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Why is Indian army training for ANA was so bad?

Indeed it's very bad.

Now the question is, how come the Martial Race Pakistan Army wasnt able to defeat or take Kashmir from ineffectively trained Indian Army. I hope we can somehow blame the Jews for this.

Who said Indian Army is not trained? this thread is about ANA and their training by Indians. There is a difference. Stop getting triggered by such posts and coming here to troll.
LTTE were not terrorists initially, they became a warlord militia after a few years.

so training thousands of men in camps with weapons was for what?...

You indians have a bizarre self serving logic.
so training thousands of men in camps with weapons was for what?...

You indians have a bizarre self serving logic.
Ask Srilankans why were they Genociding Tamils in Sri Lanka, if they would not have been genociding Tamils, we would not have provided arms and training to them. I surely oppose LTTE’s creation, we should have had declared SL Army a terrorist organisation and should have had waged a war against them instead of funding rag tag militias.
1. Why No.1 trained Pakistan Army couldnt take Kashmir from a weak, ineffectively trained Indian Army?

You out number and out gun us. An invading force needs 3:1 advantage

In general Indian army is about average, slight better than Egyptian.

Pakistan solders in general are more professional, skilled, displined and have a very good officer corps that takes cares of it's lower ranks.

Indian army in some units has very poor relations between officer and soldiers.
Ask Srilankans why were they Genociding Tamils in Sri Lanka, if they would not have been genociding Tamils, we would not have provided arms and training to them.

So Pakistanis training Kashmirs who are brutally oppressed by India is also not terrorism.

thanks for the confirmation
No, we have Army in Kashmir because of terrorism and terrorists.


You have an army there because no body in Kashmir wants to live with you.
So Pakistanis training Kashmirs who are brutally oppressed by India is also not terrorism.
What kind of oppression happened before 1990 that you started giving weapons to them? Kashmiri pandits were ethnically cleansed by your trained insurgents, how many picked up guns out of those Kashmiri hindus?
Ask Srilankans why were they Genociding Tamils in Sri Lanka, if they would not have been genociding Tamils, we would not have provided arms and training to them. I surely oppose LTTE’s creation, we should have had declared SL Army a terrorist organisation and should have had waged a war against them instead of funding rag tag militias.

*ahem* IPKF *ahem*
After you forced your way in as the IPKF unilaterally. You tried to be a super power in front of Sri Lankans and your own LTTE creation handed your arses back to you.

I know you dont want to revisit that part of your military history because it is so dark, painful and humiliating. But sometimes a reality check is usually needed to help you Indians self reflect.
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