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Why India will never go to war with Pakistan

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If that were true than the above scenario would have played out after mumbai 2008. That too against an enemy that is 7x smaller than india and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does.
because ours is Democratic society with respect to values.....we can't go all out war against an act of a fidyaeen nation....we will decide the time, venue and type of response...not any extremist Fidayeens, their handlers or handlers handler nation... wondering, how many more times you want response from India? have you not had enough of humiliating defeats at the hand of India that you still challenging India's capability? world knows you have nothing to lose other than few millions people who are ready to die in the name of religion...but we have lot at stake..our responsibility as one of the largest democratic nation in the world and our aspiration dont allow us to take on country like yours at your will!! But we will keep scouting for real opportunity when we can strongly justify our action to ruin a nation as yours..
because ours is Democratic society with respect to values.....we can't go all out war against an act of a fidyaeen nation....we will decide the time, venue and type of response...not any extremist Fidayeens, their handlers or handlers handler nation... wondering, how many more times you want response from India? have you not had enough of humiliating defeats at the hand of India that you still challenging India's capability? world knows you have nothing to lose other than few millions people who are ready to die in the name of religion...but we have lot at stake..our responsibility as one of the largest democratic nation in the world and our aspiration dont allow us to take on country like yours at your will!! But we will keep scouting for real opportunity when we can strongly justify our action to ruin a nation as yours..

If the above were true than there would be no drum beat for war against Pakistan from the indian media and politicians. The above is just sugar coating for indian inability to launch a full scale attack against Pakistan. A nation that is 7× smaller than india and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does :azn:
A fact hard to accept. If Pakistan were TRUELY defeated than we would not exist and would not be having this conversation on a Pakistani forum. And if you REALLY believed anything you posted above, you would not be ranting on a Pakistani forum either :D
Pakistan does not have nuclear weapons but only atomic weapons.

Maximum Pakistan tested was a boosted fission device and no fusion devices, with yield only 2 times of that dropped on Hiroshima.

Where as casualties suffered in Hiroshima were Eighty to Hundred thousand.

Indian cities are huge , with most tier 1 cities more than hundred Kilometers in diameter.

To destroy an Indian city completely will probably take Pakistan's entire arsenal.
any stupid who claims To destroy an Indian city completely will probably take Pakistan's entire arsenal should see what happen with 1 nuke per city in japan of half power 2 our nuke 4 ur info nukes blast travel in km so Indian cities have several times more population per km then 1940s japan 1s of less then 150000 populous much less dense so if in japan casualties were around 100000 in india will b in millions with same power nuke and u ur self havesaid our is of double power
Can you post some pictures or videos of what you've just claimed? Chinese soldiers running away like their indian counter parts sounds like fairy tale!

Nathu La and Cho La incidents - Wikipedia
Go check yourself and google it for more information and your own GK.

Then what is stopping india from invading if not entire Pakistan at least the Azad kasmir? Actions speak louder than words. The world in general can afford to believe your claim but not india. BTW, even an A-bomb is a nuclear weapon.
We invaded Pakistan in 1971 to save banglas from atrocities of Pak army.
Sorry we have NFU,No first use Nuke policy.

Bullshit wiki page created by Indians and with all Indian sources media

India media claimed USA hand unsc seat to them but Nehru refused and gave it to China
India media claimed they a superpower by 2012
India media claimed an invisible hanuman surgical strike etc...

I would rather believe the sun rise from the west tomorrow
It was your own source that we took your 400 soldiers,if you are chineses however doubt that.
You can google urself matter will be clear and post that source to me also.

any stupid who claims To destroy an Indian city completely will probably take Pakistan's entire arsenal should see what happen with 1 nuke per city in japan of half power 2 our nuke 4 ur info nukes blast travel in km so Indian cities have several times more population per km then 1940s japan 1s of less then 150000 populous much less dense so if in japan casualties were around 100000 in india will b in millions with same power nuke and u ur self havesaid our is of double power
We Know pakistan is punjab only where all your 70% of nuclear installation are.
We only need to hit your punjab and matter is over for you in few minutes,may be job done by sea based arihant submarine
You dont know where in sea this shark with nuke is lurking.

Technology is changing fast in nuke warfare you have to catch fast or else your nuclear deterrence will be by outdated weapon which can be countered by ABM/BMD.
Although the pakistani establishment has a major fear psychosis about an Indian invasion (mostly induced from 71 and also to keep their army's lion share of the budget intact). I see just 2 reason for a Indo-Pak war.

1. A major terrorist attack on India.

2. Another Pakistani rambo jernail trying a kargil or a grand slam kind of adventure.

The first part is incorrect.

Historically in response to Pakistani supported terrorism and insurgency India has responded by supporting insurgency in Pakistan.

An example is North East Insurgency in 1960s which was extensively supported by Pakistan to the extant at one point India lost control of its territory to insurgents briefly.


While within a week IA managed to regain the territory, it left our leadership redfaced.

In response instead going to war with Pakistan, India merely responded by supporting Mukti Bahini, and went to war with Pakistan only after PAF operation Chengiz Khan.

Hence it make more sense for India to respond by supporting insurgencies in Pakistan than going to war.
Not surprisingly even Doval has advocated supporting insurgency to the extant Baluchistan will be lost in response to another Mumbai like attack.
Go check yourself and google it for more information and your own GK.

We invaded Pakistan in 1971 to save banglas from atrocities of Pak army.
Sorry we have NFU,No first use Nuke policy.

It was your own source that we took your 400 soldiers,if you are chineses however doubt that.
You can google urself matter will be clear and post that source to me also.

We Know pakistan is punjab only where all your 70% of nuclear installation are.
We only need to hit your punjab and matter is over for you in few minutes,may be job done by sea based arihant submarine
You dont know where in sea this shark with nuke is lurking.

Technology is changing fast in nuke warfare you have to catch fast or else your nuclear deterrence will be by outdated weapon which can be countered by ABM/BMD.

It seems so simple to them! "We will destroy every inch". Many a times I begin writing an answer that I feel will blow their little bubbles. And I see all of them saying the same stuff like its common sense and I stop midway, and go do something else..
Guys do you really need some serious answer or as usual discussion and some trolling.

Before even stating that India will stage a war with Pakistan, some one has to explain what will India acheive by initiating a war with Pakistan. Tell me something tangible. Do not please provide me reason out of the air.

1- Pakistan is full of Muslims people...Even also, India occupy any land, what is the value add in retaining those land with more people added to already huge population burden which we are not able to take care of them.
2- Even without Nuclear weapon, Pakistan is not somalia. India understand it. If you go by history, India never initiates any war by itself. The first move was started by Pakistan and India responded to it.
3- Most important factor, Punjab and Sindh province are buffer state for India to protect itself from unruly world that startes from KPK,Balochistan and Afganistan.It will be a crazy idea to fight a war and win Pakistan and get neghour like Talibs and Afgan gangsters fighting with each other every day. In that way, a civilized Punjab and Sindh population of Pakistan is far better option for us than the other option.
4- India is aspiring to become a economic power. Why do we get distracted with a war that does not provide any return on investment other than some jingoism in drawing room of TV channel.

But i have a advice. Pakistan should grow up and behave as a mature power who is really powerful enough without eve a nuclear bomb. A nation is powerful not due to its nuclear bomb, rather its strong internal dimensions and desire to have unified nation at any crisis. And i believe Pakistan posses all those quality which should provide enough confidence not to use silly nuclear bomb option every fortnight.

I agree with you 100%, well, except for the part where you said Pakisran instigates most events so I guess I agree with you 99%.

Actually the genius OP could've asked a high school economics student about this. Would've gotten the answer in two sentences.

India will not attack Pakistan. Pakistan will not attack India. Financial cost of any such war for one month would shatter both economies beyond repair. Financial cost of any such war for even one week would destroy the growth rate of both economies.

Now go to sleep without any nightmares about nuclear Armageddon.. LOL

Did you read my post? I clearly mentioned that genius.

True. You forgot to mention Pakistan will be annihilated retaliatory strikes within minutes.

You are right. What India will gain by capturing Pakistan? No resources that can compensate for war loses.

CM-400AKG itself is a very primitive version of a cruise missile, with no see skimming capabilities it can be countered effectively. This had been discussed to length by senior members of this forum previously.

Brahmos is as State of Art Hypersonic cruise missile as it gets. Even though we all know its just a matter of time before it is declared that Brahmos has double the range than its officially taughted range. If lauched from Kashmir, even range of 290 km is enough to cover entire Pakistan.

Atleast before posting, study a bit. Out of 6 Mki crashes only 1 had been contributed by pilot error. Spare me the hypocrisy about IAF pilots being not upto the mark.

Agreed. India have nothing to gain from Invading Pakistan. The proxy war will continue, Pakistan is suffering way more from in house terrorism than India.

1. That doesn't mean we can't do the same to you.

2. Is that supposed to be an insult? Because it's a shoddy one at best.

3. Excuses excuse, the US itself has worries about this missile being used by China.

4. There's either something wrong with your maintanence teams or your pilots, or maybe even both.

5. And yet the rates of violence in both countries are still comparable.
I agree with you 100%, well, except for the part where you said Pakisran instigates most events so I guess I agree with you 99%.

Did you read my post? I clearly mentioned that genius.

Ummm buddy you might have missed the context in my post..
Just for a small report by dawn of your diplomatic isolation,one minister has to resign and other defence minister fled to Dubai.
Do you think your media will allow to report causality on your side.
Everything is controlled by your army in your country.

"Isolation" lol yeah right, we are doing fine. As for our army controlling the media, funny you should mention that after the "surgical strikes".

Ummm buddy you might have missed the context in my post..

Oh, right. My bad, sorry. I just thought that all the war Hawks on here needed to listen to reason and I was bored so... Yeah that's why I made this thread.

I already told you I made a mistake by adding 15 soldiers killed during surgical strikes

Only 2 were killed in surgical strikes genius, and they weren't surgical strikes it was just regular firing, albeit with the Indians planning things a bit more this time.
India started the war in 1971, and was the one who provoked us in 1965, not to mention India also tried to attack Pakistan in 2002 and 2009. Currently, India is the one that wants to invade.

That does not jibe with historical facts. You are entitled to your opinions but not 'your own facts'. Facts are facts.
India atleast with their current air force can not go to war with Paksitan. They are so short of planes.

They still have double as many fighters as us mate. Their actual serviceability might be lower, but they still have more planes.
That does not jibe with historical facts. You are entitled to your opinions but not 'your own facts'. Facts are facts.

That does go well with historical facts. In 1971, India threatened to intervene and was petty much all set. Pakistan made the mistake or conducting pre-emotive strikes too late, should have been done earlier.

In 1965, after the Rann of Kutch dispute and India starting skirmishes on the border, we were naturally annoyed. Not to mention Kashmir should have been part of Pakistan. So yeah, we responded by launching a covert operation. Seems fair in my opinion.

In 2002 and 2009, India blamed some militant attacks on Pakistan and threatened to start a war on both occasions, again, India started it.

Because India using same tactics as China used against India from last 20yrs 'PROXY-WAR'... it is more cheaper and deadly.Period.

Nd most Pakistanis know our friends in this proxy-war



1.Famous pak politician close to MODI :rofl:

Your country obvious to doesn't support any of those groups except for the BLA and MQM.
Oh, right. My bad, sorry. I just thought that all the war Hawks on here needed to listen to reason and I was bored so... Yeah that's why I made this thre

Chill dude, I was kidding myself... :p:
Why would we want to go to war with no objectives? What would fighting Pakistan give us? There is nothing to gain from it. So I guess the OP starter is right. With no clear objectives fighting a war is just redundant and puts strain on economy.

Thanks for actually bothering to read my post, some people unfortunately didn't.
That does go well with historical facts. In 1971, India threatened to intervene and was petty much all set. Pakistan made the mistake or conducting pre-emotive strikes too late, should have been done earlier.

"Pakistan made the mistake or conducting pre-emotive strikes too late"

So if you accept it why are you arguing with me! jesus!
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