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Why I as a Pakistani hate American Govt

Many of the ariel bombings are actually carried out by PAF, but are claimed as US drone attacks to deflect any accusation and responsibility.

Over 10,600 bombs dropped over FATA in 3 years.
PAF conducted 5,500 bombing runs in FATA since 2008.

That's is like over 10 bombing and 5 sorties average per day in last 3 years alone, which is many times more than the drone strikes.
Many of the ariel bombings are actually carried out by PAF, but are claimed as US drone attacks to deflect any accusation and responsibility.

PAF conducted 5,500 bombing runs in FATA since 2008.

BS statement.... drone strikes are broadcasted and publised... and even the people know abt the bloody drones tht target our people!

PAF doesnt target populated areas.. its only called for airsupport by army and stikes are carried on ttp bunkers,hideouts tht are marked by army.
Your line of reasoning is too simplistic to be applicable in real life, given the many headed monster that is the present system in Pakistan.

Your line of reasoning is devoid of common sense and rationality. Nailing a thumb pin in a wall with a sledge hammer is never a good idea; it destroys the hand in process.

There's another saying to the effect, People that don't learn from history, history comes back and haunts them.
BS statement.... drone strikes are broadcasted and publised... and even the people know abt the bloody drones tht target our people!

PAF doesnt target populated areas.. its only called for airsupport by army and stikes are carried on ttp bunkers,hideouts tht are marked by army.

Thats exactly my point. The drone strikes are publicised but PAF strikes are not, even though more than 10 PAF bombings on average are done per day. How many of them actually hit the Taliban/Terrorists are not publicised. When things go wrong, there is case for plausible deniability, and all blame came be put on US doorsteps as drone strikes gone bad. Even the Pakistani authorities in the past have acknowledged that the NATO drone strikes have been highly affective against the Taliban in FATA.

Pakistan Says Drone Strikes Have Been Effective

Drone Strikes Impressively Accurate and Effective: Report
EXCERPT: "Widely-cited reports of the inaccuracy and disproportionality of civilian to militant deaths in the CIA's ongoing Predator drone campaign against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Pakistan are grossly misleading. The most detailed database compiled to date, assembled by the authors of this article, indicates (among other important findings) that the strikes have not only been impressively accurate, but have achieved and maintained a greater proportionality than either ground operations in the area or targeting campaigns elsewhere. [...] The authors of this article have compiled a database over the last year that draws extensively on Pakistani newspapers (in their English language versions), and Western newspapers of record (primarily the New York Times and Washington Post). Only cases in which it was possible to compare multiple independent reports of drone strikes have been included. Where reported numbers of fatalities differed, we have favored the most detailed and updated account, always using low-end estimates of suspected militants slain. [...] By systematically applying these simple rules to the universe of available information, we have assembled what we believe to be the most comprehensive and credible database of Predator drone strikes in this operational region currently available."
Why this one sided anger. Pakistani govt is as much resposible 4 this as USA. Also 1000 + died in drone attack while 35000+ died in suicide bomb attacks. Why no tears 4 them.
In war Collateral damage is obvious. Having saying that, my sympathy is with all of those who suffered during WoT.
Why this one sided anger. Pakistani govt is as much resposible 4 this as USA. Also 1000 + died in drone attack while 35000+ died in suicide bomb attacks. Why no tears 4 them.

You are comparing the deaths of those killed by terrorists with ones that have been killed by self proclaimed champions of democracy and human rights. Now if you feel that there is no difference between the two killings, then be my guest because majority of Pakistanis feel the same way.
You tested the taste of Sweet from USA. Remember who gave you Patton, Ghazi. Sabre, harpoon, billions of billion aid, F-16, ammunation ete etc. And you feel proud by saying we helped america for breaking USSR and now want a coalition from USSR.teste the bitter part of relation. Where were you when your govt taken taken so much sweets from them and now where you come from? I seen a documentry about how pakistani were happy when mrs kennedy came to pakistan. How that pakistani changed.
USA can't use you if you are not ready to be used its the simple think one has to understand.

And its your army who have allowed all these to Americans including drone attacks.

So you have to think before hating Americans and ask a question are we hating the right guy to blame?????
You are comparing the deaths of those killed by terrorists with ones that have been killed by self proclaimed champions of democracy and human rights. Now if you feel that there is no difference between the two killings, then be my guest because majority of Pakistanis feel the same way.

Dear brother rafael. War brings misery and collateral damage. We must cope with it. In kashmir and punjab we faced it and ppl are moving on. So its time to move on, time will heal the wound. I strongly feel that the example we are showing here was not massacre.

We must rage and show our anger if something happen deliberately some thing like
1 My-lai massacare
2. nanjang Massacare
3. Bangladeshi genocide
4. Pol Pots massacare
5. Atrocities on Kosovo Muslims.
6. massacare of Muslims (palestanian) in jordan by zia-ul-haq etc
Killing a figurehead now and then achieves nothing: look at both Bhutto and Zia as examples. It is the SYSTEM that is the problem, not the figureheads.

It is now an ideology. To tackle it, you need much more than military action, and absolutely no drone strikes which kill civilians.

What do you think, that if a son of somebody gets killed, then would he just say " Oh, it was collateral damage, the Americans are doing it for a good cause" , or would he would he develop hatred for the Yanks?

And if the guy is close to Taliban or somebody, then he might turn into one of them, and start this so called Jihad!
Thats exactly my point. The drone strikes are publicised but PAF strikes are not, even though more than 10 PAF bombings on average are done per day. How many of them actually hit the Taliban/Terrorists are not publicised. When things go wrong, there is case for plausible deniability, and all blame came be put on US doorsteps as drone strikes gone bad. Even the Pakistani authorities in the past have acknowledged that the NATO drone strikes have been highly affective against the Taliban in FATA.

Pakistan Says Drone Strikes Have Been Effective

Oh just give it a break, the area is evacuated of civilians beforehand, a safe zone is established, a cordon is set around the area, the displaced are set up in camps, and then the operation starts. Just some months back, I saw a advertisement on a major newspaper that people should evacuate a certain area, in one week, because operation is going to be started there.

People have one week, they go. Then the air strikes are carried out, called in by a Artillery observer, or the Army units that are advancing.

Get a reality check.
Many of the ariel bombings are actually carried out by PAF, but are claimed as US drone attacks to deflect any accusation and responsibility.

Over 10,600 bombs dropped over FATA in 3 years.
PAF conducted 5,500 bombing runs in FATA since 2008.

That's is like over 10 bombing and 5 sorties average per day in last 3 years alone, which is many times more than the drone strikes.

thanks for your post

that’s what I appreciate about my fellow Indian members, when they contribute differently by not being smug, insulting and outright offensive..

Yes indeed there have been causalities from PAF bombings too, in one such case there were hundred dead but that was a mistake (although it doesn’t matter to the dead and grieved). And both PAF and PA apologized to the tribal people

PAF is only targeting the hotspots where the ground troops call in air and artillery support when they have pitched battles or when they discover enemy hideouts and camps. If you recall the video footages of such PAF sorties you will notice secondary explosions from the arms and ammunition dumps. but still the figures you quoted merit futher investigation but they are not a free pass for the argument of drone strikes.

The drone strikes are different in a sense that they are actually targeted regardless of the presence of civilians around. Sometimes it appears that they are being directed by some sadist and a maniac who repeatedly targets public gathering , funerals and weddings. One can only attribute them as a part of a psywarfare to cause misery and helplessness among the victims because its hardly WoT and winning hearts and minds. PA and Pak government spends time and effort to separate the tribal people from the Taliban and next day a drone strike kills the people who have actually vowed to fight the Taliban. after RD affair CIA on purpose targeted one such gathering that was being protected by tribal volunteers and paramilitary forces from a possible attack from Taliban but sadly it was the USA that did it whose president few days ago lied in the face of the world saying Raymond had diplomatic immunity whereas in fact he wasn’t even on legit passport and was part of CIA’s blackops.

You are bound to get more reaction when an outsider comes in and commits a crime, just because some country has law and order situation doesn’t mean that “allies” also join in the carnage. During the Mombai terror attacks the total death toll was nothing compared to the deaths resulting from the domestic crimes including robberies, gang wars etc but Indians were roused because terrorists allegedly from JuD / Pakistan had stuck.

Anyone with a shred of morality and value for life cant justify this on going atrocity. It not just Pakistani NGOs but neutral world sources saying that the death toll from drone strikes is 10 civilians for every alleged terrorist killed. This is not war this is not inevitable this is murder and a crime. For 3000 deaths on 911 USA brought war on this region and in tribal belt alone it has killed over 10000 people. In Afghanistan due to lack of media coverage we don’t even know what is the scale of the atrocities.
Once the “heroes” will return home only then it will dawn upon the Afghans what has been happening to them the name of WoT. You and I only know about the civilian deaths in Afghanistan that happen in say Khost , Kandahar and Kabul at the hands of the American strikes but imagine what is happening outside in remote areas where they shoot and destroy anything that moves.

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

Oh just give it a break, the area is evacuated of civilians beforehand, a safe zone is established, a cordon is set around the area, the displaced are set up in camps, and then the operation starts. Just some months back, I saw a advertisement on a major newspaper that people should evacuate a certain area, in one week, because operation is going to be started there.

People have one week, they go. Then the air strikes are carried out, called in by a Artillery observer, or the Army units that are advancing.

Get a reality check.

thats what we did while clearing Swat, otherwise the collateral damage would have been huge.
omg so much hardship in Pakistan , i was literally crying for that gal .
Ques . to pak brothers - Why don't u guys do something ti stop dis . I know ur gov. wont help , but just go for strikes , maybe raise ur voice in international media , rally in islamabad . Guys i can understand how much ur people are going through .
All i can say is people have 2 help themselves for attaining any goal in life . My respect !!
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