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what's the sharia prescribed physical punishment for having a beer (drinking) ?
80 stripes-------- so that you wont kill someone in a car accident(oooops sorry i was high) ,or beat your wife or try to rape someone or to commit suicide out of frustration or or or:o:
also, is smoking pot legal ? I think sufis sometimes smoke the herb if I'm not wrong
drugs of any kind are stricty prohibited in Islam and those homeless addicts ain't sufis/sunnis,they just go to the Sufi Tombs to find some sort of refuge

Good try hahaha i dont, moreover its not compulsory to do, unlike some religions :-)
if someone finds peace of mind in doing so ,then whats wrong with it
তুমি বিদ্যা তুমি ধর্ম্ম
তুমি হৃদি তুমি মর্ম্ম
ত্বং হি প্রাণাঃ শরীরে৷
বাহুতে তুমি মা শক্তি,
হৃদয়ে তুমি মা ভক্তি,
তোমারই প্রতিমা গড়ি মন্দিরে মন্দিরে৷

ত্বং হি দুর্গা দশপ্রহরণধারিণী
কমলা কমল-দলবিহারিণী
বাণী বিদ্যাদায়িণী
নমামি ত্বাং
নমামি কমলাম্
The Context is where the problem lies.....Even Anandamath portrays Muslims as enemies of Hindus during the Fakir-Sannyasi Rebellion(Where they were actually allies)...those who fail to see the historical context about the Muslim objection are just blind.
তুমি বিদ্যা তুমি ধর্ম্ম
তুমি হৃদি তুমি মর্ম্ম
ত্বং হি প্রাণাঃ শরীরে৷
বাহুতে তুমি মা শক্তি,
হৃদয়ে তুমি মা ভক্তি,
তোমারই প্রতিমা গড়ি মন্দিরে মন্দিরে৷

ত্বং হি দুর্গা দশপ্রহরণধারিণী
কমলা কমল-দলবিহারিণী
বাণী বিদ্যাদায়িণী
নমামি ত্বাং
নমামি কমলাম্
The Context is where the problem lies.....Even Anandamath portrays Muslims as enemies of Hindus during the Fakir-Sannyasi Rebellion(Where they were actually allies)...those who fail to see the historical context about the Muslim objection are just blind.
a translation would be good
a translation would be good
Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Thou art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.
(A simpler translation of this line would we build your images(statues) in temples)

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Thou art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.
(A simpler translation of this line would we build your images(statues) in temples)

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
so basically it has solid hindu religious connotations,thank You
i don't live in a delusionary "india shining" country.
neither do I, everything is a mess, massive poverty, crumbling/non existent infrastructure, its all true... get a car with good suspension.

competition for survival is the sign of a failed society.
you're a failed human if you refuse to work in order to fulfill even your basic needs and demand that your government give you money for doing nothing.

and i don't do or like sports, at least not the vulgarities like cricket, football, hockey and more barbaric ones like boxing.
that's fine, who's forcing you to watch ?

why should anyone pay bills for basic services like housing, water, electricity and food??
because people are working to provide you those services, you owe them.

it is this "paying bills" thing that causes most atrocities and suicides in india.
why should the rest of society bear the burden and provide for able bodied people who refuse to earn a living ?

so i should pay the bills to the government so that it can enlarge a already pampered military but in my local area i run the daily risk of being bitten to death by dogs?? that is a strange system
your beloved DPRK spends 15% of it's budget on military.

and you should pay those bills to whoever is providing you those services, government or a private company, because real people work to ensure you have those services.

should someone die of medical trauma because they don't have money to pay medical bills for further treatment??

should someone die of hunger because they don't the money to pay for bills and for food??
if able bodied people of sound mind refuse to work, then yes, they should die and not be a burden on the rest of the people.

the basic point is why should money system even exist??
I have no idea but it just does, this is the way things are, and its not going anywhere or changing in your lifetime or mine, so better adapt, or die.

"living in style" like mukesh ambani, i suppose, with that 27-storey ugly building while below that tower the rest of bombay lives in not good situation at all.
its his money, who am I to judge how he chooses to spend it ?

personally, if I had the money, I wouldn't have built such an extravagant monstrosity in the middle of a city like Bombay, New York etc are much better suited to those kinds of projects.

this has been addressed many times before.
sure, all dictators live like kings, mg just had massive oil reserve income to dole to his small population, they dole out a lot in saudi and qatar etc too

so you mean india is a largely harmonious society and idiotic parents are few??

you mean most parents don't push their own middle-class poverty on their children??
we are a nation of a billion plus people, how the hell am I supposed to know what most parents are like ? I have no idea, and I have no interest in telling other people how to live..

jina hai to jiyo, marna hai to maro
bc meri jaan (tax monies) chhodo

you and your friends should try getting out of wage-slavery and see what your respective parents tell you bunch. :)
cant comment on others but my old folks are the best people ever, don't worry about us, khud ko sambhalo

what is that??

so tomorrow if you get hit in a traffic "accident" what if others are as callous as you and instead of helping you as you lie on the road shivering in injury - "oh, why should this bother us, let him die"??

that is so not the same as paying for an able bodied (and of sound mind) individual's power and water bills etc

i am empathic to people's sufferings, this is inherent to me
good, you should go to Liberia and help with the ebola outbreak there

i wish the destruction of all those who are confirmed capitalists, reactionaries and nationalists.
small business guy here, tourism and real estate etc

i want a harmonious and peaceful society and these things are elements that prevent society from being harmonious and peaceful.
no, what you want is a kim jong dong type totalitarian commie hell where others pay your bills

not happening, commie.

what you need is a cultural and ideological change.
my culture and ideology is good, but you guys should keep suicide bombing all over the planet.

one of these days the kaafirs will learn the error of their shirk ways.


80 stripes-------- so that you wont kill someone in a car accident(oooops sorry i was high) ,or beat your wife or try to rape someone or to commit suicide out of frustration or or or:o:
wtf is 80 "stripes" ?

did you mean, 'whips' ? and what the hell does that have to do with beating your wife or suicide from frustration lol

drugs of any kind are stricty prohibited in Islam and those homeless addicts ain't sufis/sunnis,they just go to the Sufi Tombs to find some sort of refuge
so you think all those singing dancing toking happy sufi folk are all "homeless addicts" ?

what is the sharia punishment for smoking a joint ?
We know that there was never a Goddess call Bharat Mata in Hinduism. She is more of a Political Goddess for religious nutcases.

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay midwifed it and RSS adopted it.

RSS is not a authority of Hindu philosophy, they can't dictate our belief system. Hindu scriptures don't have a goddess named 'Bharat Mata', it is just "Mother India" in both meaning and intent. Whether you will say "Bharat Mata Ki Jay" or not is absolutely your prerogative, but don't assume that 'Bharat Mata' is a Goddess as per Hindu religion. The effort to show 'Bharat Mata' as Hindu goddess is purely political.
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There is only one version and that is you cannot kiss or shake hand with a na-mahram woman (a woman whom you can marry).

1. The personal sins which do not harm the society at large

These include telling lies, not offering prayers, not fasting, shaking hands with females by males and by females with males, etc etc (am just generally mentioning ). Islam says punishment for such sins would be handed over to the sinners in the
hereafter. Means there are no physical punishments for these personal sins in this world.

Sometime not commiting these personal sins lead to tragic deaths of innocent girls whoo couldnt be rescued from a burning building because Na Merham fire fighters could not touch them and the girls were forced back into the building

Sometime not commiting these personal sins lead to tragic deaths of innocent girls whoo couldnt be rescued from a burning building because Na Merham fire fighters could not touch them and the girls were forced back into the building

The good news is they now get to go to heaven. So it has a happy ending.
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The only reason I can think of is: Its root lies in a racist and anti-muslim book.
The only reason I can think of is: Its root lies in a racist and anti-muslim book.

The racist and Anti-Hindu Muslim rule in bengal was the problem, not the book that highlighted the problem :lol:

Anandmutt itself was an Anti British book and the british promptly banned it.

When will people like you stop shooting the messengers ? Maybe ban the book like Rushdies book ?
The racist and Anti-Hindu Muslim rule in bengal was the problem, not the book that highlighted the problem :lol:

Anandmutt itself was an Anti British book and the british promptly banned it.

When will people like you stop shooting the messengers ? Maybe ban the book like Rushdies book ?
are you talking about the same book? it was not anti british, it actually pro-british, and happy with the arrival of brits which will end muslim rule in bengal.
are you talking about the same book? it was not anti british, it actually pro-british, and happy with the arrival of brits which will end muslim rule in bengal.

I am talking about the book Anandmutt. Have you even read it ? :lol:

The story of Anandmath is told in four parts over a period of four years with the man famine-stricken state of Bengal, set in 1771 under the tyranny of the British rule as the background.

The story depicts how all the wealth of the rich landlords is rendered worthless as it cannot buy them anything to eat; the poor die anyway. The extent of the famine can be judged by the fact that villagers turn into cannibals in search of food. Vast extents of deep jungles being their killing fields. They would kill travellers and eat their flesh. (This is how the word "Thugs" were invented)

At the same time, however, a group of Sanyasis, known as the Order of the Children decides to take on the British. They are lead by an old and very learned Sanyasi, Mahatma Satya.

How the Sanyasis take on the British is what the novel is all about.

The Famine itself was created when the British forced the farmers to grow Indigo and not food crops.

If you are lazy and bigoted enough to offer opinions on an Classic without even reading it, then at least do yourself a favour and watch the movie adaptation of the Novel.

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We know that there was never a Goddess call Bharat Mata in Hinduism. She is more of a Political Goddess for religious nutcases.

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay midwifed it and RSS adopted it.

Here is the True Story of How Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay "Midwifed" Anandmutt. :coffee:

It might be an eye opener for ungrateful Indians like you. A reminder that how christian had side with the british, and now you have the audacity to come here and offer sanctimonious opinion on religious nut-cases.

The seeds of Bankimchandra's anti-British sentiments were sown in Berhampore, the district headquarters of Murshidabad district where he was posted as a Deputy Magistrate (he was the first Bengali to be offered a job in the civil service).

It was the 15th of December 1873 when Bankimchandra was, as usual, crossing the Barrack Square field opposite the Collectorate in his palanquin while some Englishmen were playing cricket. Suddenly one Lt. Colonel Duffin stopped the palanquin with some abusive remarks and insisted that it should be taken out of the field. When Bankim refused to abandon his customary route, Duffin apparently forced him to alight from the palanquin and pushed him violently (as reported in the Amrita Bazar Patrika of 8.1.1974).

Witnesses to the incident included the Raja of Lalgola Jogindranarain Roy, Durgashankar Bhattacharji of Berhampur, Judge Bacebridge, Reverend Barlow, Principal Robert Hand and some others. Furious at the insult, Bankimchandra filed a criminal case against the Colonel, with the Lalgola Raja, Durgashankar Bhattacharji and Hand cited as witnesses. Duffin had to get a lawyer from Krishnagar in Nadia district, as no one in Berhampore was willing to appear for him, while all the local lawyers had signed vakalatnamas for Bankimchandra.

On 12th January 1874 the Magistrate, Mr. Winter, summoned Duffin and had just begun to question him when Judge Bacebridge entered and requested a few words in his chamber. After a little while they called in Bankimchandra and Duffin. Apparently they told Bankimchandra that Duffin had not recognized that Bankim was a Deputy Magistrate and regretted the incident. They requested Bankimchandra to withdraw the case.

This he was not prepared to do and after much persuasion agreed, provided Duffin offered a formal apology in open court. Reluctantly, Duffin agreed. Winter took his chair in the court thereafter and in his presence, before a packed court, Lt. Col. Duffin offered an unconditional apology to Bankimchandra. The Amrita Bazar Patrika of 15.1.1874 reports: 'It appears that the colonel and the Babu were perfect strangers to each other and he did not know who he was when he affronted him. On being informed afterwards of the position of the Babu, Col. Duffin expressed deep contrition and a desire to apologise. The apology was made in due form in open court where about a thousand spectators, native and Europeans, were assembled.'

Almost immediately thereafter we find Bankimchandra taking three months leave. After this incident there must have been considerable resentment in the Berhampore Cantonment among the British militia and, apprehending bodily harm, Rao Jogindranarain Roy took Bankimchandra away to stay with him in Lalgola.

In Lalgola the Guru of the raja's family was Pandit Kali Brahma Bhattacharya who practised tantrik sadhana. Kishanchand Bhakat has obtained an excerpt of seven slokas from a book in the family of Kali Brahma Bhattacharya whose rhythm, sense and even some words bear an uncanny resemblance to Bankim's "Vande Mataram' song.

There is an image of Kali in the Lalgola palace temple that is unique. Its four hands are bereft of any weapon. The two lower hands are folded in front (karabadhha), the palm of one covered by that of the other, just as a prisoner's hands are shackled. From behind, the image is shackled to the wall with numerous iron chains. Kali is black, of terrifying mien, naked, a serpent between her feet, and Shiva a supine corpse before her.

On either side of this unusual Kali we find Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Kartik and Ganesh, who are never represented with this goddess. It is in this Kali that Bankim envisioned Mother as she will be and that is why he wrote, 'tvam hi durga dashapraharana dharini, Thou, indeed, art Durga, ten-armed, weapon-wielding'.

It is this temple that is the source of Bankimchandra's 'Monastery of Bliss'.

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