are still scared to death from the Arabs.. who are supposed to be losers. lost..losing. why is that? if you weren't the real losers.." -
Here's another example of how you live in your imagination
Everyone in Israel is eager to fight all our Arab and non-Arab enemies. All the discourse in Israeli society talks about the fact that the elites prevent us from going out and fighting because they are pacifists.
But in your Middle Eastern imagination, the Jews are cowards, weak, and the Arabs (in your case) are the best and strongest in the world.
Exactly because of this, because you are not aware of the reality you (the Arabs) eat shit again and again.
How will you return to the Arab Golden Age if you continue to live in a movie?

They didn't support Israel in 1948 for example
The British actually supported the Jordanians

Do not tell him
But Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah are Mossad agents

So I guess all the weapons and money were god sent from above the sky during 1948 war. Only outcome I can come up with.
I hear the saying from radical Muslims "we love death more than you love life" but why did so few Muslims try to retake Palestine?? you look at the wars of 1948,1967, and 1973, and less than a million Muslim fought in these wars and less than 100,00 died. if it takes 10 million Muslim deaths to retake Palestine then why didn't they pay that price??

look at the war in Syria 500,000 Muslim fighters dead!! going on 7 years war, look at the Iraq/Iran war 500,000 to 1 million Muslim fighters dead 8 years war, look at Vietnam millions dead 30 year conflict, look at Korean war millions dead, look at WW2 tens of million dead, WW1 millions dead, etc etc to achieve their goal

so how come Muslims are scared to die to retake Palestine and eliminate the Jews once and for all??

if you love death more than life then you should pay that price. Jews have 100 of nuclear weapons, but Muslims should pay the price of hundred of millions dead to retake Palestine.
Maybe deep down they know they're wrong?
It's hard to risk your life when you don't believe in the justice of your path
I hear the saying from radical Muslims "we love death more than you love life" but why did so few Muslims try to retake Palestine?? you look at the wars of 1948,1967, and 1973, and less than a million Muslim fought in these wars and less than 100,00 died. if it takes 10 million Muslim deaths to retake Palestine then why didn't they pay that price??

look at the war in Syria 500,000 Muslim fighters dead!! going on 7 years war, look at the Iraq/Iran war 500,000 to 1 million Muslim fighters dead 8 years war, look at Vietnam millions dead 30 year conflict, look at Korean war millions dead, look at WW2 tens of million dead, WW1 millions dead, etc etc to achieve their goal

so how come Muslims are scared to die to retake Palestine and eliminate the Jews once and for all??

if you love death more than life then you should pay that price. Jews have 100 of nuclear weapons, but Muslims should pay the price of hundred of millions dead to retake Palestine.

All us Muslims need is a leader to unite us all into one ummah.
So I guess all the weapons and money were god sent from above the sky during 1948 war. Only outcome I can come up with.
If you bothered to read all the posts you would understand alone
Go back to post # 57 and see
Israelis win because they have faith and they believe in their principles.

They are stronger and united unlike Arabs or Persians.

They have conviction and the strategy for that.
1) that didn't help them in 1973 Ramadan war, the Arabs had the same things and won (at least Egypt, Syria did good too but not as well as Egypt.. they both knew they were fighting the US through a proxy! so faith and principles were at their highest..)

2) When the Arabs united in 1973, they won the war and forced Usrael to negotiate and give back the biggest chunk of land it had ever taken from them by way of deception from the US)

3) The Arabs too are united since 1973 and much stronger now than anyone in the ME including Usrael.. the real problem is the US.. and as the saying goes.."when you can't beat them, join them"..and since no one can beat the US, not even other superpowers who have decided to join it.. it is a smart move to join the US, that gives some leverage and influence to the Arabs on all issues, including Palestine..this is a good and smart politico-strategic move that will bear fruits in the future..while the Usraeli bond with the US will be weakened.. Since they know that they will get nothing if they try to fight the US itself..the most powerful military and economic nation on earth..that is not that much hostile to them apart from the Usraeli problem..
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