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Why have we banished our own brethren? Indian Apartheid

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The incident is not just an irrational way of countering instances of cheating, but reflects an unacceptable way in which students belonging to the lower caste communities are viewed in school systems which are supposed to profess values like equality and respect. Out of some 50 student the invigilators happened to pick only these two Dalit girls out of their apparent suspicion. It was not just an unfortunate turn of events that led to the victimisation off these young girls, but it is rather the deeply entrenched attitude of hatred and discrimination towards Dalit students still prevailing in many parts of the country.

I asked a question about it on other thread but I was declared a troll. Thanks for the link giving complete picture
No Sikh migrated to other country fearing descrimination in INDIA, the only violance to date that happened against them was in 1984 and that was by congress and not HINDUS or BJP.
The Sikh community forms the back bone of farming(agriculture) in Canada, kindly know more to talk resonably on the topic, BS just reduces the quality of post you have contributed in your past.

very well said sir...:tup:
Pt. 1 A Day in the Life of an Untouchable Sweeper

This is the daily life of one of India's "sweepers:" people who collect feces day in and day out. This woman is a Dalit, one of India's Untouchable

Pt. 1 A Day in the Life of an Untouchable Sweeper - YouTube
Youtube vids?
I think if you leave this kid kind of behavior you ll understand that there are 1000's of videos over the internet that can put Pakistan to shame,so it doesn't really make sense.
i would say in the region of 17% of Indian population about 200 million or so.

that I would say is the definition of denial

sir you are grossly wrong with figure... this is around 1.21 billion indians.

No sir... it was the purest form of truth.
so....in terms of number, what's the population of untouchables (and touchables?) in hindustan

I may have been wrong the earlier approx was from wikipedia. Below is another detailed source


According to the Indian census of 2001, the total population was 1.028 billion. Hindus numbered 827 million or 80.5 %. About 25 per cent (24 million) of those Hindus are belonging to Scheduled Castes and Tribes. About 40 per cent (400 million) are “Other Backward Castes”.

15 per cent Hindu upper castes inherited majority of India’s civil service, economy and active politics from British colonial masters. And thus the caste system virtually leaves lower caste Hindus in to an oppressed majority in India’s power structure. Going by figures quoted by the Backward Classes Commission, Brahmins alone account for 37.17 per cent of the bureaucracy. [Who is Really Ruling India?]

The 2004 World Development Report mentions that more than 25% of India’s primary school teachers and 43% of primary health care workers are absent on any given day!

wow you guys still at it :cheesy:

welcome back mate. I did have a short break. This is a serious issue. Until I came across this article in the Hindu on Saturday I honestly was not aware of how serious the problem is
I may have been wrong the earlier approx was from wikipedia. Below is another detailed source


According to the Indian census of 2001, the total population was 1.028 billion. Hindus numbered 827 million or 80.5 %. About 25 per cent (24 million) of those Hindus are belonging to Scheduled Castes and Tribes. About 40 per cent (400 million) are “Other Backward Castes”.

15 per cent Hindu upper castes inherited majority of India’s civil service, economy and active politics from British colonial masters. And thus the caste system virtually leaves lower caste Hindus in to an oppressed majority in India’s power structure. Going by figures quoted by the Backward Classes Commission, Brahmins alone account for 37.17 per cent of the bureaucracy. [Who is Really Ruling India?]

The 2004 World Development Report mentions that more than 25% of India’s primary school teachers and 43% of primary health care workers are absent on any given day!

A Zillion reasons to escape from India

If I am not mistaken the term Schedule castes and term Dalit are interchangeable? If that is the case then according to the statistics you provided dalits population is around 424 millions, and I thought it must have been around 170 millions. Please correct if I am wrong.
welcome back mate. I did have a short break. This is a serious issue. Until I came across this article in the Hindu on Saturday I honestly was not aware of how serious the problem is

I think all Hindus and dalits should join the RSS Aryan because there is no caste in Hindutva :)
If I am not mistaken the term Schedule castes and term Dalit are interchangeable? If that is the case then according to the statistics you provided dalits population is around 424 millions, and I thought it must have been around 170 millions. Please correct if I am wrong.

Actually that would suggest just under 50% cos that was 2001 census If we say 45% of lets say 1,2 billion. wow that would suggest in the region of 504 million. I am mortified I honestly did not know the extent of the abuse. Today I have changed my perception of India.

I do hope these poor souls fight for their right not to be abused
who belonged to the Bheels caste, had been living in the area for several years.

“They are former bonded laborers. Now they earn a meager sum of Rs4,000 to Rs5,000 monthly as watchmen at the farms. Some of them also work for the tribesmen.

Even worse they were former bonded workers.

is populated predominantly by low-caste Hindus – officially known as scheduled castes – such as Kohlis, Meghwars, Jogis and the Bheels
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