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Why Indians embraced slavery in past ?

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so that's all you have to say in defense. Correct me if i have said anything wrong. calling me joker is not the answer of my questions 

So Hindus/indians were pop up on this land in 1947 and before that it was all Pakistani ruled by others.

You know more about my forefather? who were they? Hindus? were they coward to surrender? who taught them this cowardice? Hindu culture or religion ? lol

Indians also have a habit of Forging history, inspired by their "religion" this leads to a gap between reality and their delusions.

Some Indians on this pakistani forum have gone so far to claim they have pre ice age cities. Cities, pre dating ice age. This is the level of delusion you are dealing with these people. They are divorced from reality, are often jealous of others, and are unable to appreciate the achievement of others.

When these people come i front of real civilizations, which have contributed to humanity, they become jealous of them, go into LaLa land, and start making up delusional stuff up, in order to coop with hard reality.
Slavery can either be a state of mind or a physical thing.

One of them can be reversed, its effects not seen on future generations.

The other is more insidious, self perpetuating, and passes on from father to son.
See Hindus never embraced slavery but in the age of Bhakti Youg, they become indifferent to who ruled them. They never bothered whether they are Hindus or Non Hindus. Their entire focus was on the God and one to one relation with God. Even Hindu Knigs choose that path. So basically it was a time when ruler was not at all important for masses. But the things changed with the revolution in Hindu Society with reformists like Dayand Saraswati, Vivekanand etc. In current time Nationalism is getting stronger and stronger. Sonia could not become PM. That was the example of Nationalism becoming stronger.

LOL-- Bhakti Youg!!! you seriously believe at this crap theory? It was social discrimination based on casts & religion which made people indifferent to who is ruling them.
Since India and Pakistan were one before 1947 and have common history this thread do not make much sense

The land of Pakistan was under British India, which was an artificial colony made by the British in the subcontinent. The British started their colony from the east (Bangladesh) and kept on invading the land to annex them into their colony, British India. The region of Pakistan one of the last states to be Annexed into British colony.
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