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Why dont I prefer Modi?


Oct 18, 2012
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DISCLAIMER: The I here refers to someone else. NOT ME. Although, even I dont prefer Modi, that's another debate for another day. This link was posted in another thread by a newcomer to the forum, so I thought of sharing it. Your views are appreciated.

Part 1: Why dont I prefer Modi? - Article Link

Part 2: Why dont I prefer Modi? - Article Link

The articles are too long to be posted here, which means no one will read it. Please go to the links mentioned and read it at your leisure and comment. I haven't read them, so feel free to counter those points mentioned with facts, so we can have a fruitful discussion on this topic. Anyway, I have posted an introductory excerpt below. Lets keep it civil, no name calling, extremist posts please.

If you are not a fan of Modi to start with, please spread these facts widely. His marketing of his development hype has been allowed to go on for far too long without a challenge.

Disclaimer for Modi fans: This post is not to put down Gujarat or to glorify other states. It is merely to expose Modi’s marketing machinery that has been hyping him by planting economic figures that are either false or half-true. I want to prove that Modi is only as good as CMs of many other fast developing states of India. So, this post is aimed at that those who are willing to forgive him for his complicity in riots, thinking that his handling of economy and administration is so great as to compensate for his other shortcomings. Well, it is not as you will see. The second part of this series points out established facts (not the usual heresy hate mongering) of Modi and his govt’s complicity in corruption, riots and murders.
Gujarat, Maharashtra account for 46% of exports in 2010-11


Gujrat took over Maharashtra as largest exporter state...and see how other so called better states are doing..
I will comment purely from an Economic angle (since I have no idea about his social policy).

Gujarat's economy: India's Guangdong | The Economist

These days Gujarat accounts for 5% of India's population but 16% of its industrial output and 22% of its exports. Its growth has outpaced India's (see chart) and it wins accolades from business people.

A recent comparison of Indian states by McKinsey, a consultancy, waxed lyrical about Gujarat. It might yet play the role of industrial locomotive for the country, as Guangdong province did for China in the 1990s. There is lots of excited talk about exporters switching from China to India. Sanjay Lalbhai, the chairman of Arvind, a textiles maker and clothing retailer based in Ahmedabad, says such a move is "imminent" in his industry.

Now it is more than 24%
Haters gonna hate because this is all they can do..

Gujarat has 5% of the national population, yet is generating 24% of the national exports.

You can't beat those numbers.

It's like the exact opposite of that bad statistic about America (5% of the world population with 25% of the world's prisoners).
DISCLAIMER: The I here refers to someone else. NOT ME. Although, even I dont prefer Modi, that's another debate for another day. This link was posted in another thread by a newcomer to the forum, so I thought of sharing it. Your views are appreciated.

Part 1: Why dont I prefer Modi? - Article Link

Part 2: Why dont I prefer Modi? - Article Link

The articles are too long to be posted here, which means no one will read it. Please go to the links mentioned and read it at your leisure and comment. I haven't read them, so feel free to counter those points mentioned with facts, so we can have a fruitful discussion on this topic. Anyway, I have posted an introductory excerpt below. Lets keep it civil, no name calling, extremist posts please.

Half true and false !!!!
There was a survey conducted by PMO about situation of muslims in different indian states and gujarat was way ahead of average states.. I don't know why that sick sikh and madam italiano didn't publicsed that report ??
I love this guy as PM but my only concern is what if terrorist attacks will increase after his taking over as PM ship?
He may be great for Gujrat from an industry perspective, but I dont think he has the grace and manners of a statesman or a country's leader. His demeanor and approach is very goon like.. Specially in public speeches.. Plus does not shy away from personal attacks and using un parliamentary language..
I think the blog is a bit biased.

Link: India in figures - an interactive guide: Does size matter? | The Economist

Go to GDP growth tab on the interactive page and see for yourself.

He may be great for Gujrat from an industry perspective, but I dont think he has the grace and manners of a statesman or a country's leader. His demeanor and approach is very goon like.. Specially in public speeches.. Plus does not shy away from personal attacks and using un parliamentary language..

I think the politics of Digvijay Singh is reflected by Congress and BJP gives back in the same token. In my mind, I see Arun Jaitley, Ravishankar Prasad as more dignified than Modi.
Gujarat, Maharashtra account for 46% of exports in 2010-11

Gujrat took over Maharashtra as largest exporter state...and see how other so called better states are doing..

Of course you can look at different sectors (textiles, retail, serives etc etc) and you will find that different states have different positions. Take FDI, for example: The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) report for 2011-12 shows Orissa, followed by AP and then Gujarat. And thats why you look at aggregate growth figures of all sectors, which is what is given in that blog.

And the second important thing that the blog shows is that, inspite of having such high growth figures, its socio economic indicators in everything from literacy to human development to poverty reduction have all been really bad. How would you account for that? (read the blog before replying)
He may be great for Gujrat from an industry perspective, but I dont think he has the grace and manners of a statesman or a country's leader. His demeanor and approach is very goon like.. Specially in public speeches.. Plus does not shy away from personal attacks and using un parliamentary language..

For 1st bold part : Not only industry, he is great from all perspective..almost all.. I am still against his education system, because here it is too much privatization of institutes..i hate it..
For 2nd bold part : U r talking about grace !! He is amongst the only politician who can hold the crowd for an hour, not only that u can see clapping, laughing and enjoying during his speech.. Atleast he is much better than that sick sikh and italiano who can't even read a statement without their paper.. And talking about manners, who told him "maut ka saudager","ravan","rat",etc etc..
But even after all this, I still think he will not be the PM as we all know there is this new greedy candidate from JDU who is somehow dreaming of PM seat.. So only problem for modi will be insider, congress has no match for modi..
I will comment purely from an Economic angle (since I have no idea about his social policy).

Gujarat's economy: India's Guangdong | The Economist

Social policy is not cutoff from economic policies, and one cannot be evaluated in isolation, especially if he wants to run a country like India that needs to cater from the Ambanis to sub-saharan levels of poverty and malnutrition.

Also, as for GDP, you are only comparing with India. Look at that blog for far more meaningful comparisons, and the picture is not so rosy as to warrant looking away from his other sins. Thats the take away from that blog.
His demeanor and approach is very goon like..

What? I never got that impression.

Developing countries like ours need strong leaders, otherwise we will never become developed.

Xi Jinping may look like a jolly guy, but in order to hold a country the size of China together you need serious control and influence over all levels of Government. In order to bring results.
Gujarat has 5% of the national population, yet is generating 24% of the national exports.

You can't beat those numbers.

It's like the exact opposite of that bad statistic about America (5% of the world population with 25% of the world's prisoners).

Thats true of all societies: Left to themselves, the top 20% will accumulate all of wealth in asymptotic time. But thats why we have governments with an equal right of vote to all: To make sure that the development is not as lopsided as in gujarat, for eg (as that blog shows for literacy to human development etc etc.). Or, are you one who doesnt think it is bad to be a lopsided society, and it is ok if 20% of Indians are good and 80% live in hell? In that case, there can be no discussion.
Thats true of all societies: Left to themselves, the top 20% will accumulate all of wealth in asymptotic time. But thats why we have governments with an equal right of vote to all: To make sure that the development is not as lopsided as in gujarat, for eg (as that blog shows for literacy to human development etc etc.). Or, are you one who doesnt think it is bad to be a lopsided society, and it is ok if 20% of Indians are good and 80% live in hell? In that case, there can be no discussion.

Like you said, that is true of all societies. Even in developed countries like America, most of the power is held by the 1%.

It's not desirable at all, but that's how development works. No country in the world is immune from this, developing or developed.
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