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Why don't we show our real face ?

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Do you do boxing by any chance? If not, give it a go, I think you'd enjoy it.

I tried Boxing back in my Junior College (A' Levels) - I was too heavy for my height & I didn't want to loose weight & end up looking like my friends who's arms were of the liking of our lady friends no matter the amount of push ups or pull ups they did ! :unsure:

And so when I was pitted against people of my weight class they were usually 6'2-6'3 which meant a dwarf like myself didn't have the reach to get in close to them ! :(
I am sure you look like this...
what on God's earth is that? :bad::bad::cheesy:
If you're really worried, then gradually scale up the weights you do. It'll allow your skin to grow and heal to accommodate your bigger size. It won't help you gain muscle quickly, but you will get stronger and it won't come at expense of those marks. If you see stretch marks appearing, then chill for a few days, let your skin heal up before going back in.

Personally, I didn't care. I used to be skinny a few years ago, so I had to lift heavy to get bigger. Most of my stretch marks have faded to a shadow of their older selves.

There was a gentleman here, I can't quite recall his name, he was a personal trainer, I'm sure he would have better advice than I.

Actually I don't plan to get big (LOL). I am pretty "athletic" already in the sense that I am neither thin nor fatty. My fitness is OK due to running once or twice a week or so. I just want to gain some more muscle mass and strength and in general get more "marked". Stomach, biceps, back and the legs. The problem is also that I am not big a fan of those fitness centers here in Copenhagen. The cliental is not really my cliental if you know what I mean. I have seen some of the ladies though…..well….
Actually I don't plan to get big (LOL). I am pretty "athletic" already in the sense that I am neither thin nor fatty. My condition is OK due to running once or twice a week or so. I just want to gain some more muscle mass and strength and in general get more "marked". Stomach, biceps, back and the legs. The problem is also that I am not big a fan of those fitness centers here in Copenhagen. The cliental is not really my cliental if you know what I mean. I have seen of the ladies though…..well….

Judging by your legs - You're malnourished ! :unsure:
I tried Boxing back in my Junior College (A' Levels) - I was too heavy for my height & I didn't want to loose weight & end up looking like my friends who's arms were of the liking of our lady friends no matter the amount of push ups or pull ups they did ! :unsure:

And so when I was pitted against people of my weight class they were usually 6'2-6'3 which meant a dwarf like myself didn't have the reach to get in close to them ! :(

Well things must have changed now that you've lost 30kg.

What you said about feeling your limbs respond to your mind. It reminded me of something a boxer had told me. I say you'd enjoy it because I think you might be quite good at it.
Actually I don't plan to get big (LOL). I am pretty "athletic" already in the sense that I am neither thin nor fatty. My fitness is OK due to running once or twice a week or so. I just want to gain some more muscle mass and strength and in general get more "marked". Stomach, biceps, back and the legs. The problem is also that I am not big a fan of those fitness centers here in Copenhagen. The cliental is not really my cliental if you know what I mean. I have seen some of the ladies though…..well….

In that case, get a weight belt and run, jump, train in those. I play basketball, had two ankle weights of 3kg for two weeks and my vertical jump increased by like 4 inches.

If you're decently athletic then you shouldn't need to lift heavy. Perhaps try eating healthier. No carbs after 4, etc etc.
In that case, get a weight belt and run, jump, train in those. I play basketball, had two ankle weights of 3kg for two weeks and my vertical jump increased by like 4 inches.

If you're decently athletic then you shouldn't need to lift heavy. Perhaps try eating healthier. No carbs after 4, etc etc.

I eat relatively healthy although I could eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. When it comes to my sleep pattern then it is totally messed up. I don't eat my meals regularly either. I mean on the same hour of the day etc. like many do. Nor do I have any regular routines when it comes to exercising. So basically I am doing everything wrong. My aim is just to gain more muscle mass without overdoing it. It must look relatively "normal" = slightly marked. Anyway thanks for the talk and recommendations.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that none of the sport I do is serious. Just on a local level and with friends/other fellow students. Nothing really competitive.
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