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'Why don't you go to Pakistan?' : PM Hasina to Khaleda Zia


lol, actually Bangladesh has a much better track record against New Zealand and England:woot:

vs India- PLayed(24)- Won(3)

vs NZ- Played(21)- Won(5)

vs Eng- Played(15)- Won(2)

its okay bro, we are game raisers we win when it matters like the world cup and asia cup ;)
It clearly says, South Indians are Mleccha!! Now it made some assumption why they were called Mleccha, but we all know how things work in our Desh as Deshi.. LOL

Have you not read the whole paraphrase? South Indians were foreigner to people of Aryavatta in late Vedic age. However after they started intermixing them they were called Aryan. Basically anyone who were not from core Arayavatta(Gangetic valley) were called Mlechchha in late Vedic age. Same way people who weren't from upper Indus valley and Indus-Ganges doab were called Mlechchha in early Vedic age. Notice the gradual eastward migration of political centre in Vedic age, it will rest at Magadha in time of Mouryas and Guptas.

as in the case of South Indians, they were once Aryas but having forsaken the Vedic rituals were regarded to mleccha status

:lol: do not worry that term is exclusive only for the real and free Bengalis not for bengalis like of the opar bangla those who live under the shadow of west Indias :rofl:

I can understand your feelings. Your attitude is similar to your media where even after doing lots of blah blah blah before the match after the game was only blaming Indian bowlers instead of good batting by the Bangladeshi batsman. Your comment is also resembling the same. After all grapes is sour. ;)

Watch the video...n take fun of your funny media.

India TV is comic relief, only Bangladeshis take that shyte seriously.
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Have you not read the whole paraphrase? South Indians were foreigner to people of Aryavatta in early Vedic age. However after they started intermixing them they were called Aryan.

India TV is comic relief, only Bangladeshis take that shyte seriously.

If it wasn't taken seriously by the majority of the Indians, then it wouldn't have been on a major TV channel in India. Its supply and demand and marketing 101.
If it wasn't taken seriously by the majority of the Indians, then it wouldn't have been on a major TV channel in India. Its supply and demand and marketing 101.

Like I said, it's comic relief. It survives same way Johnny Lever survives. And it's not any major TV channel in India, unlike Bangladesh we have myriads of them - good, bad and ugly.
Like I said, it's comic relief. It survives same way Johnny Lever survives. And it's not any major TV channel in India, unlike Bangladesh we have myriads of them - good, bad and ugly.

johnny level is know as a comedian, this show is not known as a comedy show. Stop using propaganda, comedy is supposed to be funny; its not. If it is funny, then you lot Indians have an abysmal taste in humor.
Awami leaning daily Prothom alo is behind spreading this unsubstantiated story of "ISI gave money to BNP 22 years ago"

First Prothom alo used its Delhi corospondent to push alleged and unsubstantiated story in Khaleej times.

But person who (Younis Habib) this motivated news report said distributed money unware of money given to Khaleda Zia. Read his interview:

In an exclusive interview with this report, Younis Habib said: “I gave Rs40 crore to ISI for bribing politicians, some amount was given to Army Welfare Trust and rest was invested in different properties”. He said he did not know how much money was distributed among journalists and who distributed it because it was mainly done by ISI.

He was unaware who sent money to Bangladeshi politician Begum Khalida Zia. He named only few politicians who received money from him directly. Among them are Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif who have contradicted the claims made by Younis Habib.

More revelations in Mehran Bank scam - The News

Second Prothom alo published the Khaleej time story to spread the rumor in Bangladesh.

Third, prothom alo used its die hard anti Bangladesh corspondent Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury spread the rumor through India Today and UK Daily Mail. Dipanjan Roy even fabricated the amount in question from 5 crore rupee to 50 crore.

Fourth None of Pakistani newspaper reported any such statement that ISI peovided money to Khaleda Zia or BNP. Only indian influenced Khaleej times in dubai reported that.

So, this fictious story of ISI money was hatched and propagated to coverup already exposed indian money and influence in current Awami regime. But that prothom alo originated propaganda story is now falling apart.

And this very Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury wrote "Helping Hasina in our interest". Looks like he and prothom alo, who he work as corspondent just doing that by running propaganda and lie.

johnny level is know as a comedian, this show is not known as a comedy show. Stop using propaganda, comedy is supposed to be funny; its not. If it is funny, then you lot Indians have an abysmal taste in humor.

No we have a macabre sense of humour! :lol:
Awami leaning daily Prothom alo is behind spreading this unsubstantiated story of "ISI gave money to BNP 22 years ago"

First Prothom alo used its Delhi corospondent to push alleged and unsubstantiated story in Khaleej times.

But person who (Younis Habib) this motivated news report said distributed money unware of money given to Khaleda Zia. Read his interview:

Second Prothom alo published the Khaleej time story to spread the rumor in Bangladesh.

Third, prothom alo used its die hard anti Bangladesh corspondent Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury spread the rumor through India Today and UK Daily Mail. Dipanjan Roy even fabricated the amount in question from 5 crore rupee to 50 crore.

Fourth None of Pakistani newspaper reported any such statement that ISI peovided money to Khaleda Zia or BNP. Only indian influenced Khaleej times in dubai reported that.

So, this fictious story of ISI money was hatched and propagated to coverup already exposed indian money and influence in current Awami regime. But that prothom alo originated propaganda story is now falling apart.

And this very Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury wrote "Helping Hasina in our interest". Looks like he and prothom alo, who he work as corspondent just doing that by running propaganda and lie.


Idune you are not very bright, are you?

He is unaware of "Who" sent money to Khaleda Zia. Here the word "who" is being stressed on, which means he is aware of money being sent to Zia but don't know who in ISI did it.

And as usual anti-Hindu sentiment being expressed by you when you highlight the Hindu name, after all they are not loyal citizenry of BD but those who take money from ISI are.

And yeah Dubai based Khalij times is India influenced, heck why don'y you say ISI ex boss is an Indian RAWAMI dalal! :lol:
Now that indians, more specifically La la bong brother of his kind (from west Bengal) got throughly exposed for running propaganda, La la bong is streching the lies even further to cover his shame.

I would request Mod to pin this thread, so La la bong and indians can be reminded of their propaganda work.
Now that indians, more specifically La la bong brother of his kind (from west Bengal) got throughly exposed for running propaganda, La la bong is streching the lies even further to cover his shame.

I would request Mod to pin this thread, so La la bong and indians can be reminded of their propaganda work.

Yes dundun I'm not expert at propaganda like you, after all it's not my day job! :lol:
Ok I just checked the link Idune has provided.

Idune make it seem like ISI ex chief said 'He is unaware of who sent money to Zia', but actually the newspaper quotes Younis Habib, former Mehran Bank president.

Bad propaganda Idune, I'm not impressed! :coffee:
Ok I just checked the link Idune has provided.

Idune make it seem like ISI ex chief said 'He is unaware of who sent money to Zia', but actually the newspaper quotes Younis Habib, former Mehran Bank president.

Bad propaganda Idune, I'm not impressed! :coffee:

Sorry to disappointment you, ISI chief said Mehran bank President was tasked with money distribution and Mehran bank president said he was not aware of any money gone to KZ or BNP.

Source of all propaganda and fabricated story is same person Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury. No matter how you twist it, he has caught red handed and so do you rooting for his lie and propaganda.
Source of ISI money to KZ propaganda Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury's facebook profile, his first interest is Sheikh Hasina. You go figure.

Sorry to disappointment you, ISI chief said Mehran bank President was tasked with money distribution and Mehran bank president said he was not aware of any money gone to KZ or BNP.

Source of all propaganda and fabricated story is same person Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury. No matter how you twist it, he has caught red handed and so do you rooting for his lie and propaganda.

Mehran Bank president didn't deny what ISI chief said. Sorry to bust your claim dundun.

Yeah as usual blame it on evil Hindus when the revelation was made by ISI chief and the story was published in Khalij times! How convenient! :lol:
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