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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

Yes, that is very important.
Without the superior weapons from the US, Iran would never have been able
to defend itself against Iraq.
You would all have been Iraqi citizens by now.

Israel, however would have to do without US support until about 1970,
so neither the War of Independence, the Suez-Crisis nor the six day war depended on
US support.
You are right but with some hypocrisy.. they depended on France and England, why didn't you mention it?

The Jordanians did fight better than the others, they for many years had ex-british officers and training with them in sandhurst. And to this day are considered more competent compared to other armies in the region.

But the hypothesis that American military equipment was superior to Soviet counterparts is false. Arab armies did field more modern pieces in comparison to Israel. The IDF was just better trained and knew the value of each soldier in the country's survival.

Unless i'm mistaken the Jordanians did inflict the most causalities to the IDF also?
You compare the Mig-21 to the F-4.. the Sagger to the TOW, the tanks also? don't pull things from your opinion go back to facts..

@jammersat aka @Gothic

is not an Iranian but a poor emigrant Afghan. So ignore him.

Ps. According to forum rules he must get permanently banned because he's permanently banned once.

Iranian society because of drug smuggling and very high number crimes of Afghans inside Iran don't like Afghans at all.


These Namak Haram Afghans are also pain into our arse in Pakistan. These illiterate goones smuggle narcotics, turn areas into a mess. Turn their children into petty thefts and later bark against the country which is hosting them since all these years.

Arab Armies lacked coordinator and proper communication tactics. They were all in a War but they weren't together into the War. Israel had superior American tech and better Intelligence. While Arabs never payed heed towards HUMINT and better organizational structure.
War of independence, Sinai war, war of attrition, six day war etc all Israeli victories against multiple Arab foes.

What made Israel so successful fighting on multiple fronts against multiple Arab armies namely Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon etc.

Do you think they could have pulled this off against another group of nations? replace Arab states Egypt, Syria, Iraq & Saudi with Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or Malaysia.

Or was it the sheer incompetence of Arab armies and politicians that they lost every war against Israel?


Thank you for an excellent topic for discussion.

Incompetence of the leaders and officers---a lack of total commitment---lack of understanding the true strength of the opponent---lack of understanding the commitment of the opponent to the cause---a lackadaisical approach towards the scenario---.

And the most important of them all---not respecting the strength and valor of the opponent---.
War of independence, Sinai war, war of attrition, six day war etc all Israeli victories against multiple Arab foes.

What made Israel so successful fighting on multiple fronts against multiple Arab armies namely Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon etc.

Do you think they could have pulled this off against another group of nations? replace Arab states Egypt, Syria, Iraq & Saudi with Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or Malaysia.

Or was it the sheer incompetence of Arab armies and politicians that they lost every war against Israel?
This is totally based on ignorance of facts..with some trolling attached to it.. if not some poison in the brain against Arabs.. you have been itching and trolling for a long time to boost Turkish warrior skills on the back of Arabs..well let me tell you something.. Those ISIS guys were Arabs armed with Kalashnikovs and Rpg's and it took 2 world powers plus another 20 or more countries in a coalition to face them, and they still gave them a very hard time.. Don't talk about Arabs with ignorance.. there is a book you should read that clarifies all these concerns.. it is called "O Jerusalem" try to find it and read it if you are genuinely interested in this subject..
But your post indicate some inferiority complex, and you are trying to pull Pakistan to it too, just to insult the Arabs who were your masters for centuries..
Golda Meir was about to commit suicide after being defeated by Arabs(just at the start of the war), but then came USA in picture. Yom Kippur haan?
Its always USA, Germany , France and Israeli Arms making factories(which are working way before 1947, perhaps from 1930s) that saved Israel.
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Thank you for an excellent topic for discussion.

Incompetence of the leaders and officers---a lack of total commitment---lack of understanding the true strength of the opponent---lack of understanding the commitment of the opponent to the cause---a lackadaisical approach towards the scenario---.

And the most important of them all---not respecting the strength and valor of the opponent---.
Arabs in 1948 had almost no armies, let alone officers..While the Zionists just came out of WW2 with all the experience of a total war and the most modern equipments, tactics and strategies of the allies who backed them with everything, they have started weapons' factories in Palestine as soon as they arrived, while the most Arabs still had WW1 carbines to fight with, except Jordan who had a very good Armoured brigade equipped and led by British officers.. These are the field realities of 1948..1957 was an attack by a coalition of France, England and Usrael for control of the Egyptian Suez canal..1967 was a surprise attack, while US president Eisenhower told both Usrael and Egypt that the first one to start a war will pay with a dire price, Egypt respected that ultimatum, Usrael as we know from their attack..did not..1973 war tactics and strategies of the Egyptian armed forces are still being studied in the best Western military academies, that tells a lot who won the war.. and today the technological gap is very narrow..

Turks fought almost a 100 wars in Europe and lost most of them.. Why Turks always lose in wars?
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the only thing arabs are good at is backstabbing , in the dawn of islam the byzantines were their enemy and persian kings supported people of mecca against christians and jews . yet .. years later

you missed one big fat factor , the United States of America !

Three reasons.

1. America

2. America

3. America

There is a fourth, but I can't quite think of it yet........begins with an A..
I have seen this video a while back, might be an explanation.

What a knitted video to express some opinion.. just patched from here and there to convene some propaganda..

If you have "sissies" as opponents, is there any reasons not to be successful??????
Sissi or not the Egyptian army is a very powerful one.. look what happened in 1973, that is 44 years ago.. today.. well, no comments..

These Namak Haram Afghans are also pain into our arse in Pakistan. These illiterate goones smuggle narcotics, turn areas into a mess. Turn their children into petty thefts and later bark against the country which is hosting them since all these years.

Arab Armies lacked coordinator and proper communication tactics. They were all in a War but they weren't together into the War. Israel had superior American tech and better Intelligence. While Arabs never payed heed towards HUMINT and better organizational structure.
It depends on what war you are talking about.. they fought 4 wars, 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973!.. what you are saying was true for the first two wars and to some extent the 3rd one.. after that everything was corrected..and 1973 showed completely different Arab armies..
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I think all Arab armies are in a better state today training wise than they were during times of wars with Israel, maybe except Syria. Iraq is in a better state as well except lacks heavy equipment.

Though not sure why it has to turn into this anti Arab thread again, self-validation ongoing.

The destiny of nations I chart for you:
At first the sword and spear; the zither’s, the lute’s soft sighs at last.

Allama Iqbal
@HAKIKAT I translated for you bro.
You compare the Mig-21 to the F-4.. the Sagger to the TOW, the tanks also? don't pull things from your opinion go back to facts..

You got me.

The Israelis had Gundam Wing suits for their airforce, 25 Aircraft carriers for the navy, and laser guns for infantry.

Oh and Godzilla was spotted attacking Sham el Sheik at night.

While the Arabs had... rocks and sticks.
I think all Arab armies are in a better state today training wise than they were during times of wars with Israel, maybe except Syria. Iraq is in a better state as well except lacks heavy equipment.

Though not sure why it has to turn into this anti Arab thread again, self-validation ongoing.

The Syrian Arab Army has gained tremendous experience since 2011. Once restructured and rebuilt (with or without Al-Assad) it will be a quite battle-hardened and experienced army. I would not underestimate it.

Yes, there are some structural problems that have been mentioned in this thread and in that video that was posted but it's not something that will occur forever nor is it something that is even relevant for most of the Arab armies of today. It's a bit outdated (to put it mildly) and based on the Soviet model because many, if not most, of the militarized Arab armies of the past were USSR allies and their armies were based on the USSR model.

For some reason Arab armies are judged differently than all other armies. As if there are perfect armies out there.

Anyway this topic has been discussed to death 100 times on PDF. Not sure why there is a tradition of creating this topic again and again every 6 months or so? Always the same ignorant individuals and trolls involved. From countries that have ironically never faced an enemy even comparable to the US or USrael for instance. Funny world.

For how long are we going to discuss old wars that have no relevance in today's world?

BTW this is about modern-day Arab armies. If we look at military history very few people can even reach the knees of Arabs when it comes to military history, battles won, number of conquests, empires, kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, sheikdoms, imamates and the size and influence of them on 3 different continents! No need to elaborate.

Anyway carry on.

It was their command, problem wasn't in the soldiers. Same problem exists today. Not just Arab armies.

That aside, these several Arab states. Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Jordan did not fully trust each other. Syria was wary of Iraq, Jordan warned Israel about the other Arab states planning an attack, Egypt and Iraq were not on the same line either.

This is a well-known fact yet this is taken as somehow due to USrael when that could not be further from the truth.

Mistakes that could have been been easily avoided if those leaderships and regimes in power back then had a united front and did not conspire against each other. No way that you can win a war if those you fight with are conspiring against each other. That's like trying to survive in a desert with a group of friends just to realize that all your friends have taken all your water and thrown the remaining away.....

Not to say that the average Arab soldier was thrown into a war that was not his directly. In other words it was not life or death. USraeli citizens were fighting for their very existence with the Holocaust trauma on top of it. Arabs, well, it should be obvious. Not comparable either.

Anyway to the great distress of many here on this forum, Arab states are only going to become more powerful by each year. Growing populations, growing economies, more educated people, more powerful militaries etc. We will be back to where we were for most of the recorded history which is at the forefront or very close to it. Rest assured and our greatest assets won't be our vast lands, vast resources, unparalleled ancient history but human resources! So let them bark while it lasts.
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