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Why is Indian army training for ANA was so bad?

You mean that no.1 trained Pakistan Army will need China's help for taking over a weak and "ineffectively trained" IA?

Yes because we are weakly trained, isnt that right? I'm still not clear why the no.1 trained Martial Race Pakistan Army wasnt able to take Kashmir from India.
They only have China and 1962, but they effectively forget 1967.
Yes see india is 4 times larger with a population that is 7 times larger we need lines of supply. pakistan as a country has only one enemy India! So all our strategy and technology is India specific

So India has quantitative advantage otherwise Pakistan could've easily taken over Kashmir from "ineffectively trained" IA.
Okay, this makes sense now.
Indians who cannot argue with logic or have no answers revert back to 71 something completely out of the context given the discussions at hand. For those Indians I have advise..

1) Pachas kutay mil jain tho sheer ka shikar ker he layata hein.
2) Watch below over and over until it syncs it proves point #1

No I don’t think so , you should really be looking at you’re self because you are far more weaker coward. you got given Apache helicopters , french submarine, Raphael planes, mirages planes , aircraft carriers , sukhois30s , mig 29 bigger by 7 sizes , one billion population still growing vs a Pakistan. Who are sanctioned by all arm sellers still you are unable to enter Pakistan proper. your only victory was 71 because east phoney Pakistanis and there disloyal troops pulled rug out of us real Pakistanis. So if you look at these odds which are actually a lot bigger in your favour you are the real donkey on here and my Pakhtuns ancestors , ransacked you regular you were no more than cheap cattle to them worthless garbage u smelly ugly darky
That's telling these dirty,smelly, pajeets.
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Indeed it's very bad.

Now the question is, how come the Martial Race Pakistan Army wasnt able to defeat or take Kashmir from ineffectively trained Indian Army. I hope we can somehow blame the Jews for this.
So how did the so called Pakistan Occupied Kashmir representing 40% of the erstwhile Kashmir came into being? Let’s not also forget Akasi Chin.
They only have China and 1962, but they effectively forget 1967.
What happened in 1967? Did Bollywood make a movie about a non-event like Kargil?
Indeed it's very bad.

Now the question is, how come the Martial Race Pakistan Army wasnt able to defeat or take Kashmir from ineffectively trained Indian Army. I hope we can somehow blame the Jews for this.
Please don't humiliate these respected intellects.. i beg you brother
During 71 in the East Pak, almost all Bangal soldiers in the Pak Army rebelled and went to India to form the Mukti Bahini! They set up their camps and trained their own common folks. India and the USSR block supplied logistics. So, it was basically Pak Army (regular) vs Pak Army (insurgent/rebel)…..

India trained a special unit of Bangals, called Mujib Bahini, to be their agents! Regular Bangals hated them for their purpose was to eliminate anti-India elements. When Mujib came to the power he turned them into a paramilitary force with further Indian training and arming by depriving the BD army to enforce his one party autocratic rule of terror (Baa’s style)! However, they miserably failed to protect him against the ex-Pak army members….

The Indian training and armaments are the surest recipe for the disaster….
Do you mean IA was controlling whole of Kashmir and Pakistan Army took it from the IA? Are you absolutely sure ?

By Pakistan Army ?
It was involved but that hardly matters as the Chief of Pakistan Army at that time was Britisher so it doesn’t matter who was controlling or who took it, it is Pakistan now and Akasi Chin is controlled by the Chinese.
It’s doesn’t matter who was controlling or who took it, it is Pakistan now and Akasi Chin is controlled by the Chinese.
But arent we talking about how badly and ineffectively the IA is trained? Rather than pointing out what the almighty no1 trained Pak Army did against a weak opponent like India, you mentioned about an event where Indian Army wasnt even controlling the region? I find it funny really.

Aksai Chin, I'll give you that. We lost it, nothing wrong in accepting a fact. But I guess we were talking about PA and IA. Why do you have to refer Chinese achievements while talking about how great PA is! Again, I find this funny.
But arent we talking about how badly and ineffectively the IA is trained? Rather than pointing out what the almighty no1 trained Pak Army did against a weak opponent like India, you mentioned about an event where Indian Army wasnt even controlling the region? I find it funny really.

Aksai Chin, I'll give you that. We lost it, nothing wrong in accepting a fact. But I guess we were talking about PA and IA. Why do you have to refer Chinese achievements while talking about how great PA is! Again, I find this funny.
Who gives gives a rats a$$. You Indians are just good at making excuses. You need almost 800,000 troops to control a region as small as Kashmir. You guys had to mobilize four division and your airforce to dislodge a single battalion of Pakistan forces sitting on your land during the Kargil border skirmish. Even in East Pakistan you had quantitative edge of 11 to 1 plus the support of millions of Mukhti Bahani to take on an isolated force of 60k to win. You got beaten by the Chinese and much smaller Pakistan many times. Shows the quality of your military. Plus don’t forget we people ruled your a$$ for nearly 800 years. You have a slave DNA.
The details are in and I believe I am ready to prove my hypothesis that Indian military training is terrible

1) India trained the TLM or Tamil Tiger terrorists in the 70s , they started losing then india had to go in and try to defeat them militarily the TLM then took on training from other sources and started defeating the Indian army

2) the indians then trained the Sri Lankan army and they kept losing against the TLM. finally Pakitan and China had to train their army resulting in complete military defeat of the Tamil tigers

3) the Indians then trained the therik e taliban Pakistan terrorists or TTP which the Pakistani army completely routed from Pakistan

4) now the recent indian training for Afghan national army (ANA) and Afghan national police were trained by the Indians and they were completely defeated by the Afghan emirate forces Allegedly trained by Pakistan according to the Indians. The only thing that put up some fight were western trained Afghan commandos but they were too few to matter.

why is Indian training so bad?


it is hard to take a drill Sergeant seriously with a corny indian accent.
The details are in and I believe I am ready to prove my hypothesis that Indian military training is terrible

1) India trained the TLM or Tamil Tiger terrorists in the 70s , they started losing then india had to go in and try to defeat them militarily the TLM then took on training from other sources and started defeating the Indian army

2) the indians then trained the Sri Lankan army and they kept losing against the TLM. finally Pakitan and China had to train their army resulting in complete military defeat of the Tamil tigers

3) the Indians then trained the therik e taliban Pakistan terrorists or TTP which the Pakistani army completely routed from Pakistan

4) now the recent indian training for Afghan national army (ANA) and Afghan national police were trained by the Indians and they were completely defeated by the Afghan emirate forces Allegedly trained by Pakistan according to the Indians. The only thing that put up some fight were western trained Afghan commandos but they were too few to matter.

why is Indian training so bad?

Have you seen how Indians are trained 😳
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