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Why Indians embraced slavery in past ?

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OP seems to be a product of failed Pakistani education system... they have cooked up history so many times.. that it resembles some second grade bhelpuri
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me thing needs to be done and if the guy who is capable, sit idle with out doing anything then this act will be considered as Bad karma".
It seem my topic really pissed off many Indian hindus here although i never insulted hinduism but only stated what is fact. Who can deny that indians were not ruled by outsider mentioned in my opening post and they ruled on them for century without facing any major resistance. from obedient public who were follower of hinduism because sikhism or islam were new religion in india and also less in numbers compare to Hindus. Well i cannot reply to everyone here but i will get back to few sane posts tonight :D

So only punjabi and sindhi were under the control of british and everyone else ruled in India prior to them ? they were followers of hinduism and it dont matter if they were ancestors of some pakistani or not but cowards people dont deserve any respect and they should be thankful for joining right religion which take you out from fear and cowardice

joining a religion doesnt make you more brave or less cowardly. its the inherent nature of a person.
then why is pak so cowardly and joined WoT. 
So tamil hindus were watching and enjoying the live show When muhamad bin qasim and others took these slaves..see thats what i am talking about. You could not help your fellow hindus becoming slaves in hands of others..such bravery and brotherhood of hinduism inspire me
are ou dumb or what... in ad 700, by the time news reached Tamilnadu, it would have been 1000AD. 
You see when arabs pagan converted into islam then they had fight with their own tribes even some fought with their fathers and brothers. They were tiny comapre to their opponents but islam gave them this courage and fearless approach that they went againt army four times bigger. Islam brought postive change in them. It might be true for those who converted into islam from hinduism
so if someone kills other people they are good? this is the criminal mind of your religon. 
You see when arabs pagan converted into islam then they had fight with their own tribes even some fought with their fathers and brothers. They were tiny comapre to their opponents but islam gave them this courage and fearless approach that they went againt army four times bigger. Islam brought postive change in them. It might be true for those who converted into islam from hinduism
so it kind of proves the point . your religon spread by the sword. and non qureshi tribes who converted are all cowards. thank you discussion closed.
When on this forum,posters argue over the antiquity of Indian and Pakistani civilizations,some Pakistanis come up with the argument that they inherit a 7000 years old civilization which is situated between Afghanistan and India,while India is supposedly a new country came into existence in 1947.

Now guys from the west,make up your mind and what you want to prove here with this brilliant argument,since we do not have evidences till today that invaders like Babur,Nadir shah and Ahmed Shah Abdali bypassed this grand 7000 years old land of Meluhhas and came to India via Arabian ocean.
@Proudpakistaniguy is a f*****g newby joining the forum on the 8th of November. Beta ka**u suck on a lollipop and learn some history before commenting!! You are out of your depth here.

Lets recount the major historical events from the earliest history of Pakistan to understand the relation of this land with various religions till it became majority Muslim.

The Indus Valley Civilization which emanated from Mehrgarh (7000 BC) in Balochistan reached its peak between 2500-1900 BC. Though the religion of these people has not been deciphered so far, it is generally assumed that they were monotheists. The fading out of this civilization was also presumed to have resulted in evolution of Rig Veda, the earliest Vedic scripture which many attribute as primarily monotheistic in nature. There was no mention of Meluhha after 1300 BC. The Iron Age period can be taken to last roughly form 1200 to 300 BCE. Most of the Vedic period (excepting the earliest phase of the core of the Rig Veda) falls within the early part of the Iron Age (12th to 6th centuries BC) as no other historic records are available.

Alexander’s Indian campaign began in 326 BC in the territory of Indus by defeating Porus. Many historians relate it to the Dasarajna (Battle of ten kings) between the Purus and Bharatas as explained in Rig Veda.

In 321 BC, Chandragupta Maurya of Magadha, founded the Mauryan Empire in India and conquered the areas under Greek rule during the Seleucid–Mauryan war (305-303 BC). The Mauryan Empire is generally said to be followers of Shiva and were probably Shaivites (monotheists). Their ruler Chandragut Maurya later converted to Jainism (monotheist). Later ruler Ashoka became a Buddhist and it was also declared as a state religion. Mauryan Empire ruled from 322-185 BC.

Kushan Empire ruled between Ist and 3rd century BC. The Kushans adopted elements of the Hellenistic culture of Bactria and emanated from Amu Darya area in eastern Afghanistan. The following Kushan emperors represented a wide variety of faiths including Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and possibly Shaivism (monotheists).

The kingdom known as Kabul Shahi ruled between 565 and 879 AD when they had Kapisa and Kabul as their capitals, and later as Hindu Shahi.The Shahis of Kabul/Gandhara are generally divided into the two eras of the so-called Buddhist-Shahis and the so-called Hindu-Shahis, with the change-over thought to have occurred sometime around 870 AD. During the 7th and 8th centuries AD the Buddhists also predominated Sindh and Punjab as well.

When Mohammad Bin Qasim attacked Sindh in 712 AD, he was supported by Jats, Meds and Buddhist against Raja Dahir. The rulers in Sindh were high cast Brahmins who ill-treated majority population consisting of Buddhists. Thus Raja Dahir was decisively defeated. This has been mentioned in Chach Nama. The religious demography of this area is therefore clearly indicative of this fact that though in certain time periods when the rulers were Brahmin Hindus, majority population did not generally follow religion of the rulers except during the early and later Mauryan period.

From the 8th century to the 9th century AD, many inhabitants of what is present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and areas of northern India were converted to Sunni Islam. It is surmised from the writings of Al Biruni that around 1100 AD, some Pashtuns living in Pakhtunkhwa (present-day western Pakistan) and the neighbourhood of Sindh (ie Indus) valley had not been completely converted. Al Biruni, writing in Tarikh al Hind, also alludes to the Pashtun tribes of Pakhtunkhwa as Hindus. The word Hindu in those days alluded to the people living in a geographical location known as Al-Hind and not those who were followers of Hinduism, which was a much later characterization. In actual fact, majority of these Pashtuns were Buddhists at that time and the remaining were shaivites (monotheists). Gradually most of them came within the folds of Islam.

One aspect clearly stands out as a historical fact is that a large majority of the people living in the landmass of Indus Valley Civilization and current day Pakistan, for most part of known history, largely followed Buddhism and Islam as their main religion and not Hinduism. And those who followed Vedic culture followed a monotheistic format instead of the later diluted polytheist culture based Hinduism.
Citizen Khan from Britsh pakistan. he is a commuty leader.. akrrruach
When on this forum,posters argue over the antiquity of Indian and Pakistani civilizations,some Pakistanis come up with the argument that they inherit a 7000 years old civilization which is situated between Afghanistan and India,while India is supposedly a new country came into existence in 1947.

Now guys from the west,make up your mind and what you want to prove here with this brilliant argument,since we do not have evidences till today that invaders like Babur,Nadir shah and Ahmed Shah Abdali bypassed this grand 7000 years old land of Meluhhas and came to India via Arabian ocean.

And why do you think that we should have stopped them. To save you people - Duh
I am proud of my religion. All religion take birth with zero follower and then people from previous religion Christianity, Judaism, polytheism etc join them. so what is your point? 

But its you who is trolling here without contributing anything useful to the questions being raised ?

Ok let me know why are you so proud of your religion.

Barbaric acts of invaders, their moronic rule, now terrorism - what your are proud of? Please be precise. Any significant contribution to mankind by your religion will help me understand your proud head.

or are you proud of the fear your religion followers in form of brutal murderers like abdali and ghaznavi create in your fore father's mind that they convert. Was that the beauty of religion or cowardice of few? History dont suggest any good done by your religion followers on humanity.
See Hindus never embraced slavery but in the age of Bhakti Youg, they become indifferent to who ruled them. They never bothered whether they are Hindus or Non Hindus. Their entire focus was on the God and one to one relation with God. Even Hindu Knigs choose that path. So basically it was a time when ruler was not at all important for masses. But the things changed with the revolution in Hindu Society with reformists like Dayand Saraswati, Vivekanand etc. In current time Nationalism is getting stronger and stronger. Sonia could not become PM. That was the example of Nationalism becoming stronger.

Swami Dayanada Saraswati propagated monotheism and asserted that idol worship is not allowed in Hinduism. Did the Hindu people listen to him.
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