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Again how does it matter who wrote the song ? is anyone asking you to worship Bumkin chandra Chaterjee ? Nobody even knows who he is, most people do not even knows his name. No body has read Anandmatt and no body is asking anyone to read it either. Its a forgotten work of fiction.

The movie made on that book makes no negative reference to muslims. All those are forgotten in the mist of history.

'Vande Mataram' however is a well known inspirational song of freedom much loved and admired by almost all Indians. Before independence it was loved by many Muslims too.

Congress adopted the song because that was the demand of the people of India and they as representative of the people did what the people asked them to do.

In fact 'Vande Mataram' was selected to be the National Anthem by a vast Majority. It was Nehru who intervened and deflected the majority sentiment and adopted 'Jana Gana Mana' as the Anthem.

The mistake was in not adopting it as the National Anthem keeping in view the muslim blackmail. But to continue to extend that irrational blackmail till the end of eternity will be the mistake.

LOL..... the very existence of Article 370 and the ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir is a million times worse than any adaptation of any song :lol:

I will welcome a song calling all hindus swine's if they will abolish 370 and welcome back hindus into their society. :lol:

You sure have a twisted sense of justice. No doubt inspired by your religion.
my religion asks me to oppress lower caste but I dont do it, I am beyond such crap... but enough about me. :)
j&k govt did not do ethnic cleansing, it was ruled by center when the alleged events happened.. anyway I dont need to defend j&k govt, I dont work for them, I was just giving a similar situation in which muslims were brutalized by hindu king and whether in current time it will be okey to do something similar there(adopting a song written by divisive person of a bygone era, no matter how real and relevant his experience might be)

Democracy works on Majoritarianism, and it does not have to be apologetic about it.

There were plenty of objection to 'Jana Gana Mana' too, FAR more than 'Vande Mataram'. Its funny how you don't bring in Majoritarianism when it suites your agenda.

By your logic, we will never have a song suitable to be National Anthem or even a constitution. There is always someone who will find faults with it.

But the idea is that once it is adopted, we put aside our difference and opinion and embrace it. Only the people who reject 'Vande Mataram' wants to selectively embrace India.
I call it majoritarianism because there was massive demand from minority community against it. its insensitive to a group of people, not merely against a opposite viewpoint.
my religion asks me to oppress lower caste but I dont do it, I am beyond such crap... but enough about me. :)
j&k govt did not do ethnic cleansing, it was ruled by center when the alleged events happened.. anyway I dont need to defend j&k govt, I dont work for them, I was just giving a similar situation in which muslims were brutalized by hindu king and whether in current time it will be okey to do something similar there(adopting a song written by divisive person of a bygone era, no matter how real and relevant his experience might be)
What is your religion called ? I have never heard of such a thing. Do enlighten us.

There IS NO SIMILAR situation where muslims were brutalized by Hindu king. I am sorry you cannot just invent history to suite your argument.

Finally Bankim chandra chaterjee wrote a total of 13 Novels, non of which was divisive. He was a prolific writer of Fiction and a Prolific writer in General. He wrote plenty of serious, serio-comic, satirical works. Many of them translated into other languages.

It is beyond ridiculous to assign blame to an extraordinary literary figure based on ONE novel and your prejudice. The only thing it exposes is YOUR divisive nature. You see what you wish to see.

I call it majoritarianism because there was massive demand from minority community against it. its insensitive to a group of people, not merely against a opposite viewpoint.

There was a massive demand from the minority community for their own country too. (90%). So people who disagreed with Hindus should have moved to pakistan which was formed based on their desire and vote.

This line of argument won't fly. It is insensitive of that group of people to carry around their prejudice and poison the atmosphere in the country by their prejudice. it works both ways.

Considering that the Song has been adopted in India, the sensitive and sensible thing to do is to accept it in all grace and warmth and build a unified society based on common values.

Not find reason to divide society bases on presumed insult, built on a work of Fiction.

i don't call it Majoritarianism , I call it something far more dastardly.
That explanation is wrong at THREE levels.

First there is no Image. Mother-Land is an imaginative concept. The IDEA of Country as Mother. This is not a new concept or even an exclusively Hindu concept.

Secondly, 'Vandanam' in Bhakti Yoga means the Shastang Namaskar, but 'Vande' just means 'worship by saluting'. For Muslims that would mean saluting in any islamic way.

Thirdly it is a Lie that muslims to do bow to anyone other than allah. They do it all the time,





So it seems that offering salute to the Motherland seems to be the only problem. Any and all "zidd" seems to from the muslims, not the hindus.

Now why should muslims box themselves into a corner by spinning lies ? None of their argument stands up to scrutiny. So if they get boxed in by their own dogma, it is not anybody else fault but their own.

Finally it is not a matter of my satisfaction, 'Vande Mataram" is Indian National Song. All Indians have to respect the National Song and sing it at some point. To reject that is to reject the very notion of India. You do not get to pick and choose what part of India you like and would like to respect and what part you want to disrespect. Stop trying to pretend that you do.





Kissing hand isn't bowing down ..
Play your "been" in front of Cow mata. She might appreciate it more and keep that knowledge for lectures in Shakhas. We love our motherland and not your fictional Bharat Mata. Tell Menaka Gandhi not to sue Bharat Mata for animal (lion) abuse. She will understand as she is in your own party.

Saluting a swine or cow or snake is your trait not ours.

Clearly educating you is a futile exercise. Words of wisdom before a buffalo.

I can't say I will be surprised if you will vote to salute a swine rather than your motherland. People like you and Kanaiya Kumar take more pride in opposing patriotism than encouraging it. You apparently think that makes you a hero :lol:

Your claim about not getting "dictated by chaddis" reminds me of a similar statement by Asaduddin owaisi. you forgot to say "even if we put a sword on your neck". Its funny how Bigots have the same vocabulary. One a christian and another a muslim, yet birds of the same feather. :lol:


BTW "Vande Mataram" is Indian National song, so its also your political masters beliefs. Unless of course your political master sits in the Vatican.

People call all Hindus as cowardly swine's in pdf all the time :P

No one is asking you to adopt 'Anandmutt" as your personal guide to India. It is a work of fiction.

The debate is about the song Vande Mataram which is independent of the story of that book. That song is about children of the same mother , Mother India. You are not required to read Anandmatt to understand that song. Anandmutt is not even relevant.
Play your "been" in front of Cow mata. She might appreciate it more and keep that knowledge for lectures in Shakhas. We love our motherland and not your fictional Bharat Mata. Tell Menaka Gandhi not to sue Bharat Mata for animal (lion) abuse. She will understand as she is in your own party.

Saluting a swine or cow or snake is your trait not ours.

How about playing an 'pipe organ' in the church ? Iam told that some priest are experts on finger it.

Many a choir boy has memories of being part of that experience and I am sure they appreciate it more than you care to admit. Clearly my choice of organ was wrong and so was my position and reference to the beast. Your tastes are far more specialised.

BTW how is MOTHER-land any different from Bharat Mata ? ...... Mata is Mother and the Land is Bharat. You just admitted to my fiction being the same as yours.

I have asked BJP activists to sue the church for children (sexual) abuse. It was a much more worthy cause. I am sure you will agree.

Of course saluting a swine or a cow is our trait, Killing them barbarically and eating them is yours. Its a clear distinction between civilized men and barbarians.
Ya.. Ya... only Sanghis like you are civilized, rest of the world are barbarians. Get out of the well foolish man. You will see people feasting of all kinds of animals. You mean to say you are more civilized than Japanese or Koreans or dozens of other nations who eat lots of meat?

A big LOL at your delusion of grandeur and superior culture. BC we are a nation where millions go to railway tracks to defeceate and paint walls with our piss!

I dont sympathise with priests who to bad deeds. They should be treated as criminals. Such preverts are there in all religions. Go to youtube, newschannels and skim through old sheafs of newspapers. You will find such news of Babas, Maulvis, Priests et al. Whats your point?

If after so much explanations, you are not able to understand the difference between motherland and "Bharat Mata" then there is no point arguing with you. Stay happy in your imaginative world.

How about playing an 'pipe organ' in the church ? Iam told that some priest are experts on finger it.

Many a choir boy has memories of being part of that experience and I am sure they appreciate it more than you care to admit. Clearly my choice of organ was wrong and so was my position and reference to the beast. Your tastes are far more specialised.

BTW how is MOTHER-land any different from Bharat Mata ? ...... Mata is Mother and the Land is Bharat. You just admitted to my fiction being the same as yours.

I have asked BJP activists to sue the church for children (sexual) abuse. It was a much more worthy cause. I am sure you will agree.

Of course saluting a swine or a cow is our trait, Killing them barbarically and eating them is yours. Its a clear distinction between civilized men and barbarians.
Ya.. Ya... only Sanghis like you are civilized, rest of the world are barbarians. Get out of the well foolish man. You will see people feasting of all kinds of animals. You mean to say you are more civilized than Japanese or Koreans or dozens of other nations who eat lots of meat?

A big LOL at your delusion of grandeur and superior culture. BC we are a nation where millions go to railway tracks to defeceate and paint walls with our piss!

I dont sympathise with priests who to bad deeds. They should be treated as criminals. Such preverts are there in all religions. Go to youtube, newschannels and skim through old sheafs of newspapers. You will find such news of Babas, Maulvis, Priests et al. Whats your point?

If after so much explanations, you are not able to understand the difference between motherland and "Bharat Mata" then there is no point arguing with you. Stay happy in your imaginative world.

LOL..... but you are not a Japanese or Korean, are you ? You are a produce of THIS land. Only you have sold out to western culture for a bag of rice and a pound of swine flesh.

Poverty is not a measure of our culture, it is a by-product of invasions by barbarians. The same barbarians who found collaborates here who abandoned their own faith and culture in exchange for a chance to play slave.

My point was that your deep concern for an imaginary animal of an imaginary mother figure does not extend to real life abuse victims from the same organized religious cabal you come from. Your condescending speech would have been better suited for the church where it could have done some good.

As to the meaning of Mother-Land and Bharat-Mata, it is the same for all sensible people. But it will appear different to those who seek to split straw as a mark of 'defiance', the kind who will cut their nose to spite their face.
Shove that mata up yours and stop quoting me again and again like a moron. To hell with your mata! Do whatever you want to do with her. I dont care a rat's ***.


LOL..... but you are not a Japanese or Korean, are you ? You are a produce of THIS land. Only you have sold out to western culture for a bag of rice and a pound of swine flesh.

Poverty is not a measure of our culture, it is a by-product of invasions by barbarians. The same barbarians who found collaborates here who abandoned their own faith and culture in exchange for a chance to play slave.

My point was that your deep concern for an imaginary animal of an imaginary mother figure does not extend to real life abuse victims from the same organized religious cabal you come from. Your condescending speech would have been better suited for the church where it could have done some good.

As to the meaning of Mother-Land and Bharat-Mata, it is the same for all sensible people. But it will appear different to those who seek to split straw as a mark of 'defiance', the kind who will cut their nose to spite their face.
Shove that mata up yours and stop quoting me again and again like a moron. To hell with your mata! Do whatever you want to do with her. I dont care a rat's ***.


Stop whining when you are caught throwing stones at others.
Visit nearest psychiatrist and get yourself checked. Are you so much free? I don't have time to sit all day and answer your crap.

Stop whining when you are caught throwing stones at others.
Visit nearest psychiatrist and get yourself checked. Are you so much free? I don't have time to sit all day and answer your crap.

LOL. My psychiatrist suggested that I kick some @ss holes to relieve my stress. I will be reporting back that It really works. :D
Okay... Now wash your panties and clean yourself.

LOL. My psychiatrist suggested that I kick some @ss holes to relieve my stress. I will be reporting back that It really works. :D
Okay... Now wash your panties and clean yourself.

LOL..... WTF did I just read ? the confession fantasy from your childhood ? :lol:

Stop wasting my time with such childish replies. If you have nothing more to say, learn to keep quite.
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Of course saluting a swine or a cow is our trait, Killing them barbarically and eating them is yours. Its a clear distinction between civilized men and barbarians.

Aptly said.
Not just that.
Only Hindu woman's rights matter, when it comes to Sikular woman, govt has no role to interfere in religious matters - Sickular logic.
These guys support PETA but proudly announce eating beef or pork all the while protesting against hindu customs of eating meat or Chinese Yulin custom..
Bakrid is OK..

Simply put Hindus do anything - NOT OK
Muslims do anything - OK
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