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Why Has Alcohol Become An Inevitable Part Of Every Plan These Days?

Leave him brother as there are lots of Internet tough guys. I am 6'3 around 100 KG he might piss when see me in real. :D

Very beautiful ,but that's man made beauty. I am a deep admirer of nature beauty.

Beautiful :toast_sign:In Uttarakhand, there is a a place called Dayara Bagul, it is few KMs from Uttarkashi. It is some 10000 feet above ground. It is so high that you can see Gangotri glacier and other popular peaks from there. I had the opportunity drink there. It was fun. And also, Himalayan drinks are very cheap.
Beautiful :toast_sign:In Uttarakhand, there is a a place called Dayara Bagul, it is few KMs from Uttarkashi. It is some 10000 feet above ground. It is so high that you can see Gangotri glacier and other popular peaks from there. I had the opportunity drink there. It was fun. And also, Himalayan drinks are very cheap.
Some day gal some day i will too. I only drank in Nainital and Mussoorie. (Not a big fan of travelling)

No, we don't sacrifice them ruthlessly , we're supposed to sacrifice them slowly , gently , praying and giving duas to them , and respectfully after killing them we distribute its meat .

Please don't take me wrong. I don not mean any disrespect to Islam but no argument will be able to convince me about slaughtering of animals. When Allah has given abundance of fertile land, why kill poor animals?
I agree people around the world eat these poor souls but no one slaughter out of religious obligations.

Other than this aspect, I have so much attraction towards Islam. If only one could fulfill his/her religious duties without slaughtering of innocent animals.
Lol bro .. you can defend alcohol as much as you like .
But it won't affect me because I'm not a follower of alcohol and desires .
However, I invite you to study islam. It's a beautiful religion , very close to reality.
lol am not defending alcohol... for me its like ice cream... is it a big deal if you dont like ice cream? absolutely not...
you are not losing a lot.. there are tonnes of other things, what about frozen yoghurt?
is it better to not eat ice cream if your god promises the bestest ice cream after death and you face hellfire if you eat ice cream of any flavour?... if I was you.. i would do exactly what you do...
will I eat ice cream if I was diabetic or have no sense of self control?... not really...
but I know how to eat icecream responsibily, so I eat ice cream of my favourite flavour(pista if you want to know).... I wont eat it so much that I will go to hospital... if you dont eat ice cream its not really the end of the world :)
What does alcohol taste like? :what:

Alcohol will burn your throat or taste very bitter, unless your drinking beer or wine. Whiskey or Vodka is strong and usually mixed but some people drink it straight.

Does it taste great or awful and could you enjoy it solely for its taste like say lassi or pepsi?

Nope you cant really enjoy it for its taste. Its not like a normal drink, if you drink any strong alcohol it will feel like it burns your throat but then the feeling after a few drinks is very good.

You'll get yo know when you're in heaven .
As a well wisher, I advise you to not try it here .
If you're muslim you must know it's banned. As muslims we should keep away from all things that God prohibited . He's the creator and he knows best why he made it illegal for muslims .

I've seen many alcoholics who can't differentiate between their mothers , sisters and wives when they're very high .

What world was this in?

You should all try some Lion's Milk.




I hate Drinking and Smoking, i went to bar many times with my friend who are all drinking, but the smell aahhhhwwww thats tooo bad, I told them to stop this habit but i can able to change only one person, whenever i asked them to stop they told the same dialogue its just a fun...stupid friends...
So, I was sitting at home with an old college friend the other day. We were meeting after ages. In the middle of an interesting debate, I excused myself to quickly pull out another Heineken from the freezer. I opened the door, only to see that we were out of beer.

“Dude! There’s no beer! It’s 9.45. We’ve got 15 minutes before the theka shuts!”

We sped to the nearest shop, reaching just in time. Soon, we were back with a jiggling bag, relieved and happy, and the debate continued from where it left off.

The next morning, while I was dumping the empty bottles in the trash, I realised something. Something I had known all along but I never really gave much thought to.

We just can’t do without booze in our day-to-day lives anymore.

I asked myself: Why did we rush to that theka as if our lives depended on it? Why was there such desperation? So what if the shutter had gone down before we arrived? Wasn’t each other’s company enough? We could’ve had tea, maybe?

This random revelation led to a much longer stream of thoughts... Alcohol has become an inevitable part of every plan in modern culture.


Source: gigadgets
Be it drinking cheap wine out of a box alone at home or sippin’ on the best at an elite bar, pre-drinking in a parking lot or celebratory champagne, it all boils down to our dire need for those frequent doses of intoxication. Any excuse will do. A promotion or a farewell, a birthday or a breakup.

Had a long day at work? No problem. You know you’re cooling off over your regular with the colleagues later at the local pub. In all probability, the bartenders there know your name. They even give you free drinks. Soon enough, one drink turns to two. This way, the debauchery carries on.

Let’s be real here. Can you remember the last time you refused a drink? Or successfully completed a 10-day detox? No, because you didn’t. Even if we do decide to abstain from alcohol for a while, getting carried away seems to be the easiest thing. We cheat and break the resolutions made while nursing bad hangovers. 'Screw this, I’m not going out till next week!' never really happens.


Source: beerrun
Earlier, we would drink whenever there was an occasion. Now, drinking has become the occasion.

Remember how birthdays used to be the perfect reason to do a round of shots? How we looked forward to those vodka-fuelled scenes with the homies because they came along once in a while? Well, that certainly has changed. There was a time when a day out did not mandatorily end in a pub. Now it does. Drinking isn’t an occasional treat anymore. It has seeped into all our plans. It has become a lifestyle. We’re wired to say 'yes' by default.

In these changing times, drinking is the prime reason to get together. The rest is secondary: the venue, the ambience and, sometimes, even the people. I mean, what’s a girl’s night without a glass of red in hand? What’s a game of FIFA without chilled beer by the side? Everything seems incomplete without religiously adhering to the boozing tradition. We live in a different age now. This is the new-age drinking generation.


Source: mmajunkie
Why do we love drinking so much?

Because its fun. It can make any conversation smooth as a glass of Chivas. We tend to loosen up and become more social when a couple of drinks down. We forget our problems, even if just for a couple of hours. Bottled up emotions start pouring out. Small talk becomes effortless.

We’re a little chattier, a little happier. Dancing freely, without a care in the world. Not many would say 'no, thanks' to such a blissful escape from daily drudgeries, don’t you think?

Even though we throw up or lose stuff sometimes, it doesn’t deter our determination to keep going. We bounce right back. In fact, we have reached a point where not drinking is considered odd. Standing at a party without a glass? Get ready to explain yourself. Don't fool yourself, you ain't getting off the hook so soon. Head to the bar or head out.

So what do you do? You give in. Understandably so. Obviously, you don't want to be the outcast, the only exception to the drunk madness.


Source: whatsuplife
So, how did this culture become so widespread?

New pubs and breweries are popping up left, right and centre to cater to the ever-rising demand for more drinking experiences. They’re forever overcrowded, surprisingly so even on Mondays, buzzing with thirsty customers of all ages. Every day of the week has something to offer. Ladies night, karaoke night, gig night, and so on. Our expanding pub culture is more widespread than ever before.

Advertising has played its role too. One event update or banner on Facebook is enough to make your throat tingle with temptation. Wine and beer shops are omnipresent. No matter where you are, you'll find a couple of them on the way. All you have to do is follow the signboards.

The change in society plays a significant role as well. Earlier, it was just the men and their whiskies. But now, women’s roles have changed. They work and socialise. They party hard. They have pretty much doubled the footfall in bars.

Another factor is the evolution of Indian families. The younger lot isn’t strictly sheltered anymore. They are free to make their own decisions. Adolescents are stepping out to explore the world, stumbling across the delights of drinking a little too soon.


Source: buddhabarhotelbudapest
Are we too dependent on alcohol for something to do?

Our desire to get high all the time has become insatiable. It doesn’t matter if you’re a light drinker or a binger; you’re definitely drinking. Dry days have become a curse, sending most of us scramming to the nearest liquor shop to store some for the next day. Surely, there’s a going to be a plan. It’s a holiday after all. You'll need the booze.

Moreover, we have all kinds of friends to meet. The social groups, the inner circle, the new friends, the old friends, the office gang, the Tinder dates. No wonder plans are always in the pipeline. There's so much to do, and so much to drink. Everyday is a weekend. Life is good, isn't it?

But then again, are we forgetting how to have a good time when sober? Do we really need to resort to intoxication so very often? Maybe we do. Surely looks like it. The truth is that we don’t want to slow down. We’re doing just fine.

We have gladly embraced this culture. Heck, we made it. And we aren't complaining.

On that note, cheers to you, my friend.
Because these days we need rapid stimulation and and rapid sedation. That is the reason lives have become so fragile.
On a lighter note, you can use different types of teas for healthier refreshments.
Leave him brother as there are lots of Internet tough guys. I am 6'3 around 100 KG he might piss when see me in real. :D

Yup. All you internet hindus are Salman Khan. I'm 5'11 and could probably slap you around like a rag doll. :lol:

Continue drinking and imagining yourself as Salman Khan.
I'd love to share a few, but honestly, I'm drawing blank. We're ravenous drunks. Aside from Birch Tea or Salted Pear Juice - the whims of local chefs - there's not a wide selection of traditional non-alcoholic beverages to chose from.

We do love our coffee though and are the world's second largest consumer of the stuff.



Some of our traditionally alcoholic beverages to have a virgin recipe too, such as Glogg which isn't always alcoholic.


Or even Mead.


But there aren't a lot of non-alcoholic beverages to be found, at least nothing notable. You can always get juice or soda if you want, but we're a proud drinking nation.

We should respect the fact that not all Pakistanis and most Christians and other minorities in Pakistan have no vendetta against drinking. Taking their right to drink is wrong just as it is forcing a muslim to drink. Nice pics tech. Thanks for sharing.
That's what happens when you're away from Allah swt and find the happiness in these kind of things .
When thoughts disturb you , you chose alcohol or go for $#x .

Drinking is very dominant in dry Pakistan in upper middle class circles and the corrupt elite of the country.
Please don't take me wrong. I don not mean any disrespect to Islam but no argument will be able to convince me about slaughtering of animals. When Allah has given abundance of fertile land, why kill poor animals?
I agree people around the world eat these poor souls but no one slaughter out of religious obligations.

Other than this aspect, I have so much attraction towards Islam. If only one could fulfill his/her religious duties without slaughtering of innocent animals.

I wish you best and I pray that may God open your heart for islam.
. With your respectable to religion islam in sha Allah you'll get answers , keep studying.

Margarita you should see this sacrifice issue with more broad thinking, If there were no hungry or poor people that were in need of this food, it would seem cruel to slaughter animals, but when there are people starving and in urgent need of food, it does not make sense to feel sorry for the animal and turn a blind eye to the people that may die from hunger. Millions of poor get free food on eid .
Believe in God , if he's arranging food for poor through goats then he's also just and wise for the goats who are sacrificed.

Drinking is very dominant in dry Pakistan in upper middle class circles and the corrupt elite of the country.

I know , and this is bad . This should stop.

Many of our leaders were drunk and I feel bad about it . A drunk shouldn't run this islamic Republic, that's the reason why they can't rule like umar ibn al khitab.
It's common in rich class , they don't mind alcohol, they don't mind prostitution, they don't mind pork, they dont mind atheism . I dislike such liberal soceity.

lol am not defending alcohol... for me its like ice cream... is it a big deal if you dont like ice cream? absolutely not...
you are not losing a lot.. there are tonnes of other things, what about frozen yoghurt?
is it better to not eat ice cream if your god promises the bestest ice cream after death and you face hellfire if you eat ice cream of any flavour?... if I was you.. i would do exactly what you do...
will I eat ice cream if I was diabetic or have no sense of self control?... not really...
but I know how to eat icecream responsibily, so I eat ice cream of my favourite flavour(pista if you want to know).... I wont eat it so much that I will go to hospital... if you dont eat ice cream its not really the end of the world :)


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