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Why Imran Khan's removal can lay the foundation for the fragmentation of Pakistan.

I agree with you on this. Immi is too much of a dove and nice.

His philosophy is that by being nice and doing ummah chummah development will happen and be easier to take place.

Different convo tho, if you don't want Pathans to lead Pakistan then tell your fellow countrymen to not piggyback of our culture and history and claim to be quarter or a tenth pathan for social clout lmaooo
I have no issues with pathans or for any nationality to lead but its too much of a risk due to the "current environment". We cannot have someone who leans towards the Talibunnies.
I got to salute you for this thread. The danger you point to is real. Most Pakistan's are so drunk with hype and religion that they ignore realities and political dynamics until they smack them in their face. Bangla 71 was case in point. The ongoing insurgency in Balochistan conveniently blamed on Iran is another pointer.

Iran also has Balohistan and on top of their ethnic divergence the Farsi majority is Shia thus religion and ethnicity fuel the problems in Iranian Balochistan - yet they are no where as serious as in Pakistani Balochistan.

And as @Zingago has alluded to already Karachi has fault lines running through it along ethnic cleavages wider then the Ganga river. These ike a quiescent volcano could easily erupt again.

Very quickly Pakistan could go the way Yugoslavia went or USSR. They also had huge armies.

Hopefully in the future there is enough population movement in all directions as well as Pakistan as a state is successful enough so that people, especially those living in the peripheries would want to associate themselves with brand Pakistan.

Until then, we have to somehow hold it together. Imran Khan is not a permanent solution but he will do for the next 5 years.

I am not a IK fanboy. He doesn't seem particularly bright and is full of himself. My posts till last month were highly critical of him. But he is the best among what we have right now.
I have no issues with pathans or for any nationality to lead but its too much of a risk due to the "current environment". We cannot have someone who leans towards the Talibunnies.

I agree with the overall idea you're pointing to, just realize that another hyper power has its eyes on Afghanistan so we are going to be involved regardless. Also you can't replace and ignore your neighbors.

NDM/PKMAP are antiPakistan?

So? What is your point?

Why do you have such an issue of my alternative?
Karachi's issues are Urdu Speaking folks' issues.....Resolve that and Karachi is good. Nothing to worry about then.....Pakistan just extracts from Karachi but gives it back a little - hence resentment and anger.
Karachi issues are so many it would take days
Every ethnicity has some issue with another and the division along ethnic lines made things even worse and to top it all off you had one of the worst police in Pakistan incharge of Karachi which only took brides and did nothing to stop crime
The Youth which got interested in politics due to IK may not like the idea of bringing CORRUPTS again into power corridors.
That youth will become apolitical and later on issues will be exploited by reactionaries
Look at how they are coming at me bro 😭 😭 😭

I didn't even say anything anti Pakistan or anything against any ethnicity/sect, all I said was the actual plans of people who I talk to and where I am from and pdf posters are acting as if I am committing treason.
People who havent been outside GT road dont understand your POV but it is what it is

Many in Karachi are angry over the fact that Mariyam can do whatever she wants but Altaf is called ghadar for saying the same

جلسے میں کتنے آدمی تھے ۔ سرکار بندے ای بندے تھے۔ بس 172 نہیں تھے
Ani diya 172 Qatran ney lianey ney

70-80K people died due to the after effects and blow back of war on terror
And thousands died in Karachi and Balochistan due to ethnic violence recently even suicide bombings are taking place
People who havent been outside GT road dont understand your POV but it is what it is

Many in Karachi are angry over the fact that Mariyam can do whatever she wants but Altaf is called ghadar for saying the same

Ani diya 172 Qatran ney lianey ney
Are you for real? Did you just equate Mariyam to a bloody terrorist - Altaf - that has literally murdered people?? WHAT THE ACTUAL F.

Let me guess, here is your typical self victimization inflicted urdu speaking karachi wala?
Are you for real? Did you just equate Mariyam to a bloody terrorist - Altaf - that has literally murdered people?? WHAT THE ACTUAL F.
Why was he banned? For saying what?

et me guess, here is your typical self victimization inflicted urdu speaking karachi wala?
I am not even Urdu speaking you moron I am from Azad Kashmir I have told everyone this fact multiple times
I agree with the overall idea you're pointing to, just realize that another hyper power has its eyes on Afghanistan so we are going to be involved regardless. Also you can't replace and ignore your neighbors.

So? What is your point?

Why do you have such an issue of my alternative?
Why turn against state? Instead we should look for new national parties in addition to PTI. We need progression not regression unless you want to turn into Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria...
This is not an exageration but an eventuality that could very well happen. I have come to the conclusion not only because IK is the only national leader we have at the moment and Maryum and Bilalwal are restricted in support within their provinces but there is a history to this in our country.

Lets go back to the election between Fatima Jinnah and Ayub Khan. Fatima Jinnah was perhaps the only politician from West Pakistan having any traction in East Pakistan. Her loss and the subsiquent rigging allegations paved the way for Awami League to exploit the sentiments of Bengali youth at the time and appeal to them that their os no one in West Pakistan capable of looking after their interests.

Fatima Jinnah's loss and the violence there-after also left a deep impact on Karachi politics and that memory was exploited by the likes of MQM 2 decades later.

Now coming back to the present, IKs primary support base is KPK. Pakistan especially KPK is experiencing a youth bulge. If IK is removed, do you see any other politician from Punjab who can connect with the youth there. Maryum has already shown her Punjabi Nationalist tendencies and Bilawal is a lost cause.

PTM might have fizzled out but it is clear that if IK is removed from the scene, those young bloods who are looking for a cause might find someone else who they connect with more on a personal level. Especially if the feeling is that IKs removal is the collusion of powerful interests who keep backing a Regional Punjab-based party despite repeated instigations.
OH for God sake shut up
Thousand of IK are not enough to fragment Pakistan
Go and check a psychiatrist
ANP is openly anti-Pakistan and have links tracing back to India since 70s. So much for their patriotism.
Just like Nawaz Sharif oh wait sorry Punjabi hy usko muaf hy :D

OH for God sake shut up
Thousand of IK are not enough to fragment Pakistan
Go and check a psychiatrist
A wise thing is to learn from mistakes not repeat them
Why was he banned? For saying what?

I am not even Urdu speaking you moron I am from Azad Kashmir I have told everyone this fact multiple times
Bro, for saying? He literally was committing terrorism in Karachi by i) murdering people ii) asking them for bhatta. How thick are you?

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