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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

You got me.

The Israelis had Gundam Wing suits for their airforce, 25 Aircraft carriers for the navy, and laser guns for infantry.

Oh and Godzilla was spotted attacking Sham el Sheik at night.
Yes they had all that and the US NATO depot open to them.. do you have any facts to talk about or just some fantasy stories? sarcasm is forbidden on PDF.. you might get banned for that..
What a knitted video to express some opinion.. just patched from here and there to convene some propaganda..

Sissi or not the Egyptian army is a very powerful one.. look what happened in 1973, that is 44 years ago.. today.. well, no comments..

It depends on what war you are talking about.. they fought 4 wars, 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973!.. what you are saying was true for the first two wars and to some extent the 3rd one.. after that everything was corrected..and 1973 showed completely different Arab armies..

1973 was too late to fix things mate. Israel was at another level then.
The Syrian army has gained tremendous experience since 2011. Once restructured and rebuilt (with or without Al-Assad) it will be a quite battle-hardened and experienced army. I would not underestimate it.

Yes, there are some structural problems that have been mentioned in this thread and in that video that was posted but it's not something that will occur forever nor is it something that is even relevant for most of the Arab armies of today. It's a bit outdated (to put it mildly) and based on the Soviet model because many, if not most, of the militarized Arab armies of the past were USSR allies and their armies were based on the USSR model.

For some reason Arab armies are judged differently than all other armies. As if there are perfect armies out there.

Anyway this topic has been discussed to death 100 times on PDF. Not sure why there is a tradition of creating this topic again and again every 6 months or so? Always the same ignorant individuals and trolls involved. From countries that have ironically never faced an enemy even comparable to the US or USrael for instance. Funny world.

For how long are we going to discuss old wars that have no relevance to today?

BTW this is about modern-day Arab armies. If we look at military history very few people can even reach the knees of Arabs when it comes to military history, battles won, number of conquests, empires, kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, sheikdoms, imamates and the size and influence of them.

Anyway carry on.
That is because when some trolling minded individuals go visit the Middle East and Arab Defence sections they get sick..mentally and physically, because they see and hear things they have never thought about.. please brother don't make them more jealous, some might die on us here, or go commit suicide, like their army in northern Syria, just to verify if they are still men..

1973 was too late to fix things mate. Israel was at another level then.
It is never too late.. better late than never.. friend
That Usraeli level was levelled down and the technology gap was tightened to minimum..
That is because when some trolling minded individuals go visit the Middle East and Arab Defence sections they get sick..mentally and physically, because they see and hear things they have never thought about.. please brother don't make them more jealous, some might die on us here, or go commit suicide, like their army in northern Syria, just to verify if they are still men..

It is never too late.. better late than never.. friend
That Usraeli level was levelled down and the technology gap was tightened to minimum..

Arab Armies had no experience during all these three wars. Professional Drills was something unknown to them. All they did was fart into the desert with ribbons on. While Israel had many professional European Jews who fought the WW2.

@jammersat aka @Gothic

is not an Iranian but a poor emigrant Afghan. So ignore him.

Ps. According to forum rules he must get permanently banned because he's permanently banned once.

Iranian society because of drug smuggling and very high number crimes of Afghans inside Iran don't like Afghans at all.

wow so you guys are also experiencing this viz a viz Afghans. i was under impression that since Iran had always limited Afghan refugees to camps hence you must be safe from their spread to other parts of the city unlike Pakistan where they are everywhere .
Arab Armies had no experience during all these three wars. Professional Drills was something unknown to them. All they did was fart into the desert with ribbons on. While Israel had many professional European Jews who fought the WW2.
That is true for the the 1948 war only.. the rest, well you browse to other posts where it was explained..
wow so you guys are also experiencing this viz a viz Afghans. i was under impression that since Iran had always limited Afghan refugees to camps hence you must be safe from their spread to other parts of the city unlike Pakistan where they are everywhere .
I don't insult all of Afghans. There are good people among them.

But unfortunately many crimes plus drug smuggling done by Afghans in Iran. So they're not that popular in majority of Iranian society.

Probably if Soviets hadn't invaded Afghanistan Afghans wouldn't migrate to other countries. Before Soviet invasion Afghanistan was a semi developed beautiful country.
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This is totally based on ignorance of facts..with some trolling attached to it.. if not some poison in the brain against Arabs.. you have been itching and trolling for a long time to boost Turkish warrior skills on the back of Arabs..well let me tell you something.. Those ISIS guys were Arabs armed with Kalashnikovs and Rpg's and it took 2 world powers plus another 20 or more countries in a coalition to face them, and they still gave them a very hard time.. Don't talk about Arabs with ignorance.. there is a book you should read that clarifies all these concerns.. it is called "O Jerusalem" try to find it and read it if you are genuinely interested in this subject..
But your post indicate some inferiority complex, and you are trying to pull Pakistan to it too, just to insult the Arabs who were your masters for centuries..

Everything I stated is a fact, Arab armies lost every war mentioned against Israel. I am not even going into the Iran - Iraq war, we could further go into the incompetence if your "mighty armies" back then.

Do you really think that? IS has been mainly fighting other Arab factions & armies, the Syrian and Iraqi's who dropped there guns and ran, surrendered a whole cities. Without the help of Iranian, Russian, US that the war would have never turned around.

If the coalition brought there full force IS would fall in a matter of weeks, however IS is off topic here troll.

The question remains, did Arab fight badly or did Israel perform great or a combination, the Arabs had most of the early advantages here.
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Three reasons.

1. America

2. America

3. America

There is a fourth, but I can't quite think of it yet........begins with an A..

As mentioned, USA only started to support Israel militarily after the six day war.
USA forced UK and France to retreat 1956.
Arabs in 1948 had almost no armies, let alone officers..While the Zionists just came out of WW2 with all the experience of a total war and the most modern equipments, tactics and strategies of the allies who backed them with everything, they have started weapons' factories in Palestine as soon as they arrived, while the most Arabs still had WW1 carbines to fight with, except Jordan who had a very good Armoured brigade equipped and led by British officers.. These are the field realities of 1948..1957 was an attack by a coalition of France, England and Usrael for control of the Egyptian Suez canal..1967 was a surprise attack, while US president Eisenhower told both Usrael and Egypt that the first one to start a war will pay with a dire price, Egypt respected that ultimatum, Usrael as we know from their attack..did not..1973 war tactics and strategies of the Egyptian armed forces are still being studied in the best Western military academies, that tells a lot who won the war.. and today the technological gap is very narrow..

Turks fought almost a 100 wars in Europe and lost most of them.. Why Turks always lose in wars?
You have so many mistakes

The war began in 1947 between the Arab gangs and the Jewish militias.
In 1948 Arab armies intervened.
There were almost no Jews who were war veterans from the Second World War who came to Israel.
Israel established the IDF only in 1948 (and it still operated like a militia rather than an army).
Israel and Jordan had a kind of agreement in which it was agreed that Jordan would take control of Judea and Samaria so that an Arab state would not be established there.
Jordan and Israel always had deals under the table
The Jordanians proposed to Israel, to establish a united federation that would be an Israeli prime minister and a Jordanian prime minister, and the head of the federation would be the Jordanian king and together they would all take over the Middle East(Israel did not agree).
The rest of the Arab armies didn't fight most of the time, they simply moved their forces into Arab areas.
Israel had no strategy, the Jews failed time after time.
The weapons came from Czechoslovakia.
The only reason Israel won was because Arab armies barely did anything, and the rest of the Arabs simply fled.
The allies prevented Israel from acquiring weapons
The person who helped Israel was Stalin, through Czechoslovakia.

There is nothing to talk about
Egypt had no chance against a coalition of Britain, France and Israel
It has nothing to do with the topic

Israel launched a war because of provocation by the Arabs, the Egyptians threw the United Nations forces and brought in large forces to Sinai, the Egyptians blocked the sea routes of Israel in the Red Sea, and called day and night to destroy Israel.
Israel launched a preemptive attack "Operation Moked" which was successful,
The rest of the war was Arab escaping and the Israeli soldiers pursued them without even asking the commanders, which led to Israel occupying territories it had not planned to conquer.
In the face of the trained (and not cowardly) Jordanian forces, Israel found it difficult, but finally won.
All this war is more a loss of the Arabs than a victory for Israel.
The Israeli generals were cut off from everything that was happening on the ground, the soldiers in the field did whatever they wanted.
The only success Israel has had is Operation "Moked".

After the Six-Day War, the stupid politicians and generals in Israel thought they could do anything.
And they were wrong, because they conducted the wars badly, luckily they had good soldiers and commanders on the ground, and a cowardly opponent.
In 1973, although everyone in Israel knew that there was going to be a war, they did nothing, they thought they were tactical geniuses and that they would always succeed without effort.
The Egyptians and the Syrians showed them that they were wrong.
The Egyptians (in a brilliant manner) and the Syrians opened the war well and managed to settle on the eastern side of the Suez Canal and the Golan. The command in Israel was in shock (the fools thought they were the best in the world) and did not function.
Then the soldiers on the ground simply refused orders and acted on their own, which blocked the Egyptians and the Syrians, and then they launched counterattacks while the command was totally disconnected from what was happening on the ground
Only after the cessation of Arab armies and successful Israeli counter-attack, the Americans agreed to send weapons while the Soviets operated an airlift (larger and longer) from the first days of the war.
In the end Israel pushed the Syrians from the Golan and reached the outskirts of Damascus
And in the Sinai the IDF surrounded the Third Army and crossed the Canal towards Egypt when there was no significant force that could stop the IDF from reaching Cairo.
Except for the United States and the Soviet Union, which threatened and pressured Israel to stop and that is how the war ended.
It is important to emphasize that Israel did not succeed in withdrawing all the Egyptian forces from Sinai.
The goal of the Egyptians in the war was to maintain the eastern strip of the Suez Canal, which would give a picture of victory and advantage in the cease-fire agreement with Israel, and thus the Egyptians would be able to return the Sinai and the lost Egyptian honor.
The great mistake of the Egyptians was that they continued to advance into Sinai beyond what they had planned and were exposed to the Israeli Air Force which massacred them like ducks.

Regarding the myth that Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt because of the Yom Kippur War:

The Israeli government convened in June 1967 a few days after the Six-Day War and decided to return the Sinai to Egypt, but in return for peace.

The Egyptians did not agree, they wanted to return the Sinai as the "victors" rather than as "losers".
Only when Egypt managed to achieve something that would be seen as a "victory" (crossing the Suez Canal) Egypt agreed to negotiations based on the Israeli idea of "land for peace".

Have you started imitating others?

Everything I stated is a fact, Arab armies lost every war mentioned against Israel. I am not even going into the Iran - Iraq war, we could further go into the incompetence if your might armies back then.

Do you really think that? IS has been mainly fighting other Arab factions & armies, the Syrian and Iraqi's who dropped there guns and ran, surrendered a whole cities. Without the help of Iranian, Russian, US that the war would have never turned around.

If the coalition brought there full force IS would fall in a matter of weeks, however IS is off topic here troll.

The question remains, did Arab fight badly or did Israel perform great or a combination, the Arabs had most of the early advantages here.
I've already answered that
You'll see my # 57 post
it is simple we were fighting the west
in 1973 the tanks and aircraft sent to isreal are operated by us personals.

if any one can fight us army go and fight isreal
That is because when some trolling minded individuals go visit the Middle East and Arab Defence sections they get sick..mentally and physically, because they see and hear things they have never thought about.. please brother don't make them more jealous, some might die on us here, or go commit suicide, like their army in northern Syria, just to verify if they are still men..

No one is jealous of your military defeats. This is a forum were people express views, not the despotic monarchy your used to.

You realise it is always you and Saif al Camel liking each others posts with "we used to have the best camel archers in the past" type of comments, Arab are not known for there conquests or the cities they conquered, it was a good but short lived empire so stop stroking your own ego's. Sorry but that title most probably belongs to the British, Turks, Mongols, French, Russians etc however we are not talking about the past here.....

Since you made a dig at Northern Syria, yes you can add the Euphrates Shield op to the list of victories of the republic of Turkey and the 2nd Arab country Turkey is occupying.

We are talking about modern armies, republics, modern nations of today. It is not the first time opponents who are vastly outnumbered and technologically inferior defeat bigger and better armies. Every nation has an example of this in there pre-modern and modern history be it a victory or a loss.

The question is, why couldn't modern Arabs armies adapt that they lost consistently to Israel. Otherwise no one is making mockery of the 1000s of Arab martyrs who lost their lives apart from you and Saif al Camel by not learning from history however altering it.

History is made, lesson's should be learnt from it. It is not like Arab armies were stagnating and Israel was growing, they both were around the same level if not Israel was at a disadvantage.
it is simple we were fighting the west
in 1973 the tanks and aircraft sent to isreal are operated by us personals.

if any one can fight us army go and fight isreal
*In all of Israel's wars, only Israeli soldiers fought

*On the same weight, Israel fought against the Soviet Union and won (according to your logic)

*By the way, Soviet pilots flew Egyptian planes, and the Israeli air force intercepted them.
No one is jealous of your military defeats. This is a forum were people express views, not the despotic monarchy your used to.

You realise it is always you and Saif al Camel liking each others posts with "we used to have the best camel archers in the past" type of comments, Arab are not known for there conquests or the cities they conquered, it was a good but short lived empire so stop stroking your own ego's. Sorry but that title most probably belongs to the British, Turks, Mongols, French, Russians etc however we are not talking about the past here.....

Since you made a dig at Northern Syria, yes you can add the Euphrates Shield op to the list of victories of the republic of Turkey and the 2nd Arab country Turkey is occupying.

We are talking about modern armies, republics, modern nations of today. It is not the first time opponents who are vastly outnumbered and technologically inferior defeat bigger and better armies. Every nation has an example of this in there pre-modern and modern history be it a victory or a loss.

The question is, why couldn't modern Arabs armies adapt that they lost consistently to Israel. Otherwise no one is making mockery of the 1000s of Arab martyrs who lost their lives apart from you and Saif al Camel by not learning from history however altering it.

History is made, lesson's should be learnt from it. It is not like Arab armies were stagnating and Israel was growing, they both were around the same level if not Israel was at a disadvantage.

Turkey isn't in a too good shape militarily either
No one is jealous of your military defeats. This is a forum were people express views, not the despotic monarchy your used to.

You realise it is always you and Saif al Camel liking each others posts with "we used to have the best camel archers in the past" type of comments, Arab are not known for there conquests or the cities they conquered, it was a good but short lived empire so stop stroking your own ego's. Sorry but that title most probably belongs to the British, Turks, Mongols, French, Russians etc however we are not talking about the past here.....

Since you made a dig at Northern Syria, yes you can add the Euphrates Shield op to the list of victories of the republic of Turkey and the 2nd Arab country Turkey is occupying.

We are talking about modern armies, republics, modern nations of today. It is not the first time opponents who are vastly outnumbered and technologically inferior defeat bigger and better armies. Every nation has an example of this in there pre-modern and modern history be it a victory or a loss.

The question is, why couldn't modern Arabs armies adapt that they lost consistently to Israel. Otherwise no one is making mockery of the 1000s of Arab martyrs who lost their lives apart from you and Saif al Camel by not learning from history however altering it.

History is made, lesson's should be learnt from it. It is not like Arab armies were stagnating and Israel was growing, they both were around the same level if not Israel was at a disadvantage.
Yes of course the Arabs weren't brutal like the others, and still no one denies their conquest of most of the known world in their time.. only you seem to ignore these facts from history..
You just do not make any sense in your vain efforts to demean the Arabs.. modern or ancient.. a few posts back and you can see a factual explanation about the 4 wars between Usrael and some Arabs, but you obviously have a trolling and negative minded agenda of your own, to try to demean the Arabs who brought you your religion and civilisation.. that does not work here..even if you try your best to get personal..

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