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Why Imran Khan's removal can lay the foundation for the fragmentation of Pakistan.

People who think economy means subsidized consumption dont see what is wrong here and with oil projected to touch 200 they dont understand how much in danger we are
Despite living examples like Sri Lanka and Lebanon they want to jump towards that ship

A reckoning is due.
What I find strange is how ethnonatiuonalism is a dirty word in PDF. The jarring reality is most of Pakistan politics is now clustered around ethnocentric parties. In fact at times the reality is Pakistan is just a geography where differant ethnic groups contest for resources.

Please tell me what exactly is MQM? Please? Here on PDF thread after thread cry about how Karachi is being done in - in that crying there is blatent exceptionalism. That is they are being discriminated and that JUSTIFIES special action to remedy that. In this narrative Pakistan and their ethnic interests merge when the fact is that 'Pakistan' is used as excuse to peddle parochial or ethnic interests.

Then moving on to PPP - we all know it's now just a Sindhi franchise that pretends to talk of Pakistan. PML-N is a Punjab centric party, indeed not even all of Punjab but the Lahore - GT belt.

The country is already divided along ethnic lines if you look at the parties. IK is the only national leader who can connect with KPK and rest of Pakistan.

The fact that he has always voiced his concern about the drone attacks on FATA and the war there, the fact that he is pro Taliban Afghanistan, the fact that his base is KPK, the fact that he even supported the idea of giving Afghans in Pakistan citizenship - all this cuts into the PTM and secessionist impulses within the Pakhtun population.

The fact that he can't speak Pashto or was not brought up in KPK does not remove his leaning to his heritage.

It is actually hilarious how this thread is a mirror image of what OP is trying to predict. And the moment I mentioned what people in Quetta will do (the ones who support Imran Khan) and who my fam and I might support made a lot of posters in here have heart attacks.

Religious extremism was the biggest killer of Pakistanis in the past 20 years. Ethnonationalism is a dirty word on here because its an easy punching bag for PDF posters and other pak nationalists to target. It is like a boogeyman on here because of post-1971 trauma and Indian and Afghan interference.

I agree Imran Khan was the only pro-development leader and although I don't agree with everything he says or does he just genuinely gives a try.

PTM isn't even secessionist just like the Achakzai pigs, they are just butt pimples of the populace. The only active groups that are trying to secede right now is BLA and TTP.

If Imran Khan gets kicked out this is what unfortunately will happen. All the Pakistan Khappey and Gul Khanning is gonna be over real quick.
The answer is simple - our leadership is supremely incompetent be it whatever guy on the top. They all are bunch of losers. Our country is hopeless.
One wonders why there was such stagnation of exports between 2013 and 2018 despite record low oil prices

A reckoning is due.
2018 delayed it but I fear not for long
After Tito's death in 1980, the road to civil war in Yugoslavia was quick. Economic factors also played a role but without national leadership, people started eyeing those problems through their narrow provincial lenses.

Pakistan is not Bangladesh or South Korea, we are a multi-ethnic country. National leadership is required otherwise ethnic/tribal royalty will eventually supersede loyalty to the country.
I got to salute you for this thread. The danger you point to is real. Most Pakistan's are so drunk with hype and religion that they ignore realities and political dynamics until they smack them in their face. Bangla 71 was case in point. The ongoing insurgency in Balochistan conveniently blamed on Iran is another pointer.

Iran also has Balohistan and on top of their ethnic divergence the Farsi majority is Shia thus religion and ethnicity fuel the problems in Iranian Balochistan - yet they are no where as serious as in Pakistani Balochistan.

And as @Zingago has alluded to already Karachi has fault lines running through it along ethnic cleavages wider then the Ganga river. These ike a quiescent volcano could easily erupt again.

Very quickly Pakistan could go the way Yugoslavia went or USSR. They also had huge armies.
Thank You for proving me right about PML-N and its supporters. :-)
Even though i am not a PMLN supporter, lmao but i am curious to know what got proved right? That i dont want us to support child murderers and give nationality to those who will slit our throats the first chance they get?
Chill the f out son

If our guy isn't winning doesn't mean one starts going around calling it a national security threat or please daddy interfere

جلسے میں کتنے آدمی تھے ۔ سرکار بندے ای بندے تھے۔ بس 172 نہیں تھے
Even though i am not a PMLN supporter, lmao but i am curious to know what got proved right? That i dont want us to support child murderers and give nationality to those who will slit our throats the first chance they get?
You said you don't want a Pathan to lead Pakistan. That post wasn't just about IK.
I got to salute you for this thread. The danger you point to is real. Most Pakistan's are so drunk with hype and religion that they ignore realities and political dynamics until they smack them in their face. Bangla 71 was case in point. The ongoing insurgency in Balochistan conveniently blamed on Iran is another pointer.

Iran also has Balohistan and on top of their ethnic divergence the Farsi majority is Shia thus religion and ethnicity fuel the problems in Iranian Balochistan - yet they are no where as serious as in Pakistani Balochistan.

And as @Zingago has alluded to already Karachi has fault lines running through it along ethnic cleavages wider then the Ganga river. These ike a quiescent volcano could easily erupt again.

Very quickly Pakistan could go the way Yugoslavia went or USSR. They also had huge armies.

Look at how they are coming at me bro 😭 😭 😭

I didn't even say anything anti Pakistan or anything against any ethnicity/sect, all I said was the actual plans of people who I talk to and where I am from and pdf posters are acting as if I am committing treason.
People mainly from and around GT road dont understand the fault lines outside that region
I lived in Karachi during the early 2010's
It was a city on fire
The fire has only been suppressed not extinguished

It will take once bad incident for return of no go areas and ethnic target killings

Karachi's issues are Urdu Speaking folks' issues.....Resolve that and Karachi is good. Nothing to worry about then.....Pakistan just extracts from Karachi but gives it back a little - hence resentment and anger.

On topic: Pakistan needs A NATIONAL LEADERSHIP.

The Youth which got interested in politics due to IK may not like the idea of bringing CORRUPTS again into power corridors.

The problem is FAMILY DYNASTIES consider everyone as their SLAVES..
Indian expats send 80 billion dollars
Indian exports are 320 billion dollars
Pakistan expats send 30 billion dollars
Pakistan exports are are 25 billion dollars

Clearly something is wrong here which you cant see viper001

Yeah and they hardly pay taxes
We on the other hand pay taxes in the country of stay and then send our hard earned money to bail out Pakistan year after year after year and these idiots can't even see beyond their own noses to help Pakistan remove the corrupt filth destroying them and seek change

They are like fcuking lemmings trying to get the lanats back in power and think everyone will just accept this harami behavior
Oh ffs, you imran khan fanboys/fangirls act like hes some saviour who did some godly work in his govt. The truth is imran khan is no different than anyone else - corrupt and incompetent cabinet, pathetic foreign and economic policy, boot polishing of establishment and greed for power and seat which means having zero principles. Hes all the same. Nothing will happen when he goes.

,,, love your painfull truth,
then the sweet lies of ------------ donkey of oxford.
Even though i am not a PMLN supporter, lmao but i am curious to know what got proved right? That i dont want us to support child murderers and give nationality to those who will slit our throats the first chance they get?

I agree with you on this. Immi is too much of a dove and nice.

His philosophy is that by being nice and doing ummah chummah development will happen and be easier to take place.

Different convo tho, if you don't want Pathans to lead Pakistan then tell your fellow countrymen to not piggyback of our culture and history and claim to be quarter or a tenth pathan for social clout lmaooo
It is actually hilarious how this thread is a mirror image of what OP is trying to predict. And the moment I mentioned what people in Quetta will do (the ones who support Imran Khan) and who my fam and I might support made a lot of posters in here have heart attacks.
Not only Quetta but also in Sindh, Balochistan, FATA and Kashmir for that matter

Once a centrist figure is removed people will fall back on their IN groups to safeguard their own interests if the collective is no longer appealing to them
How are they openly anti Pakistan if they are the ones who supported kicking out TTP terrorists?
I hate ANP but for a completely different reason (firing at protestors in Abbotabad)
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