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Why Iran Needs a War Economy

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American policies toward Iran always return to themselves like boomerang.
we should not play in their game, we must play our own game.
The Video, you posted say American wishes. Are they going to work ???? That is big question.

the problem is that our own bastards in power are ruining Iran ....
today they start to selling this junk with the minimum price of 83 million Toman ( 830 million Rials ) this mean it is last month the price was 40 million Tomans ....


and my salary ( a programmer with 3 years of professional career in Khouzestan ) is just 1.4 million toman ( 14 million rials ) ....

so , IR is going to fall , in fact it already fallen spirituality and for an Ideological regime is the end ... the game is over thanks to IR so called elite class greed , arrogance and corruption not because of USA ....
The only type of war economy Iran needs to expand on is an economy based on expanding and mass producing parts, components, alloys, composites, infrastructure,.... that have duel use applications by expanding it's defense sector and using the tech gained in the defense sector in the production of more capable civilian products capable of competing with foreign products domestically. And by no means should Iran allow economic problems created by sanctions to turn into a hurdle in the countries technological advancements which Iran's ministry of defense & military branches should be leading.

And Iran needs to send a clear message to the west so if they think messing with Iran's economy will weaken Iran militarily then they are dead wrong and in fact it will have a completely adverse effect for the more pressure they put on us the more money we will spend on our defense and creating jobs though the defense sector because if you refuse or fail to show that message to them quite clearly then to them the economic pressures would actually be working!

So the 1st thing Iran needs to show is the adverse and unintended effects of U.S. Sanctions so Iran needs to clearly show that the more sanctions US places on us, Iran's response will actually be the increase in defense spending and increase in R&D and productions of more advanced Iranian weapons by building more capable Missiles, more capable Aircrafts & UAV's, larger number of more capable Sub's & Ships, more capable military robots,.... with a higher focus on duel use parts, raw materials & infrastructure needed to produce them that would directly lead to more competitive civilian products.

And rather than banning the import of foreign products that are also produced in Iran you can simply increase the taxes and better regulate taxes paid on them with exemptions given ONLY to countries helping Iran fight these sanctions.

Also one of the Major shortcomings of Iran's economy is the Tourism industry and the only way to fix it is by 1st removing policies like the Hejab to make the country a more tourist friendly country.
the problem is that our own bastards in power are ruining Iran ....
today they start to selling this junk with the minimum price of 83 million Toman ( 830 million Rials ) this mean it is last month the price was 40 million Tomans ....


and my salary ( a programmer with 3 years of professional career in Khouzestan ) is just 1.4 million toman ( 14 million rials ) ....

so , IR is going to fall , in fact it already fallen spirituality and for an Ideological regime is the end ... the game is over thanks to IR so called elite class greed , arrogance and corruption not because of USA ....
Americans and Europeans are putting economic pressure on Iran b/c we don't have any economic deterrence against them, we must reach to the place where we can hurt their economy. Is it impossible now but not impossible for future. Otherwise they will hurt our economy any time they want without any back fire from Iran.

And what is your plan for future, surrendering to west ??????
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Iran needs a modern air force, they can start by developing something like the F-20 Tigershark. Given that they are already working on different F-5 variants.

Americans and Europeans are putting economic pressure on Iran b/c we don't have any economic deterrence against them, we must reach to the place where we can hurt their economy. Is it impossible now but not impossible for future. Otherwise they will hurt our economy any time they want without any back fire from Iran.

And what is your plan for future, surrendering to west ??????

we should be honest with ourselves ....

!- Does IR really believe in Islam !?
2- Does IR care about Iran at all !?
3- Does IR care about Iranians interest !?
4- Does IR really believe in what it propaganda !?

from what I'm seeing , answer for all above questions are 4 big NO .... among all Iranians member here , I have most radical tactic to deal with west in region but the reality is that IR is corrupted to the bone and they ( IR officials) use this so called pressure from the west as hammer and and Islam as anvil and hammering the Iranians with this two and in the process are SACKING AND RAZING Iran and send the money to the west ( where they are cursing !!! ) .....

so when come to this , I rather to keep my country altogether

Iran needs a modern air force, they can start by developing something like the F-20 Tigershark. Given that they are already working on different F-5 variants.


The problem is the engine .... if we can make the engine , then we simply can make something like F-18 or Mig-29 and there is no need for making something like Tiger Shark ....

although the real problem is mismanagement and corruption ....
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we should be honest with ourselves ....

!- Does IR really believe in Islam !?
2- Does IR care about Iran at all !?
3- Does IR care about Iranians interest !?
4- Does IR really believe in what it propaganda !?

from what I'm seeing , answer for all above questions are 4 big NO .... among all Iranians member here , I have most radical tactic to deal with west in region but the reality is that IR is corrupted to the bone and they ( IR officials) use this so called pressure from the west as hammer and and Islam as anvil and hammering the Iranians with this two and in the process are SACKING AND RAZING Iran and send the money to the west ( where they are cursing !!! ) .....

so when come to this , I rather to keep my country altogether
I know your opinion about Nuclear weapon, as I read it from you before.
But nuclear weapon can not make economic deterrence against west.
we must build economic deterrence and hurt their economic as backfire for economic war.
we can not fire missiles on them when they put sanctions on us, we must find way to fire back in the same way.
I believe building such economic weapon for deterrence is possible but it is very hard to develop it

I agree there is bad guys in System but that doesn't mean all of the System is corrupt and useless.
I agree there is bad guys in System but that doesn't mean all of the System is corrupt and useless.

where are you living !? as far as I know , your location was set on Canada ...
I'm living in Iran , Khouzestan .... why you don't dare to say it !?

As for the Islamic Republic of Iran actions speak louder than words and it's as simple as this:

Before the Islamic Republic Iran only had 16 Universities in all of Iran after 50 years of Pahlavi rule where as today the Islamic republic has built more universities in Khouzestan province alone than the Pahlavi's built in all of Iran and Iran's growth in education which lead to Iran's growth in science & technology which is the human infrastructure needed to build better products is directly because of the Islamic Republic. Feel free to google it and find your own data.

In terms of infrastructure before the Islamic Republic the Pahlavi's only built 16 Dam's in all of Iran with everyone built and controlled by foreigners with a government that took them 40 years of begging to simply get it's allies to build them a steel mill and aluminum production facilities that couldn't even produce a car while South Korea had started producing it's 1st car in the 60's where as today we build our own dam's and have God knows how many and we produce cars, ships, tractors, industrial equipment….. Hell before the revolution Khuzestan was nothing but desert with a few Air bases and small sized cities and no real industry

Fact is this government has done more for Iran and Iranians than any Iranian government in the past 500 years and has done it while under sanctions and from the day guns and gunpowder started being used Iran militarily was completely reliant on others with regional wars instigated by outsiders and foreigners roaming free and stealing whatever they wanted to a point where even up to Reza Pahlavi when he ask the Brits where our Oil money was rather giving him money they handed him a bill.
Why do you think the U.S. wants them gone? The U.S. doesn't give 2 shits about Human Rights or Democracy in our region and the reason they are so obsessed with Iran 40 years after they were kicked out is sure as hell not because of Human Rights!

So MORONS that want a revolution need to take a deep look at Iran's History before talking nonsense!

b/c all of us here have artificial identity. this is not facebook account.

The same people wouldn't give 2 shits if you were an Iranian living abroad talking against the Islamic Republic! And every government has corruption in it and to some extent that corruption is necessary just as much as vultures are a necessary part of a healthy ecosystem.
The truth is that average salary of Iranian is about 15,000,000 Rials while the line of Poverty ( according of static of central bank of IR) is more than 45,000,000 Rials ....

do you think these poor people can survive in a prolong conflict !?
The truth is that average salary of Iranian is about 15,000,000 Rials while the line of Poverty ( according of static of central bank of IR) is more than 45,000,000 Rials ....

do you think these poor people can survive in a prolong conflict !?

You wanna act like you've had your head stock in the sand for the past few decades well that's your prerogative but lets be clear about this a countries Poverty Line does not fluctuate by over 30% on a yearly bases where just 5 years ago if someone had an income of 4 Million Toman (40,000,000 Rial) they would have been more in the category of well off middle class than poverty line

So this fluctuation is unnatural and in Iran it is directly due to overt & covert U.S. meddling of Iran's currency + Sanctions. So again don't act like you've had your head stock in the sand!

Iranians are neither stupid or blind nor do they have the attention span of a 9 year old!
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