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Why Indians embraced slavery in past ?

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See Hindus never embraced slavery but in the age of Bhakti Youg, they become indifferent to who ruled them. They never bothered whether they are Hindus or Non Hindus. Their entire focus was on the God and one to one relation with God. Even Hindu Knigs choose that path. So basically it was a time when ruler was not at all important for masses. But the things changed with the revolution in Hindu Society with reformists like Dayand Saraswati, Vivekanand etc. In current time Nationalism is getting stronger and stronger. Sonia could not become PM. That was the example of Nationalism becoming stronger.
OP forgets here, that Indian Subcontinent was the land of Hindus. Invaders came and ruled and did mass conversions here. Muslims of sub continent are not Arabs or Turks but are result of such conversions, who were nothing but Hindus, years back.

So while trying to humiliate Hindus, OP is basically jumping in a pool of mud. Lolzz!! :D
Why Ghaznavi, Ghori, Abdali with few thousand of people managed to conquer India easily? Why native Indians gave up and embraced slavery of Arabs/afghan/Persian/Mughal/British easily which lasted century after century ? Was It because of cowardice or submissive/subdue nature of Hindus?

I have shared my personal thought and perception. I would be interested to know what you guys think about it ? Please give to the point answer without bringing irrelevant stuffs. Thanks
ok now please dont mind my queries

1. there was the land past doaba that never(current pakistan) stood up to invaders from khyber and beyond ...ever wondered why all the battle to fight these invaders were faught on battle grounds of "panipat" why were they not stopped at khyber/multan/sindh/west punjab ...the land of so called "martial races"

2.why did hinduism survived in its ancient form after beas and beyond not in the west punjab/multan/khyber/sindh

3.why are hindus still progressing and giving hard time to your friends and masters while you are letting them even today treat you the same way as the invaders treated your forefather in ancient times

he he he what a clown who is so obsessed by indians and hindus and there growing stature in the modern world that in order to went his frustation and anger towards us & is hell bend to make fun of us got into abusing the resolve/cowerdice and greedinwess of his own forefather
who embraced slavery central asian and arab in past ?

I have not started this topic to insult anyone. These are two genuine questions come in my mind frequently which i was not able to get any logical answer.

We know English,Arabs, Persian, Mongol, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian etc went all over the world to conquer different region and had established their rule over there. Some of them were less in number compare to native Indians of sub-continent region. Which part of the world ruled by Indians ? Why Ghaznavi, Ghori, Abdali with few thousand of people managed to conquer India easily? Why native Indians gave up and embraced slavery of Arabs/afghan/Persian/Mughal/British easily which lasted century after century ? Was It because of cowardice or submissive/subdue nature of Hindus?

The only Hindu empire worth noting for its bravery was the Marathi empire of the 18th century which actually had a lot of Muslims soldiers in its ranks. Living among Hindus for so long the minorities of India have also been affected by this disease of gutlessness and cowardice. Is there something in the Hindu scriptures or Indian psyche that drives this cowardly behavior?

or this cowardice nature was because of extreme division among themselves along caste (sub caste within caste), culture, state, sect, language, dialect etc etc which in result created insecurity, jealousy, hatred, fear, mistrust among them. We know Religion often acts as a morale booster if you are full of confidence and hold your beliefs close to your heart. This is true in case of Muslims at least. Muslims were very few in the beginning of Islam but they faced opponents three-four times bigger in size/strength and often defeated them convincingly.

Hindus create their own interpretation of Hinduism based on their secular beliefs. This is why Hinduism today is nothing more than idolatry, senseless rituals, polytheism, caste system, cow worship etc. Hindus claiming that smoking, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, robbing, cheating etc etc are all cool in Hinduism because Hinduism has "no rules". It is all being done to show that Hinduism is more compatible with west and it is a very liberal religion. You can act cowardly because there is something called karma. You are very peaceful if you cannot dare to fight. I don't think such Religion with no rules can inspire its followers to fight against invaders.

I have shared my personal thought and perception. I would be interested to know what you guys think about it ? Please give to the point answer without bringing irrelevant stuffs. Thanks

1. I believe slavery is never embraced it is always imposed.

2. You are mixing religion and invasion and aftermath of invasions. NOT a wise comparison .

3. Indians and Hindus two different terms still if you want to take these as one, then you must also read that it was NOT a unified country but princely states every ruler was working for own interests and protecting own territory.
I said Islam teach fearlessness while Hinduism does not. Most Sikhs are also fearless and show resistance against occupation or injustice. Hindu will only attack you if you are weak or down

yea two Muslims may fight against each others if they both consider themselves right and opposite side as wrong. To have many Muslim countries don't have anything to do with bravery or cowardice. I was asking why Hindus slept so long and accepted the slavery and rule of invaders with pleasure and consent

The people who accepted slavery were Punjabis and Sindhi of Pakistan, your ancestors. :cheesy:
We still have our languages, our religion, our traditions, our greetings, our music, our dance forms, our literature, our clothing, our traditional names, our festivals and our syncretic culture. A slave would lose all of that when he submits meekly to the invader and then like a true cultural slave starts taking pride in his conquerer's barbarity and rape.

In my mind it is clear who has embraced slavery forever and who resisted it. Heck my ancestors fought aurangzeb for 27 years when he tried to culturally subjugate us. Today his tomb is in maharashtra and the pakistanis are still looking for their non-sikh punjabi heroes!

Analyse that!
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the OP and a couple others are trying to feign innocence after making insiuating, inflammatory and insulting comments agains indians. Please boycott this thread and site if possible. not worth answering intellectually low class queries.
I have not started this topic to insult anyone. These are two genuine questions come in my mind frequently which i was not able to get any logical answer.

We know English,Arabs, Persian, Mongol, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian etc went all over the world to conquer different region and had established their rule over there. Some of them were less in number compare to native Indians of sub-continent region. Which part of the world ruled by Indians ? Why Ghaznavi, Ghori, Abdali with few thousand of people managed to conquer India easily? Why native Indians gave up and embraced slavery of Arabs/afghan/Persian/Mughal/British easily which lasted century after century ? Was It because of cowardice or submissive/subdue nature of Hindus?

The only Hindu empire worth noting for its bravery was the Marathi empire of the 18th century which actually had a lot of Muslims soldiers in its ranks. Living among Hindus for so long the minorities of India have also been affected by this disease of gutlessness and cowardice. Is there something in the Hindu scriptures or Indian psyche that drives this cowardly behavior?

or this cowardice nature was because of extreme division among themselves along caste (sub caste within caste), culture, state, sect, language, dialect etc etc which in result created insecurity, jealousy, hatred, fear, mistrust among them. We know Religion often acts as a morale booster if you are full of confidence and hold your beliefs close to your heart. This is true in case of Muslims at least. Muslims were very few in the beginning of Islam but they faced opponents three-four times bigger in size/strength and often defeated them convincingly.

Hindus create their own interpretation of Hinduism based on their secular beliefs. This is why Hinduism today is nothing more than idolatry, senseless rituals, polytheism, caste system, cow worship etc. Hindus claiming that smoking, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, robbing, cheating etc etc are all cool in Hinduism because Hinduism has "no rules". It is all being done to show that Hinduism is more compatible with west and it is a very liberal religion. You can act cowardly because there is something called karma. You are very peaceful if you cannot dare to fight. I don't think such Religion with no rules can inspire its followers to fight against invaders.

I have shared my personal thought and perception. I would be interested to know what you guys think about it ? Please give to the point answer without bringing irrelevant stuffs. Thanks
Don't pass off your absolute hatred for Hindus or Hinduism and end up humiliating your own ancestors. Have some shame. In a few sentences you have called the entire people of South Asia cowards. If you hate Hindus find something more specific and peddle your hatred. By attacking the millennia old culture you are hurting the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh as well. Nation states are a modern creation. People existed long before that. Even if you can't respect your neighbors at least start respecting yourself. Burning your own house down just to kill a bed bug ain't smart. Our history is your history too. Unless you have come as a refugee from Afghanistan in the 80s(and living off Pakistan like a leech) that is... :azn:
please dont reply to such threads.. these guys think they are smart by saying such things.
they are stating their opinions as facts and pretend to be innocent as if unaware what they said.
Just pour water to this stupid thread and website by not responding to barking things.

Don't pass off your absolute hatred for Hindus or Hinduism and end up humiliating your own ancestors. Have some shame. In a few sentences you have called the entire people of South Asia cowards. If you hate Hindus find something more specific and peddle your hatred. By attacking the millennia old culture you are hurting the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh as well. Nation states are a modern creation. People existed long before that. Even if you can't respect your neighbors at least start respecting yourself. Burning your own house down just to kill a bed bug ain't smart. Our history is your history too. Unless you have come as a refugee from Afghanistan in the 80s(and living off Pakistan like a leech) that is... :azn:
I have not started this topic to insult anyone. These are two genuine questions come in my mind frequently which i was not able to get any logical answer.

We know English,Arabs, Persian, Mongol, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian etc went all over the world to conquer different region and had established their rule over there. Some of them were less in number compare to native Indians of sub-continent region. Which part of the world ruled by Indians ? Why Ghaznavi, Ghori, Abdali with few thousand of people managed to conquer India easily? Why native Indians gave up and embraced slavery of Arabs/afghan/Persian/Mughal/British easily which lasted century after century ? Was It because of cowardice or submissive/subdue nature of Hindus?

The only Hindu empire worth noting for its bravery was the Marathi empire of the 18th century which actually had a lot of Muslims soldiers in its ranks. Living among Hindus for so long the minorities of India have also been affected by this disease of gutlessness and cowardice. Is there something in the Hindu scriptures or Indian psyche that drives this cowardly behavior?

or this cowardice nature was because of extreme division among themselves along caste (sub caste within caste), culture, state, sect, language, dialect etc etc which in result created insecurity, jealousy, hatred, fear, mistrust among them. We know Religion often acts as a morale booster if you are full of confidence and hold your beliefs close to your heart. This is true in case of Muslims at least. Muslims were very few in the beginning of Islam but they faced opponents three-four times bigger in size/strength and often defeated them convincingly.

Hindus create their own interpretation of Hinduism based on their secular beliefs. This is why Hinduism today is nothing more than idolatry, senseless rituals, polytheism, caste system, cow worship etc. Hindus claiming that smoking, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, robbing, cheating etc etc are all cool in Hinduism because Hinduism has "no rules". It is all being done to show that Hinduism is more compatible with west and it is a very liberal religion. You can act cowardly because there is something called karma. You are very peaceful if you cannot dare to fight. I don't think such Religion with no rules can inspire its followers to fight against invaders.

I have shared my personal thought and perception. I would be interested to know what you guys think about it ? Please give to the point answer without bringing irrelevant stuffs. Thanks

Every one lost their empires to these central Asian conquerors, they defeated Persians, Arabs, even European Empires, India is no exception.

Hindus became weak after Islamic invasions, But never gave up their religion or culture, some parts of India in North west close to Central Asia have converted to Islam because of their influence.

Regarding Hinduism, Religion has to evolve with Time, there is a phrase which says "with time Dharma must change".
Hinduism do have its drawbacks, like caste system, lot of the bad practices have been abolished, In time I think this caste system will go.
Caste system is not a rigid one , caste is not by birth but by profession and in time the rules got twisted because of greed of some people.
"Karma do not mean sitting idle doing nothing, when some thing needs to be done and if the guy who is capable, sit idle with out doing anything then this act will be considered as Bad karma".

This world is functioning according to technology and innovation not according to religion. Religion must be moderate and accommodating to the changes happening around the world at faster rate.

Strict codes in Hinduism, Islam are needed in 6th and 7th centuries since people are more of barbaric in nature compared to now, Now people are educated and they know what is good and bad.
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@Proudpakistaniguy So, Pakistanis here love to insult their own ancestors. A Sindhi Muslim or a Punjabi Muslim are related to the people who surrendered, not the ancestors of Marathi Hindu, or a Tamil Hindu or a Bengali Hindu. :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Since India and Pakistan were one before 1947 and have common history this thread do not make much sense
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Some 6 decades back my friend...Indians included Pakistanis and Bangladeshis... And the surrender usually started from Western part of Ancient India, the area that you call Pakistan these days.

History my friend history...

I have not started this topic to insult anyone. These are two genuine questions come in my mind frequently which i was not able to get any logical answer.

We know English,Arabs, Persian, Mongol, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian etc went all over the world to conquer different region and had established their rule over there. Some of them were less in number compare to native Indians of sub-continent region. Which part of the world ruled by Indians ? Why Ghaznavi, Ghori, Abdali with few thousand of people managed to conquer India easily? Why native Indians gave up and embraced slavery of Arabs/afghan/Persian/Mughal/British easily which lasted century after century ? Was It because of cowardice or submissive/subdue nature of Hindus?

The only Hindu empire worth noting for its bravery was the Marathi empire of the 18th century which actually had a lot of Muslims soldiers in its ranks. Living among Hindus for so long the minorities of India have also been affected by this disease of gutlessness and cowardice. Is there something in the Hindu scriptures or Indian psyche that drives this cowardly behavior?

or this cowardice nature was because of extreme division among themselves along caste (sub caste within caste), culture, state, sect, language, dialect etc etc which in result created insecurity, jealousy, hatred, fear, mistrust among them. We know Religion often acts as a morale booster if you are full of confidence and hold your beliefs close to your heart. This is true in case of Muslims at least. Muslims were very few in the beginning of Islam but they faced opponents three-four times bigger in size/strength and often defeated them convincingly.

Hindus create their own interpretation of Hinduism based on their secular beliefs. This is why Hinduism today is nothing more than idolatry, senseless rituals, polytheism, caste system, cow worship etc. Hindus claiming that smoking, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, robbing, cheating etc etc are all cool in Hinduism because Hinduism has "no rules". It is all being done to show that Hinduism is more compatible with west and it is a very liberal religion. You can act cowardly because there is something called karma. You are very peaceful if you cannot dare to fight. I don't think such Religion with no rules can inspire its followers to fight against invaders.

I have shared my personal thought and perception. I would be interested to know what you guys think about it ? Please give to the point answer without bringing irrelevant stuffs. Thanks
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