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Why Do Global Firms Prefer INDIAN CEOs ? Pakistani Reactions

Being CEO has nothing to do with nationality and ethnicity.

Being CEO has to do with "Competence, hard work, and character."

Global firms hiring Indians is all bullshyt
How cheap
yes it is a cheap tejas. but alas, no buyers...😭
Being CEO has nothing to do with nationality and ethnicity.

Being CEO has to do with "Competence, hard work, and character."

Global firms hiring Indians is all bullshyt
Sour grapes :D
Nope it is hard to hit the engineering websites of 50 top universities and look up the faculty

Notable is a subjective term. Being a faculty on MIT or Berkeley is not subjective
Give me a source for 100:1 / 50:1 ratio quoted here.

If there are 15000 Indian academics in US with 170 of them notable. There must be 3000 Pakistanis with 33 notable. I've given you a source. And in reply you are just beating around the bush.
Give me a source for 100:1 / 50:1 ratio quoted here.

If there are 15000 Indian academics in US with 170 of them notable. There must be 3000 Pakistanis with 33 notable. I've given you a source. And in reply you are just beating around the bush.

feel free to count them
It is all about who bluffs his way to the top. I have seen people in my company on top who there just bcz they have confidence to even label even crap 💩 as mountain of gold. There is no better liar and tatta chuku than an indian. They will suck even your balls if they have to keep theor job. I have seen indians suffer worst kind of abuse by their managers and supervisors yet they dont even squeak. Pakistanis on the other hand are garam dimag and dont take unjust abuse. Even manager and supervisors know the breaking point at which pakistanis might beat their arse. There is clear difference between how my gora regional manager treats me and indians. He treat them like $hit but they suffer it with smile.
It is all about who bluffs his way to the top. I have seen people in my company on top who there just bcz they have confidence to even label even crap 💩 as mountain of gold. There is no better liar and tatta chuku than an indian. They will suck even your balls if they have to keep theor job. I have seen indians suffer worst kind of abuse by their managers and supervisors yet they dont even squeak. Pakistanis on the other hand are garam dimag and dont take unjust abuse. Even manager and supervisors know the breaking point at which pakistanis might beat their arse. There is clear difference between how my gora regional manager treats me and indians. He treat them like $hit but they suffer it with smile.
angoor khatte hai .

So that's your source.

That's one Pakistani scholar working in MIT. Now bring me 50 MIT scholars of Indian origin. Ratio was 1:50.

Another Pakistani scholar in Michigan University. Now bring 50 Indian scholars of Indian origin working at Michigan University.
Inappropriate Language
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Two pakistanis in two american institutes

My dear pakistani have you ever gone inside MIT ? I have gone and saw many professors room which bear nameplate of indian names , Go there see by your own eyes , you will find at least ten independent rooms of indian professors and head of departments . Go see the photographs sticking there in front of every department you will find 20 percent indian students excelling in every department .
1- Every time you forget the fact that there are 1.5 billion Indians out there, making up 22 of worlds population. In America there are 4.5 million Indians with 5 lakh Pakistanis. So there has to be 9 Indian scholars for 1 Pakistani to equal it out.

2- You didn't post any evidence for 1:50 ratio of yours.

3- And good for Pakistanis who make 87k a years driving taxis or selling biryanis. Because they earn morn than Chinese and Bangladeshis. I didn't know driving taxis and selling biryanis would be so rewarding.

So that's your source.

That's one Pakistani scholar working in MIT. Now bring me 50 MIT scholars of Indian origin. Ratio was 1:50.

The EECS department alone has 13 Indian professors. I have better things to do than count for you or teach you arithmetic or show you the obvious.
These CEOs are mostly political appointments to help these organizations to control their cheap Indian workforce and get business foothold in India and are just expeditious appointments.

What makes you think people do not want to work for White CEOs ? Don't most Pakistanis (at least ones not on welfare or the ones who are not running small businesses) in UK works for white Britishers ?
It is all about who bluffs his way to the top. I have seen people in my company on top who there just bcz they have confidence to even label even crap 💩 as mountain of gold. There is no better liar and tatta chuku than an indian. They will suck even your balls if they have to keep theor job. I have seen indians suffer worst kind of abuse by their managers and supervisors yet they dont even squeak. Pakistanis on the other hand are garam dimag and dont take unjust abuse. Even manager and supervisors know the breaking point at which pakistanis might beat their arse. There is clear difference between how my gora regional manager treats me and indians. He treat them like $hit but they suffer it with smile.

:woot: :woot: :laughcry::crazy:

You have to laugh at this this fantastic fantasy that the underachievers carry in their own mind . They roll this fantasy in their febrile mental fingers and derive orgasmic pleasure in wallowing in this delusion.
This fool actually believes this garbage invented in his own head to explain his talentless underachieving frustration.

These are life's loser's.

They can only accept their failures and not having any talent, ability, application or intelligence on blaming others.
The EECS department alone has 13 Indian professors. I have better things to do than count for you or teach you arithmetic or show you the obvious.
Where is 50:1 ratio....?? Give me a source or take back your words.

And If you have better things to do than count, why the f are you still lurking here and wasting my time?
:woot: :woot: :laughcry::crazy:

You have to laugh at this this fantastic fantasy that the underachievers carry in their own mind . They roll this fantasy in their febrile mental fingers and derive orgasmic pleasure in wallowing in this delusion.
This fool actually believes this garbage invented in his own head to explain his talentless underachieving frustration.

These are life's loser's.

They can only accept their failures and not having any talent, ability, application or intelligence on blaming others.

Instead of calling other people underachievers and losers, you have to address a fundamental misunderstanding and a delusion in your own head. There is no "achieving" or "winning", bub. All brownies are the same in GORA eyes and they outnumber us curry munchers many times to one.

Any Gora idiot you work with has their own delusion you as a BROWNIE have NO CONTROL over. They operate from the simple notion that they (or their inbred 2nd cousin 3rd removed, also GORA, even from some backwoods Euro $hithole) are fundamentally more deserving of a job in the US of A (or UK) - than you as a BROWNIE are, no matter how many Ph.D's you have. You are an interloper and outsider my friend. And ALWAYS will be in this GORA land. I have been here in the US since I was a toddler, and your H1B a$$ wants to "win" and "achieve"? Friggin' joke.

Any GORA always reserves the right to call you the "Brownie" an outsider, even if he as a FOB just arrived and you've been born here. GORA's believe that all Western countries are naturally theirs (yes even the US) and you have no part in it. Just an useful idiot until that purpose is exhausted. In other words you are a NOBODY. Equal Rights and all that foisted by HR is just hot air.

I notice that children of the first generation Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis understand this a lot better and are far more cognizant about it, as they operate from that mindset, being protective of who they are.

The US is not a melting pot, it is a chunky soup at best. The chunks don't mix.

Your piss poor superficial efforts to "win" and "achieve" are just pointless nothing efforts from a nothing existence, no one (least of all Goras) friggin' cares and it won't matter. You will always be a brownie in their eyes, just like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

You are no better than what few bones the truly Gora rich in this country (far richer than you) have decided to toss your way.

Be happy with your second rate H1B lot and existence, even if you have an overpriced hovel in Walnut Creek and a couple of BMWs in the garage, you are still Kumar/Kamal/Raqibool from smelly Brownie Land and no better from any other brownie. Stop the Indian habit of putting other brownies down - just so you can feel superior.

Get yourself grounded, sniff your armpits and know who you are. It'll do you good.
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