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What are the means of these words?
Wow.. Indian Muslims are tools.. Only two brave and honest men, otherwise the rest of them are pretty much hindus.
[Qbarbarosa, post: 8282987, member: 173628"]What are the means of these words?[/QUOTE]
It means "Praise the Motherland". Is there anything wrong or against Islam in that? I don't think so, but still some Muslims behave like hypocrites.
Time for new country Muslimistan

yes, and that will be one more jem of the country.

When you success or fail as a country or community, it is because of your commont beliefs. hwy Indian muslims have remained backward even after 7 decade of independace? Why they are worse than even dalits?

They belive in a ideology that can hardly lead to anything good, peace , prosparity and progress.
Yousuf Ali could write a wonderful Hindu poem in Sanskrit because he was taught Sanskrit as a Child. His outlook was truly secular and broad minded.

AR Rahman will choose not to do it even though he was born a hind to a Hindu father. That is because his outlook is far more narrow minded and is a reflection of the change in society and the failure of the society to give a position of respect to our traditional culture and values.

Values from Saudi Arabia is given more importance.

I think the Hindu society has failed them more than muslims have failed us or themselves.

Sometime looking at the radicalism of Muslims, i am forced to believe that it is a devine design. Else how can such a big mass of people can not think anything worthy? Not even of their own interest and behave like totally retards?
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What are the means of these words?

I literal translation it means: "I praise thee, Mother"

Many Muslim organisations in India have declared fatwas against singing Vande Mataram, due to the song giving a notion of worshipping Mother India, which they consider to be shirk (polytheism)

Though a number of Muslim organisations and individuals have opposed Vande Mataram being used as a "national song" of India, citing many religious reasons, some Muslim personalities have admired and even praised it as the "National Song of India". Arif Mohammed Khan, a former Union Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi government, wrote an Urdu translation of the song which starts as Tasleemat, maan tasleemat.

I would say the problem is in the interpretation.
If you are going to go around giving "literal translation" it would be better if you know what you are talking about.

The Sanskrit word for Praise is - Prashansa or Slaghana.

A Praise prayer is called "Archana".

Vande comes from 'Vandanam' which in turn comes from three separate words, Van-Danda-namas

Van = means 'Worship'
Danda = means 'Stick'
Nama= means "bow / salute"

So "Vandanam" literally means "to worship by bowing down like a stick" or "salute like a stick, to worship"

Da = in sansrit also means give.

So Van-da-nam can also mean "worship by giving salute"

However in India the "salute" is given by "Namaskar" and the highest form of Namaskar is "Sashtang Namaskar" or "8 Part Salute"


The Muslim objection come from this concept of "worship" which they say can only be done of Allah.

But this is an dishonest argument. The Muslim equivalent word for worship is "Ibadat"

And this word "Ibadat" is use quite freely in Shayri without any objective reference to god.


Mohabaat mein hamne kitni Ibadat ki thi uski...
Hotthon par naam uska Dil mein tasveer thi uski...
Par mohabbat ke badle mein hame mohabbat nahi mili...
Jis mehfil mein khade khade lut gaye woh mehfil thi uski.

When Muslims have no problem in using "ibadat" for stuff like Love for a women, I find it fraudulent and in Bad Faith when they find objection to "vande".

But who are we to decide if its fraudulent or not its their religion their rules.
But who are we to decide if its fraudulent or not its their religion their rules.

When they have already demonstrated and proven that they have no problem with using the word "worship" for things other than Allah, then why are you attempting to defend the indefensible. We have full right to hold them to their own standards.

Ibadat is a Arabic word (Ibadah) which means devotion to Allah.

But muslims have nor problem in using this word for all other matters, Here is a famous shayri from Mirza Galib '(one of their most famous poet)

Sarapa rahen ishq-o-naguzire ulfate hasti
Ibadat barq karta hon aur afsos hasil ka
Baqadre zarf hai, saqi! khumare tashna kami bhi
Jo too daryai mai hai, to main khamiyazah hon sahil ka

This is again in reference to the beauty of a women and feelings of love.

No muslim has denounced such verses or refused to sing it or listen to it or repeat it.

So why the double standard and the refusal to say "Vande" ? It has the same meaning as "ibadat", but this time "Vande Mataram" talks about Love for the Mother land. Worship of the mother land.

So Muslims can now claim worship of Beauty and worship of love, but they have a problem with worship of Mother land ? That too in a language that is NOT Arabic ? A sanskrit word ?

The Hypocrisy is Glaring. Since when did Muslims become "Holy cows" that they cannot be questioned by us ? Common sense indicate that their religious rules should be applied uniformly.

What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.
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The reason for RSS Ugravaadis trying to enforce Vande Mataram is, to enforce their estranged terrorists like Golwalkar, Savarkar, Hedgewar's ideology that the followers of Abrahamic religions in India are Dhimmi's. So, like the merciless, savage Swashbucklers from Central Asia who massacred Hindus for their faith, The RSS Hindus asks the infidels, either you go to Arya Samaj or ISKCON and embrace Hindutva and caste system to live in India, or be prepared to die as your infidel blood will enrich Bharatamba with pride.

A Sakha sikshit Sevak is eternally the slave of above ideology. No different than ISIS.
The reason for RSS Ugravaadis trying to enforce Vande Mataram is, to enforce their estranged terrorists like Golwalkar, Savarkar, Hedgewar's ideology that the followers of Abrahamic religions in India are Dhimmi's. So, like the merciless, savage Swashbucklers from Central Asia who massacred Hindus for their faith, The RSS Hindus asks the infidels, either you go to Arya Samaj or ISKCON and embrace Hindutva and caste system to live in India, or be prepared to die as your infidel blood will enrich Bharatamba with pride.

A Sakha sikshit Sevak is eternally the slave of above ideology. No different than ISIS.

How dare you, to question hindutvadis? They are the supreme beings, see they are even trying to stop global warming with their vedic brain..

But why Indian Hindutvas want Muslims to chant vande mataram when they know it is cause of communalism even before partition?
But why Indian Hindutvas want Muslims to chant vande mataram when they know it is cause of communalism even before partition?

When I see the sub continent Muslims ,it is bit funny .because they are more Muslim than the original Muslims in Arabia .
A few years ago an UAE ambassador visited our state .In our tradition ,official functions are inaugrated through lighting traditional lamps .That Arab didnt have any problem in following our tradition.But our 'more' muslim minister disagreed to follow the same .
Same thing happens a few months ago same thing happened ,this time it was our most beloved veteran Muslim actor that lighted the lamp but another 'more' muslim minister disagreed to do so .Actor severly criticized the minister for his retarded action .
Belief ,religion is good .But if you clinges more on it ,others will began to look in suspicious way be it Hindu ,be it Christian or Muslim .
As Lt. Gen Syed Atta husnain pointed out earlier that Muslims in Indian army say it proudly, also the educated Muslim community who are aware of their roots like Hindustani Rajput Muslim or liberal Shiyas.

Can't say about Indian Muslims who are highly Arabized and neither anyone care if they say it or not.We have more than 1 billion Indians already saying it.
Well this slogan does constitute shirk (associating partners with Allah) . The basic and foremost cornerstone of Islamic belief is worship of the one and only Creator of the heavens and the earth , Allah (swt) alone , without any partners or associates. A muslim simply can not comprehend uttering songs like vande mataram , if he/she understands tawheed (means attributing Oneness to Allaah and describing Him as being One and Unique, with no partner or peer in His Essence and Attributes.) . Shirk puts a person beyond the pale of islam and is the biggest unforgivable sin of all.

Wow.. Indian Muslims are tools.. Only two brave and honest men, otherwise the rest of them are pretty much hindus.

I won't say tools. Some of the later folks who said uttering the hindu slogan is no problem , lack the very basic understanding of what it means to be a muslim. They r utterly ignorant which is common among many cultural muslims. They seriously don't know that being a muslim means you only worship the Creator of mankind , Allah (swt) and not His creation. All prophets came with this simple message. I actually know some people with this level of ignorance. I also heard that in sindh , there r many people who don't even know how to pray. Is that true?

When I see the sub continent Muslims ,it is bit funny .because they are more Muslim than the original Muslims in Arabia .
A few years ago an UAE ambassador visited our state .In our tradition ,official functions are inaugrated through lighting traditional lamps .That Arab didnt have any problem in following our tradition.But our 'more' muslim minister disagreed to follow the same .
Same thing happens a few months ago same thing happened ,this time it was our most beloved veteran Muslim actor that lighted the lamp but another 'more' muslim minister disagreed to do so .Actor severly criticized the minister for his retarded action .
Belief ,religion is good .But if you clinges more on it ,others will began to look in suspicious way be it Hindu ,be it Christian or Muslim .

The UAE minister or a random arab is NOT the hallmark of islamic faith. Islam is based on Quran and sunnah not what some arab , pakistani or bangladeshi do. An Eskimo believing in islamic monotheism is more islamic than some arab with an islamic name doing pagan cultural practice.

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