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Why Do Global Firms Prefer INDIAN CEOs ? Pakistani Reactions

EXACTLY.............indians can ONLY be successful USING the opportunities, expertise, inventions and the facilities of the White Western European races in places like america. They CANNOT do it themselves. For that reason, india can NEVER become a significant power.

Your logic is flowed. indians are more successful than the Chinese in america yet China is a superpower and india is more impoverished than Sub-Saharn Africa.
So what? I mean Americans got the nuclear and Jet tech from Germans, so did the Russians. Now US uses Indian expertise in IT. And that's working wonders for them. I mean saying so would only, at best, an ego massage but it won't change the facts.
Cadence got an Indian CEO too few days ago
Never knew before, also Cadence also has a Software R&D Centre in India’s Noida and Bangalore cities.
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So what? I mean Americans got the nuclear and Jet tech from Germans, so did the Russians. Now US uses Indian expertise in IT. And that's working wonders for them. I mean saying so would only, at best, an ego massage but it won't change the facts.

Americans, Germans and Russans are ultimately the SAME people, the SAME race. White Europeans. What indian expertise are the americans using? Why didn't the indians use this expertise in india and give it the ability to invent or pioneer anything?
Americans, Germans and Russans are ultimately the SAME people, the SAME race. White Europeans. What indian expertise are the americans using? Why didn't the indians use this expertise in india and give it the ability to invent or pioneer anything?
Fact: They are not. If they are the same race then Pakistan, Indian and Chinese should also be the same race which they are not.
Regarding India, enablers are one important thing. Had AQ khan not employed by NORENCO, Pakistan would have never got her hands on the blueprints of Urinium enrichment machines. Indians are delivering world wide, its testament enough to their talents and evolution. Making a fuzz about why aren't they delivering at home is more of a noise.
Fact: They are not. If they are the same race then Pakistan, Indian and Chinese should also be the same race which they are not.
Regarding India, enablers are one important thing. Had AQ khan not employed by NORENCO, Pakistan would have never got her hands on the blueprints of Urinium enrichment machines. Indians are delivering world wide, its testament enough to their talents and evolution. Making a fuzz about why aren't they delivering at home is more of a noise.

What inventions of advanced sciences and technologies are the indians delivering/inventing?

PS Don't know how much you know about race and genetics but White Europeans are ALL racially the same. There maybe cultural differences amongst them but they are essentially the SAME RACE. The VAST majority of Pakistanis and indians are racially very different. Have no idea on what basis you assumed that Pakistanis, indians and the Chinese are the same race....... :disagree:
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Country or economyS&E fieldsNon-S&E fields
All temporary visa holder doctorate recipients142,41523,703
South Korea11,7023,681
Here's a comparison on both Indian and Pakistani Community based on 2015 data and Indians seems to be performing better on all indices.

poverty rate of 15% does not bode well for Pakistani americans
Americans, Germans and Russans are ultimately the SAME people, the SAME race.
The conquest and elimination of the "Slavic races" by the Germans resulted in the death of 20 million of the Slavic people of Eastern Europe. Hitler considered the Slavs as sub-human race fit for conquest and slavery. The superiority of the Germanic race over the Slavic race was "proved" by Nazi scientists .
Much like your "proof" that Pakistani's are a different race to Indians and are sub-intelligent.
Germans considered Americans as genetically contaminated that would result in their downfall.

“History teaches, but has no pupils,” Antonio Gramsci
The conquest and elimination of the "Slavic races" by the Germans resulted in the death of 20 million of the Slavic people of Eastern Europe. Hitler considered the Slavs as sub-human race fit for conquest and slavery. The superiority of the Germanic race over the Slavic race was "proved" by Nazi scientists .
Much like your "proof" that Pakistani's are a different race to Indians and are sub-intelligent.
Germans considered Americans as genetically contaminated that would result in their downfall.

“History teaches, but has no pupils,” Antonio Gramsci

So are Russians, Germans and Americans more racially similar to eachother or are they more racially similar to indians?............. :disagree:...............there is VIRTUALLY no racial difference between the three. In fact they are all classified as being members of the caucasian race. Whereas Pakistanis are a COMPLETELY different race to indians.
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Agreed with everything however bro, you've made a slight mistake in the second picture. You've included Toyota as an indian company. Toyota is actually a Japanese company.
You love cherry-picking. These are service companies meant to provide employment and generate revenues. India is a diverse country. India's strength is in launching satellites. Western countries pay fees to Indian organizations to launch their satellites. Had the launch technologies been Russian or Western, they would have paid the fees to Russians or to Westerners. Why do they pay fees to Indians then? It is because of accuracy and high success rates of Indian rockets. Attention to detail, meticulousness were never your strong point.

@Mentee @jamahir @SIPRA @Mangus Ortus Novem @ARMalik @xeuss

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