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Why I as a Pakistani hate American Govt

Really sad - i pray for the girl and hope the best for her. Thank you Amreeeka - not.

reminds me of that child called Ali in Iraq who lost his arms and legs due to NATO bombing and was brought in UK for treatment. these are media goodwill gestures but prevention is always better than cure.

no self respecting American will expect his neighbourhood to be bombed by drones just because there is a killer or drug dealer hiding in next door, imagine the outcry if such thing happens in the first world.
its a shame that there are different standards of human rights for unfortunate people who have to suffer American invasions. The collateral damage has no justification and too much of a price to pay.

that’s something that the world was expecting from “Mr Change” to stop but he only increased such attacks.
reminds me of that child called Ali in Iraq who lost his arms and legs due to NATO bombing and was brought in UK for treatment. these are media goodwill gestures but prevention is always better than cure.

no self respecting American will expect his neighbourhood to be bombed by drones just because there is a killer or drug dealer hiding in next door, imagine the outcry if such thing happens in the first world.
its a shame that there are different standards of human rights for unfortunate people who have to suffer American invasions. The collateral damage has no justification and too much of a price to pay.

that’s something that the world was expecting from “Mr Change” to stop but he only increased such attacks.

Great posting Irfan. It is indeed sad when there are different standards for different nations. Even worse when someone sticks up for the drone attackers. Inshallah the girl will be blessed and grow stronger from her early set back in her life bro
Anyway Back to the Topic if Pakistani's feel Strongly about it then what are you going to do ? Other then Burning Flags ? Shoot down the Drones ?

Pakistanis do feel strongly about the drone attacks, but they are encouraged to misguided their emotions at USA, not their own government that has placed them in this predicament.
Pakistani hatred against the USA government will not change anything other then the daily anti USA slogans and Burning the USA flags.

American Actions are the cause, the Pakistani Hatred is the reaction and effect.
dont compare blowing up and burning people alive through collateral damage with burning of flag and anti US slogans.
Pakistanis do feel strongly about the drone attacks, but they are encouraged to misguided their emotions at USA, not their own government that has placed them in this predicament.

check out my OP post I included traitors and appologists for america like zardari and others pakistanis who defend american tovt
American Actions are the cause, the Pakistani Hatred is the reaction and effect.
dont compare blowing up and burning people alive through collateral damage with burning of flag and anti US slogans.

Of course it's American actions however the Pakistani Government Agreed to enter the WOT and Agreed to the Drone Strikes. My Point is it's an endless cycle, Drone Kills civilians and anger starts question how long will it continue until action is taken.
American Actions are the cause, the Pakistani Hatred is the reaction and effect.
dont compare blowing up and burning people alive through collateral damage with burning of flag and anti US slogans.

Collateral damage is regrettable and indeed condemnable; but the conditions on the ground leave no other viable alternative in view of the situation in FATA, but perhpas you would like to mention possible options to drone attacks to nab the terrorists?

check out my OP post I included traitors and appologists for america like zardari and others pakistanis who defend american tovt

No, not just those that you mention, but the entire elite cadre within Pakistan that have allowed the situation to deteriorate to this point.
Collateral damage is regrettable and indeed condemnable; but the conditions on the ground leave no other viable alternative in view of the situation in FATA, but perhpas you would like to mention possible options to drone attacks to nab the terrorists?


So this is why we call your arguments circular you ignored irfans valid point:

no self respecting American will expect his neighbourhood to be bombed by drones just because there is a killer or drug dealer hiding in next door

---------- Post added at 10:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 PM ----------

No, not just those that you mention, but the entire elite cadre within Pakistan that have allowed the situation to deteriorate to this point.

why dont you just say PA and ISI for all their faults put their life at risk for us and without whom we wouldnt exist today
So this is why we call your arguments circular you ignored irfans valid point:

no self respecting American will expect his neighbourhood to be bombed by drones just because there is a killer or drug dealer hiding in next door

Of course, because he would expect local law enforcement to take care of the issue. Where is the local law enforcement in FATA?
Of course, because he would expect local law enforcement to take care of the issue. Where is the local law enforcement in FATA?

why is it said against the death penalaty

Its better that 10 guilty men go free than one innocent man is wrongfully convicted

Now I have a quote that you might heed and enjoy cos its by an american Lincoln:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
View attachment 9231

Guys the real cost of drones on pakistan. This girl is lucky, many others have died and are not as lucky. We all love our innocent children. I do not support terrorism but would it surprise anybody if the father and or uncle of these children took it upon themselves to take revenge on american interests. Is this what they call war on terror? Is this the way they win hearts and minds? Is this the way they want us to work with them. Shame on AIPAC regime of America and Pakistani traitors like Zardari and appologists for americans.

Do americans think we should appreciate what they are doing now by helping this one of many who have died without help

Click on the link to see a pic of the girl.

Pakistani girl burned in US drone attack gets free treatment in Galveston | khou.com Houston

Pakistani girl burned in US drone attack gets free treatment in Galveston
by Larry Seward / KHOU 11 News


Posted on December 20, 2011 at 5:41 PM

GALVESTON, Texas -- A 4-year-old girl burned during a U.S. drone attack in Pakistan two years ago is receiving free reconstructive surgery in Galveston.

Scars can’t hide her smile. The girl, who’s being treated at Shriner’s Hospital, shows so much joy her caretakers named her Shakira, which means thankful.

"She’s coming to her goal to be treated," said Hashmat Effendi, Shakira’s caretaker with the House of Charity, the group responsible for treatment.

A medical mission team from the House of Charity found Shakira burned beyond description after a U.S. drone attack two years ago in Pakistan. They found her in a trash bin. Effendi calls the girl lucky.

"There were two other children who were with Shakira who unfortunately didn’t make it," Effendi said. "They (died) in our (medical mission camp)."

Shakira is about to get reconstructive surgery on her nose, face and hands.

"It’s not easy and it’s not a single-day procedure," said Dr. Robert McCauley, who is performing all of the surgeries, free of charge.

McCauley has done these types of surgeries for 25 years. He sees something special in Shakira. It is something critical to success. It’s all in her smile.

"One thing I’ve learned over the years is that children adapt well when they have support and when they are (upbeat)," Dr. McCauley said.

Doctors said recovery will take at least a year, but more likely, many years for Shakira. Even then, scars will remain. Still, Shakira remains thankful.

That's just really sad, that girls whole life is f@cked up now. I remember watching in either Express news or Dunya News (one of these Pakistani news channels), a boys legs were blown off in a drone strike, his entire family wiped out, the kid wanted to be a doctor so that he could help people one day but those scums, sitting somewhere in the States remote piloting those drones f@cuked the kids life up.
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