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That explanation is wrong at THREE levels.

First there is no Image. Mother-Land is an imaginative concept. The IDEA of Country as Mother. This is not a new concept or even an exclusively Hindu concept.

Secondly, 'Vandanam' in Bhakti Yoga means the Shastang Namaskar, but 'Vande' just means 'worship by saluting'. For Muslims that would mean saluting in any islamic way.

Thirdly it is a Lie that muslims to do bow to anyone other than allah. They do it all the time,





So it seems that offering salute to the Motherland seems to be the only problem. Any and all "zidd" seems to from the muslims, not the hindus.

Now why should muslims box themselves into a corner by spinning lies ? None of their argument stands up to scrutiny. So if they get boxed in by their own dogma, it is not anybody else fault but their own.

Finally it is not a matter of my satisfaction, 'Vande Mataram" is Indian National Song. All Indians have to respect the National Song and sing it at some point. To reject that is to reject the very notion of India. You do not get to pick and choose what part of India you like and would like to respect and what part you want to disrespect. Stop trying to pretend that you do.





Thats not bowing. Thats kissing the hand of your loved one. Its another tradition.
We call this "BOWING". :coffee:

You can Bow to kiss hand or kiss arse, to scratch your toe or to pick up chappals.

The act of bending your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect is called BOWING.

:lol: it does not matter what Hindus call as bowing what matters is that what is called bowing in Islam and that is total submission in front of one and only one God that is ALLAH.
:lol: it does not matter what Hindus call as bowing what matters is that what is called bowing in Islam and that is total submission in front of one and only one God that is ALLAH.

It is called BOWING in the English Language dictionary, you are free to call it the Jigolo Plex or Mustafa or kissi kissi bang bang for all I care.
It is called BOWING in the English Language dictionary, you are free to call it the Jigolo Plex or Mustafa or kissi kissi bang bang for all I care.

:lol: bharotis are ignorant to their core
Indian Muslims should realize that their identity will be further compromised by these hindu nationalists, and refuse all of their strange traditions. Make yourself comfortable and never give into anything other than Allah swt. Give respect to all humans, but never compromise your beliefs for a kafir. They have their rights, and Muslims have their own rights.
:lol: this is NOT BOWING this is kissing hands of respected persons
even women who you aren't related to ?


it is Iran though, I'll bet the saudi version won't allow for this.
even women who you aren't related to ?


it is Iran though, I'll bet the saudi version won't allow for this.

Why do you think that we look towards Iran for professional conduct? You bhartis are funny people.
Why do you think that we look towards Iran for professional conduct? You bhartis are funny people.
no one said anything about "professional conduct", I asked a simple question about Islamic rules for things like shaking (or kissing) a woman's hands. There was that whole drama about the muslim kid in Switzerland who refused to shake his teacher's hands recently, right ?
even women who you aren't related to ?


it is Iran though, I'll bet the saudi version won't allow for this.

There is only one version and that is you cannot kiss or shake hand with a na-mahram woman (a woman whom you can marry).

BTW what do you call this ?






We call this SHIRK :) There is no room for shirk simple as that. There are thousands of Muslims who break Islamic rules and Islam clearly defines who are true believers and who are sinners. In Islam human are given utmost value and respect and felling on feet of anyone even if they are your parents is considered lowering the respect of a human being.
There is only one version and that is you cannot kiss or shake hand with a na-mahram woman (a woman whom you can marry).

We call this SHIRK :) There is no room for shirk simple as that. There are thousands of Muslims who break Islamic rules and Islam clearly defines who are true believers and who are sinners. In Islam human are given utmost value and respect and felling on feet of anyone even if they are your parents is considered lowering the respect of a human being.

Call it what you want, but it proves beyond doubt, muslims have no qualms about bowing to people other than allah.

You can label them whatever you want, but the Hypocrisy is stark.

These are the same people who give the same excuse to prove they cannot say Vande Mataram.
Are you pretending to not understand anything or it is an issue with you.

Howsoever you spin the issue, every Indian knows that this is Bharat Mata.. No amount of your word-play or twisting of matter gonna change the hard facts.

We call this "BOWING". :coffee:

You can Bow to kiss hand or kiss arse, to scratch your toe or to pick up chappals.

The act of bending your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect is called BOWING.
Are you pretending to not understand anything or it is an issue with you.

Howsoever you spin the issue, every Indian knows that this is Bharat Mata.. No amount of your word-play or twisting of matter gonna change the hard facts.
View attachment 303738

LOL.... that is a Pictorial representation of the MOTHER. Mother India. Or are you under the delusion that that actually represents a "god" or "goddess" ? Naah... I am sure you know that. You just want to pretend that it is a 'god'.

This is a pictorial representation of a Chinese dragon.


And this is what Uncle SAm looks like :cheesy: (USA)


And this is what Santa Clause looks like :lol:

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Are you pretending to not understand anything or it is an issue with you.

Howsoever you spin the issue, every Indian knows that this is Bharat Mata.. No amount of your word-play or twisting of matter gonna change the hard facts.
View attachment 303738

Well the song itself is taken from the novel Ananmath wherein Muslims were shown enemies and their killing by Hindus was glorified.

LOL.... that is a Pictorial representation of the MOTHER. Mother India. Or are you under the delusion that that actually represents a "god" or "goddess" ? Naah... I am sure you know that. You just want to pretend that it is a 'god'.

This is a pictorial representation of a Chinese dragon.


And this is what Uncle SAm looks like :cheesy: (USA)

And this is what Santa Clause looks like :lol:

The fourth stanza of the song addresses motherland India as, “Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen, with her hands that strike and her swords of sheen, Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned……..”

In 1936, a Bharat Mata temple was built in Benaras by Shiv Prashad Gupt and was inaugurated by none less than Mahatma Gandhi. Then in May 1983, Swami Satyamitranand Giri founded a Bharat Mata temple in Haridwar which has a statue of Bharat Mata holding a milk urn in one hand and sheaves of grains in the other. According to the temple guide book, “the temple serves to promote the devotional attitude towards Bharat Mata, something that historians and mythological story-teller may have missed.” (Mc Kean, Lise. “Bharat Mata: Mother India and Her Militant Matriots”, in Devi : Goddesses of India, edited by John S.Hawley and Donna M.Wulff, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers, Delhi, 1998).
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