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Why is Indian army training for ANA was so bad?

Who gives gives a rats a$$. You Indians are just good at making excuses. You need almost 800,000 troops to control a region as small as Kashmir. You guys had to mobilize four division and your airforce to dislodge a single battalion of Pakistan forces sitting on your land during the Kargil border skirmish. Even in East Pakistan you had quantitative edge of 11 to 1 plus the support of millions of Mukhti Bahani to take on an isolated force of 60k to win. You got beaten by the Chinese and much smaller Pakistan many times. Shows the quality of your military.
Still doesnt explain why Pakistan has not been able to take Kashmir from a supposedly weak and ineffective military. Still waiting..

Plus don’t forget we people ruled your a$$ for nearly 800 years. You have a slave DNA.
Lol you got triggered and now completely lost it. I think you are one of those who believe that conversion changes your DNA :)
Still doesnt explain why Pakistan has not been able to take Kashmir from a supposedly weak and ineffective military. Still waiting..

Lol you got triggered and now completely lost it. I think you are one of those who believe that conversion changes your DNA :)
We do not have supply lines or capability on our own at this point. India is too big any gains in Kashmir will result in the hostilities on the international border.

I believe this disparity is being worked on over by 2023. The plan is to get a 320 sp artillay, 1000new tanks and more armored infantry units , along with 60 ish j-10c and by that tim 50 new jf-17 block 3 and possibly 30 upgraded jf-17 block 1 to block 3 avionics standards

there will be over 250 drones to provide close air support to the navy and army as force multiplies freeing up air assets for saturation air superiority and strike roles

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Still doesnt explain why Pakistan has not been able to take Kashmir from a supposedly weak and ineffective military. Still waiting..

Lol you got triggered and now completely lost it. I think you are one of those who believe that conversion changes your DNA :)

Your army is only effective against unarmed civilians that is why you need one soldier to every man, women and child in Kashmir. As I said wait, time for Kashmir is coming soon after Kabul.

Your stooges in Kabul also thought that they were strong until the Taliban showed up. So as I said just wait.

Re the DNA I have no idea what $hit you are talking about except that our people contributed to improving your DNA. This is one of the reason drinking cow urine or committing sati or be@stiality has a low incidence in your culture now. Just think about it, which society in the world carves images of men and women having $ex with animals in their holy places?
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Your army is only effective against unarmed civilians that is why you need one soldier to every 7 man, women and child in Kashmir. As I said wait, time for Kashmir is coming soon after Kabul.
2 questions:
1. Why No.1 trained Pakistan Army couldnt take Kashmir from a weak, ineffectively trained Indian Army?
2. Since you are referring to 'Kashmir after kabul," Why do you need Taliban help to take on a weak and ineffectively trained Indian Army?

Re the DNA I have no idea what $hit you are talking about except that our people contributed to improving your DNA. This is one of the reason drinking cow urine or committing sati or be@stiality has a low incidence in your culture now, Just think about it, which society in the world carves images of men and women having $ex with animals in their holy places.
I'm still trying to figure out what triggered you exactly. Can you help?
2 questions:
1. Why No.1 trained Pakistan Army couldnt take Kashmir from a weak, ineffectively trained Indian Army?
2. Since you are referring to 'Kashmir after kabul," Why do you need Taliban help to take on a weak and ineffectively trained Indian Army?

I'm still trying to figure out what triggered you exactly. Can you help?
I am not triggered. This is my natural behavior on this site. Ask anyone. As I said Taliban have nothing to do with Kashmir. Ok One reason you have 800,000 troops in Kashmir is because your army is so scared of Pakistan a country one seventh your size. Now answer one question for me why do your people carve images of men and women have $ex with animal in your holy places.
2 questions:
1. Why No.1 trained Pakistan Army couldnt take Kashmir from a weak, ineffectively trained Indian Army?
2. Since you are referring to 'Kashmir after kabul," Why do you need Taliban help to take on a weak and ineffectively trained Indian Army?

I'm still trying to figure out what triggered you exactly. Can you help?
I am not triggered. This is my natural behavior on this site. Ask anyone. You did not respond to my question. As I said Taliban have nothing to do with Kashmir. One reason you have 800,000 troops in Kashmir is because your army is so scared of Pakistan a country one seventh your size. I have answered your question. Now answer one question for me why do your people carve images of men and women have $ex with animals in your holy places.
I am not triggered. This is my natural behavior on this site. Ask anyone.
Okay dont do that. We can keep the conversation civil you know.

One reason you have 800,000 troops in Kashmir is because your army is so scared of Pakistan a country one seventh your size.
No, we have Army in Kashmir because of terrorism and terrorists. We dont have Army in other birder states like Gujarat or Rajasthan. So it ain't about Pakistan really.

And I'm still waiting for you to answer one simple thing: Why Pakistan hasn't been able to take Kashmir from a supposedly weak and ineffectively trained Indian Army?

why do your people carve images of men and women have $ex with animals in your holy places.
Honestly I dont know.
I just see it as a form of art. Just like Kamasutra kinda thing.
You can ignore it if you dont like it. Just like I do.
Every time I see Indian trolls doing the rounds I feel satisfied inside and usually have a good time seeing them all bothered.

If this was a serious question, it would be quite illogical for the Indians to taunt about the remaining parts of Kashmir still in their control. Since it was after all Pakistan that took away nearly half of it from them. A country a quarter of the size and a man power a seventh of the size of India has been able to hold a territory against all odds. The answer is in the question, why was India not able to take back a part of territory they claim to be theirs from a nation so small compared to them. Well if its not the numbers, and not the quality what must it be.

Martial race! Regardless of the name given, Indians are not a fighting people. In a regional comparison, the Punjabis of India (ie Sikhs) and maybe some mountain people could be considered to have the fighting traits. Otherwise for the rest of the main land Indians (with minor exceptions) they are best to approach conflict via other means, relying on diplomacy and cunning rather than pure physical attributes. Their morale to fight in battle wanes unless they have a significant numerical advantage. And this is readable throughout history of warfare in this region. The northwestern parties (even before Islam) has always fought the central or southeastern parties outnumbered, but have performed relatively well. Imagine the kind of resolve you need to have to consistently fight outnumbered, for thousands of years. I find that quite courageous. And with the adoption of Islam, these people have only gotten stronger.

Ofcourse pure physical strength and the will the fight is not enough. Civilizations are built on much more. Cunning diplomacy and numbers do matter. India has done very well in that, along with becoming much stronger economically. This means overall their civilizations has advanced further despite the fighting fervour of Pakistanis. But we accept and learn from our mistakes, something that Indians should try too. Hence our governments geoeconomics approach to the future. Relying on propaganda though again a way to fight your war, has its consequences, especially in this age of the internet where people can indeed get to the truth. India has hurt it self quite badly with the recent debacles in the information world. Its reputation in taters.

No Pakistani should discount 1971 as a pure Indian victory. Bangladesh is a separate nation. And they could have separated without Indian intervention too. West Pakistanis are an another nation, and all the attributes mentioned above were in regards to them.

Coming to Afghanistan, first of all India should be ashamed. This is the second time they have been defeated in Afghanistan. Nobody should forget that it was their intervention in the 1990s to support the Northern Alliance that drew Pakistan into Afghanistan. We all know the shameless attitude of Indians when regarding their losses. This same shameless attitude has now seen them once again come back to Afghanistan to support the puppet government only to be b!tch slapped by Pakistan AGAIN!.

As for ANA, if you go train with historical losers, then expect the same.
it is hard to take a drill Sergeant seriously with a corny indian accent.

Everyone has RTI/MTI. Do you think you have a completely neutral accent? The chinese are worse when it comes to speaking english. if pakis could speak english better, the technical support and customer care industry would have been in pakistan, not India. world's biggest backend support centres are in india, none in pakistan.
No, we have Army in Kashmir because of terrorism and terrorists.

Honestly I dont know.
I just see it as a form of art. Just like Kamasutra kinda thing.
You can ignore it if you dont like it. Just like I do.

No I cannot keep my conversation civil (whatever that means) with the likes of you.

what terrorism, according to your own government their are no more than 100 militants in Kashmir. You have the military to control the will of the people of Kashmir.

As to your persistent questions why Pak Army has not taken on Indians in Kashmir, how should I know. Send your questions to the GHQ in Rawalpindi.

re my question about why their are carvings of men and women having $ex with animals in you holy places, I will answer the question. It is a reflection of the culture you guys represent and why the likes of you are reprehensible to us. Don’t waste your time on a Pakistani forum especially with your arrogance. You and your kind will not get anything but public humiliation.
now you know why Afghan army run away ..... because they were trained by the indians :D

Calm down guys calm down lmao

We all can agree the Mongolians are the best army in the universe , big chungus 420 Keanue reeves :super:
Still doesnt explain why Pakistan has not been able to take Kashmir from a supposedly weak and ineffective military. Still waiting..

Lol you got triggered and now completely lost it. I think you are one of those who believe that conversion changes your DNA :)

I mean Indians are pretty strong , until the Brits arrive hehehe
1745 Establishment - Wikipedia
No I don’t think so , you should really be looking at you’re self because you are far more weaker coward. you got given Apache helicopters , french submarine, Raphael planes, mirages planes , aircraft carriers , sukhois30s , mig 29 bigger by 7 sizes , one billion population still growing vs a Pakistan. Who are sanctioned by all arm sellers still you are unable to enter Pakistan proper. your only victory was 71 because east phoney Pakistanis and there disloyal troops pulled rug out of us real Pakistanis. So if you look at these odds which are actually a lot bigger in your favour you are the real donkey on here and my Pakhtuns ancestors , ransacked you regular you were no more than cheap cattle to them worthless garbage u smelly ugly darky

Question was on Kashmir......All these weapons are things of recent times...what is happening for past 73 Years....Historically Pakistan had been given best of weapons...it tried to win Kashmir 4 times...used proxies at will.........but no result.....something for you to introspect rather than ignoring your weaknesses.

On your Pakhtun ancestors...they ransacked and ravaged country what is current Pakistan more than India (Read Ghazani, Abdali).....plus they did not distinguished between Muslims and Hindus while killing.....Same Pakhtuns raped and tortured Muslim Kashmiris in 1948.... when you give examples, be very sure that it would support your argument rather than shatter it.

The only victory you quoted for India is big and painful enough for people like me to live with....We lost half of our country, majority of the population (Bengalis) and allegedly 93000 Martial race soldiers surrendered.
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