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Why Imran Khan's removal can lay the foundation for the fragmentation of Pakistan.

If, it doesn't; who cares?

Pakistani won't learn until they are turned into the next Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon.... But then it is too late. Allah takes away His Rehmaat from those who are not grateful of it.
I too think it's end of Imran Khan. He was just too honest and non-corrupt for the corrupt nation.

Well... I guess when the drone attacks start again and the government starts selling children to Guantanamo for $$ and re-hired Hussain Haqqani for Ambassadorship and Modi to wedding.... I wonder if internal tribals will again start their insurrection???

Maybe there will be more bloodbath than during the Zardari/Nawaz era?..

I think, India will also think it's the best time for India to take over Gilgit Baltistan area and do surgical strikes all over Pakistan... Because their main guys the Nawaz Sharif will make sure the world declares Pakistan a failed isolated terror state again....

Welcome back to the 2010s!!
Umm, i know you lot really want us to think Imran Khan was some sort of a god but as far as i remember, it was under the same "Nawaj" - the TTP was routed outside of Pakistan and they were almost eliminated. It was under the great Khan, that the great behgairti of sending peace doves to TTP was done which blew back on our collective faces. You guys really think that others are fools, dont you? Like they would believe your chutya narrative with eyes closed?

PTI supporters would wish Pakistan to turn to Syria, and Somalia if their man crush isnt in power anymore. Pathetic. Youthiye, totaly chutye
Factors can reverse.
For that to happen, PPP and PMLN being second/third largest parties must first be re-modelled on lines of MQM with ethnic divide running deep in party's DNA and followers. And They tried. It does not work, hence the goal posts have shifted but so has defence mechanism of country. Not an issue.
Hopefully the country lasts the next round of corruption bleeding, drone bombs, and terror.

Indians must be jumping for joy.... Pakistan bashing on a global scale is back, baby!....

Remember..Zardari, Nawaz never ever ushered a word against India while India blasted Pakistan around the world at every forum.... Imran Khan gave them a shutup call... For at least the last 4 years...
IK hinted this and there's gonna be an attempt on his life. Awam will get involved and so the civil war. China will secure nuclear strategic assets once it sees the trouble that is brewing.

This is the blueprint for Balkanization after the civil war that is brewing up with phul sapport of US.

Punjab, landlocked and absorbed into Indian Punjab; with Amritsari tabbar creating their summer home in Sri Nagar.
KPK merged into Afghanistan with Fazlandu as Ameer ul Momineen
Balochistan merged into Iran and parts broken off to be brought under GCC rule
Sindh becomes slum capital of the world
GB becomes independent and choses to join China
AJK joins India with no alternative left.
IK hinted this and there's gonna be an attempt on his life. Awam will get involved and so the civil war. China will secure nuclear strategic assets once it sees the trouble that is brewing.

This is the blueprint for Balkanization after the civil war that is brewing up with phul sapport of US.

Punjab, landlocked and absorbed into Indian Punjab; with Amritsari tabbar creating their summer home in Sri Nagar.
KPK merged into Afghanistan with Fazlandu as Ameer ul Momineen
Balochistan merged into Iran and parts broken off to be brought under GCC rule
Sindh becomes slum capital of the world
GB becomes independent and choses to join China
AJK joins India with no alternative left.
This won't happen don't worry
IK hinted this and there's gonna be an attempt on his life. Awam will get involved and so the civil war. China will secure nuclear strategic assets once it sees the trouble that is brewing.

This is the blueprint for Balkanization after the civil war that is brewing up with phul sapport of US.

Punjab, landlocked and absorbed into Indian Punjab; with Amritsari tabbar creating their summer home in Sri Nagar.
KPK merged into Afghanistan with Fazlandu as Ameer ul Momineen
Balochistan merged into Iran and parts broken off to be brought under GCC rule
Sindh becomes slum capital of the world
GB becomes independent and choses to join China
AJK joins India with no alternative left.
Wet dream of an Imran Khan supporter - ladies and gentlemen.
People will pull their money from the remittance schemes and Rupee will climb to 400 PKR instantly. Let the new government burn.
The only way the rupee will climb to 400 is if Imran remains and wins another stint. Otherwise it will not cross 250 in the next 3 years.
Umm, i know you lot really want us to think Imran Khan was some sort of a god but as far as i remember, it was under the same "Nawaj" - the TTP was routed outside of Pakistan and they were almost eliminated. It was under the great Khan, that the great behgairti of sending peace doves to TTP was done which blew back on our collective faces. You guys really think that others are fools, dont you? Like they would believe your chutya narrative with eyes closed?

PTI supporters would wish Pakistan to turn to Syria, and Somalia if their man crush isnt in power anymore. Pathetic. Youthiye, totaly chutye

Nawaj Sharif was told of the North Waziristan operation after it was launched. He had no bearing on our operations against TTP. Raheel Sharif was both the face and leader at the time.

Shebaz Sharif is one the record pleading to TTP to not attack Punjab.

Nice try though but wouldn't work on this forum.

He is saying that people will "pull" their remittance as if foreign Pakistanis are some kind of investors putting their money in Pakistan out of the good of their heart. Bro, you are just sending money back to your families. Get a fuckng grip loool

Havent seen a more retarded and delusional person than this enigma guy.

He is talking about Roshan Digital Accounts. 3 billion dollars kept in Pakistani banks by overseas Pakistanis and completely a PTI initiative.

We know that PML-N has a history of freezing foreign assets hence we can expect a large outflow from at least Roshan digital Accounts. Remmitances directly to families will continue.
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Havent seen a more retarded and delusional person than this enigma guy.
I mean you voted for Nawaz Shareef

He is talking about Roshan Digital Accounts. 3 billion dollars kept in Pakistani banks by overseas Pakistanis and completely a PTI initiative.

We know that PML-N has a history of freezing foreign assets hence we can expect a large outflow from at least Roshan digital Accounts. Remmitances directly to families will continue.
What a braindead spunk. Should name himself d***head instead of hammerhead.

Under PDM, Pakistan will head towards massive de-industrialization as seen in their previous run; where they stripped Faisalabad of every textile mill possible as a result of their anti-industrial mindset.

The fact that Shalmi (traders) love Nawaz the fat aloo so much is because they can just import and trade all day long with no benefit to the local industry.
The only way the rupee will climb to 400 is if Imran remains and wins another stint. Otherwise it will not cross 250 in the next 3 years.
Tell me you know nothing about economics without telling me you know nothing about economics
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