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Why India will never go to war with Pakistan

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If I'm reading correctly, there would be a one year recession followed by making up for lost growth over a decade. India's GDP is diverse so it would recover. If India could target CPEC projects during the war, good luck to Pakistan for recovering. Your post basically reaffirms my point - war sucks for both sides but India can absorb the cost while Pakistan would be devastated.

The West would intervene long before that. India's a very important market for lot of global powers. They will not let a war continue which jeopardizes that.

CPEC is a bit of a Trojan horse right now. We are watching it carefully. But there's a lack of transparency that indicates that it certainly won't be a game changer for Pakistan, as is being touted currently. It can be a game changer for China tho. That's why they are very worried about it, with the political instability and security concerns in Pakistan. It is going to run thru some very vulnerable areas. I expect lot of very interesting things in the future.

Bit of an afterthought @EastPunjab
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1. Nuclear Weapons

Pakistan has over 130 nuclear warheads capable of targeting every inch of India, there isn't a single place that is safe. These nuclear warheads can be launched by air or land, and make no mistake, India cannot stop them. India's nuclear defences are primitive, in small supply as well as untested. Not to mention if they actually worked India would have invaded Pakistan by now. If you want to know how much damage a single nuclear warhead can do:


Keep in mind, those bombs were manufactured way back in WW2, imagine how much more potent they would be now, and that instead of 2 warheads being used, it would be well over 100. More than enough to destroy India's largest cities.

If these typical nukes aren't scary enough, Pakistan also has tactical nukes that they can and will deploy on the battlefield, giving them the potential to wipe out entire divisions. Not only does it act as a significant force multiplier for Pakistan, but it also shows that Pakistan is very willing to take some dangerous decisions, this alone can be enough of a deterrent.

It's also important to note that unlike India, Pakistan doesn't have a no first use policy, and that Pakistan also has a second strike capability so forget trying to nuke the place first.

2. Development

India is currently going through some heavy development, and things seem to be improving for the nation. If India were to go to war with Pakistan, expect this development to shatter, and for India to instead to regress as a country. Pakistan is more than capable of destroying India's largest cities that are key to its development. No country would ever want to risk shattering their potential for centuries to come.

3. CM-400AKG

India's BrahMos is often touted as another potent weapon to add to India's arsenal, but everyone seems to forget Pakistan's CM-400AKG. The CM-400AKG is the export variant of the Chinese YJ-12, an air launched anti ship cruise missile. It has an operational range of up to 240km and can travel as fast as Mach 5. This bad boy is effectively a hypersonic carrier killer! It entered service in 2012, and can be launched via Pakistan's JF-17's which themselves have a combat radius of over 1,350km, meaning that the missile can be launched from almost 1,600km away.

Of course, sinking a carrier isn't easy, but it is possible and as the the JF-17 gets better, the odds of it actually happening in a war increase significantly.

The actual impact it would have to sink an aircraft carrier would be major, it would throw billions of dollars India spent on the thing down the toilet as well as act as a major psychological blow to lower Indian morale during a war. The mere existence of the CM-400AKG itself could impact Indian morale in a war.

4. India's military

The Indian military, whilst large and powerful with many dangerous tools, have many issues. Many, MANY issues. India's military has a large number of obsolete tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces, not to mention critical shortages of ammunition and air-defense assets, raising serious questions whether India can undertake large-scale military operations at all, let alone whether ongoing defense modernization really is sharply shifting the conventional balance in its favor. Although Indian defense spending has significantly boosted, much of that money has been spent merely replacing obsolete weapons and equipment.

One example of the Indian military's many troubles is its Air Force, the IAF. The IAF has the highest crash rate among Air Forces worldwide. Whilst these crashes can be contributed to technical limitations, it's obvious the lack of skill among IAF pilots also plays a part, since 6 Su-30MKI's have crashed from 2009 to 2015. If technology was the only problem, then the Su-30MKI shouldn't be crashing on an annual basis as it's a new and advanced fighter.

5. Little incentive

Even if you ignore the above reasons, what pain-staking reason must India invade Pakistan for? There is only one reason and even then it's a shoddy one: to combat anti Indian insurgents. But even then, going to war with Pakistan won't stop that, Pakistan will just start doing it even more in an act of retaliation. So going to war with Pakistan wou.ld solve nothing, it would only create lots and lots of problems, some of which I have mentioned in this post.

Guys do you really need some serious answer or as usual discussion and some trolling.

Before even stating that India will stage a war with Pakistan, some one has to explain what will India acheive by initiating a war with Pakistan. Tell me something tangible. Do not please provide me reason out of the air.

1- Pakistan is full of Muslims people...Even also, India occupy any land, what is the value add in retaining those land with more people added to already huge population burden which we are not able to take care of them.
2- Even without Nuclear weapon, Pakistan is not somalia. India understand it. If you go by history, India never initiates any war by itself. The first move was started by Pakistan and India responded to it.
3- Most important factor, Punjab and Sindh province are buffer state for India to protect itself from unruly world that startes from KPK,Balochistan and Afganistan.It will be a crazy idea to fight a war and win Pakistan and get neghour like Talibs and Afgan gangsters fighting with each other every day. In that way, a civilized Punjab and Sindh population of Pakistan is far better option for us than the other option.
4- India is aspiring to become a economic power. Why do we get distracted with a war that does not provide any return on investment other than some jingoism in drawing room of TV channel.

But i have a advice. Pakistan should grow up and behave as a mature power who is really powerful enough without eve a nuclear bomb. A nation is powerful not due to its nuclear bomb, rather its strong internal dimensions and desire to have unified nation at any crisis. And i believe Pakistan posses all those quality which should provide enough confidence not to use silly nuclear bomb option every fortnight.
india is concerned about production units in pakistan,thats why they are killing civilians in pakistan to increase the throughput. the final product would also be better terrorists hitting india.

and to those who says that pakistan donot have powerful nuclear bomb. nobody will tell you what pakistan actually has. such things are not told in future.
by the way it was indian nuclear blasts in 1998 which were made controversial by their own people i.e. required results not achieved. it failed.
Bana="Rain Man, post: 8863753, member: 145873"]For this:

Tips: Just google for 'ruhani taqat laal topi'[/QUOTE]
Joker and his fairy tales
I have, everyone knows, Pakistan has the ability to produce plutonium now.

Plutonium can be used to produce thermonuclear weapons, amongst other things.

But plutonium is not the only material that is required to produce a Tellar Ulam design.

India has been producing plutonium for five decades now ,has even tested a thermonuclear bomb , still people here have doubts, India has thermonuclear weapons.

No one on here on PDF has doubted the fact that india has thermonukes. Don't know what gave you that idea.
You make it sound like it was an official source. Think that was just banter. You should have posted a link that would confirm that india has thermonuclear weapons or at least the capability to produce them.

I have, read the full thread.

But a person in denial, can not be reasoned with.
India will never to go war with Pak on its own but it will certainly create the situation that will force Pak to initiate the WAR and India will respond to it to humiliate Pakistan.....I expect this time response will be more lethal!
I have, read the full thread.

But a person in denial, can not be reasoned with.

Then don't try. Every human on earth is entitled to their own opinion and belief. It is the prerogative of human kind.
India will never to go war with Pak on its own but it will certainly create the situation that will force Pak to initiate the WAR and India will respond to it to humiliate Pakistan.....I expect this time response will be more lethal!

If that were true than the above scenario would have played out after mumbai 2008. That too against an enemy that is 7x smaller than india and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does.
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