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The reason for RSS Ugravaadis trying to enforce Vande Mataram is, to enforce their estranged terrorists like Golwalkar, Savarkar, Hedgewar's ideology that the followers of Abrahamic religions in India are Dhimmi's. So, like the merciless, savage Swashbucklers from Central Asia who massacred Hindus for their faith, The RSS Hindus asks the infidels, either you go to Arya Samaj or ISKCON and embrace Hindutva and caste system to live in India, or be prepared to die as your infidel blood will enrich Bharatamba with pride.

A Sakha sikshit Sevak is eternally the slave of above ideology. No different than ISIS.

The biggest Ugravaadi who supported Vande Mataram was the eternal slave to ideology called Mahatma Gandhi,

In an article in Harijan dated July 1, 1939, Gandhi wrote: “…No matter what its source was and how and when it was composed, it had become a most powerful battle cry among Hindus and Musalmans of Bengal during the partition days. It was an anti-imperialist cry. As a lad, when I knew nothing of Anandamath or even Bankim, its immortal author, Vande Mataram had gripped me, and when I first heard it sung it had enthralled me. I associated the purest national spirit with it. It never occurred to me that it was a Hindu song or meant only for Hindus… It stirs to its depth the patriotism of millions in and outside Bengal. Its chosen stanzas are Bengal’s gift among many others to the whole nation.”

So now you need to add Mahatma Gandhi to the list that consist of Golwalkar, Savarkar, hedewar etc.

Oh wait, another Ugravaadi called Pandit Nehru made 'vande Mataram' as India's National Song. ....... oops.

So that means if you are an Indian, your National song is Vande Mataram.

What next ? renounce Indian citizenship ?
This is what happens when you know little about other's religious tenets. Tawheed is one of the pillars of Islam which means that God is just One and there can not be any association with God. Motherland and Vandemataram is different. Muslims can say Jai Hind which means Praise to Hind. They can even say Hindustan Zindabad.

But the problem arises when RSS guys force them to chant Vande Mataram. Their version of motherland is not just a piece of land but an actual Goddess who sits on Lion. This goes against the concept of Tawheed. Hence the denial of muslims to chant Vande Mataram.

Some liberal progressive muslims dont take religion that seriously and are fine in chanting Vande Mataram.

[Qbarbarosa, post: 8282987, member: 173628"]What are the means of these words?
It means "Praise the Motherland". Is there anything wrong or against Islam in that? I don't think so, but still some Muslims behave like hypocrites.
This is what happens when you know little about other's religious tenets. Tawheed is one of the pillars of Islam which means that God is just One and there can not be any association with God. Motherland and Vandemataram is different. Muslims can say Jai Hind which means Praise to Hind. They can even say Hindustan Zindabad.

But the problem arises when RSS guys force them to chant Vande Mataram. Their version of motherland is not just a piece of land but an actual Goddess who sits on Lion. This goes against the concept of Tawheed. Hence the denial of muslims to chant Vande Mataram.

Some liberal progressive muslims dont take religion that seriously and are fine in chanting Vande Mataram.

It means "Praise the Motherland". Is there anything wrong or against Islam in that? I don't think so, but still some Muslims behave like hypocrites.

The so called secular PM Nehru once give an explanation to Bharat Mata that it truly represent Indian citizen.
Well this slogan does constitute shirk (associating partners with Allah) . The basic and foremost cornerstone of Islamic belief is worship of the one and only Creator of the heavens and the earth , Allah (swt) alone , without any partners or associates. A muslim simply can not comprehend uttering songs like vande mataram , if he/she understands tawheed (means attributing Oneness to Allaah and describing Him as being One and Unique, with no partner or peer in His Essence and Attributes.) . Shirk puts a person beyond the pale of islam and is the biggest unforgivable sin of all.

I won't say tools. Some of the later folks who said uttering the hindu slogan is no problem , lack the very basic understanding of what it means to be a muslim. They r utterly ignorant which is common among many cultural muslims. They seriously don't know that being a muslim means you only worship the Creator of mankind , Allah (swt) and not His creation. All prophets came with this simple message. I actually know some people with this level of ignorance. I also heard that in sindh , there r many people who don't even know how to pray. Is that true?

The UAE minister or a random arab is NOT the hallmark of islamic faith. Islam is based on Quran and sunnah not what some arab , pakistani or bangladeshi do. An Eskimo believing in islamic monotheism is more islamic than some arab with an islamic name doing pagan cultural practice.

Islam is a religion that flourished to entire world from Arabia .Whether you like it or not .That is the truth .We can see how Arabs treating subcontinental Muslims including BD muslims .So much for brother hood.
So far that radicalism only gives bad reputation to Islam .Thanks to this kind of mentality ,Europeans are insulting ,humiliating and dragging out them from EU like some slaves .
This is what happens when you know little about other's religious tenets. Tawheed is one of the pillars of Islam which means that God is just One and there can not be any association with God. Motherland and Vandemataram is different. Muslims can say Jai Hind which means Praise to Hind. They can even say Hindustan Zindabad.

But the problem arises when RSS guys force them to chant Vande Mataram. Their version of motherland is not just a piece of land but an actual Goddess who sits on Lion. This goes against the concept of Tawheed. Hence the denial of muslims to chant Vande Mataram.

Some liberal progressive muslims dont take religion that seriously and are fine in chanting Vande Mataram.

How is Twheed related to Vande Mataram ?

Vande Mataram does not say Mother land is God or Goddess. It says 'MOTHER Land'.

RSS Version of Mother Land need not be the Non RSS/ muslim version of the Mother land.

RSS version of god need not be Non RSS/ muslim version of God. RSS version of service need not be Non RSS/ muslim version of Service.

This whole line of argument is bogus.

Muslims are free to spin their own version of Mother Land and say Vande Mataram. Why would they have to say Vande Mataram to RSS version ?

By your own logic, kattar muslims are free to have any image or non image of Motherland and say Vande Mataram. Why don't they ?
The so called secular PM Nehru once give an explanation to Bharat Mata that it truly represent Indian citizen.

Islam is a religion that flourished to entire world from Arabia .Whether you like it or not .That is the truth .We can see how Arabs treating subcontinental Muslims including BD muslims .So much for brother hood.
So far that radicalism only gives bad reputation to Islam .Thanks to this kind of mentality ,Europeans are insulting ,humiliating and dragging out them from EU like some slaves .

What has your post got to do with what i stated in my post? Arabs treating subcontinentals badly doesn't translate to random UAE minister or any other arab individual becoming flag bearer of islam . Islam is based on Quran and sunnah NOT particular nations and tribes. Yes it came from arabia as God decreed it to be such. God sent messengers to every nation and tribes before sending the last and final messenger Muhammad (pbuh) to arabia. The message of islam is universal and Muhammad (pbuh) , the greatest human being to ever walk the face of the earth , was send to all of mankind NOT just arabs.

The only thing that matters at the end of the day is piety and not your skin color, ethnicity , nationality, wealth , status or power. When we die we will all be dust. The only thing humans will be taking with them will be their deeds and based on what they have done in this life's test , they will be judged and punished/rewarded by the Creator of everything that exist.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious)]. Verily, Allaah is All-Knowing, All-Aware”
[al-Hujuraat 49:13]

It was narrated in al-Saheeh that Abu Hurayrah said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Allaah does not look at your appearance or your wealth, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds.’” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Birr wa’l-Silah, 4651).
When I see the sub continent Muslims ,it is bit funny .because they are more Muslim than the original Muslims in Arabia .
A few years ago an UAE ambassador visited our state .In our tradition ,official functions are inaugrated through lighting traditional lamps .That Arab didnt have any problem in following our tradition.But our 'more' muslim minister disagreed to follow the same .
Same thing happens a few months ago same thing happened ,this time it was our most beloved veteran Muslim actor that lighted the lamp but another 'more' muslim minister disagreed to do so .Actor severly criticized the minister for his retarded action .
Belief ,religion is good .But if you clinges more on it ,others will began to look in suspicious way be it Hindu ,be it Christian or Muslim .

well their are Muslims who are followers of rules and then there are many who do break these rules. Everyone has to be answerable for own actions.'

My question is WHY YOU HINDUS wants Indian MUSLIMS to chant vande mataram? It is your Hindu religious song and by constitution of India it is NOT obligatory to sing it.

again why should Muslims perform Hindu religious rituals if any does not want?

How is Twheed related to Vande Mataram ?

Vande Mataram does not say Mother land is God or Goddess. It says 'MOTHER Land'.

RSS Version of Mother Land need not be the Non RSS/ muslim version of the Mother land.

RSS version of god need not be Non RSS/ muslim version of God. RSS version of service need not be Non RSS/ muslim version of Service.

This whole line of argument is bogus.

Muslims are free to spin their own version of Mother Land and say Vande Mataram. Why would they have to say Vande Mataram to RSS version ?

By your own logic, kattar muslims are free to have any image or non image of Motherland and say Vande Mataram. Why don't they ?

It is an old debate we have debated it to death on this forum. vande matram has been a bone of contention even before partition.

tell me why you hindutvas want Indian Muslims to sing it?
As Lt. Gen Syed Atta husnain pointed out earlier that Muslims in Indian army say it proudly, also the educated Muslim community who are aware of their roots like Hindustani Rajput Muslim or liberal Shiyas.

Can't say about Indian Muslims who are highly Arabized and neither anyone care if they say it or not.We have more than 1 billion Indians already saying it.

what does vande matram means? I bow to thee mother?
It is an old debate we have debated it to death on this forum. vande matram has been a bone of contention even before partition.
tell me why you hindutvas want Indian Muslims to sing it?

To understand that you have to put your prejudice aside.

Vande Mataram was the call for ALL Indians to fight for their freedom and throw out the Foreign power. A call to come together to decide our own destiny and to Put Nation before anything else.


Veer Savarkar who is called 'terrorist' by the very ungrateful people who he fought for, wrote an inspirational poem which was an Anthem for all freedom fighters. It eulogizes the history, culture and struggles of his people which included muslims as well.

In this poem he talks about the "goddess of Freedom". There is no such Hindu goddess in Hinduism, it was just an euphemism for the spiritual, cultural, social, moral, ethical, political facets of Freedom.

Take the effort to hear this poem, the english translation is given in the video to help you understand it better.

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well their are Muslims who are followers of rules and then there are many who do break these rules. Everyone has to be answerable for own actions.'

My question is WHY YOU HINDUS wants Indian MUSLIMS to chant vande mataram? It is your Hindu religious song and by constitution of India it is NOT obligatory to sing it.

again why should Muslims perform Hindu religious rituals if any does not want?

It is an old debate we have debated it to death on this forum. vande matram has been a bone of contention even before partition.

tell me why you hindutvas want Indian Muslims to sing it?

It is not about answerable but it is about narrow mentality .
Do you know why minority people can live peacefully in Christian majority nations and India ?
Because they dont have any narrow mentality .If they were strict in their religious matters ,Muslims would have been in a worst condition.
Vande Mataram is not a Hindu religious song .It represents the citizens in India .
Neither Hindus nor Hindu goddess represents Vande Mataram .

What has your post got to do with what i stated in my post? Arabs treating subcontinentals badly doesn't translate to random UAE minister or any other arab individual becoming flag bearer of islam . Islam is based on Quran and sunnah NOT particular nations and tribes. Yes it came from arabia as God decreed it to be such. God sent messengers to every nation and tribes before sending the last and final messenger Muhammad (pbuh) to arabia. The message of islam is universal and Muhammad (pbuh) , the greatest human being to ever walk the face of the earth , was send to all of mankind NOT just arabs.

The only thing that matters at the end of the day is piety and not your skin color, ethnicity , nationality, wealth , status or power. When we die we will all be dust. The only thing humans will be taking with them will be their deeds and based on what they have done in this life's test , they will be judged and punished/rewarded by the Creator of everything that exist.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious)]. Verily, Allaah is All-Knowing, All-Aware”
[al-Hujuraat 49:13]

It was narrated in al-Saheeh that Abu Hurayrah said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Allaah does not look at your appearance or your wealth, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds.’” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Birr wa’l-Silah, 4651).

Be it in GCC ,be it in the hell managed by IS .Arabs Muslims looked down upon other muslims especially subcontinental Muslims .Islam propogated from Arabia and our ancestors knows its only after several centuries and that only through Arab themselves .
You can say whatever you want but alots of Arabs or Muslims didnt follow your rules strictly.
Bowing before image is not allowed to them. Aren't you just satisfied when they say Jai Hind or Hindustan Zindabaad?

Some people's zidd to force muslims shows that the matter is not as benign as it is thought. It id not just a matter of hailing motherland. It's a plan to push Muslims to a corner as they knew pretty that Muslims won't say Bharat Mata ki Jai.

How is Twheed related to Vande Mataram ?

Vande Mataram does not say Mother land is God or Goddess. It says 'MOTHER Land'.

RSS Version of Mother Land need not be the Non RSS/ muslim version of the Mother land.

RSS version of god need not be Non RSS/ muslim version of God. RSS version of service need not be Non RSS/ muslim version of Service.

This whole line of argument is bogus.

Muslims are free to spin their own version of Mother Land and say Vande Mataram. Why would they have to say Vande Mataram to RSS version ?

By your own logic, kattar muslims are free to have any image or non image of Motherland and say Vande Mataram. Why don't they ?
It is not about answerable but it is about narrow mentality .
Do you know why minority people can live peacefully in Christian majority nations and India ?
Because they dont have any narrow mentality .If they were strict in their religious matters ,Muslims would have been in a worst condition.
Vande Mataram is not a Hindu religious song .It represents the citizens in India .
Neither Hindus nor Hindu goddess represents Vande Mataram .

Be it in GCC ,be it in the hell managed by IS .Arabs Muslims looked down upon other muslims especially subcontinental Muslims .Islam propogated from Arabia and our ancestors knows its only after several centuries and that only through Arab themselves .
You can say whatever you want but alots of Arabs or Muslims didnt follow your rules strictly.

It narrow mentality of Indian Hindus who want to force vande mataram on Muslims specially when these Indian Muslims are not bound by Constitution to sing it.

Why Indian Hindus want to sing vande mataram instead of Indian National Anthem ?
Bowing before image is not allowed to them. Aren't you just satisfied when they say Jai Hind or Hindustan Zindabaad?

Some people's zidd to force muslims shows that the matter is not as benign as it is thought. It id not just a matter of hailing motherland. It's a plan to push Muslims to a corner as they knew pretty that Muslims won't say Bharat Mata ki Jai.

That explanation is wrong at THREE levels.

First there is no Image. Mother-Land is an imaginative concept. The IDEA of Country as Mother. This is not a new concept or even an exclusively Hindu concept.

Secondly, 'Vandanam' in Bhakti Yoga means the Shastang Namaskar, but 'Vande' just means 'worship by saluting'. For Muslims that would mean saluting in any islamic way.

Thirdly it is a Lie that muslims to do bow to anyone other than allah. They do it all the time,





So it seems that offering salute to the Motherland seems to be the only problem. Any and all "zidd" seems to from the muslims, not the hindus.

Now why should muslims box themselves into a corner by spinning lies ? None of their argument stands up to scrutiny. So if they get boxed in by their own dogma, it is not anybody else fault but their own.

Finally it is not a matter of my satisfaction, 'Vande Mataram" is Indian National Song. All Indians have to respect the National Song and sing it at some point. To reject that is to reject the very notion of India. You do not get to pick and choose what part of India you like and would like to respect and what part you want to disrespect. Stop trying to pretend that you do.




It is not about answerable but it is about narrow mentality .
Do you know why minority people can live peacefully in Christian majority nations and India ?
Because they dont have any narrow mentality .If they were strict in their religious matters ,Muslims would have been in a worst condition.
Vande Mataram is not a Hindu religious song .It represents the citizens in India .
Neither Hindus nor Hindu goddess represents Vande Mataram .

Be it in GCC ,be it in the hell managed by IS .Arabs Muslims looked down upon other muslims especially subcontinental Muslims .Islam propogated from Arabia and our ancestors knows its only after several centuries and that only through Arab themselves .
You can say whatever you want but alots of Arabs or Muslims didnt follow your rules strictly.

It narrow mentality of Indian Hindus who want to force vande mataram on Muslims specially when these Indian Muslims are not bound by Constitution to sing it.

Why Indian Hindus want to sing vande mataram instead of Indian National Anthem ?

It is not about answerable but it is about narrow mentality .
Do you know why minority people can live peacefully in Christian majority nations and India ?
Because they dont have any narrow mentality .If they were strict in their religious matters ,Muslims would have been in a worst condition.
Vande Mataram is not a Hindu religious song .It represents the citizens in India .
Neither Hindus nor Hindu goddess represents Vande Mataram .

Be it in GCC ,be it in the hell managed by IS .Arabs Muslims looked down upon other muslims especially subcontinental Muslims .Islam propogated from Arabia and our ancestors knows its only after several centuries and that only through Arab themselves .
You can say whatever you want but alots of Arabs or Muslims didnt follow your rules strictly.

It narrow mentality of Indian Hindus who want to force vande mataram on Muslims specially when these Indian Muslims are not bound by Constitution to sing it.

Why Indian Hindus want to sing vande mataram instead of Indian National Anthem ?

:lol: this is NOT BOWING this is kissing hands of respected persons
:lol: this is NOT BOWING this is kissing hands of respected persons

We call this "BOWING". :coffee:

You can Bow to kiss hand or kiss arse, to scratch your toe or to pick up chappals.

The act of bending your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect is called BOWING.
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