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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies



Americans are some satans from children of Yahood (Jew).

Anyway AsHole, don't turn this thread to an anti-Iranian thread.

Another interpretation is:
In biblical days, God punished men by letting it rain fire and brimstone from the sky.
Nowadays, he is letting it rain Hellfires and GBU-82s through his tool - the USAF.

In short, the Israelis Win, because they are protected by God...
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Just playing the devils advocate, however Arabs felt Israel was there invaded home land? I guess different countries / tribes played in here.
Their propaganda tried to picture Israel as invaders and in the same time tried to picture Israelis as coward weaklings (how could coward weaklings successfully invade anywhere??), but it looks like 99% of the Arab/Muslim world doesn't really see Judea and Samaria as their homeland. It is "Palestine" they say and they are happy when "Palestinian Arabs" fight for it, but they are not so eager to come and fight with them or for them.
War of independence, Sinai war, war of attrition, six day war etc all Israeli victories against multiple Arab foes.

What made Israel so successful fighting on multiple fronts against multiple Arab armies namely Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon etc.

Do you think they could have pulled this off against another group of nations? replace Arab states Egypt, Syria, Iraq & Saudi with Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or Malaysia.

Or was it the sheer incompetence of Arab armies and politicians that they lost every war against Israel?
They were successful against the Turkish army too..It's must be hot, that you have forgotten what she did to Your countrymen in high seas...not just to the Arabs who are by far the least capable to carry and use a gun..
They were successful against the Turkish army too..It's must be hot, that you have forgotten what she did to Your countrymen in high seas...not just to the Arabs who are by far the least capable to carry and use a gun..

Are you a retard or what?...

Turkey and Israel have never had an open military confrontation. Stay on topic troll.
He is referring to the Ship to Gaza incident, which is still retarded.
There were no Turkish servicemen onboard, just some untrained wannabees,

I know what his referring to, that's why I asked if his a retard. Apples and pears.
Yes, without the US, the British is likely to have lost the war in North Africa,
and the Nazis would have overrun the whole Middle East.
Iran would be conquered by the Nazis,
and the population would have been sent to Auschwitz, after the Jews.
You were real lucky, that the US put a stop to that.

Israel was created as a result of Jewish immigrants and a favourable vote in the UN.
The US had only one vote there, United Kingdom abstained.
The majority of the states of the world thought that this was the best solution.
Arab soldiers know after 1973, they are fighting against the might of the US,
so they are not really eager to go to war.

You clearly have no concept of history.

fu ck your jewish mother

**** you jewish piece of shit

Why are you always so offensive? Reporting your posts.
Arab leaders they didn't want to fight but they were forced since everyone will consider them as traitors
Jordan had U.S. weapons and military training. Indeed, in 1967 Jordan's army had more modern U.S. tanks than the IDF.

The Jordanians did fight better than the others, they for many years had ex-british officers and training with them in sandhurst. And to this day are considered more competent compared to other armies in the region.

But the hypothesis that American military equipment was superior to Soviet counterparts is false. Arab armies did field more modern pieces in comparison to Israel. The IDF was just better trained and knew the value of each soldier in the country's survival.

Unless i'm mistaken the Jordanians did inflict the most causalities to the IDF also?
The Jordanians did fight better than the others, they for many years had ex-british officers and training with them in sandhurst. And to this day are considered more competent compared to other armies in the region.

But the hypothesis that American military equipment was superior to Soviet counterparts is false.
In 1967 Israel's equipment was mostly French or old, modified WWII-era American arms.

Unless i'm mistaken the Jordanians did inflict the most causalities to the IDF also?
Does it matter?
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